The player meeting in Fulcrum City was held for a whole day. During this period, our guild's troops have been moving south, and finally all evacuated to the Osumi Peninsula area. However, this is not a suitable place. The defensive place, so the team just made a temporary station here.

According to our guild’s campaign plan, after completing the strategic adjustments of Japan’s four main islands, our guild’s forces will gradually withdraw to the small islands outside the Japanese Column. Unlike the coast of China, there are a large number of small islands on the periphery of the Japanese islands. These islands are not connected to the mainland of Japan, but they are very close. If the island chain composed of this series of islands is used well, it is not difficult to form a complete maritime defense line with the maritime power of our guild. Of course, since we have planned to use Masaga Matsumoto for indirect Japanese management, there is no need to occupy this island chain. After all, these islands are too close to Japan. If we want to directly control these islands, we will inevitably have frequent conflicts with Japanese players in the future. That is something we don’t want to see, so we are not included in our island chain system. Occupy plan. Of course, even if the island chain is not included in the long-term occupation plan, the basic form still has to go.

According to our plan, we will send people to these small islands around Japan, and then Masaga Matsumoto will lead the Ghost Dragon Society that has been transformed into the Japanese Defense Force after completing the adjustment of the Japanese power. Sweep these islands. This kind of sweeping behavior allows Japanese players to see that the Japanese Defense Forces under the leadership of Masaga Matsumoto have indeed played their due effect, so that the leaders of the Japanese guild have no excuses to say that Masaga Matsumoto. Of course, occupying these islands is only part of the whole plan, and the key to the plan is not in these offshore islands, but on Jeju Island in South Korea.

If you open a map of Asia, you will find that this tourist attraction in South Korea is just between Japan and China. The fleet from here can easily intercept the fleet between the two countries, and more The important point is that it does not belong to either China or Japan.

Jeju Island is a Korean territory, which also means that its gain and loss are not the worst things for us Frost Rose League and Matsumoto Masaka’s Ghost Dragon Club. After getting Jeju Island, we can get praise from domestic players, and losing it does not have much impact on our reputation, because it is not our territory at all. It is a surprise to get it, and there is nothing to be sad to lose. It is precisely because of the existence of this characteristic of Jeju Island that in our strategy, Jeju Island will be completely occupied by the Japanese under the attack of the Ghost Dragon Society led by Masaka Matsumoto, and then South Korea will ask us for help, and we will snatch it back. After that, Masaka Matsumoto fought back again, so that after a few rounds of scrambles, a standoff could almost be formed on the island, and this kind of confrontation requires the consumption of materials, so who will be responsible for the materials? Of course it is a Japanese player. Matsumoto Masaka’s Ghost Dragon Society is now the Japanese National Defense Forces, and Japanese players have to pay for foreign operations. As long as our battle with the Ghost Dragon Society does not end, those Japanese players will never be able to stop sponsoring the Ghost Dragon Society. Called to raise the thief to respect himself.

In this strategy, we are thieves, and Matsumoto Masaga is the official. If we thieves are completely defeated, then Japanese players will wonder whether it makes sense for them to spend so much money to raise this official. However, if we are not eliminated, but the noise is very fierce, then Matsumoto's position It will become more and more stable, because the Japanese are aware of the seriousness of our thieves, so they must rely more on the official Matsumoto Masaka. This relationship of mutual growth and mutual restraint is a kind of relationship that we hope to achieve with the Ghost Dragon Society in the future. External relations model.

Once this model of mutual generation and mutual restraint is established, then we can unscrupulously exchange supplies with the Ghost Dragon Society back and forth in the war. We can use the spoils of war to continuously capture each other's materials, and then we can absorb Japanese resources for our guild to use, or we can send some insignificant consumables produced by our guild to Japan for sale. This kind of exchange model is actually very similar to bilateral trade, but we don't pay for it, and the materials are flowing in the name of spoils of war.

This special transaction mode can save grand competition tax on the one hand, and on the other hand, it can prevent outsiders from seeing the relationship between us and the Ghost Dragon Club. As for these three things... Accomplish our original goal-to absorb Japanese resources.

If the Ghost Dragon Club really fights us, then the money spent by the Japan Guild on the Ghost Dragon Club will naturally be consumed in the battle, but the question is, will we fight it? Although there are 2/3/2021 Ghost Dragon Club players who don't know the truth, Matsumoto Masaka is ours after all, so we Frost Rose League and Ghost Dragon Club are actually one family. The war between us must be impossible to fight, at best it is just a show. So, why would materials be "consumed" in this kind of drama-like battle? The answer is naturally in our hands.

