Seeing my surprised expression, both the Queen of Blades and the Ghost asked in an extremely surprised tone: "President, don't you really think we don't know anything, do you? Ours There is also a complete Soul Body in the body, and it also replicates the memories of you and Zhenhong. Even if the integration is not complete, it is impossible to look like the robot in the movie, right?"

"Wait a minute. You said the movie "I looked at the ghost in surprise and asked.

The ghost didn’t figure out why I reacted so badly, and asked me in an unfamiliar way: "What's the matter?"

"Do you know what a movie is?"

The ghost nodded said: "Well, of course you know. Is there any problem with this?"

"The problem is that you shouldn't know." I loudly shouted. As an art form that has existed for a long time, a modern person knows that it is nothing strange. On the contrary, even if you haven't watched it, if you haven't even listened to it, then it is strange. However, this situation is only for humans in reality. Although "Zero" is a mix-up magical game, it includes all kinds of monsters, magic, and witchcraft, and even technology is included in the game. However, there is no movie this thing here. "Zero" does have a better magical image system than the movie, but that thing is not called a movie here, so in theory, any game character who does not have a real body should not know the existence of this thing in the movie. of. However, the ghost and the Queen of Blades obviously know this exists, and they seem to regard it as a matter of as it should be by rights, which is not normal.

"Should we not know about the existence of movies?" The Queen of Blades looked at me questioningly and asked.

I am very sure nodded. "If there is no accident, you shouldn't know, but you know now, so there must be something wrong. And I estimate that the biggest probability is that there is a problem when the memory is copied, and you should also copy things that should not be copied to you. I copied it out."

"Will there be any problems?"

"There may not be many problems, but it may be more troublesome!" I said. Then I asked: "Can you be sure that the movie is not here based on your memory?" I asked tentatively.

Queen of Blades immediately asked me: "President, do you mean in the game?"

"Do you even know this?"

" Isn't this something we shouldn't know?" The ghost asked in surprise.

I helplessly covered my face and said: "Then you guys even understand what it means to be offline?"

"Of course." After the ghost said, he asked me: "But why can’t I go offline, President? The memory I’ve accepted before seems to be different here. I don’t have a system exit prompt when I want to go offline. Also, I seem to know that I can’t go offline because of me. I lack a body in reality. Master, why don’t I have a body in reality?"

It was nothing if the ghost asked about it. When he asked the Queen of Blades, he immediately asked a lot of questions about reality. I am one of the first two big ones. Obviously Norin and their memory transfer experiment was only half successful. They did copy my memory, but they didn’t delete what should have been deleted in the copied information. As a result, two mobile angels with player-like behavior memories have not actually existed in the real world. The body is quite puzzled. Of course, their doubts eventually became my business. Originally, if they didn't know anything, I didn't have to tell them, but they already knew part of it. If they didn't explain it clearly, they might have to ask them endlessly. In desperation, I had to reduce the flying speed to bring the two of them closer, and then fly back to explain to them the relationship between reality and the game, and what kind of existence they are.

In fact, just as many people worry about telling the picked up child that he will be unbearable after adopting him, many people think that NPCs should not be informed of the existence of the real world, thinking that this will make those intellectuals Extraordinary NPCs became very bereavement because they suddenly knew that they were just a piece of data. In fact, these worries are unnecessary. Whether it is a virtual life or a living person in reality, the reason why we have emotions, anger, sorrow, and joy is the same, that is, changes in the environment. What we really care about is the direction and amount of change in the environment, not the absolute state of the environment. A person with a monthly salary of 2,000 yuan suddenly increases his salary to 3,000 a month. He will be very happy because his salary has risen. However, if a person with a salary of 4,000 a month suddenly becomes 3,000 a month, he will be very sad, because for him this is a decline in wages. Therefore, the absolute state of a monthly salary of three thousand a month will not bring us happiness or sadness. The reason for our happiness or back is the rise and fall of wages.

The state of the Queen of Blades and the Ghost is the same. They will not be upset because they know that they are just data, because they know that before and after knowing that there is no actual change, they have nothing more or nothing, they are still them, so there is no feeling of loss. Of course, because more things are known, new demands also arise.

"President, how can we get a body in reality?" The ghost asked the Queen of Blades together.

"Huh? This..."

