Many Vatican angels rushed down from the mountain without even giving us a chance to speak. They surrounded us as soon as they came up. The first guy who seemed to be the leader was even more involved. After a loud roar, he attacked us first.

When. I held the heavy sword of that guy with the eternity in the form of a hook and scythe, and at the same time shouted at the top of the mountain: "Jehovah, you bastard, call me all your dogs right away!"

"Dare to call the name of the Holy Father, you shall be purified." The angel I was holding kicked my stomach, but I suddenly pressed his knee with one hand and followed With a strong downward pressure, he pushed his leg back to the ground, and then quickly approached his body, leaned forward with a hill on his shoulder and knocked him out, and also snatched the sword in his hand by the way. "Jehovah, I will say it again, give it out immediately, otherwise don't blame me for turning my face!"

The result of yelling again is still no response, but the angels around us started to mobilize against us. Intensive attacks, not only me, even Linglong had to be forced to start a counterattack. Seeing more and more angels nearby, I was really irritated.

I didn't keep my hands anymore, and with a single shot, an angel who rushed in front of me was cut into two pieces, followed by a kick and a rushing angel knocked down all the angels behind. Before the angel behind came up, I turned my head and looked at Linglong and shouted: "Your power...Lend me...can you?"

The angel who came to her, then raised his hand with a sword and stabbed an angel who rushed up next to him, and then pushed the corpse away and took a moment to look at me. "What are you talking about at this time? My power is my power. How can I lend you?"

"As long as you promise not to resist, leave the rest to me, I can Let you understand what is truly powerful."

It seemed a little surprised, Linglong was taken aback for a moment, but was quickly disturbed by the angel who rushed closer again. After knocking away the angel in front of her again, she suddenly turned her head and looked towards me and said: "Although I don't intend to trust you yet, it doesn't matter if I see your battle method first."

" Did you agree?"

"Until this battle is over, you can borrow my power... as long as you have a way to borrow it."

I didn’t explain to Linglong anymore. What, but the eternal hook and sickle spear melted directly into a liquid state and all attached to the armor, followed by the body quickly curled up into a ball, and then when the surrounding angels rushed in front of me and were about to slash the sword, I stood suddenly. Get up, and at the same time throw his hands upwards like a goddess scattered flowers. Linglong only saw two thin threads shining with beautiful colors suddenly being thrown out, and then as I began to wave in place as if dancing, the two threads actually cut all the angels rushing around into pieces. .

After clearing out a small space, I immediately flapped my wings and flew off the ground. The angels above my head who wanted to stop me from flying were all knocked off by Ling with a dark shock wave, and I rushed all the way to the sky, just around All the angels flew up and surrounded me in the air.

As I flew high in the sky, the thin thread that had just been danced by me suddenly gathered around me to form a budding flower-bone flower. When Ling saw this scene, Linglong immediately reminded Linglong: "Go back, the master wants to zoom in!"

Although I don’t know what I’m going to do, Linglong still follows Ling and Xiaochun as much as possible. They opened the distance, and at the moment they had just finished their evacuation, in the sky also burst out a brilliant colorful rays of light. At the same time, curled up in the center of the flower bone, I suddenly stretched out my body and shouted out the skills. Name: "Blooming." Well, the original colorful flower bones instantly spread out like the blooming flowers. The huge colorful petals spread out to encompass all objects within a radius of 100 meters. At that moment, this flower made up of colored silk threads was just as beautiful as it was, but in the next second, this flower suddenly disappeared like an epiphany in full bloom, leaving behind an angel that was completely frozen in midair. . After about 0.5 seconds, along with the pu' sound, all the angels burst into countless pieces of meat in the air as if they had been negotiated. The blood instantly dyed the space red, as if the flowers that had just withered opened again. Up in general.

Standing outside the attack range, Linglong’s mouth can almost be stuffed into an egg. Although she has seen many powerful creatures, she can instantly kill all enemies in the surrounding area like this. , This is the first time she has seen it. Moreover, the one who was dropped by the second was not a small soldier like a trash fish. That's an angel! At least they are a thousand-level existence, and when placed in other places, they can definitely be used as powerful units for assault arms. However, at that instant, these angels all turned into papery pieces, and hundreds of them were killed in an instant.

"It's now." I yelled immediately after playing the big move.

Linglong was in a daze there. Ling next to her suddenly patted her shoulder and said: "Don't resist, let you see our true strength right away."

After listening to Ling's words Linglong didn't immediately react to what we were going to do, but the next second she suddenly found that her body began to move uncontrollably. When she was about to resist, she suddenly remembered what Ling and I had told her before, so she gave up the resistance and let her body be controlled by the mysterious power to fly.

Just when Lingling was puzzled, she found that a lot of creatures appeared next to her. She could feel that they were all with the same identity as her, my demon, because Their thoughts were unified into one will at that moment. At the moment when her consciousness was completely merged, Linglong found that her vision suddenly changed to the core position of these creatures. Judging from the position of the eyes, she should have changed to where I was, and she was still floating around. I see my body in the creature, which means that what she sees now is actually what my eyes see.

