While the ice-bound Banshee is having a headache for the practicality of the power armor, a large group of Aurora beasts and high-level undead are quietly touching the vicinity of their camp.

"Are all units in place?" I asked, sitting on the trunk of a big tree, looking at the Russian camp in the distance.

Princess said: "From the feedback from the spirit net network, it is already in place."

I nodded and said: "Then proceed as planned."< /p>


As my order was given, the tanks and Eminis, who used the real mirror image, raised the magic crystal cannon launcher on their backs at the same time, and then I saw The muzzle flashed, and two purple bullets were shot out instantly, and after five seconds they hit two fortifications outside the Russian camp, followed by a loud explosion sound, and the two fortifications were lifted into the air at the same time. The personnel among them were directly vaporized by the high temperature generated by the explosion, and they didn't even make a scream, and some people who stood closer were also directly lifted out by the huge shock wave.

"Enemy attack!" The shout quickly resounded throughout the camp, and the ice-bound Banshee jumped up from his seat.

"What's the matter?"

"Enemy attack!" A player ran to the ice-bound Banshee, but because the speed was too fast, when he stopped He even fell accidentally, but he didn't care whether he was hurt or not, so he got up from the ground and shouted: "Our outer fortifications have been shelled. See that the formidable power is a heavy magic crystal cannon."

"Idiot. This is a mountain, how could there be a heavy magic crystal cannon?" The MM beside the ice-bound Banshee cursed and said: "Are you wrong? It should be the magic crystal steam missile. Something like that?"

Frozen Banshee reached out and stopped the MM's questioning and the player's answer. "It's Purple Moon. Some of his familiars can be bombarded with magic crystals. Only his familiars can make such an attack in this kind of place."

The MM heard of ice Banshee's words immediately thought of Katyusha before, and she quickly asked: "Are these two monsters that look like big beetles?"

"Not two beetles, one of them is a duplicate. But the abilities are the same. If I remember correctly, that thing should have three long-range attack modes, and the formidable power is very scary."

"Then we......?"

As soon as the player who reported the letter asked, the ice-bound Banshee replied: "Immediately notify everyone to enter the battle state, let everyone pay attention to it. The opponent's shelling may not only be this time, but also be careful not to let the enemy infiltrate. Purple Moon 'S demon is here, and he himself must be in the vicinity."

"Yes." The player turned around and ran out to report the letter, while the ice-bound Banshee rushed with the MM beside him. Go to the place where he was attacked just now.

The two fortifications hit by the two shells were temporarily constructed, and Banshee was frozen in ice. They didn’t plan to play position defense here, so they didn’t bring any tools. Later, they discovered my existence. They were forced to decide to defend on the spot, so their Defensive Array was also extremely rudimentary. The two fortifications just now were originally used to block arrows and simple magic. The materials used were only soil and branches. Defensive power can be imagined. As soon as the shells landed, the entire fortification became a big pit.

Here, the ice-bound Banshee is observing the damage to the fortifications, while the tank and Eminis are changing their launch modes. I saw that the crystal barrel wrapped in the northern muscle tissue that they unfolded was slowly retracting into the body. After ten seconds later, when the crystal barrel disappeared completely, a huge mass of meat was gradually raised in the pile of muscle tissue, followed by the meat. The two ends of the bag began to extend three crystal tubes that were slightly thinner than before, and then a bunch of red muscles were separated from the meat bag, forming a metalized bracket on the periphery of the barrel, and the legs and feet of the tank and Emenez were also one after another. Expanded deeply into the ground.

"Fixation is complete, the rapid-fire magic crystal cannon is ready to gather energy." Following Emenis’ report, she and the transmitter on the tank began to emit a faint red light at the same time. After the rays of light on the device reached its limit state, the entire launcher flashed suddenly, and then two red light bombs dragged their long light tails towards the Russian camp ahead.

"Quickly get out of the way!" After the tank and Emmenes finished firing the light bombs, someone on the side of Banshee frozen Banshee immediately noticed the light bombs that were fired at high speed. The strong light on the light bullet is as conspicuous as the light in the night. However, Gui found that it was impossible to dodge it. The rapid-fire magic crystal cannon not only has a fast firing speed, but also the speed of the shells. The previous magic crystal cannon’s shells took five seconds to hit the target, and the current rapid-fire shells only took more than three seconds to hit the Russian position. Speaking of which more than three seconds is not too short, but the Russians found it not when the shells were just out of the chamber, which means that they did not actually have a response time of three and a half seconds. In addition to reminding everyone and the reaction speed of people, it is simply too late to get out of these two shells.

