"Can you tell me what kind of adventurer it is?" Ling Zai exchanged views with me and asked the skeleton lord directly.

The Skeleton Lord heard Ling's question and immediately replied: "I didn't see the group of people in detail. I was in another area at the time. Later I came back here to find out that Sovereign was dead. But I can. Call the people present at the time and tell you in detail."

Ling nodded said he would let him as soon as possible, and the skeleton lord quickly summoned the insider to report the situation to us.

The one called by the Skeleton Lord is a Void Spirit. This undead creature has a mediocre frontal attack ability, but its ability to escape and sneak attacks is first-rate. If the entire team is killed, he can survive. It's not so surprising.

Because the Void Spirit is also a high-level undead, so the intelligence is quite high. After understanding our intention, it quickly introduced the situation at that time. According to the introduction of the Void Spirit, their team of undead was absorbing evil aura in a cursed land, and they didn’t know what to do. Suddenly there was an undead squad outside reporting that there was an intruder. Then they went to fight, but they were killed by the other side. It's all gone.

"The person here is very difficult to deal with?" I asked aloud.

The Voidwalker quickly explained: "It’s not very difficult to deal with. We were killed not because we couldn’t beat them. In fact, the opponent’s average battle strength is not as good as ours, although we have three More than a dozen high-level undead were killed, but the other party killed more than 200 people, so we actually took advantage of the loss alone. The reason why they can completely destroy us is only because they have more people."

"How many people did you meet at the time?"

"The specific number is uncertain. I glanced at at least and saw more than 500 people. I don't know if there are any more. .You also know that you can’t see too far in the forest!"

I nodded and said: "Besides the number of people, do you know what characteristics they have? For example, what they look like? "

The Void Spirit said immediately: "The opponent has many races. You know, it's normal for multiple races to be mixed in an adventurer, so if there is something special about it, this is true. Can’t say. But..."

"But what?"

"But there seems to be a lot of strong warriors in the opposing team. These people are generally orcs. And the height is amazing, at least in the adventurer, it is quite amazing."

The height is tall, this is also a characteristic of the Russians, but this is only side evidence. I want to confirm the attack on the undead. Is it the Russian elite? More direct evidence is needed. However, we were not there after all, and it was not so easy to get more direct evidence. After thinking about it for a while, I suddenly asked: "By the way, do you see a person in the team with a lot of tattoos on his body?" I am actually talking about a barbarian warrior, which is considered a profession in Russia. Popular occupations, if there are a large number of professional players of this type in the team, then they will not run.

The spirit of the void immediately said after hearing what I said: "Yes, there are a lot of guys in the team who have a lot of tattoos on their bodies, and many of those guys are naked. The muscles on the body look like rocks, giving people a very strong feeling."

Listening to the spirit of the void, I have determined that those people are the elite of the Russians. But what do they intend to do when so many people run into the national barrier? Even if the Russians intend to forcibly invade China through here, there is no need to send so many elites to eradicate monsters within the national barrier in advance, right? Besides, I don’t think they really intend to invade China from here. Let’s not talk about how they are going to live in this mountainous area. What if there is a map here and they can directly bring in the troops? Unlike the eastern region, Xinjiang is a standard city with a large area and sparse population. There are basically no important resource cities. The Russians entering here will not harm our fundamental interests at all. Even if they can lay down two cities here, they will be able to scavenge a little bit of property, even their troop expenditure may not be enough. Therefore, the Russians will definitely not invade China from here. The strategic depth of Xinjiang is too great, and the invasion from here will not give full play to the advantage of a surprise attack.

Since it is not intended to open the way for the invasion, the Russians must have some plan to transfer all the elites of the country here, but we have not been able to figure it out yet.

"Do you know where the group of people are now?" I suddenly went over Ling and asked the Void Spiritual Dao directly.

The Void Spirit shook the head and said: "Sorry, I haven't been back since I left, so I don't know."

The Void Spirit just finished speaking, The Skeleton Lord next to him immediately said: "I know this, they are still in that area. After the Great Sovereign was killed, I sent someone back to detect, and the opponent seems to be still in the Cursed Land. However, according to the report, the opponent later A lot of people came again and they kept coming in and out. It seemed that they were preparing something."

"Do you know what they are preparing?"

The lord shook the head said: "I don't know about this. The scouts said that there are too many people on the other side. They didn't dare to get too close."

I nodded and said: "Then please send someone to take it. Shall we go and see it?"

"That's okay." Skeleton Lord nodded agreed to my request, and then said to the Soul Eater who had brought us: "You send the guests back. , I’ll send a scout to take you right away."

