"Ah...Help..." The entangled researcher screamed desperately. He is a high level researcher, his own battle strength is basically zero, so when facing danger, he obviously won't have the good reaction ability of combatants. But he was relatively lucky because I was standing next to him. The moment he was rolled up by the tentacles, the claws on my wrists had already slid out, and with a fierce wave of my wrists, I passed through the tentacles with a click.

The tentacles and luminous bodies can traverse the console at will, so I judged it to be Spirit Physique instead of strength, but when the tentacles just rolled up the researcher, I thought it had materialized itself , After all, the researcher's body is powerful, and he can't be swept away by non-physical tentacles. But what surprised me was that my claw passed through the tentacles like nothing.

Although the first knife was swept away, my reaction did not slow down at all. When the wrist is turned, the magic power is instantly transferred to the claws, and the claws with a faint purple black rays of light pass through the tentacles again in an instant, and this time the effect is like cutting butter with a hot red steel knife. All the tentacles entangled with the researcher were cut off in an instant, and the researcher was caught by my other hand and threw it back. Ling stretched out his hand behind me to catch the researcher and put it on the ground, while I continued to wave the claws and instantly cut the Spirit Physique tentacles with nothing left. After being severed, the broken tentacles dissipated into the air automatically before they fell to the ground like smoke.

"Stand back, this thing is dangerous." I stopped a few researchers who had thought about the situation, and then took a step back myself. Although the tentacles on the surface of the thing were cut off by me, they grew out very quickly, but the length was obviously much shorter than before. It seems that the energy of this thing is also limited and cannot grow indefinitely.

"President, this thing is so dangerous, how should we deal with it?"

"It doesn't matter, this is not a dangerous thing for me." I said again I looked at the researcher who had just been rescued next to him and said, "How are you? Can you check the energy attribute of this thing?"

Although the researcher's face was still pale, he said nodded: "No problem." He walked behind the monitor and started the machine again. After using that new machine to take a picture of this Soul Body for a while, the researcher frowned and said: "President, this thing is Spirit Physique, it’s certainly true, but its energy intensity is very unstable. It reaches more than 10,000 standard units. When it is low, it is only a few tenths. There is no pattern at all. Moreover, I just looked up the soul's consciousness signal on the instrument and only read the signal of hunger. According to the conclusion of the machine analysis, this thing should It is a kind of artificial soul. It has a similar principle to the artificial soul contained in our mobile angels, except that its function does not seem to be perfect. Some abilities are much stronger than our artificial souls, while some basic abilities are completely absent."< /p>

"Do you mean this is an incomplete soul?"

"It should not be incomplete, but an Innate defect. It feels like...like being made on a production line It was suddenly taken down in the middle, and the following process was missing."

"Incomplete defective products?" I thought for a while and said: "Clean up here first, we will find another Do some experiments in a place to see how much special ability this thing has."

A researcher in charge of soul research immediately suggested: "Our dangerous Spirit Physique test site is very suitable for testing this Things, why don’t you just move over?"

"Then go over there."

Under my order, everyone quickly picked up things and began to move their positions, and the magical part Ling was dragged with magic power to the test site.

This Spirit Physique test field is very different from the general weapons test field. It is not an open empty field, but a rather huge room. This room is entirely made of transparent materials. It is equipped with a number of energy neutralization devices on the outside, which can release energy of the opposite nature to neutralize its energy attribute according to the characteristics of the tested Spirit Physique. Although this barrier has no active attack power, it can restrain energy creatures. Any energy creature that attempts to forcibly break through the barrier will be completely dissipated by the neutralizer. Therefore, for the energy body, this barrier is invulnerable, indestructible. and impregnable.

After putting the Spirit Physique into the test area, we all retreated outside the test barrier, and only two early model magic puppets were left in the test area.

Because someone must be responsible for the operation of the experiment, people must be kept in the experimental area, but because the things tested are often dangerous goods, it is not safe to leave the researcher inside. In order to ensure the safety of the researcher and meet the experimental requirements, leaving a few magic puppets inside is the best way. Of course, the new model of mobile angels was originally more suitable for experimentation than the magic puppets, but there is a flaw in the mobile angels that determines that they are not suitable for working here.

Compared with the early backward magic dolls, the performance of the current mobile angels has been greatly improved in all aspects, but in order to make the mobile angels have super intelligence, we have installed artificial souls on the mobile angels. . Although this improvement gave the mobile angel a level of intelligence that the magic puppet could not match, it also gave the mobile angel the weakness of the soul. The early magic puppets had no soul at all, so naturally they were completely immune to soul attacks. After all, they didn't have any souls that could be attacked by each other. But after the mobile angel had a soul, it was different. Although there are still some differences between artificial souls and natural souls, and we have specially set up a soul attack protection device, the mobile angels will still be damaged by the soul, but they are more resistant than ordinary creatures. However, mobile angels are always affected by soul attacks anyway, so it is not safe to use mobile angels in such places that specialize in dangerous Spirit Physique. In contrast, although the early magic puppets were a bit stupid, they were not afraid of soul attacks at all, and were more suitable for the work here. As for the problem of the old-fashioned magic puppets being not smart enough, this doesn't matter. Anyway, the researchers are outside the experimental area, so just correct them on the spot if there are any problems. Although the honest magic puppet is stupid, Life Source Ling can still understand it.

