Although I really wanted to imitate Noreen, I dreamed of the basic High Level, so I didn't think about it anymore. Besides, Noreen didn't give me time to think about it!

"President, how do I open this?"

"I'll come." Afraid that Norin might smash the box together, I ran over to lift it off the outside in twos or twos Then he overturned the box to the ground, and the Divine Immortal naturally rolled out of it.

Seeing that Divine Immortal rolled out of the box, Noreen immediately leaned forward excitedly, but after just observing for two seconds, she turned to me suspiciously again and asked, "Huh? Are there two? There is another one?"

"Here." I also took out the sealing stone under the box, and then injected magic power and threw it. The stone erupted in the air as unimaginable. The bright light suddenly disappeared, and at the same time the Divine Immortal that was sealed inside also fell out. However, unlike the corpse-like guy on the ground, this guy was jumping around the floor like a fish out of the water. Of course, even if he jumped up again, it was useless, because his hands and feet were locked tightly by the halo, and simply couldn't get away.

I walked over and kicked the guy who jumped all over the floor and said: "Honestly. The seal in your hand is the seal that the Great Wheel Peacock Pluto gave you, unless your divine force can exceed Peacock Pluto, otherwise, don't want to break away."

"wu wu ......wu wu wu ......" Not only did the guy on the ground listen to my words, he didn't stop, but he struggled even harder. But he struggled until I noticed that there was a ball of light that seemed to be a gag in his mouth, and he couldn't even call out.

I ignored the guy’s yelling, I directly said to Noreen: "How do you feel?"

"Why doesn't this guy move? That guy is so happy?" Noreen squatted beside the guy whose memory had been cleansed like a kid playing little bunny, poked his face once with a finger and asked.

"This guy has just been given some potion, and now he has no memory, so he is basically like an idiot. But don't worry, there is absolutely no problem with his thinking ability. It's just that his consciousness has been washed away. "

"Oh, it turned out to be like this. But is that potion still available?"

I looked towards Norin and asked, "Why are you asking about this?"

"I want to pour him a little too." Noreen said, pointing to the guy who was still romping around there.

As soon as I heard that I was going to give myself medicine, the guy on the ground immediately jumped more vigorously, and his nose kept making wu wu wu calls, as if he wanted to struggle to escape. Of course, unless he suddenly stimulates his potential and becomes a super god, he can only obediently let us toss here.

"Huh, what are you two doing so fast?" I was talking to Norin about the potion, and the two Jiahas finally arrived here. Of course, the main thing is that Jiaha's speed is too slow. After all, his huge volume really does not raise.

"Are these the two Divine Immortal?" The magic puppet Jiaha saw the ground as soon as he came in. Two guys on.

"It's these two guys. Noreen said just now that I want to wash away the memory of this guy, what do you think?"

"Don't wash them all, leave one wash away Don’t wash one, just to experiment with the difference between the two souls. Anyway, the original ideology will be distorted after the final synthesis of the control core, even if it has some memory, it will not show the characteristics of the original soul."

"That's right, these two Divine Immortal have just washed away the memory and the other is not. You can use it now."

When I heard my words, Jiaha, the magic puppet, came over and mentioned two Divine Immortal turned around and walked over to the research room, while Jiaha and Norin also quickly followed along. As for me, I turned and left.

Designing and manufacturing a constructed creature is a very complicated task. Even if there are ready-made materials and technology, it is not done right away, so it’s useless if I keep it. Go ahead and do something else first.

After leaving the research center, I did not stay in Isengard, but after handing over all the newly acquired materials and pet eggs to the guild logistics department for collection and inventory, I went directly to the underground river. side. Now we have knocked down three Underground Cities along the underground river in one breath, plus the fortress city outside that exists as a bridgehead, and there are four cities in total. In addition, in addition to these four cities, I finally found that the cave where the divine force was sourced could be used as a secret base with a little modification. Calculated in this way, our guild is equivalent to having five cities to start construction at the same time. This workload is really not small.

Of course, no matter how much the city is repaired, it doesn't really matter to me. The Frost Rose League is not the kind of small guild where the president takes care of everything. We have a special division of labor. For things like building a city, don’t talk about me as the president, even Hong Yue and Ying Ying and the two Vice-Presidents don’t have to intervene, because this matter belongs to the management of the logistics department, which means that this is a rose matter.

Although building the city is not under my control, I still have to come here, not to direct the construction workers, but to find the mysterious creature.

Before I found the cave because the expedition team of our guild was attacked, and then after I got there, the small dragon girl was also attacked by Unknown Creature. Then we were looking for that creature. I accidentally discovered the cave with many sources of divine force. However, although we found a large number of mutant creatures in that cave, none of them can only match the creature that attacked the small dragon girl before. So, I can be sure that the creature should still be in the underground river.