The soul eater nodded sent us back to the place we left before. Soter was surprised when we returned to the previous position. "Why are we back again? I didn't see them using teleportation just now?" "That's not teleportation." Ling explained to them, "That's a kind of soul projection. We have not moved just now. It is our soul that saw the Skeleton Lord. Our body simply never left this place. As for when we came back, it was easier. The other party canceled the spell and we naturally returned. ."

"so that's how it is. Really didn't expect the undead to have such a powerful skill."

"This is a strategic skill for the high-level undead, the general undead is It won’t work.” I said and said, “I’m going to investigate the situation of that group of players in a while, but it is estimated that when the time comes, stealth is needed. You and Ado are waiting here, I Soul Eater will be arranged to protect you, and we will leave together when I come back."

"Can't you take us with us?" Aduo obviously doesn't want to stay with Soul Eater.

I shook the head decisively. "No, the opponent should be very strong and there are many people. You are just a guide and not an assassin. In case, because you exposed the goal, it's not that I can't complete the task? So you should wait for me to come back here."

"Okay, then!" Although very reluctant, the task of the owner is the most important. As a guide, Ado and Sauter still have the professional ethics.

When I told the Soul Eater to help me take care of Soter and them, a void spirit suddenly appeared beside us. No need to ask, this guy must be the guy who led us as mentioned by the Skeleton Lord. However, I don't know if he was the void spirit who was talking to us in the cave over there before. To be honest, these guys look simply the same to me. It is definitely a technical job to distinguish between two void spirits.

This void spirit is so impatient, he immediately said: "I am the leader sent by Sovereign, may I go now?"

I nodded He retracted Ling, and said: "Lead the way."

The spirit of the void didn't talk nonsense, just turned around and floated in one direction, and I quickly followed along.

The movement speed of the Void Spirit is not so fast, but it takes a lot of effort to follow this guy, not because I am slow, but because the Void Spirit walks completely Don't know the corner. Hearing the name knows that this guy is a void physique, which means that ordinary obstacles are of no use to him. Whether it's a rock blocking the way or a big tree, this guy always passes through, but he can pass through me but he can't. Like a small river or something, I can jump over it, and I can fly at low altitude in rugged places, but I can’t avoid big trees, right? This guy was drifting straight through the woodland, but I had to walk S to keep up with him. As a result, I walked him at least two or three times as long as a section of the road. Can you say I’m not tired?

"Huh, can I trouble you to slow down next time? I can't keep up with your speed!" Finally, seeing the void spirit in front stop, I finally found a chance to take a breath .

The other party didn't even mean to answer what I said, but pushed me behind a big tree next to me. I know there must be something wrong with this guy pushing me, and in this situation, there is only one more direct reason I can think of.

"Hurry up. Hurry up. You guys have to work hard! I can't hold it anymore!" I heard a voice not far away just after I was pushed into the tree, although I I can understand that paragraph, but this is due to the simultaneous translation of the system, not because the other party spoke Chinese. In order to prevent me from encountering Russian elites halfway, I opened the Russian translation before, and now the translation system is enabled for the other party’s words. , It means that the other party speaks Russian, because other foreign languages ​​or Chinese will not cause the translation system to start.

Listening to the other party's words, I carefully opened the opening under my wrist, followed by a group of Spirit Armor insects quickly crawling out of the opening and scattered along the ground and branches. Now it is not convenient for me to probe the situation, so I have to rely on these little fellows.

Through the eyes of the Spirit Armor worm, I quickly discovered that a group of Russians were carrying a long cannon-like object in the woods.

"Okay, it's here." A barbarian warrior yelled for the people around him to erect something like a cannon, and then several people next to him took out a good one. Something like a hand-cranked drilling machine began to dig holes in the ground. Although the surface of the forest floor is mulch layer, the bottom is all plant roots. Moreover, this is Cursed Land. There are a lot of bones under the ground. In short, it is very hard work to make holes here.

Those people used the hand-cranked rig to dig and stop on the ground. When they hit an obstacle, they had to pull the rig out, and then use a long sharp weapon to penetrate into the hole. Cut off and dig out what is in the way, and then put the drill in again. Although this kind of work does not seem to be very strenuous, it is extremely troublesome, and the rig must be retracted and retracted repeatedly.

The few people tossed there for more than half an hour before digging a satisfactory hole. Judging from the shape of their drilling rig, the hole should be a vertical well with a diameter of between 30 and 40 centimeters and a depth of 1.5 meters.

After completing this strange hole, those people threw the rig aside and started humming and lifting the gun-like thing next to it, and finally they moved the erected gun Above the dug hole, the gun barrel was put down a little bit along the hole. Because the size of the newly dug hole is exactly the same as the outer wall of the barrel, the barrel is not inserted to the end after being placed in the hole, but there is a lot of resistance. Those people seemed to be prepared long ago, took out a wooden hammer covered with cotton and began to knock down.

