"The referee? Is it possible to judge? Or do you want me to abuse the corpse again before we win?"

"Ah? Oh! Victory... Victory It’s the Gun God team.” The referee returned to normal and announced our victory after I called out. Several gates on the sidelines opened at the same time. A group of staff quickly ran in and divided into three groups and rushed to three. Next to a fallen guy. The medical staff in the fastest team quickly ran to a guy who fell on the ground, knelt on the ground and slid directly to the person's side, then put his hands on the side of the person's neck and passed. It took a few seconds before he stood up and shook the head to the rostrum to indicate that he was dead. The results of the other two teams were also the same. I was attacked frontally. Unless I intentionally kept it, it would be impossible for someone to survive.

"This is impossible!" The queen of spades screamed hysterically.

The gun god approached the Queen of Spades with a thief on his face, and then asked: "That...? Can we fulfill our agreement?"

When the queen heard the words of the gun god, she turned her head angrily and looked at the gun god, and then saw that the audience at the scene was looking at this side, and for a while, she suppressed the anger in her heart. With so many people present, it's okay to deny it, but don't expect to be credible in the future. In this world, even if you are a hypocrite, you have to pretend to be polite. It can be seen that the credibility on the surface is still very important. Otherwise, wouldn't the hypocrites become real villains directly?

"Let's have another match." Although I wanted to go wrong, after all, after so many people watched, the Queen of Spades decided to endure it. However, she is definitely not someone who is easy to deal with. Although she didn't openly deny her account, she unreasonably asked: "Purple Moon is unfair in itself. You must give us a fair chance."

"It’s said in the agreement. Everyone depends on their ability. Even if you can invite Divine Race, it is your ability. I called Purple Moon. That’s my ability. Is it because I chose People are more famous and reluctant to account?"

"But you have also seen that Purple Moon is obviously a trick. Everyone is not equipped, even if he is better than the average person, he is not as strong as that. Right? Did you see his battle method just now? He clearly has attributes in effect, otherwise how could it be so strong?"

"Ms. Queen of Spades, please pay attention to your remarks "Before the gun god had time to refute, the organizer of the nearby arena began to oppose it first. As an arena, fair execution in accordance with the pre-agreed rules is its root. If it proves that I really use the attribute ability in the arena, then the arena will not be opened in the future. This kind of thing is certainly impossible to admit in the arena, let alone that they simply did not cheat, even if they really open for me the back door, this kind of time must be resolutely denied.

The queen of spades obviously didn’t want to fall out with the arena. After the opponent issued a warning, she stopped mentioning this matter. Instead, she continued to say to the spear, "How? Another match, as long as you win , I promise to agree no matter what the request is."

"Even if my request is too excessive, it is the same?" Gun God asked.

The queen of spades stared at the gun god for a few seconds, and then gnashing teeth said: "Yes, even if it's too much, it's the same."

"Then what do you think of a comparison? Anyway, there are three helpers on my side. I don't care how you set the rules, but you can't exceed this number."

The queen of spades hesitated for a while and said: "No problem."


The gun god nodded and said: "Then you said how do we play?"

The queen of spades stretched out his hand directly, and his men immediately handed a black cloth covered Tray. The gun god obviously knew what this was, he was stunned at first glance, so he said: "You don't want to play this with me, do you? Purple Moon is in my camp? Are you sure you don't change something?"

The queen of spades smiled weirdly, and then said: "Just play this, but instead of using the normal mode, you still use the real world mode."

"You wait." Gun god Turned around and walked to the edge of the stand and shouted to me: "Purple Moon, help me fight another game, and pay you back."

Looking at the gun god’s pleading expression, I couldn’t stand it Many people face his face, he can't let me work for nothing anyway, I have nothing to worry about. Nodded directly expressed acceptance, the gun god ran back excitedly and said to the queen of spades: "Okay, we accept the challenge."

Although the gun god and queen of spades above know what they are talking about , But I don’t know what they are talking about, but judging from the previous words of the Gunslinger, this is also a combat gameplay, so I don’t have to worry at all. Any problem that can be solved with violence is not a problem to me.

After the two parties agreed, the queen of spades handed the thing in her hand to the organizer of the arena. The organizer put the thing directly on a special table, and then the activation agency took the thing It was directly embedded, and the organizer lifted off the black cloth after the thing was connected to the table.

At the same time that the black cloth was lifted, Logan and Jasna and I were suddenly teleported to the corner of the arena, and the arena that was originally full of yellow sand suddenly became A huge indoor obstacle sports field. As the arena deformed, a huge chessboard appeared above our heads. Anyone in the arena can see the contents of the entire chessboard as long as they look up.