We will build this underground river system into Underground City in the future. If we keep such a rare beast there, it is too unsafe, so we must capture it as soon as possible or directly Get rid of it, no matter how bad it is, at least you have to expel that creature, in short, you can't let it wander around our city.

When I arrived at the city at the exit of the river again, the scenery here was very different from before. The first is that all the messy ruins in the city are gone. The empty city ground has basically been sorted out into a large flat area, and there are many places where the markings of the buildings and streets have been drawn, but the laying has not yet begun. It's just the foundation and pavement.

In the city, only the ruins of buildings have been cleaned up, but the outside of the city is a different look. Since we intend to turn the cities next to the three underground rivers into ship research bases in the future, there must be a waterway connected to the Yangtze River. Originally, this underground river was connected to the Yangtze River by means of underground pipelines, and we did not intend to build submarines only, so the pipeline must not be used. In order to allow ships to enter the river and then from the Yangtze River to the sea, the construction team of our guild is stepping up the excavation of the connecting waterway connecting the underground river and the Yangtze River. Judging from the current progress, the waterway can be completed in at most two or three hours, but if it is to be navigable, it is estimated that it will be impossible in two or three days.

In addition to the construction of waterways, a large area of ​​the city near the Yangtze River is being dug. According to the design goal, the ships designed in the underground city of Hanoi will eventually be assembled and constructed here. Therefore, in addition to being the entrance fortress of the underground river research base, this city itself is also a super shipyard. Things such as docks and floating piers are necessary settings, and they must be repaired large enough.

In addition to these internal facilities, the city wall may be the fastest to build the entire city. Originally, the city wall of this city was a defensive circle composed of three straight city walls and a mountain behind it, but now the city wall built by our guild has only two sides. Because the city has been expanded, it’s very difficult to deal with, so now the whole city is behind the cliffs, and the front is stretched out into the Yangtze River. So as long as two straight city walls are built on both sides of the city, it basically meets the needs.

As far as the construction progress of the city is concerned, it is estimated that there will not be a decent urban structure within three to five days. However, once the infrastructure is completed, the subsequent work will be much faster.

After taking a look at the building conditions in the city, I went to the entrance of the underground river, and then summon went out of the night shadow and entered the underground river.

It’s obviously different from when I came last time. The dark underground river is now equipped with a lot of lighting facilities, and there are also many people sitting on boats facing the walls and holes of the river. Carry out hardness detection. The previous guilds did not pay attention because they did not have that kind of technology, but our guild did not dare to be careless. The natural environment in "Zero" is the same as in reality, and there are natural disasters such as earthquakes. In case the river channel collapses due to the impact of earthquake or battle, it is not good. So our people are now inspecting the structure of the river section by section, and the parts with no problem in hardness can be ignored. Some rock sections with thin rock layers or incomplete structures must be reinforced. In addition, in addition to the rock formations on both sides of the river, the stalactites hanging upside down on the roof of the cave must also be disposed of as soon as possible. The largest ship that the previous guild ran here was only more than a thousand tons. With the width and height of this river course, there is no problem. But our guild may need to build a relatively large battleship here in the future. The stalactites hanging upside down on the top of the river are indeed a huge safety hazard, so they must be removed as soon as possible. Of course, the stalactites on the roof of the cave have to be dealt with, and the reefs under the river have to be removed. In short, the river must be guaranteed to allow ships of the super battleship class to pass smoothly.

In addition to the basic structure of the river, our construction workers have to install two to three traction tracks for the river. It is obviously unrealistic for large ships to move on their own power in narrow waters. Ships are not cars and it is very difficult to move laterally. In reality, tugboats are generally used to solve this problem. However, tugboats are generally used in ports. Although ports are not too wide for ships, they can turn around at any rate. Although the width of this underground river is not low, it is barely enough to allow the super battleship to pass. If a tugboat is used, it is not only inefficient, but also very dangerous. Therefore, we plan to install two sets of traction rails at the bottom of the river or on the top of the river. When a ship enters the river, as long as the rigid tow bar is connected to the bow and stern, the overhead or bottom towing slides can be used to stabilize the hull to ensure that the ship passes through the river in the most reasonable route without worrying about scraping incidents. .

Although this design is really good, the engineering volume is a little bit bigger, so the workers estimate that they will be busy for some time. Fortunately, even after our base is completed, it is impossible to start shipbuilding immediately, so the late completion of this facility will not affect the work of other departments.

Crossing through the river under construction in the front, the back part is obviously much quieter, and since the construction has not yet reached this side, there is no lighting. However, it is not a problem whether it is illuminated or not, because a little bit further forward through here is the location of the original city of chaos. Of course, although it was originally a city of chaos, it has now been occupied by us. Since we need to rebuild most of the city's facilities, we plan to change the name of the city together, but we haven't decided yet what to change. Fortunately, the system allows the city to be renamed within a week after the city is completed, and we have not even completed the construction, so we don’t have to worry too much for the time being.