Linglong just confirmed this situation, and the creatures she saw suddenly surged towards the new body she felt now. However, the expected impact did not happen. The creatures seemed to be all phantoms and disappeared after hitting this body. She didn't even feel like touching anything. However, just after all those creatures disappeared, Linglong suddenly felt a kind of power, a power that was so powerful that it made her tremble all over, almost a dozen times more powerful than she had before. Moreover, this power is still expanding. In the end, it has been strengthened to a few times the strength of her before. It is completely stabilized, but Linglong herself has a body sour that is inflated by the power, as if she is about to explode without venting. a feeling of.

When Linglong felt that her body was about to burst with that power, a huge pressure suddenly appeared from outside her body, instantly suppressing this power and making it a whole. Although the strength of the power has not diminished in the slightest, she can feel that her current power has completely stabilized, as if she can mobilize these powers by just a single thought. The feeling of being able to manipulate such a huge power like an arm made Linglong really excited a little bit by herself.

"What's this...what's the situation?" Linglong tried to ask, because she felt that not only the will of the familiars who disappeared before was beside her, even I was with her. Around. No, it is no longer appropriate to say that he is around. That feeling is as if they are tightly attached to each other, or even overlapped. Yes, it is overlap. It feels like she has completely overlapped with these familiars and my master.

Sure enough, Ling's voice appeared directly in her mind after she asked. "This is our final skill-Divine Domain. It can compress all the powers and special abilities of our pets into the body of the owner to form a brand new body of God. This body will have the sum of the powers of all our pets. Half of the power, and can use all of our special abilities at will. In this state, we are basically invincible."

"so that's how it is! No wonder I feel full of Under normal circumstances, the strength is dozens of times. It turns out that this is the result of everyone's strength being strengthened after the merger! Sure enough, there are so many people and great strength!"

"Haha, this kind of harmony also has its shortcomings. "Xiaochun's voice suddenly appeared in their conversation.

"Is it flawed? What flaws are there in such a powerful skill?"

My voice suddenly intervened and said: "Of course there are flaws, that's why this skill requires Consume the magic power, after the magic power is exhausted, we will be forcibly separated, and all the people who participate in the body will become very weak, and it will take an hour to fully recover. So now everyone don’t control this body, we are about to start performing "

Of course, the people outside of the conversation that happened in our body can’t be seen, and the time of the conversation is actually very short. The angels outside only saw us suddenly gather into a gorgeous A new entity of armor. Although knowing that such a transformation would definitely have a great change in strength, the angels did not have any plans to stop, completely ignoring that all the companions who died before rushed up again like a swarm.

"A bunch of nasty flies, please go down and lie down." I glanced at the angel colony below, I suddenly stretched out my hand, and then made a motion of turning my palm down and pressing it down into the sky. Immediately there was a big hand made up of light balls and followed my movements from the sky, slapped all the angels that had just risen into the mountain. Along with a loud explosion sound and smoke and dust, a huge palm print appeared on the front of the Temple Mount, and the whole mountain shook violently.

After slapped hundreds of angels to death with a slap, I turned my head again and looked towards the building complex on the top of the mountain and shouted with amplified magic: "Damn Lord, you get out of here right away, otherwise Just don't blame me for being impolite!"

My cry was completely unanswered. No, it can’t be said that there was no response. It’s just that the response to me was not from the appearance of the Lord but from the top of the mountain. Gushing angels and a few Christ Divine Race.

"Evil demon, you dare to kill the angels of the Temple Mount. How can you stand on the Divine Race without purifying you today?" Those few jealous Divine Races that just appeared are so angry. As I shouted, I took out my weapon and rushed up.

"Very well, now that you are ready to go to the end, then I don’t have to keep your hands. It’s better than I don’t charge, but my Purple Moon is not so cheap. It’s easy to take advantage of. If you want to take advantage of me, you have to pay the corresponding price. You Temple Mount... Just treat it as the price for you to take advantage of me!” I said, suddenly I pulled out a handle at least two meters The long golden and white giant sword, and then split a part of it from the hand that is permanently attached to the blade, forming a circle of scarlet blades. After the completion, I instantly raised the sword over my head and shouted: "holy sword-judgment." With the activation of the skill, a huge lightsaber stretched out along the sword shadow in my hand and cut diagonally across the whole in an instant. The temple mount, followed by a bang, the line where the entire mountain body was cut began to soot up, and the upper half of the mountain began to slowly slide from the lower half of the mountain along with the smoke and dust. Down.

Seeing the half of the mountain that was gradually sliding down, the surrounding angels were all stupid on the spot for a while, and they didn't know what to do with this terrible situation. I saw that the huge mountain first fell diagonally to the ground, and then hit the ground suddenly and set off a huge earth wave like a sea wave. At the same time, the mountain began to slow down slowly, but the part that had touched the ground was like a bulldozer along the ground all the way. Push forward and finally break through the boundaries of the compressed space into the outer area.