I observed the board and found that it was very similar to the kind of adventure chess we played when we were young. One by one grids are drawn on the chessboard, and each grid corresponds to an environment. Each person participating in the game can have a chess piece, and then everyone takes turns to throw the dice to determine how many steps their chess piece moves. Because sometimes there are rewards and punishments in the grid on the chessboard, such as jumping a few steps forward, or how many steps back, so the dice is not that the bigger the number, the better. Although there are many types of this kind of adventure chess, the general rules are basically the same, and the board above us is obviously a super enhanced version of adventure chess.

"What's this?" I asked Logan, pointing to the chessboard above my head. Since he often mixes here, he should know this thing better than me.

Sure enough, Logan immediately explained it to me when I asked. "This is called a big adventure, and it is a special event in the savage arena. The chessboard above us actually corresponds to the obstacles under our feet. The chess pieces on the chessboard you see represent us."

"Do you mean that we are now standing on a huge adventure chess board?"

"Yes, and we are the chess pieces. After the game starts, we will follow the gun If the points thrown by the gods go forward, we reach the end first, or the opponent’s personnel die first, even if we win."

"Does it sound simple enough. As long as the points thrown by the gun gods are big enough, Let’s make sure that we don’t get killed by the organs, right?"

Logan wiped the sweat from his head: "It is true under normal circumstances, but today is different."


"Because today we are in the real world mode. There is no game attribute and only rely on physical fitness in reality. Those institutions simply can't make it through."

" Is it fixed?"

"No." Logan said: "For fairness, both parties can carve half of the board before the game, or one party can complete the entire board independently. Like today's one is black It was carved by the people of Queen Peach, and the organs inside were all designed by them. We can only know what organs are when we enter the corresponding area."

I thought about it and asked: "Except for weapons and no Are there any restrictions besides attribute assistance?"

"It seems that this is the case. But there is another place in this adventure competition that is different from the usual chessboard. There will be various rewards and punishments on the real chessboard. Grid, but each grid here is a reward or penalty grid, because the final reward and punishment information of each grid is determined based on your performance. Crack the mechanism within the preset time range of the current grid, and this grid will become Normal mode, there are no rewards and punishments. If it is faster than the preset time, you can get different rewards according to how fast it is. The biggest reward seems to be to throw another dice. Of course, if you have not cracked the mechanism over the time, you must accept it. Punishment, the general punishment is to go back how many squares, the most serious punishment is to increase the difficulty of the mechanism in the grid you walk to next time. In addition, there is a maximum time limit for each grid. If this limit is exceeded, the mechanism will not be cracked. Throwing you back to the starting point is a very serious punishment."

I nodded and said: "What I said should not affect me."

Logan’s kindness Persuaded: "You'd better be careful, those organs are not as easy to solve on the surface."

I nodded no more defense, anyway, they will understand when the competition starts.

After our side was in place, the other party quickly ran out of three people to compete. Probably because of the different abilities required to break the mechanism, the three previous guys did not play. Of course, it may also be because they were hit too hard by me, and it is also possible that there is a problem with their psychological condition.

After waiting for the other three contestants to stand with us, Logan suddenly remembered and reminded me: "For a while, start from the first frame, if you and their people appear in the same frame , You can apply for a challenge. If the opponent accepts and loses, you must go back six squares. If you win, you go back six squares and the other party advances six squares at the same time. If the other party does not accept the challenge, then you can choose to let him back one step Grid, or advance one grid by yourself."

I nodded to express my understanding, and then before Logan answered, the game was announced. We cannot see the dice thrown by the gun god or queen of spades in the arena because of the angle problem, but every time they throw the dice, a translucent dice appears in front of us following the color they throw. The subsynchronous rollover, through this thing we can know how to go.

Because the gun god had some doubts about my battle strength after taking off the armor, he put me behind. Now he understands my strength, so he directly arranged me to be the first to dispatch of. However, because the gun god guy had to pretend to be a gentleman and make a lady first, in the end it was the queen of spades who threw the dice first.

Looking at the gun god full of anger, the queen of spades threw the dice upwards, and the dice flew up in the air. After turning in the sky, she finally fell into the chessboard and rolled a few times. After that, it stopped completely.

"Six o'clock." Despite the display, the host still reported the points loudly.

After knowing the number, the guy standing next to us immediately ran forward five squares, then stopped a little bit before the sixth square and rushed in.

The scene was unexpected. After the guy entered the sixth grid area, the sixth grid area that had only one flat floor turned into a flap array. The entire area was divided into thousands of floors. The small squares are constantly disappearing and appearing, and at the same time as the flaps appear, a handle floating in midair appears on the opposite side of the grid where it connects with the seventh grid. The task is obvious. Just pull the handle to turn off the mechanism, but the poor guy suddenly felt that his feet were empty just when he saw the handle. Although he jumped up in time, I don’t know if he was more unlucky and was chosen as the landing place. The square disappeared when he was about to step on it. As a result, the guy fell without any suspense. The next second he appeared directly beside us.