After preparing the experimental equipment and the old-fashioned magic puppet and starting the protective barrier, we also entered the operating room. From here, we can clearly see all the conditions in the experimental area, and we can also install it in The voice magic array here directly dictates the magic puppets inside to conduct experiments.

Seeing that the magic puppet inside is ready, the researcher next to me started to command after asking me: "Turn on the soul energy monitoring."

The researcher next to me quickly activated The monitor here. Compared with the machine that was just pushed to the temporary laboratory, the fixed equipment here has a lot more functions, and the performance is much better. Just looking at the crystal indicator light on the full screen, I think this thing is super complicated.

"The monitor started normally." The researcher behind shouted.

The researcher in charge next to me, hearing this nodded, then said to the Voice Demon array: "Number One, extract a blank soul and throw it next to the experimental target."

With Following the researcher's order, a magic puppet marked with the number 1 in the experimental area quickly turned around and walked to a row of containers in the corner of the room, and then accurately grabbed a small bottle and threw it directly onto the strange one. On the soul carrier. Just listening to the bang, the crystal bottle fell on the bracket next to the carrier and turned into a piece of debris. At the same time, a group of white Soul Fire also floated out.

The Spirit Physique just now seemed a bit sluggish after I cut off several tentacles in a row. It seems that the whole reaction is slowed down because of the exhaustion of energy, so we plan to feed it a little soul first. Ability to make it slightly more active.

This group of souls just floated out, and the group of Spirit Physique over there suddenly moved. The dozen or so tentacles instantly entangled the group of Soul Fire, and then quickly pulled it into his body, after which the group of soul was instantly swallowed by the soul carrier at its core.

After eating the soul, a violent rays of light flashed on the carrier, and the Spirit Physique that wrapped the carrier immediately became bigger, and the tentacles on it also recovered to the injury. The length of the front, and the rhythm of those tentacles swinging is obviously much faster than before.

"It seems that this thing does work on soul energy, but such a bit of soul energy does not seem to be able to meet its needs." An assistant researcher next to the researcher said.

The researcher in charge here, nodded, said to the sound array again: "No. 1, throw nine more soul fires to it."

No. 1 magic puppet heard the order immediately He turned out nine bottles and threw them near the Spirit Physique, and then saw the tentacles squirming wildly in the air and caught the bottles and smashed them. As for the Soul Fire among them, it broke in the bottle. At the moment it was pulled into its core carrier.

After swallowing nine soul fires in one breath, Spirit Physique became obviously excited. Not only did the volume and the number of tentacles increase, but it also actively used the tentacles to explore tentatively in all directions. It seems to want to find something.

Seeing that the Spiritual Body had become quite active, the researcher in charge began to order the magic puppet to use various weapons to test what damage this thing was afraid of. For those dangerous souls, it is very important to figure out what they are afraid of first. In case of an accident later, knowing their weaknesses can at least clean them up.

This step test is a routine test. The magic puppet No. 1 tried various possible attack methods according to the pre-arranged steps without any follow-up commands. The result proved that this thing is in the basic attribute. There is not much difference between the upper and the general soul. It is not afraid of physical damage, it can be emptied or materialized at will, but it has a great sense of energy damage, and all kinds of spell damage have a fairly strong killing effect on it.

"It seems that the defensive ability of this thing is not very good." I looked at the test results and said.

The researcher in charge of the research said: "Naked souls are generally like this. Even individuals who can already realize souls such as the Nether Soul among the undead are also afraid of energy attacks. This It's a basic attribute, not something that can be changed by increasing strength. The artificial souls used by mobile angels like our guild are actually very fragile if taken out. The reason why mobile angels have stronger soul attack resistance now is that Because we have added a layer of protective magic array to the outside of the artificial soul carrier. The components outside the carrier are gone, and now it is equivalent to a naked soul state, so it is normal to fear energy attacks."

I nodded and said: "Then you guys quickly test the special ability of this thing to see what is going on. Before this guy in Chaos City actually made something like a beam cannon by himself. It was on him before. There are no similar parts at all! And this guy actually used a teleportation device to escape in the end, and that thing is obviously not the function of the original parts on his body."

"This is also on the battle record before. I see it, but it may take some time to figure it out. Now let’s try how it reacts to mechanical parts.” After the researcher finished speaking, he said to No. 1 magic puppet, “Throw the experimental equipment at that Spirit. Next to Physique."