The area of ​​the fallen Temple Mount itself is larger than the area of ​​the Holy See of the Vatican. There was room for compression before, but now the upper half of the mountain rushes out of the compression range and immediately returns to its normal volume. All the buildings of the Holy See were smashed under the mountain, and although the speed of the half of the mountain was slow, it still didn't mean to stop, it was still breaking through, and eventually even the city of Rome suffered. The half of the mountain that slid down flattened half of the Roman city in one breath before it stopped moving completely. At this time, not only half of the Roman city was buried under the mountain, but even the other half of the city was filled with smoke and dust. You can't see anything at all from a meter away.

"Will we not get revenge like this?" Looking at the destroyed city in a mess, Linglong became a little worried.

I said with certainty: "The fellow Jehovah provoke us first, and then even if he wants to trouble us, I have something to deal with him. As for the city of Rome, it is a system city, even if there are guilds in it. Stationed here, the loss is just a headquarters. Of course, the dead may resist us, but it will not be too serious. After all, death once is not too serious for the player."

Ling suddenly reminded: "Master, our magic power is only one third, shouldn’t we flash it first? The Lord must come out to make such a big move, but we may not be able to accept our current position. Has it arrived?"

When I heard Ling’s reminder, I could only sigh helplessly: "I blame the stingy Jehovah. In this way, even though his money is not saved, we are still making money. What good is it!"

"Purple Moon, you bastard..." I was sighing when I suddenly heard a huge roar resounding through Heaven and Earth from the collapsed Temple Mount. Come down.

"Oops, that guy came out! We have to flash." As I said, I suddenly turned around, the wings behind my back suddenly opened, and then I saw the feathers under my wings flutter, ten The six jet thrusters suddenly stretched out from below, and then all the sixteen nozzles ignited instantly and sprayed out a flame of several feet long, and I jumped out as soon as the thrusters ignited.

As soon as the Lord came out of the mountain, he turned into a stream of light and chased him up, but my speed also reached the limit in an instant. The people below only saw the two light spots flash and all disappeared. Up in the sky.

As the boss of the Divine Race of Christ, Jehovah and Hongjun Sect Lord should be regarded as one-level existence, so in terms of speed, he should actually be able to catch up with me. But unfortunately, although he is fast, there is a huge difference between the two of us, that is, I can fly freely between countries, and as the main god of Divine Race in a country, he is simply not allowed. Leave the country. Although his speed is indeed faster than mine, it is not much faster. Italy is so big anyway, and at the speed of both of us, he flew out of the border in the blink of an eye. At first, it was a little better on the high seas. After all, this side belongs to the public area, but after going out of Italy and crossing a piece of high seas, it will soon reach the territorial waters of Greece. The Olympus Divine Race is not a soft persimmon. He rushed into the territory of others in this way, which is basically equivalent to courting death, so even though he was going crazy, Jehovah did not dare to really chase the Greek area in the end. If you lose a temple, you can replace it with another mountain to rebuild the temple, but if he is killed himself, then you really don't have to count on anything.

Looking at Jehovah who was roaring outside the territorial waters of Greece, I also deliberately stopped and turned to him and said, "I warned you before, it’s no good to offend me. Since you have to play rascals with me , Then you should be prepared to bear the consequences."

"hmph, ruined my Temple Mount, are you ready to bear the consequences?" Jehovah glared at me in response. road.

I laughed deliberately when I heard him. "Hahahaha... don't think too much of yourself. Our Frost Rose League has no power in Italy. You can't reach China yet, so you simply can't do anything with me. At worst, I will not enter Italy in the future. Just the surrounding area. There are two great temples of light and dark in Britain, France and Germany. Ten of you are also won but never returned. How can you stand me?"


"Don't you. Tell you, since I dare to turn my face with you, I am not afraid of your revenge, so you don't threaten me because it is useless at all."

"Okay, Purple Moon, wait for me, sooner or later I will let you know the consequences!" Jehovah threw down such angrily and turned and left the area. Although he did not enter the territorial waters of Greece, he is still on the high seas after all. If the Olympus Divine Race really rushes out, he will be able to run away. So when I really can’t do anything about it, he had to leave first. This is an unsafe place.

Looking at Jehovah going away until he completely disappeared on the horizon, there was a flash on my side. All of a sudden all the familiars split off from me, and then oh la la went together. It fell into the sea, but most people got back into the training space halfway through, only Linglong, who didn’t know how to use the training space, and I didn’t disappear at all. We opened the door of the earth under us, pulled Linglong into the door at once, and then closed the door, and the sea immediately returned to calm. Now that we are all in Divine Domain's repercussions state, it is better not to go anywhere within an hour. After all, the Olympus Divine Race is not as bully as the Christ Divine Race. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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