Because my destination is not a city of chaos, so here I went all the way without stopping and continued through the other two Underground City, and finally arrived at the last time I and the small dragon girl The place that was attacked.

Because I suffered a loss here before, according to my order, a large number of combat creatures and high level players have been added here, including three mobile angels for Divine Race. With such a battle strength, even if it encounters a Divine Race squad with less than ten people, it can be entangled for a while. If that creature dared to come, I'm sure he will be extremely unlucky.

"President? Why did you come here?" Seeing me appear here, the high level players who are responsible for guarding here immediately rushed over.

I looked at the surface of the water and said, "Has the thing below been here before? I still think it’s not reassuring to put such a monster here. I’ve heard of Thousand Days being a thief. Have you heard of the Thousand Days to guard against thieves? It’s not a problem for us to be so heavily guarded!"

One of those players hearing this is also nodded and said: "That’s it. Although it’s a short time There is nothing wrong with the defense for a while, but if you leave a batch of standing martial power here, the investment will be too much, and some of the gains outweigh the losses."

"So I wanted to come over and see if I could find it. Something."

A player who was sent to guard said: "But after we arrived, we didn't touch the thing again, so there is no way to determine whether it is still here."

< p>I thought for a while and asked: "Have you sent someone to search the underground cave where the source of the divine force was discovered?"

"I searched, but I didn't find any traces of large creatures. "

"So what about the passage?"

"There is one passage, but we think that according to the situation described by the president, the creatures fighting with you should be impossible. A cave of that size escaped."

"How big is the passage you found?"

The player directly compared the size of a bowl with his hand and said: "That's it Big. Don’t say it’s a giant beast that is similar to Divine Dragon, even a slightly thicker python can’t even go through it."

"Have you sent someone to see what's there in the passage? ?" I continued to ask.

The player shook his head and said: "No. We just proved that the hole is connected to a certain open area with the air pressure test method, and did not investigate in the past. After all, the hole is too small, and the player’s body simply cannot survive. It’s not the trouble to use special pets to ensure safety."

I nodded and said: "Then you guys continue to guard here first, I'll check the situation before talking."

Leave These players responsible for guarding the river, I went straight into the cave where I discovered the source of the divine force. Here is a big difference from the last time I came here. The black gold attached to the walls of the cave has been stripped clean, and all kinds of gems on the ground are basically gone, and because these resource minerals have been excavated, the cave appears to be much larger than before.

In addition to the disappearance of the previous resources, the cave ** is currently being flattened. The walls, ground and roof of the cave are all cut and filled by the construction staff of our guild. Try to rest as much as possible into a flat surface, especially the ground is made like a square without any ups and downs. Of course, in addition to these civil engineering, the cave is still a cave. After all, even if we plan to build an experimental base here, it will be after all the infrastructure is completed.

I randomly found a player here and asked a question about the hole, and I was soon taken to the side of the hole. As the previous player said, this hole is at most a little bit bigger than the mouse hole. Normal people really can't associate it with the giant creature that was able to attack the small dragon female before. But...

"Although I don’t know how it got through, it’s absolutely true that it passed here."

This is what Bailang had heard from the entrance of the cave. What to say after the smell. Although the small dragon girl had a fight with that thing before, because the thing was too fast, even the small dragon girl only saw that the other girl was a huge monster with a snake-shaped body and about the same size as her own. However, although the speed of fast as lightning can make the opponent blind to its appearance, it cannot prevent it from leaving a smell.

The creature and the small dragon woman left many scars on each other during the scuffle. Among them, the small dragon woman’s scales and claw fragments remained on some of the scales, and the small dragon woman There was a lot of blood from that thing on the female's paws and teeth. With these things, with the white-capped nose, it is easy to know if the guy has been there.

Ling stood at the back of Bai Lang's body and looked at the hole and said: "Now it seems that our goal should be an existence proficient in transforming skills, otherwise we can't explain the huge difference between the front and back of the opponent. However, just the current information. For the time being, I’m not sure whether that creature can transform itself into another creature’s form, or is it simply a skill that enlarges and reduces its size. However, I prefer the latter. After all, changes in body size are not too complicated. There are many creatures who know how to do it. As for if that guy is really the first situation, then we have to be careful. As far as I know, only Erlang Shen and Sun Wukong are good at this ability, and these two guys They are all known to be able to fight. If the creature that attacked the small dragon girl before will also transform into another creature, then maybe this guy will also have the same level of battle strength as Sun Wukong and Erlang Shen."

Hearing Ling's conjecture, I also sank. It's easy to break through this wall and get there, but if the animal hidden behind is really as powerful as Sun Wukong, then the matter will be big. It seems that we must think of an individual way. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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