The ghost who was scolded by me knew that he had made a mistake, so he didn't dare to reply, and could only listen to me cursing, but after I finished cursing, I still had to find a way to get out.

I looked at the completely blocked passageway, and I directly released the Blazers and Rose Vine. Fortunately, there is still a hole in my favorite, otherwise it would be impossible to get out except suicide if buried at the bottom of a cave several kilometers deep. Therefore, the adaptability of the animal trainer is much higher than that of the average player. No matter what kind of player has a particularly good terrain, the animal trainer can do all-terrain combat as long as he finds a sufficient number and types of familiars.

For the trailblazers, drilling holes in the soft soil is simply a piece of cake. The only thing you need to pay attention to is that the nearby collapse has just occurred, and the surrounding soil and rocks are loose. You must be careful about the second collapse. . Fortunately, we still have rose vines. The tunnel dug up by the pioneers can be supported by rose vines with hardened vines, so there is no need to worry about collapse.

Hovering all the way up along the tunnel dug by the pioneers, it soon dug to the ground. Because I was afraid that the Blazers would turn around on the ground and collapse the hole, I simply sent him back to the training space after he got through the tunnel. Without the Blazers in front, there is only a large hole in the ground for the passageway. However, before we could get out, we suddenly found a few human faces appearing at the entrance of the hole, and then those people raised their bows and arrows to shoot into the hole.

"Damn, where's the bastard?" Seeing the arrow shot down the hole, I directly pushed the Divine Dragon shield to the front, and the hole that was not too big was shielded by one click It covered most of it. After only hearing the impact of ding ding dong dong, a few arrows slid down from the edge of the shield.

It was probably found that my shield was blocking. They couldn't hurt us. The shooter above quickly retreated to the side. Then a mage moved to the hole and threw a Fireball to the bottom.

As soon as the opponent’s Fireball appeared, I felt the magic power gathering reaction. I moved the shield away a little bit and saw the situation above. I quickly closed the Divine Dragon shield and snapped my fingers forward. A Fire Dragon suddenly rushed up from the cave, first swallowing the opponent’s little Fireball, and then overturning the wizard at the entrance of the cave and the surrounding players to the ground, and finally disappeared into the sky all the way to the sky. and Earth.

"hmph, don’t use summoner as a mage. I will set it on fire."

"Please, President, can we go out first? Let us get stuck in a hole like this Like a mouse." The ghost said from behind.

I turned around angrily and said: "You are also the cause of the rat. If you didn’t blow up the hole, would we have made a piece of soil? Well, in order to express your punishment, You go up and help us clear the field."

"Okay, I'm guilty, I just go ahead!"

The ghost squeezed past me helplessly, and then I saw you The spout on his back suddenly opened, and the center of the spout gradually lit up.

"Damn, you brat is dying!" I yelled as I quickly activated the black magic halo to protect myself. The protection on my side just appeared, and several huge flames burst out from behind the ghost in front of me. If it weren’t for the black magic aura’s strong absorption of energy attacks, even if it didn’t hurt me, it would at least hurt me. Smoked into African natives.

The people outside just avoided the Fire Dragon and were about to surround themselves and continue to attack. Suddenly they heard a rumbling sound coming from the cave, and then they saw a large cloud of white smoke bursting out of the cave, and then a humanoid object. It shot out from the hole like a blasted cannonball, and then suddenly turned around in midair and spread its wings and hovered in midair.

As soon as the ghost stabilized, he immediately opened the liquefied magic crystal steam missile launch ports on his arms and shoulders to the people below, and then shouted to the people below: "It’s all you hurt me. I was scolded by the president again, let me all go.” As the ghost yelled, eight liquefied magic crystal steam missiles suddenly flew out of the launching chamber together. It was the sound of a dense explosion, and the area near the entrance of the cave that was originally densely populated instantly became a no-man's land—at least there were no living people.

As soon as the explosion ended, I climbed up from the hole below, and then I saw big pits and smoking corpses everywhere. The ghost flew over my head suddenly, lifted me up, and the place where I just stood was covered by a pile of magic.

Looking at the densely packed crowd around me, I almost dropped my jaw. I saw that the vicinity of the hole where we just climbed out was actually full, at least tens of thousands at a glance, and it was not over yet. In addition to these players, there are many NPCs behind them, and the number of these NPCs is basically several times that of the players. According to this number, at least a hundred thousand NPCs and over ten thousand players are gathered around us.

"What's the situation?" Looking at the densely packed crowd below, I was also taken aback.

The ghost carried me and flew to a high place desperately and said: "I don't know what's going on! As soon as I got out of the hole, I immediately fired missiles around the hole to suppress the enemies around. Who knows how to fight? After that, I realized that there were all people around. I knew I wouldn’t need missiles."