Because of the National Defense Forces Transformation Agreement, Japanese players have to constantly transfer their money to the Ghost Dragon Club, and the Ghost Dragon Club constantly transfers money to us on the battlefield, which is equivalent to The Japanese are paying taxes to us. Apart from the need to change hands to increase losses, this model has almost no obvious shortcomings. Using this method will not cause the resistance of the Japanese, and will not consume our too much energy. Compared with direct occupation, this is actually the most powerful way of occupation.

All influence on Japan's side When it is busy, China does not stop much. Although the Russians have been driven out of the border, the tens of millions of garrisons piled up on the border are still quite depressing. What's worse is that the Russians are not aware of it at all, not only have no plans to withdraw or reduce the garrison. , It is still increasing troops.

"What the hell do the Russians want to do?" In Isinger's conference hall, the eagle almost squeezed his brows with the information.

Matsumoto and the others had a meeting for a day, and we didn’t get much better here. Of course, unlike Matsumoto and the others who wrangled over there, we had a day because of too many things. Of meeting. At the meeting last night, we were discussing the Japanese issue. After the Japanese plan was finalized in the middle of the night, we started to work on the internal adjustment plan of the guild. Then we went offline and rested in the early morning. Everyone went online early in the morning to discuss the Russian invasion. Now It's almost noon, and the meeting hasn't finished yet.

Military God said somewhat sorry: "Sorry, I really can’t determine the strategic intentions of the Russians based on the current information. At first I thought they wanted to continue to counterattack our country, but although they continue to The increase in the frontline is the cannon fodder. The elite troops with higher battle strength were secretly transferred away from the front line. This obviously reduces the battle strength of the front-line garrison. If they really intend to counterattack us, this The arrangement is obviously unreasonable."

Hong Yue said: "Do you know where the elite troops have been transferred?"

The three-dimensional map in the center of the conference hall suddenly zoomed in, and then displayed A bright spot. "Here." The military god replied after the bright spot appeared.

"Why did they go there?" The location shown on the map is very strange. The coordinates of this place are 88 degrees east longitude and 50 degrees north latitude. According to the location on the map, it is just north of Urumqi in our country, on the Russian side of the Sino-Russian border. This place can be said to be very special, because besides the border between China and Russia, it also connects two countries. A little bit to the east is Mongolia, and a bit to the west is Kazakhstan. It can be said that this location almost covers the borders of the four countries. Although the borders of Kazakhstan and Mongolia do not intersect, the distance is very close. With the mobility of mount-like creatures in the game, basically one hour can go up the border of four countries and return to the starting point. NS. At such a close distance, there are many articles to do.

The King Chuang looked at the map and said. "Hey, military god, are you sure that there is no problem with intelligence? This is a large mountainous area. Even if I am a navy player and I am not familiar with ground warfare, I at least know that this kind of local corps is absolutely indispensable. Russians What are you going to do to bring the troops here? Do you play guerrilla warfare with us?"

"Guerilla warfare is unlikely." Rose said: "This is neither our country’s Central Zone nor Russia’s Central Zone. There is no point in playing game warfare. Besides, guerrilla warfare must be based on the masses, or individual battle strength is more prominent to have hope. Isn’t the Russians obviously uncomfortable than us?"

Mei suddenly said: "What if the Russians didn't intend to invade?"

"Although I also agree with this inference, there is no direct evidence to prove it." The god of war somewhat helplessly said.

"Evidence cannot be found in the Conference Hall. I think we still have to invest more power to investigate." Hong Yue said.

The eagle asked: "What about the front line?"

"Temporarily use the doctrine of the mean. They increase troops and we also increase troops to ensure strategic balance." Rose answered. Eagle's question can be regarded as directly supporting Hong Yue's idea.

Since both Rose and Hong Yue said that this method is feasible, I simply turned my head and looked around the other people in the conference hall and asked, "What are your opinions? Should you dissolve the conference first and look for it? Clues?"




Everyone in the conference hall soon rushed We raised our hands to agree. In the end, we had no choice but to add troops to the border line first according to the method Hong Yue said. As for other things, we had to wait for us to get detailed information. Modern warfare is only about information. If you don't know anything about the enemy's purpose, then you are not fighting but courting death.

Although it is said that everyone disbanded the meeting to investigate intelligence, it is still only me who can go. Unlike everyone, I am the only free person in this conference hall who has no guild tasks to bear, and the NPC affinity in my attributes is relatively high, which means that I have a higher probability of removing tasks than others. People with this attribute are usually the most suitable for intelligence investigation, because there are far more NPCs in "Zero" than players. Any player power plan will inevitably be known by some NPCs and can trigger NPCs frequently. It’s easier for people with tasks to get the information they need from NPCs. This can be considered one of the other benefits of affinity.