Boom boom. Two consecutive explosions exploded on a fortification and a clearing in the camp respectively. The fortification hit was lifted into the sky in an instant, but the shock wave of the explosion was significantly smaller this time. People outside the fortification were just knocked down and not lifted out. The explosion caused by another shell that hit the open space only killed two people, and injured seven or eight people around it, which did not cause much damage. However, the reason why a rapid-fire gun is called a rapid-fire gun is that it fires quickly.

As soon as the first rapid-fire artillery shell was launched, the tank and the launcher on the back of the Emmenes immediately turned an angle, followed the red light and flashed again. The two shells were only compared with the previous two shells. It was launched after a delay of more than two seconds.

The Russians were hit by two shells almost as soon as they got up from the last explosion, and the next shelling arrived again after a second.

The rapid-fire launcher on the tank uses a launch mode similar to that of a multi-barrel cannon. The three barrels can be fired alternately, but there will be a process when starting. Therefore, it takes more than two seconds for the first shell and the second shell to be launched, while the second and third shells can be launched in just over a second. As for the third shell and the following shells, it takes only one. It can be transmitted at intervals of seconds. Although this one-shot bombardment speed is incomparable with real rapid-fire weapons, the magic crystal gun is not a machine gun, but its shells will explode. So, this formidable power is actually quite scary.

Due to the high rate of fire, the tanks and Emmenes are not aiming anymore, and they fired indiscriminately in the general direction over there. The explosion sounded quickly in the Russian camp. One piece, the Russian players in the camp can only escape the shelling during the explosion until the spring chaos, and the temporarily built camp simply cannot stop such an attack.

"Damn, I went to make those two beetles." A high level player clamored to rush out, but he was stopped by the ice-bound Banshee just as he stood up.

"If you want to kill you, I won't stop you. The Purple Moon guy must be there. If you rush to death like this, there will be no second result."

"That What should we do? We just suffer?"

"No, of course we can't just passively be beaten like this." Frozen Banshee said seriously: "In fact, the attack will stop soon."


The player was stunned, but before he could ask him, the shelling stopped. In fact, the basis for Banshee's guess is also very simple. My tank and Emmenes are also powerful creatures. Even if the artillery skill is very difficult to deal with, it costs something to consume after all. The skills of ordinary creatures are mana-consuming, as long as the mana is exhausted, the skills will naturally not be used. The formidable power of the bombardment of tanks and Emmenes is so large, the consumption is definitely not small, so the ice-bound Banshee does not have to guess or know that this bombardment is impossible to last too long.

Originally, the player wanted to be fortunate after seeing the shelling stopped, but before his expression changed, there was a sudden commotion in the surrounding forest. Seeing that the trees and weeds in the distance are all swaying in the unfathomable mystery, and those swaying areas are approaching in the direction of the camp at an extremely fast speed.

"Damn it, it's the Aurora!" The purpose of the Russians this time is to catch the Aurora. Of course, they know that the Aurora can use optical illusions to hide their whereabouts. The unfathomable mystery of those trees is obviously because something has touched them, and the only reason for not seeing things is that those things are now invisible, so they can't be seen. Combined with the invisibility capabilities of the aurora beasts, it is not difficult to guess what the reason for the shaking of the trees is.

However, even though they guessed the reason for the shaking of the trees, the Russian players still went back in shock, because looking at the scale of the shaking of the trees, it is clear that a large group of aurora beasts are launching towards their camp. charge.

"Don't shake it, use kerosene bombs!" Ice-bound Banshee has seen big scenes. At this time, he is obviously much calmer than ordinary people.

Although kerosene bombs are used as traps buried in the ground, it is not impossible to use them directly in emergency situations, but the reaction time left for them is too short. When the oil bomb launcher was turned on, the Aurora Beast had already rushed in front of them.

A Russian player just took the launch tube from his companion and activated the switch. He only heard the peng sound, a large ball of kerosene shot out, and immediately spread out in front of them. The kerosene barrier, and the silhouette of an aurora beast in midair was quickly outlined by the black kerosene. However, when the aurora beast was covered by kerosene, it was already less than three meters away from the player. For an aurora beast sprinting at full speed, this distance is less than one-tenth of a second to rush over, and in such a short time, most people will not even react.

"Ah!" The player who had just activated the kerosene launcher just turned on the switch, and he was knocked to the ground by the aurora beast in front of him as soon as he lifted his sight from the switch. The companion was also hit by another aurora beast instantly and flew out more than ten meters away.

Looking at the Aurora herd that had rushed into the crowd, Bingfeng Banshee sighed in panic: "It's over! I got close!"

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