"Speaking of the past, speaking of the past. But how does the ghost fuse this weapon? Will he also liquefy? I remember Noreen said that he was based on solidity as the main idea. ."

"Of course I can fuse liquefied metal." As we were talking, the ghost had already walked from behind us. "Although my design idea is sturdy, it is only the shell and Golden Dragon bone. Some of my auxiliary parts can be melted and deformed. In addition to not changing the main structure of the body, I can actually turn out many auxiliary parts. "

I looked at the ghost up and down again after listening to the ghost's words, and then asked: "Where is your cannon?"

The ghost is not in a hurry to hear my question. He answered, but a long three-sided gun barrel suddenly rose directly from behind. The barrel stretched out for more than two meters before it began to tilt forward, and finally turned into a magical cannon with a three-meter-long tail section that was close to one-eighth of the thickest and slightly thinner ends.

"Shoulder-mounted?" I was stunned when I looked at the gun, and then I looked at the Queen of Blades before asking, "Why is your gun so much bigger than hers? formidable power Is it the same? Or is your formidable power larger?"

"Of course, the formidable power will be much larger." The ghost explained: "The design of the Queen of Blades and I is not only based on eternal solidity and The difference between liquid metals is different in many design directions. For example, the output power of our power core is different. Mine is about 30% more output than the blade, so I can support For relatively large energy weapons, the blade can only be of a relatively small type."

"Then how big is the formidable power of your gun?"

"The maximum power may be able to The formidable power that is 13 times more than that of the blade just now is achieved. After all, the output power is different from the body structure of the gun itself, and the formidable power of large weapons is naturally larger. However, in terms of flexibility, the blade is better, but she I can change that, so I should have the advantage in shelling."

Blade himself said: "I am a speed type, and flexibility is my specialty, compared to long-range. I’m better at close combat with energy weapons."

"No wonder you are equipped with claws, and the arc is still that way!"

The claws and claws on the blade’s arm Mine is very different. The claws in my hand are basically straight. Although there are also arcs that are slightly inclined to the direction of the palm of the hand, this arc is very small, and it feels a bit like a Toyo sword mounted in reverse. As for the claws on the blade, That thing is almost three cat's claws, and the curved ones are almost catching up with the crescent moon. In addition, in order to increase the lethality of my claw, only the side facing the palm of the hand is a smooth blade, and the side facing upward is covered with jagged barbs. Once inserted into the human body, it will be pulled out again. Will cause extremely terrifying cutting damage. But the claws of the blade have no similar design. Her claws are smooth, without jagged edges, shorter in length than my claws, and narrower. The main purpose of this design is to make it easy to pierce the human body quickly, and then pull it out easily, without being stuck by bones like my claws.

"My blade claws are only designed to quickly enter the battle state, speaking of which ghosts also have blade claws."

"Do you have them too?" I turned my head in surprise looked towards the ghost.

The ghost first lifted the cannon on his shoulders back, and the thing immediately retracted automatically into the opening on his back, turning into molten metal and flowing back into the body. When there was nothing in the way on his body, the ghost raised his right hand and faced me with the back of his hand, followed by a scream of three long, heavy claws similar to my claws.

"Damn, you are almost catching up with Bone Cleaver Blade!"

The ghost said triumphantly: "In fact, this thing is not as simple as it seems on the surface." He When I said that, I heard a sharp humming sound, the human scalp was numbed by the huge noise, and the claws on the ghost's arm entered a state as if it had been atomized, and it seemed to always feel There is a phantom on the surface.

This kind of huge noise and the foggy special optical phenomenon immediately reminded me of a term-"High-frequency vibration blade?"

"That's right. "The noise disappeared immediately after the ghost closed his claws, and the fogging effect was gone. "This is a high-frequency vibrating blade, designed using the principle that the magic of Mithril induction will produce vibrations, but in order to create it, a lot of resonance crystals are used as vibration heuristics. Because the family is too expensive, I only installed it. There is no blade. But the cutting power of this thing is really good, cutting steel bars is just like cutting noodles."

"I now know how the value of your 1.8 billion crystal coins came from! "

When I said this, both the ghost and the blade can only giggle around. They seem to know that they were made and cost me a lot of money, so they also feel a bit sorry. But this is Noreen's crazy behavior, no wonder they are, so I didn't say anything.

"Well, it seems that I still underestimate your strength. The average enemy is simply not suitable for you to practice hand skills. Let's pack and take away here as soon as possible, and then find some suitable opponents for you. "

The so-called suitable opponent is naturally a stronger presence. Apart from me, the only players who are stronger than me are those who follow me on the Ranking List. Because the players in this guild can't reach the true level, they just ignore it, and the rest are either allies or enemies. It’s better to find allies than to find your own people to practice. As for the enemy... It is the most real to find them, but I don't want the other party to know the performance of the super mobile angel in advance, so I can't find them to practice.