After receiving the order, Magic Puppet No. 1 immediately removed a metal part from the console next to it and threw it at the Spirit Physique. I thought that the part would fall to the ground, but what surprised us was that the thing was caught in midair by the Spirit Physique.

I can understand that Spirit Physique caught those soul bottles before, after all, it contains the soul energy it likes to eat. But what is it doing now to catch this mechanical part? Can it still eat metal?

When I thought of eating metal, my expression suddenly changed. The magic puppet in the cave of the City of Chaos had chewed on the thigh of a mobile angel before, and the other parts on his body were obviously impossible. The parts that swallowed other mobile angels had the function of self-repair, then what was it then? Who can eat the thigh of a mobile angel? The answer is definitely in this soul carrier. In other words, this thing might really eat metal.

The result is not exactly the same as I guessed, but it is almost the same. After catching the part, the guy put it directly on the carrier, and then we saw that the metal part melted and decomposed like butter on a frying pan and turned into a ball of silver light. Liquid metal.

After the liquefied metal completely turned into liquid, it was as if there was some force driving it. The liquid flowed along the shell of the carrier to the bottom of it and all penetrated into the carrier and experiment. In the gap between the stations.

As all the liquid metal penetrated into the gap under the carrier, we suddenly found that the carrier actually moved, and then the whole carrier suddenly rose, and after it rose, we It was immediately discovered that six mechanical legs that looked like crab legs had grown under it.

Seeing this change, the research director next to me immediately said excitedly: "It seems that this is the secret of wound healing and evolutionary weapons."

I heard the researcher's words. I also nodded. Although this mechanical leg does not have much technical content, since it can turn an unrelated part into such a set of walking system that it urgently needs now, it is not an incomprehensible thing to become a weapon with sufficient resources. NS.

While we were talking about the secret of its changes, the researcher who was in charge of soul energy monitoring suddenly said: "Supervisor, the energy value of Spirit Physique dropped by 300 during the process of forming the mechanical leg. Many, it seems that it needs to consume soul energy to form a new component."

"The principle of equivalent exchange is very versatile, and it is normal to make new parts to consume some energy. By the way, before it Does it consume energy when melting and decomposing that part?"

"Yes. But the consumption is not large."

"How much?"

" It’s only thirty or so, which is about one-tenth of the size of a mechanical leg."

I heard the words of the two researchers and immediately asked: "Can I understand that this thing synthesizes a unit mass of metal? It needs to consume ten times the energy to decompose it?"

"This is not necessarily the case. The detailed data can be determined by repeated experiments, but based on the current data, it is likely to be the case."


"Then...Huh? What is that thing doing?"

When I was about to let the researcher experiment a few more times, the carrier in the experimental area was actually supported by six legs. Climbed forward. However, this guy seemed to be unable to see the road at all because he had no eyes. As a result, he walked to the edge of the experimental platform without taking two steps, and then stepped on the air and turned down from above. However, because the carrier itself is made of metal, it is extremely hard. Although it fell off the test bench, nothing happened. Unfortunately, this guy's mechanical legs turned over and turned into a six-legged state.

Originally, we all thought it would be stuck. Who knew that the guy seemed to understand after kicking around the sky for a while. It couldn’t be turned over at all, so it quickly stopped chaos. The act of kicking, instead of letting the six legs melt into a liquid state again and flow under the side that is now close to the ground, and soon after that, it stretched out its six legs again and stood up, but the six legs changed directions. That's it.

"It seems that this thing can be decomposed and synthesized metal at will." Looking at the six regrown legs, the researcher in charge said.

I hurriedly asked: "has the energy change just been recorded? What is the consumption of its decomposition and synthesis of parts?"

The researcher responsible for observing energy changes immediately said: "and The same as last time, the decomposition consumes more than 30, and the synthesis consumes more than 300."

"How much energy does it have now?"

"Its energy has been unstable. , The current value fluctuates between more than 178,000 and 180,000."

"How much energy did it eat a Soul Fire before then? How much energy did the Soul Fire originally have?"

The researcher responsible for monitoring energy changes replied: "Our Soul Fire here is the standard soul energy used for testing. Each soul fire ball is 10,000 units of soul energy. It just ate a total of Ten Soul Fire, but the soul energy has only increased by more than 80,000, and the absorption rate is about 83% to 84%."

"Very high conversion rate!" I Said.

"Yes. But it's...no good, quickly put down the separation wall, don't let it pass." The researcher in charge suddenly called out anxiously, because of the soul carrier in the experimental area. After remanufacturing six legs, he actually crawled towards Demon Puppet One. You must know that even though the magic puppet No. 1 is not afraid of soul attacks, it is also made of metal, and that thing can just decompose metal. In addition, there are a large row of soul energy storage tanks and a lot of experimental equipment and metal parts behind Number One. Once this guy touches those things and eats them all, the consequences...! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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