Since the decision has been made to eradicate the Black Sun Alliance, it should be done quickly before the opponent reacts. After returning to Isengard, I didn't do anything, so I went to the military god to check the progress of things.

Different from the last time I came here, the progress this time is obviously faster, probably because the Intelligence Section has already figured out the idea.

Although the Black Sun Alliance seems to want to engage in guilds with us, they did not hide any of their behavior. On the contrary, many of their things are still very high-profile, and it feels like they are completely Don't care if it is found the same. Honestly speaking, this kind of behavior seems really naive. The intelligence personnel who engaged in our guild at first thought that these all are blindfolds were used to cover up something. It was not until later that I figured out what the Black Sun Alliance is. There is no conspiracy, their behavior is what they are used to, not to cover up anything at all.

In fact, the Intelligence Section of our guild had almost investigated the intelligence of the Black Sun Alliance when I came to the Military God to check information last time. It was because the leadership of the Black Sun Alliance was overestimated at that time. That’s why the Intelligence Section has repeatedly checked a lot of things before daring to make sure that those frivolous behaviors are not used to cover people’s ears. If the Intelligence Section at first reports to the Intelligence Section at first without verifying the information, it is estimated that we have already deployed troops.

However, although there was a delay, we finally found out all the intelligence, and the personnel sent to the Black Sun Federation to seek intelligence support also returned to Isengard and brought back the corresponding information. , When the two pieces of information are compared, we can naturally confirm that our information is okay.

After investigating all the information of the Black Sun Alliance, we discovered that the Black Sun Alliance is not actually a very large guild. It may be because his predecessor was a guild alliance organization, so the Black Sun Alliance is not a completely standard guild. If only the official members of the guild are counted, the Black Sun Alliance is actually just a small guild with more than 200 members. However, the Black Sun Alliance is actually not the only one. There are many small player teams under the real Black Sun Alliance. Some of these teams have only 3 or 5 people, and some have 20 or 30 people. These small teams are not guild members, but they have been following the Black Sun Alliance, so these people must be included in the actual calculation of combatants. Of course, since these people themselves are not members of the Black Sun Alliance, they must not be comparable to full members in terms of fighting loyalty. Once the situation is unfavorable, these people are estimated to run faster than rabbits.

Although the actual scale of the Black Sun Alliance is not as large as I imagined, this time I still decided to kill the chicken with a sledgehammer. The main goal is not to destroy the Black Sun Alliance, but to defeat their will. Because the actual size of the Black Sun Alliance is smaller than expected, even after they are destroyed, they will rebuild faster than we expected. For such a small guild, even if the guild is dissolved, it is actually very easy to re-establish it. Therefore, the main purpose of such a small guild cannot be eliminated, but their will should be defeated. Even if the official members of the Black Sun Alliance cannot be allowed to give up, at least the player teams who follow them must realize that they can't follow them. As long as there is no support from those teams, the two to three hundred people in the Black Sun Alliance can't do anything at all.

After reading the information, I directly talked to the military god and ran to Isengard Airport. Because the troops dispatched this time are all high level players and high level NPCs, they are basically all members. With air combat capabilities, and the Black Sun Alliance’s station is not too far away from Isengard, we did not use Transmission Formation, but decided to fly over.

In the ground city of Isengard, a player was wandering, and suddenly felt that the surrounding area was dark, so he looked up at the sky suspiciously. It doesn't matter if you don't look at it, this look shocked him. I saw countless huge shadows in the Isinger Sky City above him were detaching from the city wall and moved towards the outside of the city, and the core area of ​​Isinger Ground City in the distance also continued to have huge bodies. The giant dragon was flapping its wings into the air.

"Damn, what is the Frost Rose League doing? Has it been attacked?" The player muttered to himself in surprise.

The passers-by standing next to him also saw the sky. When he heard him talking, he immediately said habitually: "It should not have been attacked. There should be a broadcast when Isinger was attacked. And the urban isolation facilities will rise. Now there is no reaction at all, it must not have been attacked. However, so many combat units are dispatched together, and they should be fighting, but I don’t know who is unlucky this time."

These unrelated personnel just watched our guild's air force dispatched and felt that they were in a great condition, but some interested people were shocked.

The people in the Black Sun Alliance are arrogant because of their character problems, but these people's brains are not stupid. They also knew that their behavior might touch our guild, so they sent someone to watch our guild early, and they could report it at any time if something happened. Now, these people who are responsible for watching our guild It just worked.

Two players are enjoying a publicly-funded meal in a teahouse in Isinger. One of them is drinking soup with his head down. Suddenly, he hears the crisp sound of the clash of tableware on the opposite side, but he raises his head slightly in doubt. Seeing the companion on the opposite side staring outside the window with his mouth open in surprise. Seeing the expression of his companion, this person quickly turned his head and looked out the window, but in the end he only saw the air unit hiding the sky and covering the earth flying above his head.