Since the player has nothing to do with him, he can only find it in the NPC. Although NPCs are everywhere in the game, the strength of the blade and the ghost is really too strong. Think about it, they are super mobile angels that far surpass the Divine Race mobile angels in all aspects of performance, and even the Divine Race mobile angels are enough to single out one or two middle and lower Divine Races, so they surpass them a lot. What kind of strength will the blade and the ghost be? Anyway, you don’t need to think about the following strengths of Divine Race. It’s absolutely the same as ordinary creeps when you encounter Divine Race. However, Divine Race is not optional.

Look for Divine Race to compete, the nearest is naturally Divine Immortal of Celestial Court. However, whether it was Divine Immortal that injured the ghosts, or the ghosts injured the Divine Immortal that I invited, it didn't seem to be a good thing. So Celestial Court can basically be ruled out.

There are quite a few other Divine Race forces that I have good friends with, but like Celestial Court, this kind of power and the ghost are not good for them to hurt anyone, so I can’t ask them to practice. To practice, you have to find a hostile Divine Race, and the kind that is not strong or weak. After pondering this standard for a long time, I only thought of three options.

The first choice is to go to South America and find a witchcraft god. The advantage of this method is safety, but the disadvantage is that it is too safe. The strength of those little Divine Races may not even match our temple of chaos and order. It is not easy to find one or two that can be played, so there is basically no effect. It is estimated that they are divided into different types when they encounter a blade. The kind that wins or loses.

The second choice is to go to the United States to find a free Divine Race. The United States is different from other countries. It is an immigrant country and has no ancient history, so there is no local Divine Race. In the game, because of the need for system balance, a free Divine Race was arranged for the United States. However, because the Divine Race itself was made bluntly, the overall strength setting is a bit asymmetry with the strength of the United States itself. Divine Race is very different from other powerful countries in the world. Although the United States is very strong, the free Divine Race is quite weak. At least compared to huge monsters like Celestial Court, he is completely weak and unreliable. feel. The advantage of finding their hands-on practice is that you can find a suitable opponent, and it won't cause too much trouble in the later stage. But there is also a lot of trouble, that is, the American players may not be easy to handle. The Divine Race in the United States is probably one of the most intimate Divine Races in the game. Unlike Divine Races in other countries, which hardly interfere with player affairs, the free Divine Race in the United States has a strong sense of existence among players, and everything will be done. Is known throughout the country. So if I take the ghosts to fight with the members of the Free Divine Race, the United States will definitely have to break out a large-scale operation against our guild when we look back.

Third Type selection is to go directly to Japan to find the trouble of Takatenhara Divine Race. The advantage of this choice is safety. After all, Amaterasu's current strength is very difficult to deal with because of our influence, so Japan can be said that there is no high level Divine Race that I can't fight. Even if there is a Divine Race that I can't beat, it's easy to resist or escape for a while. In addition to safety, there is another advantage to having trouble with Divine Race in Gao Tianyuan, that is, being familiar with the road. Don’t forget the true origin of Xinghuo. Although she has been in Buddhism for so long under a disguised identity, she is actually a god of high heavens, so she can give us any Divine Race that Gao Tianyuan is good for and those that are not suitable for the goal. More clear instructions. Of course, the trouble of finding Japanese Divine Race also has its drawbacks. The biggest problem is the Japanese players.

Now that Japan has just ended its war with us, Masaga Matsumoto is using this short idle period to sort out and integrate various forces in Japan to strengthen itself. If we go to Japan at this time to find trouble with the Japanese Divine Race, then needless to say, we will definitely attract the attention of Japanese players, after which someone will inevitably report Matsumoto Masaga. As the nominal commander-in-chief of Japan, Masaka Matsumoto must rush to the scene immediately after knowing that I appeared. Of course, I can play with him again, but in order to test the performance of the two mobile angels, I made such a big move. It always feels a bit of a big loss because of small things.

After considering the three options, I finally chose the second option, which is to go to the United States to find the trouble of the free Divine Race. The difficulty of the first scheme is too low, and the result is undetectable anyway, what is the strength of the test? The Third Type method has too much investment and is super cumbersome, so I gave up. Although there will definitely be some friction after the test in the United States, but this kind of friction happens all the time, whether we participate or not is actually of little significance. Besides, the United States is better, that is, the players here are not like other countries to agree on. The major guild forces in the United States are too restrictive to each other. Even if some people look at us upset, it is impossible that players from all over the United States will participate, and at most one or two forces will participate. Therefore, considering that the free Divine Race is the lowest cost, and can achieve our test purpose.

After the goal was decided, we immediately packed up our things and returned to Isengard, first threw the cannons and technicians we just found to the research department, and then directly transmitted them to the starting point city through the transnational Transmission Formation.

