"That...guildmaster, my name...?" Although they have just been completed, these two mobile angels have shown no weaker than normal human intelligence. When the female body found out that I was angry, even the words became cautiously. It seemed that she already understood what it means to watch words and colors.

Although I am very angry that Noreen and the two Jahan are fooling around with our guild's money, but the creation is made, and it is useless to be angry. Besides, these two mobile angels are right, and being angry at them seems to be too bad for me.

After a little suffocation, I changed a more normal expression to the female mobile angel and said: "What do you want to be called?"

"I think It's called the Queen of Blades."

"pu..." To be honest, I really didn't expect this mobile angel actually likes such a violent name. Isn't her appearance pretty delicate? By the way, you can't judge a person by appearance, even more so with machines! Does performance have nothing to do with appearance? "Yes, Queen of Blades is Queen of Blades. This is your official name, but we may sometimes call you Blades or Queens for short, so don't you mind?"

"Of course." Queen of Blades immediately Excited replied: "As long as the full name is this. Doesn't the abbreviation mean showing intimacy? I can accept it. Just like Chairman Hong Yue, sometimes Rose sister will call her month."

"Do you know Rose and Hong Yue? When did you make it?"

"Just now."

"Then you..."

Queen of Blades pointed to the real red and said: "It was all read from her memory!"

I nodded and invited a researcher to ask before I figured it out. Queen of Blades is also One of the by-products of my previous sentence, and another by-product is ghosts. Noreen and the others feel that they have got my permission anyway, they can do it unscrupulously, but when they produce the ghost shell, they found that there are actually two extreme branch research directions. One is to strengthen the body to be invulnerable, indestructible and impregnable like the ghost. The other is the Queen of Blades, which allows the body to have unlimited regeneration ability, even if it is broken into pieces, it can automatically recover. Because they felt that they had great potential for development in both directions, they took the opportunity of my fainting to secretly build another one in the laboratory next to them. As for the source of the soul... Naturally it is another soul I got from Celestial Court.

What? The souls we got from Celestial Court are two men? A concept must be clear here. Although the soul contained in the mobile angel was synthesized from the original two Divine Immortal souls, it must be clear that the synthesized soul has nothing to do with the previous soul. The previous soul exists only as a material, and has nothing to do with the synthesized soul. It is as if we eat pork, and then decompose the pork into various nutrients, and then synthesize our own body tissues and the energy needed for survival in our body. In this process, our body tissues are actually made of pork. We can't just say that we are pigs just because of this? Similarly, the soul of the mobile angel uses the soul of Divine Immortal as the material to synthesize hungry, but there is a process of decomposition and reconstruction in this process, so the synthesized soul does not have any connection with the previous soul.

I figured out the memory problem of the Queen of Blades, so I decided to take these two mobile angels out for a walk. According to Norin, although the current mobile angels have certain memory and cognitive abilities, but because their memories are copied, the memory fragments are incomplete. There are many defects in them, and they must be experienced in person to completely integrate these. Things like experience.

In fact, it is very simple to let these two mobile angels completely integrate their memories. It only needs to fight a few battles. The question is who can fight. If you fight against your own people, you will have no experience at first, and you will not be able to test the level. However, when you fight against the enemy, you have to worry about the opponent's attacking too hard and causing damage to the mobile angel that has not fully integrated the memory. After thinking about it for a long time, I finally decided to take them out to find the enemy to try their skills. After all, only by fighting a fierce enemy can we truly develop combat literacy. The training ground cannot train a real warrior. However, although you are looking for an enemy to fight, you can't find someone who is too strong. Although the battle strengths of these two mobile angels are very abnormal, but because their memory still has some problems, they can't display their full strength. They must first find some small fish and shrimp to practice hand skills, and then gradually increase the difficulty when they adapt. When the female leopard trains her cubs to hunt, she also brings back the juvenile antelopes and rabbits for small leopard training. It's not worth the loss if you kick it to death.

"True Red, please go back and work on you first." After letting True Hong leave, I said to the two magic puppets: "Ghost, Queen of Blades, you come with me. Let's go out and get used to it. Look at your new body."


After the two mobile angels responded to complied, they followed me and left the research base on the new continent and returned to Isengard. As soon as the two mobile angels came out of the Transmission Formation, they began to glanced around excitedly. Although they all have the memory of Isinger, because it is not their own, it is still very strange to see Isinger.

"President, why are they staring at us all the time?" As she was walking towards the gate, the Queen of Blades suddenly walked a few steps and ran to me and asked.

I turned my head and glanced in doubt, and found out that many people were really looking here. Because of my armor and identity, I have a high rate of turning back when I am walking in Isengard, so I have never cared much about things like being watched. If the Queen of Blades didn't bring it up, I would definitely not pay attention, but today's turnaround rate seems to be quite high. However, when I looked back and saw the appearance of the Queen of Blades and the ghost, I felt relieved. Because the shape is too luxurious, the shapes of the ghost and the queen of blades are almost like two humanoid artifacts. Such a gorgeous shape is not called a ghost if people don't look at it too much.