"You shouldn’t have used them. Liquefied magic crystal steam missiles are not cheap goods. If you can save it, give it to me."

" Hold on. Aiya is bad!" At this point, I suddenly thought of something that I had forgotten. "Why forgot about the Queen of Blades? She's still down there!"

Before, to make it easier to climb the hole, I put away all the pets. However, the Queen of Blades and the Ghost are not my familiars but just constructed creatures, so I didn't throw them into the Phoenix Dragon space, just let them follow me. Just after coming out of the hole below, I was taken to the sky by the ghost before I knew what was going on. It was only then that I remembered that the Queen of Blades hadn't come up below.

"What should we do now?"

"What should I do? Go down and save people!" I broke free of the ghost's hand and turned over in the air and dived directly towards the ground. See you, the ghost I went down and had to dive down with me.

When we dived down, there was already a mess on the ground. However, the situation is completely different from what we imagined. It was not the group of people around who were besieging the Queen of Blades, but they fought themselves. Of course, the Queen of Blades was not idle either. There were also a large group of people around her who were fighting against her, and the crowd outside was also a mess, without knowing who was beating whom.

"What's the situation?"

"I don't know!" The ghost glanced at me and looked towards the ground, then pointed to the Queen of Blades and said: "The blade seems to be too I was surrounded."

I nodded and said: "As long as these people don’t stare at her and hit her, it’s okay. You can cooperate with the blade to withdraw from the fighting range, and I’ll grab a tongue outside to see what happens. It's going to happen. We will meet outside the War Zone according to the communicator coordinates."


After separating from the ghost, I flew directly to the outskirts of the battlefield. The NPCs are basically there. Although it is possible to find players for things like scratching tongues, but after all, the loss caused by death and drop in the game is too slight. Many people will desperately resist rather die than submit, so instead of catching a player with N lives to force a confession, it is better to find An NPC is easy to come, at least people will not be as afraid of death as players.

After successfully flying to the edge of the battlefield, I didn't care which side the people were. Anyway, they were all mixed up. No one except them knew who was fighting whom. Randomly grabbed two humanoid high level NPC commanders out of the battlefield, and then threw them directly to the ground. The first thing the two guys wanted to do after landing was not to trouble me, but to get up and fight each other again. Seeing how aggressive they are, I have no choice but to go up and kick them all and get down.

"Can it be quiet now?"

The two NPCs now also know that I'm great, and they are nodded together to say it's okay.

Seeing that they finally calmed down, I took a closer look at the two NPCs. After my observation, they seemed to be totally different from the same unit.

One of the two NPCs I caught was a humanoid monster with a height of nearly four meters and the same length as the humanoid Bamboo Jointed Insect, while the other was simply a snowman. To say that this Bamboo Jointed Insect is a native inhabitant here, I really believe that, after all, this thing looks like an insect, and the insects in the tropical rain forest have all kinds of strange things, and they can meet a growing one. I don't find it strange at all. However, although the insect man is not strange, it is strange that the white-haired snowman that looks like a polar bear appears here. Although the snowman monsters are not like the snowmen that come out of snow, they melt when the temperature is high, but they are also cold-zone creatures, so it is strange that they can be comfortable in a place like a tropical rain forest. However, the other party just appeared here, and when I caught him before, I saw a large area of ​​his kind nearby.

One of these two creatures belonged to this tropical rainforest, and the other came from the Extreme Cold zone, but they got together. This is undoubtedly a very puzzling question. In fact, the weird races here are far more than these two NPCs. In the process of flying over here, I found at least a dozen kinds of creatures with regional representation. Almost none of them belong to the tropical rain forest, but they all appear in them. After this, I was still playing happily.

"I have some questions that I don't understand, and you two may be able to solve my troubles." I stood in front of the two NPCs and said, "If you can cooperate obediently and honestly with me, help me answer me. I want to know something, then I will release you after asking. But if you don’t cooperate, then I will have to kill you, then turn around and go back to catch two hapless guys back until I know what I want to know. So far. Do you two want to be corpses, or are you good prisoners to answer questions?"

"Good prisoners, good prisoners. Let's not be corpses!" This time the two prisoners answered very neatly. After all, under my deterrence attribute, it is difficult for any NPC with a level of no more than 1,000 to be truly fearless, and as long as they are afraid, it is easy to handle.

After confirming that the psychological defenses of these two guys had completely collapsed, I began to ask what I wanted to know. "The first question. What are you doing here?"

"Snatch the mine." The two captives almost shouted together, which also proved that the answer was true and reliable. After all, they were the enemy before, It is impossible to join together to collude, and besides, they don't have time to collude.

"What mine are you here to grab?"

"Blackstone (don't know)" The answers of the two guys are obviously different this time. Blackstone was called out by the Bamboo Jointed Insect, while the snowman said he didn't know.