Boom.... As soon as we came out of the Transmission Formation, we heard a loud thunderous noise in the distance, and then we saw a plume of smoke rising up not far away, and there seemed to be a faint flame in it.

"What's going on here?" The ghost also saw the plume of smoke in the distance, so he came over curiously and asked.

Before I had time to explain, I saw a huge Fireball burst out in front of us. At the same time, a loud noise accompanied by a shock wave directly swept down a large area of ​​buildings next to the street.

The Queen of Blades walked to us and took a look at the location of the explosion, and then said: "Blasting. The launch point is 8500 meters away, and the opponent may have used a mixed blasting mode of blasting magic array and explosives."

"Can you calculate the source of the shells based on the trajectory?"

"It's just a simple function calculation." The Queen of Blades said casually.

I didn’t quite clear the computing power of construct creatures before. After all, although this thing looks like a robot in principle, their control core is not a computer, so I don’t know that construct creatures also have a lot of Strong computing power. However, it seems today that constructed creatures are indeed very suitable for calculation, at least they calculate ballistic functions much faster than humans.

The ghost interrupted my thinking and asked again: "Why would anyone bombard our city? Don't you know the president of the war here?"

I waved my hand. Said: "I know, I know, but I am used to it, so I don’t think it’s weird."

"What does it mean to be accustomed?"

"If you get used to it every day One attack, seven days a week, all day long, you will get used to it." A female voice suddenly inserted and answered the ghost's question.

"Asura purple clothed? How did you know I'm here?" I asked slightly surprised.

Asura purple clothed turned white and gave me a glance: "Who knew you were here? I just want to go back to Isengard to do something. You stand at the exit of the transnational Transmission Formation, and I don’t want to see you. Ah!"

"It seems that I am still passionate." I said with a smile, and then looked towards the explosion point and asked: "What's wrong this time?"

"It's not the same. White people are inherently better. I can't see yellow-skinned monkeys dangling in their backyard." Asura purple clothed's tone is clearly telling, but the description is very appropriate.

"Are there often wars here?" The Queen of Blade asked in a somewhat uncomprehending manner.

Asura purple clothed first looked at the Queen of Blades, and then said after seeing the monogram on her shoulder: It's very common, and sometimes it's not always three or five days in a battle. Those guys just used to attack our city as entertainment!"

"Aren't we fighting back? "The ghost asked.

I rushed to explain before Asura purple clothed: "The specific content is more complicated, and it is not easy to make it clear. If you want to connect with the military god in the future, he has time to explain it to you slowly. "

It’s not that I don’t want to let the ghost know, it’s mainly because it’s very complicated and I really want to speak of which. I guess I don’t need to do anything today, so I decided to throw this super troublesome thing to me. The military god handles it, anyway he's most fearless is trouble.

Asura purple clothed also knows that this matter will not be explained clearly for a while, but said to the ghost: "Anyway, the things inside have no effect if you know it or not, and you don’t have to manage our guild’s external relations. This thing is completely useless to you. By the way, I have something to do. Let’s go first. If you want to go out of the city, you can kill yourself from the city wall. Transmission Formation is only available for transnational formations. For Transmission in the U.S. The Formation is closed. The city gate is full of enemies. You might as well find a place to jump over the wall when you go to the city."

I nodded that I understand, and then I took the ghost and the blade towards the city. wall walked over. However, I did not follow the advice of Asura purple clothed to go to another city wall, but went directly to the city gate. It's not because I'm going to get massacre, but because the city gate leads to the teleportation hall, which is a big straight road, and there is a detour from other places. I don't want to waste time for some miscellaneous soldiers who are not threatening.

From the teleportation hall to the city wall, this section of the road is not long, but only in this section of the road we saw that only 30 shells passed through the city shield and fell into it. The interior of the city. Originally, the protective shield should not allow other things to pass through before it is completely broken, but because the blow outside the city is too fierce, it is inevitable that there will be weak points on the protective shield that cannot be supplied with energy. If the shell is just right If you hit a weak point in this gap, it is possible to pass through the protective cover. Although this is a small probability event, it is not surprising that there are so many intensive rain of shells and one or two shots occasionally when shells fly horizontally on the battlefield.

When we rushed to the city wall, American players outside the city just launched a charge. Looking around, there were cavalry riding on the city wall, and behind them were Countless cannons.

"Damn, those guys are really capable! They agitated so many people!" Seeing so many enemies, I was not afraid or angry. On the contrary, my current mood is actually—excited. That's right, it's just excitement. People who don't know the inside story will naturally not understand why I am excited when seeing so many enemies, but those who know will certainly not think that there is any problem with my mood. Because these people are all money to me. As for this reason... (to be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support, Is my biggest motivation.)

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