To be honest, this question is really hard to answer. In our guild, we do have robotic technology that can achieve capabilities similar to mobile angels, but the problem is that copying life in the game into reality is not something that can be done casually. This requires the consent of the father and the base. While cooperating, of course, you must have money. In addition to the actual difficulty of the implementation of the copy personnel, there is another question...why should I copy the Queen of Blades and the ghost? The appearance of the two of them in the game is already an accident. Recreating the two of them in reality is an accident after the accident. However, they are now members of our Frost Rose League after all. If they didn't know, it would be fine, but if they knew clearly and made a request, it would be difficult to do. Promise them to feel a bit of a loss, not to agree and hurt their feelings, it seems that it is not appropriate to do anything!

"President, is our request too much?" The ghost asked aloud.

I didn't expect that he can even think of this. It seems that the brains made with 1.8 billion are not ordinary in intelligence. "This... I'll be honest with you. It is possible to copy your body in reality, but this requires a considerable price, and it is not something I can decide, so you suddenly want me to give it in reality. It’s really difficult for you to make up your body."

"Since it's so difficult, can we make a request?" The Queen of Blade asked tentatively.

I thought about it for a while and said: "Let’s talk about it first. If I can promise, I will definitely agree. I am still more generous to my own people. But if it doesn’t work, it means nothing will work."< /p>

Queen of Blades immediately nodded and said after hearing it: "I understand that it won't make it difficult for the president. Both the ghost and I hope to get a body in reality, but we can't do it with our own ability. So we hope that the president can help us solve the various permits that need to be passed. As for the cost of manufacturing us... We can only guarantee hard work in the future and contribute as much as possible to the guild. After all, we are connected. This body belongs to the guild. Even if we want to work and earn money, it is impossible, so we can do nothing but overfulfill the task. Moreover, if we have a body in reality, we can continue to serve the president. Yes, two more subordinate chairpersons shouldn’t be a disadvantage, right?"

Although the Queen of Blades is asking me for something, but because her attitude is very low, and she clearly said it. The status quo of the two of them, without thankless wretch, regards themselves as independent individuals, which makes me sound very comfortable. Although according to the concepts of peaceful naturalism or something, life should belong only to the lifeform itself, but the reality is that we spent 3.6 billion crystal coins to make two mobile angels. If they suddenly say that they are not the property of our guild, only Admit that you are a member of the guild, what do you think about changing you as the president? Anyway, all I can think of is that I lost 3.6 billion in vain.

Fortunately. Fortunately, the Queen of Blades and the ghost are very clear, knowing that they will not hurt my interests while fulfilling their wishes. In fact, I really want to speak of which I don't really care about the 3.6 billion. 3.6 billion speaking of which is a lot, but the 3.6 billion that makes the Queen of Blades and the ghost is only calculated according to the price of the materials on the market. This is the same as taking out 3.6 billion crystal coins to buy two mobile angels. It is completely two concepts.

Because the materials for making blades and ghosts are basically produced by our guild itself, although the price is ridiculously high, it actually has no effect on the operation of our guild. Noreen and the others are not idiots, even if I say that it can be done regardless of the cost, they will not really spend money to play this kind of extreme art. They just know that they spent the trump card funds from the inventory this time, so they are so lavish.

Anyway, I don't really care about the cost of the Queen of Blades and the Ghosts. As long as they behave well, it is fine for me to identify them as two independent natural persons. If they talk ruthlessly with me, or threaten me or something, I may still disagree, but if they understand things so well, I don't care much.

"I can agree to your request in principle, but when the body can be created for you depends on the future situation, and you must ensure that you work hard in the guild."

"Thank you, President." Blade and Ghost were excited to agree when I agreed. For them, they can be considered a complete person if they have a physical body, because they are different from other NPCs, they know the existence of the real world. If they don't have a physical body, they will naturally feel that they are incomplete.

As a result, two mobile angels asked questions, and I started asking about things that I hadn't asked before. "Why did you pretend to be a dull magic puppet to lie to those people?"

Because the wish has been fulfilled to a certain extent, the two mobile angels are now in a good mood, even relatively silent The ghosts of ”said: “We think that the former president you planned to bring us out to adapt to the fighting situation, and those people are just suitable for trying out hands, so we both pretended to be very dull and took the initiative to find excuses to fight with them. Come up. Because our performance seems to be in accordance with the set procedures, those people will not cause too much trouble in the meeting even if they are dissatisfied in the end."

Although the explanation of the ghost is very simple, But I can still understand what he meant. If you think about it, it is indeed the case. In fact, the ghosts are just taking advantage of the player's arrogance, deliberately using the dull appearance to prevent the other party from being angry with the seemingly stupid. After all, most people think that they are much more noble than machines, so even if they are angry about the mistakes made by rigid machines, they will not argue with the other party or retaliate like they do with the same kind, because they feel that it is degrading their own identity. Just like a person who is bitten by a dog will not bite the dog in reverse, even if someone is pitted by a machine, at most, there is the possibility of a violent counterattack because of the anger at that time. It is impossible after ten days of half a month. I still think about the day when I come back to retaliate against that machine, it is not a behavior that normal people can do.