The two guys were stunned when they realized that their answers were different, and then the snowman cried out with a sad face: "I really don't know! I didn't lie to you!"

"Okay. , Stop howling." I kicked the snowman trying to come over and hug my thigh begging for mercy, then pointed to the Bamboo Jointed Insect and said, "What is the black stone you are talking about?"

Bamboo Jointed Insect Replied with some hesitation: "Actually, I don’t know what black stone is, and I even named it myself. I don’t know what it’s called, I only know that it’s a black stone, and if you hit it hard, It's easy to break. The section of the stone is generally reflective, black and shiny. I really don't know what it is, except for this. I have seen a few boxes in total." After that, the Bamboo Jointed Insect It seems to say something as if thinking of something: "Oh yes, I also heard that this black stone is very valuable. I know so much."

I have nothing wrong with the Bamboo Jointed Insect. believable. Few low-level NPCs of this kind can lie in front of me. First, they can deter the attributes so that they dare not resist me. Secondly, the low-level NPCs on the battlefield have low intelligence, and few can come up with any tricky ideas. . If it is an elite high level NPC in the city, then maybe it is. Some of those guys are much smarter than the players.

According to the information obtained now, these people should all be mad, and this ore should be a black stone. As for whether the black stone itself is a natural element or a raw ore that needs to be refined, this must be confirmed until a sample is obtained. However, at least one thing I can confirm now is that it is absolutely true that Bamboo Jointed Insect said that this thing is very valuable. Otherwise, it is unlikely that people from the snowman will come here from thousands of miles to grab mines.

Seeing me meditating there, the snowman next to him probably thought I was going to attack him. After all, he just said he didn’t know, but Bamboo Jointed Insect answered a lot of things, so he was worried that I would kill him. . I have to say that extreme environments can stimulate people's potential, even the snowman. Under the threat of death, he finally thought of something he had forgotten.

"I remember, I remember." The snowman suddenly jumped up.

I slapped the guy back again, and then cursed: "What's your name?"

The snowman who was slapped by me quickly squatted back to the ground and explained. : "I remember. Although I don't know the specific ore to grab, I have heard that these ore is going to get back to build a spaceship."

"spaceship?" In my mind Suddenly the image of a space battleship popped up, but I quickly overthrew this idea myself. In any case, "Zero" is still a myth-based game. Even if some science and technology can be applied here, it will not create a cosmic battleship. That is too exaggerated.

Sure enough, the snowman then added: “It’s the kind of big sailboat, just like a ship in the sea, but it can fly in the sky, and it doesn’t use long paddles, but uses a kind that can rotate. It is driven by things like windmills."

I know that what he said about windmills should be a kind of propeller. As for the spaceship, it is estimated that it should be something similar to an inflatable airship. However, after the description of the snowman, I quickly discovered a problem. "Are you sure there are no balloons on the top of the spaceship?"

The snowman said in a little fear: "I don't know. Maybe because the ship is not completed, it hasn't been installed yet, or it's not there. Anyway, I The ship I saw was the same as a ship in the sea, without any balloons. Oh, yes, the sail of that spaceship is also very strange. It is not mounted on the ship, but mounted on both sides of the hull like a bird, and it can pass through. The cable controls it to flap like the wings of a bird, but the speed is very slow."

"How do you know that this thing is not a sea ship but a spaceship?"

"I listen to shipbuilding One of the workers said. At the time my company was assigned to guard the big ship under construction, and then I was curious to ask a worker why they built ships on land. The place where they built the ship was close to the nearest water surface. Even if the ship is built, it cannot be transported for dozens of kilometers. Later, the worker said that he didn’t know why the ship was built here, but he said that the foreman said that the ship was not used to sail in the water. It flew in the sky. Later we just called it spaceship."

"What else do you know besides these?"

"That's it!"


"Very well, you can be free...forever." As I finished speaking, the two captives had been swallowed by Lilith who had just appeared.

"They are robbing mines, what shall we do?" Lilith asked.

I turned and looked towards the direction of the battlefield and said: "Of course, I first figure out what kind of mine it is."

"But didn't the guy before that they didn't know? I guess that apart from a few major leaders, these little soldiers will not know about it."

"Then we will catch a big boss and ask."

On the battlefield Above, personnel from multiple forces are in a frantic scuffle, but although it is a scuffle, the levels are clearly divided. The little soldiers are fighting with the little soldiers, and the big bosses can only fight against the big bosses.

Because the battle strength of the big bosses is significantly higher than that of the little soldiers, the battlefield of the big bosses is naturally the most exaggerated battlefield with light and shadow effects. From the sky, I almost glanced at it. I found the battlefield where the rays of light are constantly on. Who makes their attack special effects so exaggerated?

"Blade, ghost, where are you?"

"Three hundred meters in front of your left."

"Come to my side immediately, there The task is left to you." (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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