"Don't worry, people see you because your looks are too gorgeous and there is no malice. You just don't pay attention to these."

"Oh." The Queen of Blades replied After complied, he completely ignored the people around him, and then continued to look at Isinger's various buildings on his own.

Bringing these two mobile angels who are not like war machines all the way out of Isengard’s teleportation hall, I don’t know how many eyes have been swept through. If the gaze can really generate temperature, it is estimated that we have already been burnt by everyone's gaze along the way.

After leaving the Teleportation Palace, I was not in a hurry to take the two of them away from Isengard, but first to find out about the situation with the god of war. What we need now are some low-level enemies that are not highly threatening, but such enemies are often not easy to find. If I were an ordinary person, I could still run out for malicious PK. Unfortunately, I am neither an ordinary person nor an ordinary guild. Therefore, I was impossible to take the Queen of Blades and the ghost and go out directly to find someone to chop. Fortunately, the super administrator of the guild, the military god, can grasp all the information of the entire guild at any time. After asking him briefly, the military god immediately gave the information I needed, and the military god also helped me to screen. , Directly sent us the most suitable place for us to try.

"Okay, I already know where you can try your skills. Now you two will follow me, remember, training has already started now, let’s test your flying ability first." As I said, I suddenly turned around and jumped up, and the bird appeared under me to catch me, and the four afterburners opened up, and immediately went straight into the sky like a missile. However, I really underestimated the flying ability of the Queen of Blades and the Ghost, or underestimated the design ability of Noreen, or the attributes of those super materials.

Just after I flew away suddenly, the Queen of Blades and the Ghost froze for a while, and after they looked at each other, they sat in a squat motion at the same time, followed by a sound, they A pair of huge wings spread out behind the two at the same time, followed by the sound of pa pa pa under the broad wings, and opened more than ten jets in one breath, and then amidst the exclamation of the surrounding players , These two super mobile angels suddenly ejected terrifying blue and white flames, and then suddenly jumped up into the sky at a speed even more terrifying than real rockets. After adjusting their directions slightly, the two of them moved towards the direction where I disappeared and flew quickly, disappearing into the sky above Isengard in an instant, leaving only a group of dark players who were smoked by flames because of watching the excitement.

Before I said that I wanted to build a super mobile angel, Noreen was working on a vector jet engine, and because of the extensive use of compressed space technology, Noreen and the others simply became the queen of blades and ghosts. Sixteen jet thrusters are installed. You must know that this is a new type of propeller. Prior to this, its low-level version only had one third of its thrust, which could provide the early mobile angels with a flying speed no less than that of the giant dragon. Now the Queen of Blades and the Ghost not only have new engines, but they still have 16 in one package. The original mobile angel only needed two engines to catch up with the giant dragon. Now they both have sixteen engines. This speed is not at the same level as the original mobile angel.

I was on the back of Asuka, preparing to let Asuka slow down and wait for those two guys. Who knew that suddenly I saw two light groups from behind approaching at an astonishing speed, and then they chased after a few seconds. He came to us and jumped past us with a howling sound.

"Damn, what speed is this?" I looked at the two mobile angels that jumped far away in amazement, and the flying bird under patted hurriedly yelled: "Speed ​​up, don't be caught They dumped them. I can't afford to lose that person!"

"Don't worry, I haven't lost anyone in speed yet." Asuka said that he suddenly opened all the jets, me? The speed of the man was also raised immediately, and the two mobile angels who threw us away in front were gradually chased back by us.

Seeing that the two mobile angels were evened by us, I asked them loudly, "Can you still be faster?" After I shouted, I found that the Queen of Blades and the Ghost were both stupid. I stared blankly at me and didn't answer. It took a few seconds before I realized it was because the speed was too fast and the sound couldn't pass. Quickly switch to the crystal communicator, and then repeat it again, this time they heard clearly.

"President, our thrusters only use 30% of the power. Are you sure you need us to accelerate?"

I thought about it and said: "I will count one, two, three right away. , And then you start your extreme power and let me see how your extreme speed is. If I can catch up with your extreme speed, you will listen to my arrangements later, if I can’t keep up with your speed, you just keep it Fly at the maximum speed for ten minutes, then decelerate to below the speed of sound until I catch up with you. Can you? nodded, and then said to Asuka: "I will count one, two and three, and you will also accelerate together, how fast and how fast, understand?"


" Okay, get ready, one, two, three, rush."

Woo...Boom...With the sound of a higher and higher engine, Asuka and the two mobile angels suddenly spurted out at the same time. A few feet of flame, and then the three silhouettes instantly turned into three long white arrows flying forward.

At the beginning of the start-up, the speed of Asuka and the two mobile angels are basically the same. In terms of acceleration, the mobile angel seems to be only slightly stronger than Asuka, and this is because the bird carries my load on its back. s reason. However, with the speed breakthrough and the sound barrier, the situation began to be different. Seeing the ghost flying, the wings on his back began to close to the middle of the body, and it felt like the feeling of folding the wings of a variable-wing fighter when it entered a high-speed state, and as the wings tightened, his body was everywhere. The connection point also stretched out a lot of armor pieces to block some of the protrusions or sections of his body. After he put his arms on both sides of his body, this guy turned into a missile. Me and Asuka saw that his originally flat acceleration suddenly burst out again, and instantly opened the distance between us, and it flew farther and farther.