"Damn, this is the air force of the Frost Rose League." Later, the guy who found the change outside the window reacted much faster than the person in front of him, and immediately screamed as soon as he saw the situation. "You are staring here, I'll go back and report the situation." The man threw out a Transmission Scroll after speaking, and then waited to be transmitted. However, the expected transmission halo did not appear. Instead, there was a bang from the floor, and the unfolded Transmission Scroll actually hit the ground. "Damn, did they turn on the transmission suppressor?" The person found that Transmission Scroll hadn't started, and the person immediately guessed the reason.

As an extremely advanced guild in magic technology, our Frost Rose Alliance is naturally impossible without a Transmission Formation suppressor. This kind of equipment used to suppress the opponent's transmission raids in the field battlefield or urban defense warfare, almost a guild with a little strength will choose to buy or build one or two by itself. Our guild itself can make this thing, and it is still on sale. As the main city of our guild, Isengard is naturally impossible to prepare several sets.

Actually, there are far more people like these two people who stayed in Isinger to monitor our guild activities. It can be said that there are no one thousand people like Isinger and there are eight hundred, so Every time there is a major event, we will activate the teleportation suppressor after the mission starts, so that even if the spy finds that we have action and cannot transmit, it will not be able to rush back to report the letter before us, even if they change the trumpet to report the letter, the middle of the line will go online and offline. It has to be delayed for a while, and it is good for us to get an extra second.

After discovering that the teleportation failed, the two people immediately chose to go offline and change their numbers, but even if they warned the Black Sun Alliance in advance, it was useless, because we were killing chickens with a slaughter knife this time. So whether the chicken is prepared or not, it's all the same in front of this slaughter knife.

"What? Frost Rose League has a large draped air unit flying out?" In the headquarters office of the Black Sun Alliance Guild, a mage abruptly stood up from his seat while standing opposite him It was the trumpet of one of the two before.

"Yes, I saw it with my own eyes. The number is very large, covering the sky, and I have to look at it by sight. There are tens of thousands of units, and most of them are large creatures. Almost all It’s a high-level unit."

After listening to this person’s report, a mage standing on the other side of the office said: "I don’t think they’re necessarily coming for us. Our guild only has 200 numbers in total. People, even if we count the guys who are under our hands, it is only a few thousand people. With our strength, even if the Frost Rose Alliance wants to deal with us, there is no need to dispatch tens of thousands of high level units, right? "

Listening to this man, the mage's brows were slightly loosened. In his heart, he also felt that we probably didn't come to them this time, because there were too many troops coming out. However, even though he himself thought it was impossible, he was the president after all. Unlike the Vice-President who was a staff member next to him, he was the first to be unlucky. Therefore, he finally said: "Whether it is directed at us or not, it is always right to be careful. Go and notify the units to enter the alert state and call everyone back. We must be ready to fight a guard war. "

"Yes. I'll make arrangements right away." Now that the president has spoken, Vice-President can't say anything, so he turned around and started to issue orders.

Although the small guilds have many weaknesses compared with the big guilds, there is one thing that the big guilds cannot compare, and that is the speed of response. There are only more than two hundred people in total, including those who are offline, now the guild has fewer than two hundred people in total. It was too simple for such a small number of people to convey the order. Soon everyone ran to the city gate and was ready to fight the guard.

In fact, the city of the Black Sun Alliance is not a normal city. Unlike ordinary cities surrounded by city walls, Black Rock City, the guild city of the Black Sun Alliance, is an underground city, which means it is built under the ground. Except for an exit, nothing can be seen on the ground. . Moreover, at the entrance of this wide natural cave rebuilt into a crypt, the people of the Black Sun Alliance also built a city wall. The top of the cave is on the roof, and the city wall below the ground has only two rows of volleyballs besides the city gate. Also have a smaller hole. Such a hole is more than enough for external attacks, but it is basically impossible for people outside to climb in. With such a defensive wall, it can be said that the enemy does not have more than ten times the strength of the Black Sun Alliance. Simply don't expect to conquer here.

"Boss, the arrangements have been made outside, but I don't think the Frost Rose Alliance will simply come." Vice-President arranged things and ran back soon. The guild is small, and the area of ​​the city is naturally not much larger. The total distance from the city wall to the guild office in the center of the city is only more than one thousand meters. You can go back and forth in a few minutes with a mount.

I heard that the defense work has been arranged, and the chairman said: "Well, just get ready. I also know that the Frost Rose League is unlikely to come to us, but be careful. Okay."

"Yes, yes, the president is wise."

"No...not good!" Vice-President was busy taking pictures of the president's horse, suddenly I heard the bang of the office door being knocked open by a player, and the man was still yelling: "Not good, the president, the president is not good!"

"Okay, let's talk about what happened, don't just let it go!"