After being driven out of Isengard by Rose and the others in the name of the capable, I teleported directly to a city called Sismin. The Xinjiang region in the game is not the same as in reality. Although the terrain and geomorphology are roughly the same, many mountains are added to the map and the terrain structure is no longer dominated by deserts, and the population density is relatively compared with reality. The situation of low is different, the population of Xinjiang in the game is quite dense. Of course, this is about the NPC population, and the players are still similar to reality.

Because of the large number of people, there are naturally more cities. This city of Westsminster is a small city built by the system, and in reality there is no corresponding city for this city.

The location of Westminster City is located in the Northwest direction of Altay City in reality, which is relatively close to Kazakhstan, and the location of the city is rather strange. It is not repaired on flat ground, but between a bunch of dense mountain peaks. Although the entire city of Westsminster is less than one-tenth the size of Isengard, there is a height difference of more than 350 meters between the highest point and the lowest point of the whole city. In such a small place, with such a terrifying drop, you can imagine what kind of city it is.

As soon as you came out of the teleportation hall in Westminster, there was a winding staircase in front of the door. Because there is almost no flat land in the whole city of Westminster, there is no normal street appearance in the city at all. The streets here are steps. Except for some slopes between the sections with relatively small drops, basically the roads of the whole city It is made up of steps.

Because there are steps everywhere in Westminster, wheeled vehicles are completely waste here. Whether it is an animal cart, a trolley, or a bicycle, anything with wheels is completely useless here.

For my appearance, the players and NPCs in the city seemed very surprised. Of course, there are reasons for my popularity, but more because of my equipment.

Sismin is a mountain city, and the leveling areas near it are all on the steep cliffs. Here, heavy equipment like me is basically not worn by anyone, because the flexibility of these armor equipment is generally not high, except for Divine Item-level armor like my Divine Dragon suit, which can be completely unaffected in use. In addition to movements, basically as long as it is armor, it will more or less limit some physical flexibility. For example, the armor of the Holy Spirit level is better, but if the equipment is lower, it will be over. It is something that even a fool can't do to fight on the hillsides over sixty degrees like an iron can.

Because armor-type equipment is not suitable for mountain combat, there are almost no people wearing armor in the entire city of Westsminster. The player profession here is basically archer. On the steep and inconvenient moving cliffs, archer who can attack without moving is obviously the most suitable profession. Of course, the wizard can also stand in place and attack, but the poor physical attribute of the wizard can be troublesome when it needs to be moved. Although the archer can stand on the spot and attack, at least they are very flexible and are absolutely unambiguous when they need to move, but once the mage needs to move, it will be troublesome. Therefore, although there are mages here, but the number is not very large.

archer, mage, hunter, assassin, this is the main occupation composition here. In addition to the above four popular occupations, most popular occupations are not very suitable for this kind of place, especially the Knight occupations. It's hard to imagine a Knight full of steel armor riding a war horse full of armor charging on a steep slope of more than sixty degrees. Anyway, I think it's more like suicide. Of course, it is not to say that all Knights are not suitable for this place, some special cavalry are actually very suitable for this kind of terrain. For example, the guy with big pot rice.

Do you still remember the job of that guy? He is a Knight, of course not a Knight riding a white horse, but a wild boar Knight. Don't underestimate the wild boar, they run much faster in the mountains and forests than Marco. At least wild boars can climb mountains, and warhorses basically have to stop when they encounter a slope with a slope of more than forty degrees.

I was looking at the surrounding environment, and didn't expect that a little beauty wearing leather armor suddenly posted it on his own initiative. The reason why she is said to be a little beauty is not because of her age. Of course, her age is definitely not much older, but this is not the reason why I call her a little beauty. I called her little beauty because of her figure. The height of this little beauty is only less than 1.5 meters, but she is not a dwarf. Although short, she has a perfect body structure, which feels like a miniature model of a normal person.

"Excuse me, are you Purple Moon?" The little beauty rushed to me and immediately raised her head and asked.

To tell you the truth, I don’t get much looking up. After all, our height is here. Even after wearing the Divine Dragon suit, my height is definitely less than 1.75 meters. The game is basically a relatively short type, but standing in front of this little beauty, I feel like I am a giant.

I gently nodded to the little beauty's question, and then asked: "What's the matter with you?"

"I'm fine." The little beauty's answer almost made me direct Roll down the stairs to the city gate.

"It's okay, what are you calling me for?"

"Oh, I just want to ask if there is anything wrong with you." The little beauty just finished speaking and reacted. It doesn't seem to be It was too appropriate, so she quickly explained: "It's like this. I'm actually a guide. You may not know that because of the special structure of the city, we have a lot of players who come here to experience the special environment. But because of our The terrain issues, the accidental casualties and the probability of getting lost by unfamiliar people here are very high, so some of us here take up the work of guides. I wonder if you also need to hire a guide?"

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