It's probably because of what kind of mechanical device the gun barrel is, so these people are afraid of breaking the thing, so they don't dare to use great energy, they can only smash it down a little bit carefully. In the end, it took a full ten minutes to knock that thing completely into the ground. Finally, when the opening of the thing was parallel to the ground, a Russian player took out a strange fork-like thing and inserted it through the mouth of the tube, and then the people next to it helped grab the handle of the fork and started rotating it counterclockwise. With their combined efforts, the fork was quickly twisted more than ten times. Judging from their actions just now, the function of this fork should be similar to that of a winding key, and the thing like the barrel is a mechanical body driven by a mechanism such as a spring. As for the function of this thing. , I don't know for the time being, after all, it looks like a thick tube from the outside.

After putting this thing in place, the group of Russians began to divide into four two-person teams, and began to dig holes along the road on both sides of the pipe. The holes dug this time are not deep, each is only about half a foot deep, and the size is about the same as an ordinary rice pot. One of these teams concentrated on digging a hole in the front. After digging one, they changed the place to continue digging, while the person in the back took out a metal as big as an electric rice cooker after the person in front digs the hole and leaves. The object was stuffed into the dug hole.

After arranging at least fifty-sixty little things around the vertical metal barrel, most of these people quickly left the area, and then one of them stayed Go down and use branches and leaves to camouflage those things. After confirming that everything was covered up, these people left the area together.

After sending a few Spirit Armor worms to stay with the group of people, I walked out from behind the hiding tree with the Void Spirit. I probably knew that I would ask. As soon as the Void Spirit came out, he said to me: "I don't know what these are. They have been arranging this thing from here. Now this forest area is already fast. It’s filled with them. Except for a deliberate passage, there are almost everywhere here."

"So many?"

"Yes, quantity Very many. These guys have been here for three days without stopping, and they are crowded, and they are very fast in the division of labor."

"You haven't seen the effect of other creatures touching these things. "

The Void Spirit shook the head and said: "There were a lot of small local creatures running past these things before, but I don’t know if it’s not triggered because of their small size or for some reason. Those things didn't respond at all."

"This is a national barrier zone. There must be a lot of high level creatures. Ordinarily, there should be a lot of big things? Isn't one stepped on it?"

"No." The Void Spirit said with certainty: "Those people have special people patrolling in the vicinity. When they encounter large creatures, their summon companions will be killed in advance, so no large creatures have ever encountered it. These things."

Listening to the words of the Void Spirit, it seems that I don’t even want to use any method to experiment, because the other party has obviously planned to expel the creature that may trigger this thing, if unfathomable mystery One of them was triggered by me, and it is likely to let the other party know that someone has come in. Therefore, I can only give up the idea of ​​triggering a look at the effect. However, I don't know if it is my good luck or the Russians are unlucky. Just after I gave up my intention to trigger this thing, I unexpectedly saw the triggering effect of one of these things.

The group of Russians who finished placing those weird things left were spotted by my Spirit Armor bugs, and they took them again after returning to an artificially felled clearing in the middle of the woodland. I went out with a set of things like gun barrels and many small rice cookers. After these people left, I only left a Spirit Armor bug to keep watching them, and the others stared at the clearing.

Just less than 3 minutes after the group of people left, another group of people came from outside the open space. It seemed that they were also here to get these things. However, there seems to be a guy in this team who has a problem with his brain. Anyway, that guy was quite sloppy and knocked down one of the cannon-like objects. As a result, not only did that thing fall by itself, but it also hit a few. On the same device as a small electric rice cooker. Several small rice cookers and the fallen barrel were triggered immediately.

Before I said that this thing is like a gun barrel. It’s really right. This thing is a cannon, but it’s not firing steel cannonballs or compressing energy, but a black one that looks like ink. Viscous liquid.

The fallen barrel spewed a large black liquid ball at the moment it fell, and the liquid ball suddenly exploded after flying more than two meters horizontally. The group of people who moved nearby and the surrounding forest instantly burst out of pitch black. It is conceivable that if this thing was not upside down just now, but was placed upright, then the range of tens of meters around it would be sprayed into pitch black by this thing.

In addition to the barrel, the same things as rice cookers are another kind of equipment. There is a round opening on the top of these things that looks like a trap, and they snap into place when they are touched, but I don’t see how advanced it is than a normal trap, but since the Russians There must be a reason to make it like this, but I didn't expect it.

After confirming the function of the thing, I immediately asked one of the Spirit Armor bugs to bring me a leaf with a lot of that liquid on it, and when I got the leaf But when it came time, I was even more puzzled.

"This is...kerosene?"

