Through the ghost worm's sight, I quickly got an overview of the situation of the hole. The place closest to the door is a small open space. Two clean and hygienic magic dolls are cleaning the sanitation here, and judging from their appearance, their movements are stiff, and there are obviously problems with their intelligence. If it were the mobile angels of our guild to clean up, they would never throw my ghost worms into the trash can. After all, the shape of the ghost worms looks like a crystal sculpture, no matter how they look at it. Can be included in the garbage classification item. Besides, the ghost worm was obviously crawling when it was caught, treating living things as rubbish. How low is the intelligence to perform this kind of idiotic behavior?

Across these two idiots, there is a row of debris racks placed against the wall. The racks are piled up with countless parts in a mess, and then there are rows of workbenches, each There is a magic puppet part on the workbench, and there is a circle of people next to the workbench where they are studying the structure of various parts and the magic array principle used on it. However, although there are many workbenches in this pile, the most precious thing in this cave is a supporting bed in the deepest part of the cave.

On this metal bed lies a mobile angel that looks almost new. No, this thing can no longer be called a mobile angel. Its limbs can be determined to be basically the original parts of the mobile angel, but it does not have the external armor body part but can see a lot of foreign parts, some of which are parts of the mobile angel, and some are used in the early T of our guild. The things on the series of magic puppets, and some of the parts are like new parts they made themselves.

Except for the body and limbs, the head of this new magic puppet can basically be made by themselves, because the head shape of the mobile angel of our guild is more like a helmet used by players, and the appearance is very gorgeous , It gives people a very powerful feeling at first glance. But the head of this demon puppet is an inverted triangle, and with the two extra-large eyes on both sides of the head, the whole is a mechanical praying mantis.

I don’t know if it’s because I didn’t master the relevant technology or some other reason. There seems to be no wings and propellers behind this magic puppet. It looks more like an early model of a mobile angel. Of course, it’s also possible that this magical figure is an imitation land-based mobile angel, but the instantaneous booster used by our guild’s land-based mobile day is a higher-end technology than the air-used thruster. I personally think that with this The strength of the guild is unlikely to be studied clearly.

Although the wings and some small parts are missing, and the additional styling is a bit horrible, anyway, the completion of this magic puppet is close to 100%. If it moves, it will not look like the two sweeping at the door. If the demon puppet is as stupid as possible, then this demon puppet should still have some practical value. Of course, if compared with the mobile angel of our guild, the performance is definitely much worse. After all, this is also a fake magic puppet, and there will always be some gaps compared to the original one.

After confirming the general situation in the cave, I began to focus on the location of the personnel again.

People in the cave are basically concentrated in two areas, one is near the row of workbenches behind the debris shelf, and the other is near the magic puppet that is about to be completed.

The work of the group of people next to the workbench is obviously not manufacturing, but dismantling and analyzing. However, no matter what they are doing, in short, this group is researcher, which can be ignored. Some people. What really needs attention is the group of people around the last magic puppet.

There is a circle of people around the magic puppet in the deepest part of the cave. Among them, six or seven of them are scientific researchers who are wearing white overalls and are the same group of people studying parts outside. These all are negligible exist. However, there were five or six armored presences standing beside these people. At first glance, they clearly did not belong to the researchers. Moreover, judging from the equipment on their bodies, the status of these people in this guild was not low. , Because their equipment is basically high level goods.

In the entire cave, it seems that these people are more threatening. Those researchers themselves are technicians. They are NPCs. They can’t be resurrected to report to the police if they die. Armor players are more troublesome. Even if you kill them, they can report to the outside after they are resurrected, so it is basically impossible to quietly terminate this research institute. However, fortunately, this is already the last cave, and I am not afraid of being discovered after entering.

Since there was no way to execute the secret action plan, I simply stood in front of the gate and wielded two swords for eternity. The people inside the gate were discussing the progress of the research on the magic puppet. Suddenly they heard two sharp sounds from behind. When they turned their heads, they just saw a triangular area on the half-foot thick cave gate slowly falling inward. Down.

Boom. The sound of the rock-made door crashing to the ground finally awakened everyone inside the door from their astonishment, but everyone's reaction was completely different. The group of researchers standing by the door immediately dropped their work and ran deep into the cave, while the players in the depths of the cave drew their weapons together to make a defensive action.

"Everyone, you must be surprised to see me, right?"

The few people in the door were stunned when they saw me, but after hearing what I said, Instead, he calmed down. The warrior standing in the middle of the few people dropped the sword dao in his hand: "Not surprised, not surprised. Since we started to study these things, we have thought that one day we will meet you, but you are better than expected. It’s a bit earlier."

I was a little confused when I saw the other person’s appearance that I didn’t care at all. Anyway, my reputation is there, and most people, even if they’re not afraid, shouldn’t be so confident. Look like. Could it be that they still have what they cannot do?

"You look like you are not afraid of me at all. Do you think you can beat me?" Since you can't guess what they have, it's better to ask them directly. Anyway, I see them too. There is nothing to hide, otherwise they should at least pretend to be scared so as to tempt me to make another raid or something. Now they are not afraid to show it directly, and the sub-names just didn't intend to hide it.

Sure enough, when I heard what I said, the guy on the opposite side immediately said proudly: "Of course we can't beat you. But..." He suddenly stepped back and placed the magic puppet. After pressing the bed, he said, "It should be able to kill you."

I was quite surprised by that guy’s words. I must know that the mobile angels of our guild are not my opponents. Could the magic puppet that came out of the mobile angel cottage be more powerful than the mobile angel?

I didn't care much about the magic puppet, but since the other party is so confident, I really want to see how capable this copycat version of the mobile angel is. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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