The person who was scolded by the president immediately regained his consciousness and quickly explained:" President, there are a lot of air units coming outside, they look like people from the Frost Rose League!"

"What? The people from the Frost Rose League are really coming to us?" When I heard the people who found our guild , The president is also anxious.

Vice-President was a bit calmer anyway, and asked the person who reported the letter: "Are you sure they came to us instead of passing by?"

The person who reported the letter heard it. Knowing what Vice-President meant, he quickly explained: "They came at us, impossible is passing by. When I came, I had seen waves of giant dragons taking turns spraying dragons to burn the forest near the exit of our city. , It seems that they must be in order to the site where the follow-up troops are going to land."

"What? Have they already started preparing for the landing site?" Not only the president, but also Vice-President is also anxious. If they were lucky before, now they are completely dead. If our people didn't come for them, it would be impossible to explain why we burned the forest and cleared the ground outside their city. Is it possible that the people in our guild are bored and want to build a sports field here?

"You can't be in a hurry, you can't be in a hurry." After Vice-President started to worry, the president recovered a bit. He first comforted himself, and then suddenly said: "Now it is useless for us to be afraid. If you dare to eat from the bowl of the Frost Rose League, you are ready to have today. As long as we are determined, I believe that the Frost Rose League will not necessarily pay for us."

" Yes." Vice-President seemed to have found the feeling, and said excitedly: "We are going to be bees that are not afraid of death. Although all animals can kill bees, nothing is willing to kill bees, because bees are too fierce. , Others don’t want to mess with them. We have to be like bees. As long as they sting the Frost Rose Alliance, they may not put too much effort into us. As long as we resist this wave, we still have a chance."

Hearing the president and Vice-President fantasizing there, the players who reported the letter couldn’t help crying and said, “I think we won’t be able to carry it this time 80%. Our guild is full of more than 200 people, even if The groups that followed us came to help. We only had a few thousand people. I saw it outside and the giant dragon alone was hundreds. Even if we can fight with ten people, what will happen to the high level players behind? "

"What? They came hundreds of dragons? It's over, it's really over!" The president of the Black Sun Alliance and Vice-President couldn't help staying in the room. After a circle, the guy who had come to report the news before reacted better.

"Chairman, I think it's useless to go around here. Why don't you go to the city wall to see the situation first?"

"Now it can only be done! "After hearing the report, the president and Vice-President hurriedly ran towards the city wall with the players who came to report.

Although Black Rock City is small, not far from the guild office to the city wall, the air units in our guild are faster. When the players who reported before came over, our giant dragon vanguard was still clearing the landing site. When their positive Vice-President arrived on the city wall, they happened to see a large group of giant dragons extinguishing the fire.

The purpose of setting fire to the forest is to clear the open space, not that we have to burn the entire forest, so the giant dragons took the initiative to step on all the fires after feeling that the area of ​​the open space was almost the same. However, although the fire was stomped out, a large scorched open space has appeared outside Black Rock City. Although it is not good as an airport, it is enough for the air units of our guild to land.

"Damn, what is that?" The Vice-President of the Black Sun Alliance just saw the giant dragons put out the fire, and found a huge flying dish in the sky. .

"hey hey hey, is this a magical game? Why did you even come out with flying saucers?" Seeing the huge disk spinning slowly in the sky, the president of the Black Sun Alliance was surprised that his jaw was It's going to fall.

The thing that is hovering and descending in the air is actually not a high level thing. If there is something special, it may just look rather bluffing. After all, this thing is too much like the alien flying saucer in the movie. A circle of eight protrusions is evenly sleeved on the huge circular outer ring. Under each protrusion is a blue flame of more than a foot long. In the center of the entire object, a slightly raised spherical structure is inlaid. A circle of luminous gems, plus this thing as a whole is rotating, so it looks like that thing has two rings of halo.

Of course, although it looks a lot like an alien flying saucer, this thing is actually just a product of the evil tastes of the players in the industry. Its true identity is actually-a transport airship.

Yes, although this thing is very similar to a flying saucer, it is actually an airship, the kind of airship that hangs a pod under an airbag like a giant football. One of the few differences between it and its relatives is that it has an unusual appearance, and that it has two auxiliary power systems, apart from this. It is actually not much different from ordinary airships.

Looking at this huge gadget with an exaggerated appearance landed on the open space just burned out by the giant dragons, everyone in the Black Sun Alliance felt that their breathing would stop. After all, the size of this thing is too deterrent, especially when others don’t know what it is. After all, most of the space in the airship is airbags. People who don’t know will think that there is a lot of space in this thing. For military purposes, the opponent's first thought was-how many people should such a big thing hold?

The Black Sun Alliance, who has been scared before the battle is fought, can be said to have lost the battle, but that is only a physical defeat, and what I want is a spiritual defeat, so this It's far from enough.

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