The kerosene mentioned here is not ordinary kerosene, but a kind of petroleum extract. It’s no secret that there is oil in the map of "Zero". Many guilds also use oil to make incendiary bombs, so oil is considered a resource here.

In reality, people will use cracking technology to separate oil into various products such as diesel, gasoline, and asphalt, but few guilds in the game can replicate the equipment in reality, so After using the soil method to decompose the oil, what is obtained is not gasoline and diesel, but this black and extremely viscous black liquid. In fact, to put it bluntly, this kerosene is basically the same as oil, except that its specific gravity is slightly lower and it is easier to ignite, basically it is still similar to crude oil.

After figuring out what this black liquid is, I summoned Ling and a few other demon pets with better brains, and concentrated everyone’s wisdom to speculate that we finally came up with Such a conclusion. No matter how the shape of the rice cooker is changed, the basic function of the clip cannot be changed. However, it is obvious that the shallow and unfixed thing is difficult to trap large creatures, and its The trigger sensitivity is obviously not for small creatures. Therefore, we believe that this kind of rice cooker-style clip should not be designed to restrict the movement of creatures, but to slow down the opponent. As for the gun barrel that can spray fire oil, it was obviously developed to completely cover the target with fire oil. Coupled with those clips, it is not difficult to imagine that the purpose of these clips is to limit the speed of the target creature, so that the kerosene launcher can completely cover it. That is to say, the clip is not the point, the point is to cover the target with kerosene.

Although we want to understand that covering the target with kerosene is the purpose of the Russians, we don't know what they plan to do. Generally speaking, use kerosene to pour the opponent over, and the next step is to plan to burn it with fire. But the problem is that if you want to burn an enemy to death, it must take a long time. Even if the Russians plan to kill any creatures, there is no need to spend so much effort in arranging kerosene. Wouldn't it be more straightforward to bury a few magic crystal steam mines?

So, the purpose of the Russians is definitely not to kill the target, otherwise they will not bury this kind of scary but not lethal weapon, but should directly put a lot of easy-to-install landmines. . But what do they plan to do without killing the target? Is it to catch alive?

The purpose of catching monsters is nothing more than several situations. Either a certain mission target specifies what creatures to catch alive, or they want to catch captives to obtain intelligence. The last kind is to catch monsters, except for these three. In general, no one chooses to capture it alive.

The situation of capturing captives now seems obviously inappropriate, because these things don't seem to be prepared for humanoid creatures. As for the possibility of capturing demon pets... it doesn't seem to be the same. Even if you want to catch the familiar, it is a single person. I have never heard of high level players from all over the country who gather to catch the familiar collectively. Even if the Russians want to set up a Guinness world record in which multiple people catch the pets together, they will definitely not do so at this juncture, so this kind of probability can basically be ignored.

If you remove the last two possibilities, there is only one reason left. The Russians have a mission. They want to capture this creature alive to complete the mission. However, this answer is actually the most useless answer, because just knowing that the Russians have a mission, but don’t know what mission they have, neither their mission goals nor their mission rewards, ultimately means nothing. do not know.

"What the hell do these guys want to do?" My head cramped while holding the leaf covered with kerosene, but I couldn't think of the answer.

Just when I was in a dead end, Xiaofeng's words suddenly reminded me. "In fact, instead of guessing the purpose of the Russians here, it is better to figure out what kind of creature they are trying to catch."

"Yes." It suddenly occurred to me that when we found the doubt before, it was because Soter found a fruitless fruit. At that time, our inference was that a player picked an unsweetened fruit, and then dropped one halfway through. Inferring from this idea, then this unscented fruit must be related to the task, otherwise the Russians do not need to pick this thing. However, according to Sauter, unflavored fruit has no use at all other than being edible, and it has no taste, and most people would not eat it at all. However, Sauter also said at the time that there is a kind of creature that likes to eat unscented fruit. Then, according to this clue, it is likely that the Russians collected unscented fruit for bait, and then gathered those kerosene traps made by the Russians. It is not difficult to guess the Russians' general plan. "Yes, it must be so." I said very positively.

"What did you think of?" Ling curiously asked. I told Ling what Soter said and my thoughts before, and Ling immediately understood. "Putting it that way, as long as you know what it is that likes to eat this unscented fruit, you can know what kind of creature the Russians are going to catch."

Xiaochun also followed: "That Suot is not You know? Just ask."

"Darts." I stretched out my hand and summoned the darts. It was too much time for me to return to Sauter's side, and let the darts pass the words the fastest.

The dart who figured out the mission disappeared in the woodland as soon as he flashed, and then he ran back in less than five minutes. With the ability to move at the speed of light of the dart, this way is less than a second. It is estimated that the delay of five minutes is the time to talk to Soter.

"Darts, what is the kind of thing that likes to eat unflavored fruit?"

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