"hahahaha..." Logan smiled exaggeratedly, and the guy who was thrown back was red and white. He was punished and returned to the starting point just after the game started. Although he only retreated six squares, he was really unsightly on the face.

The gun god saw that the opponent's first person was actually thrown back to the starting point and almost laughed. Fortunately, he was better than Logan's endurance. Although he was stunned, he was stunned. He didn't laugh, but his appearance made the other person feel even more angry.

"If you don't play, just surrender, don't you throw dice and go crazy there?" The Queen of Spades scolded angrily.

The gun god is in a good mood now, and he didn't fight with her, so he came directly to throw a dice at will. He knew that I would be able to pass the test, so he didn't care what time to throw, but although he didn't care, the dice made a six-pointer for the face.

In fact, it is good to go behind, at least others will help you experiment with all the mechanisms. All the organs in this huge competition area are basically hidden. Although many environments such as suspension bridges, puddles, and passages can be seen, it is impossible to judge what kind of trap it will be before the organs are activated.

What I want to enter now is the flap grid that the guy just entered, and the mechanism will be activated instantly after I walk in directly, but because I knew it was a flap in advance, I jumped up as soon as I came in. However, if it wasn't for me to be as unlucky as the guy before, then this room is set up like this. Immediately before I landed, the square that I had chosen as my foothold suddenly disappeared. The gun god saw that the square disappeared and got up from his seat. He had just laughed at others. It would be a shame if he was laughed back. But he was lucky, because I wasn't the hapless one just now.

Seeing the squares under my feet disappear, my body has fallen below the ground, but at the moment when I was about to fall, I suddenly grabbed the edge of the square in front of me. I followed my arms hard and swung forward like a gymnast playing parallel bars. The whole person swung from under the floor I grabbed, and then flew up from the blank space on the opposite side of the board. Fell on a floor. However, I just landed on this board, and that board was disappeared again. Fortunately, my reaction was not slow, and the board started to flash, but stepped forward directly within a few tenths of a second before it disappeared. I got to the front board, and then I took the initiative to jump out without waiting for this board to disappear, and it was the kind of long-distance jump. In everyone’s surprised eyes, I flew directly over half of the room, and when I landed, I rolled forward, and then leaned up with my hands on the ground, my feet upside down, and somersaulted in the air, when I fell. , The square that just disappeared under the foot happened to reappear. After landing steadily, I immediately took another big jump. This time, I went directly to the handle and stretched out my hand and pulled it lightly. All the floors in the room appeared instantly and closed into one piece.

Beep. "The level is passed, give a five-star rating, please throw it again."

"hahahaha, Purple Moon, you really are strong enough." The excited gun god threw the dice again, but this time it only threw a three. , But it was taken for nothing anyway, and he was not upset.

After carefully walking two spaces forward, I paused for a while before I entered the area in front. No one has entered this area yet, so I don’t know what mechanism it is for the time being.

This section is a long stone bridge, which seems to be harmless. However, as soon as I stepped on the bridge deck, the railings on both sides of the bridge and most of the bridge decks on both sides suddenly collapsed together, leaving only a narrow passage less than half a meter wide in the middle. . A passage that was thirty or forty centimeters wide was not bad, but after the bridge collapsed, a white light suddenly flashed across the space, and the original marble bridge suddenly became unfathomable mystery with an extra layer of ice. It's not over yet. Two rows of blowers suddenly rose up on both sides of the bridge without knowing what to do, and then all the blowers started to blow frantically. What's worse is that the blowers can shake their heads like desktop fans.

A layer of ice on the narrow bridge is hard enough to walk. Now there are a bunch of blowers creating turbulence. Even an eight-legged spider will have to fall to death. Besides, I only have two legs, even if I add hands, I only have limbs!

"hahahaha......" Seeing that I was stuck at the bridge head and did not dare to go forward, the people who changed the other party laughed, and they looked like they had seen me because of the timeout. It was thrown back to the starting point.

However, just when the Queen of Spades laughed and the guns were very nervous, I suddenly moved. Without trying a smooth bridge deck, I jumped and stepped on the fan on the extreme side, and then when it shook its direction to the next fan, I directly took off again and directly crossed the fan with the help of strong wind. The distance that shouldn't have been jumped fell on the second wind turbine. After one success, the rest was simple. A fan jumped over so quickly I reached the end of the bridge, and when I got to the end of the bridge, the prompt sounded.

Beep. "The level passed, the five-star rating, please throw it again."

The audience was stunned. No one thought that I would pass the five-star rating again. Moreover, everyone is thinking about another question now-"Would he not give all the five-star evaluations all the way to the end and not even give each other the opportunity to throw dice?" (To be continued. If you like this work, You are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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