After the ghost has finished accelerating, the Queen of Blades next to it has also begun to change, and it is more scary than the ghost. She actually melted into a metal solution in front of me, and then turned into a drop-shaped object shining with red light, which burst out at a speed higher than the ghost and disappeared.

"Damn, Asuka, didn't you say that you have never lost in speed? Fly!"

Asuka slams on and replied: "I don't know Are these two perverts so fast? They are already six times the speed of sound!"

"Can it be faster?"

"Hurry up." Asuka said suddenly stretched out A pile of fixed armor wrapped me into his body, and then the flame behind him suddenly changed from blue and white to dazzling pure white. Following me, I felt a burst of force spread, and our speed also soared. Up. "Now the speed is Mach 7, Mach 8, Mach 9, Mach 10, Mach 11, Mach 12, and the second stage is activated. Mach 13 Demon can jet. Mach 17, Mach 18, Mach 19, Mach 20, Mach 21, damn, I'm almost at the limit. Are those two guys perverted?"

" If you know how much they are worth, you won’t be so surprised. Are you at your limit now?"

"I can speed up, but at that speed, my health will slowly drop. So it won’t last long."

"It’s okay, just give it a try."

"Okay. It might get a little hot for a while, don’t worry, it’s normal."

"Got it."

"Well, start the life fuel injection, start the ultimate magic compression, spray, speed 22 Mach, 23 Mach, 24 Mach,..., Mach 33, Mach 34, Mach 35, Mach 36. The temperature of the outer skeleton is rising, and the health value is declining. The Primordial Demon bursts and forced acceleration. The current speed is 37. Mach, Mach 38, ... Mach 40, Mach 41, ..., Mach 55, Mach 56. The speed has reached its limit, the outer skeleton is melting, and the temperature continues to rise."

"Is it the limit?" I asked again.

Asuka replied a bit hard: "I have reached the limit, and my health is declining. At the current rate, I can last at most 3 minutes and I will be dead. If I want to land safely, I will be at most one minute and fifty minutes. You must start to decelerate in seconds."

"You fly first, and you will start to decelerate if you can't find them in one minute and thirty seconds."

"Understand."< /p>

After talking to Asuka, I contacted the military god and asked, "Do you know where the ghost and the Queen of Blades are?"

"Wait a minute, let me check." Jun The voice of God stopped for two seconds and then suddenly asked: "What are you doing? Why are you flying so fast? Is there any emergency in the Arctic Circle?"

"Arctic Circle?"

"The ghost and the blade have already left the Russian border and are flying to the North Pole. According to the current speed, it will take another five minutes to reach the North Pole. You are still in Russian airspace. At the current speed, there will be another minute and will fly out of Russian airspace. ."

"What? We are all fast entering the Arctic Circle?"

"No, you have entered the Arctic Circle, and if you keep your current speed and heading unchanged, a few minutes later You are out of the Arctic Circle."

"Which is the faster between them and me?"

"Your current speed is fifty-six times the speed of sound, the fastest speed currently Quick. The current speed of Queen of Blades is fifty-five times the speed of half sound, Ranked 2nd, and the current speed of the ghost is fifty-three times the speed of sound, the lowest ranking."

After I listened, the bird under Patted said: " Haha, let me tell you the good news. You are currently the fastest, but they are only a little slower than us. You probably won’t be able to catch up with them because of your battery life. So in terms of endurance, you still lose."< /p>

"Please, I'm a physical body, OK? I can't compare with the machine!"

"It's OK, at least your extreme speed is the fastest." I finished. I contacted Junshendao again: "Help me transfer the ghost to the Queen of Blades."

"Already communicated."

"Hey, Blades, Ghosts, do you hear me?"




"Have you reached the extreme speed now?"

"Already reached the limit Replied." Blade and Ghost replied at the same time.

"Then how long can you maintain this speed now? I mean do you feel abnormal?"

The ghost said: "The internal function is all normal, and the outer shell is slightly slightly Icing phenomenon, but does not affect the work of the body. The current fuel is enough to support the current flight state for 38 hours and fifty-six minutes, within 3 minutes."

After the ghost said, the Queen of Blades also followed: "My side There is no abnormal problem. At present, the fuel is enough to support forty-three hours and two eleven minutes, and the error is within two minutes."

"Will your body overheat or something?"

" Overheating? Why is it overheating?" Ghost and Blade asked in unison.

"Yes, I didn't say it. You guys will land immediately and wait for me on the ground. Be careful to leave me a more eye-catching signal, lest I fly over my head."


After closing the communication, I can only helplessly sigh that it is really worth what you pay for! The 1.8 billion mobile angel is really different from the 1.8 billion one, and the performance is much stronger! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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