Like today’s situation, if I attacked the group of people, the other party would definitely put the account on me or the Frost Rose League. In the future, as long as there is a chance, they will definitely find a way to retaliate. But now it was replaced by two silly mobile angels, even if the other party met them again after an hour, they would never think of revenge, but would want to stay away from these two dangerous machines as much as possible.

After understanding the meaning of these two mobile angels, I also laughed and couldn’t help but laugh and curse: "You are so slippery. Speaking of which group of people is really unlucky. It’s a disaster. I guess they will immediately take a detour when I see you in the future."

"Anyway, it’s unlikely that we will see each other in the future. Besides, even if we take a detour, they will take a detour, and it will have no effect on us." Ghost Laughed and teased me.

For such a humane performance of the ghost and the Queen of Blades, I can only attribute it to the side effects of the super soul. These two guys don’t have the dull personality that a construct creature should have. Not only are they more slippery than many players, but they also know how to make jokes and other high-level emotional changes. If it weren’t for their metal skins, they might pretend to be ordinary persons. I definitely can't recognize it.

"By the way, since you have just tested the most basic combat mode, are there any gains?"

"The harvest is naturally a little bit." The Queen of Blades said: "I just discovered that starting the jet thruster on the ground does not feel as soft as it is in the air. There is a strong explosive thrust at the moment of starting. When I attacked that person before, if it wasn't for my low power, and the reaction was faster, At that time, he almost never cut him."

When the ghost heard the Queen of Blades say so, it was also nodded and said: "Well, I feel the same. The moment just now seems to have indeed received a lot of thrust, I I almost didn't control it."

"That is the chain reaction caused by the change in airflow density caused by ground effect. You two should have relevant knowledge, right?"

Only the mobile angels were meditating for a second, and then they suddenly realized: "Oh, it turned out to be like this. I feel that the connection between a lot of related knowledge in our memory seems to be disconnected, knowing that everything is connected does. not raise. "

"Because memory is not yours, knowledge is not just to remember, it must be understood."

"We know this, but so many things are all in one mind It's all in our heads, we will definitely be...danger..." The ghost said, suddenly shouted, and then flashed to the side, a light purple beam of light wrapped with a purple lightning glow. Suddenly slipped from the trajectory we were flying before. If it weren't for the three of us flashing faster, it is estimated that all of us would be covered directly.

"The attack came from the ground, go down and take a look." After successfully dodge the beam of light, I said to the Queen of Blades and the ghost. However, before we had the time to dive, we saw that a beam of light suddenly came up under the ground, and it was clearly moved towards me from this direction. I hurriedly tilted my wings to the side and slid down the airflow, and finally flew past the beam of light with a gap of one meter. However, what made me didn’t expect was that when I was the closest to the beam of light, the purple arc on the beam of light suddenly separated and connected to me. I felt paralyzed all over my body, but to a very high degree. weak.

"Damn, what kind of damn weapon is this?" I was surprised to see the slight arc flashing twice from time to time on the straight line where the beam just passed behind me. After the beam passes through, it can still leave such an obvious discharge reaction in the air. The beam of light just now definitely contains a large number of active electrons, otherwise it is impossible to ionize the entire beam emission trajectory. And just now I felt numb on my body, which also shows that the beam does have a strong current response, otherwise it would not make my whole body numbed by the induction electric shock more than one meter away. You must know that I am not naked, and the electric shock-proof attribute of the Divine Dragon suit has not been able to completely block this kind of induced electricity. You can imagine the current intensity of the light beam itself. Moreover, the most terrible thing is that this weapon seems to have been hit from the ground. His grandma's us are now at a height of more than two thousand meters! This range is too long, right? Wouldn't this damn weapon have energy attenuation?

A beam of light ended. Seeing that it missed me, a beam of light flew up immediately below, and the target was still me. Judging from the launching direction, this weapon obviously has more than one. Fortunately, their rate of fire is very average. Even if it is launched in a few shifts, it can barely achieve a speed of one shot in two seconds. However, apart from the slower launch speed, the formidable power and accuracy of this thing are scary enough.

"Damn, what kind of weapon is this? Ghost, blade, dive, go down and see what the hell is hitting us." (To be continued. If you like this work, welcome You come to the starting point ( to vote for recommended votes and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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