The plan on the Japanese side will be discussed. The following is the plan on the Russian side. After I summarized the plan, I said to everyone: "We must retaliate on the Russian side. Do you think about how to deal with it?" Hong Yue said: "According to the overall situation of Japan first and then Russia The plan is that we should not be able to use troops against Russia at this time. First, we must arrange for demonstrations of troops on the Sino-Russian border, and then implement the Japanese reinforcement plan. After the Japanese reinforcement plan encounters setbacks, I believe that the Russians are sure of their alertness. There will be a decline, and we can launch an attack at this time."

"It seems that we can only do this kind of plan at the moment." It is really not suitable to make a combat plan against Russia before. After all, the forces of both sides are now unstable. Even if the plan is arranged in advance, it will definitely follow the changes in the end. It is better not to make it first.

In the end, Rose agreed with me and said: "Indeed, it is a bit early to formulate a plan for Russia, so we will put this matter down first. Now everyone is going to work on their own affairs, first So calm down the guild staff."

After the meeting on our guild side, Rose, Su Mei, and Hong Yue rushed to the command center of the god of war. When we entered the command center, we happened to see Masaka Matsumoto's avatar displayed on the main screen.

"Chairman, will you finish watching?" On the screen, Masaka Matsumoto could also see our situation, so he asked as soon as we entered the room.

I nodded walked to the military god and looked at Masaka Matsumoto on the screen and asked: "How is the situation on your side now?"

"To be honest, it's a bit worrying. "Matsumoto's expression was not as excited as he had imagined, but rather exhausted.

"What's the matter?" Hong Yue curiously asked. Ordinarily, Fulcrum City has been occupied by the Japanese, and our plan is considered preliminary. For the current Masaka Matsumoto, it should be high-spirited and vigorous when leading Japanese players to expand their ambitions, but the reality is Matsumoto. Zheng He's expression of distress is really not a great enemy.

Matsumoto Masaka seemed to become even more frustrated when he heard our questions, and he didn’t even have the thought to answer our questions. He just said to us: "You should ask the god of war, my side The conference hall is equipped with a monitoring crystal, and he knows the process."

After listening to Matsumoto’s words, we turned our attention to the military god, and immediately began to explain to us without us asking the military god. . After the explanation of the military god, we finally understood the problem.

Things are really troublesome. Originally, according to our plan, after returning Japan to the Japanese, Matsumoto Masaka’s Ghost Dragon Society should control most of the cities. Moreover, the most important part of this which requires Matsumoto Masaka’s control is the large-scale ones with special significance. city. Among them, the pivot city is undoubtedly a key point. However, the problem now lies in this top priority.

According to our thinking, the Japanese were able to occupy Fulcrum City only by colluding with Masaga Matsumoto. Of course, this can't be said on the table, but even from the analysis of things that can be put on the table, Matsumoto Masaka and his Ghost Dragon Society are the ones who have contributed the most. However, although Masaga Matsumoto and the others contributed the most, some guild leaders quit. They believed that although Matsumoto's actions were very important in this battle, their dedication was the key to victory. Therefore, the guild presidents made an urban request to Matsumoto's. They want to assign Fulcrum City, the only city in Japan at present, to their name, and at least let them have a considerable amount of rights and interests in this city.

Regarding the requirements of these guild leaders, the current attitude of other guilds in Japan is very unstable. Some guilds may think that the city should belong to the Guilong Guild, but they themselves want to see if they can get some benefits, so they have been neutral in the meeting, and neither help Matsumoto nor directly support those who want to grab. The guild leader of the site will wait to see who can win in the end. Except for these wall-riding factions, which account for half of the total Japanese power, most of the remaining guilds are guilds that believe that the city should be vested in them, and only a very small number of guilds can stand in the ghost dragon guild. To be fair, it's a pity that these guilds are all with few people and poor strength. Even if you say it, it's useless. People's large guilds simply ignore them.

Just now when our guild was in a meeting to discuss the direction of the guild for a period of time in the future, Masaka Matsumoto and the others in Japan were arguing about this matter. Now Masaka Matsumoto takes time to think about it. The meeting was temporarily announced, so he had time to contact us here. After a while, he had to go back and quarrel with the guild leaders. As for the result...Anyway, according to Matsumoto's statement, it is unlikely to reach an agreement.

After listening to the situation introduced by the military god, Hong Yue couldn’t help but complain for Matsumoto Masakazu: "This group of thankless wretch, you have made such a big sacrifice, they are actually embarrassed to grab you. City. I said Masaga Matsumoto, you should just turn your face with them."

"Sister Hong Yue, are you crazy?" So Mi quickly grabbed Hong Yue and congratulated Masaka Matsumoto: "Matsumoto big brother , Don’t be impulsive, although it’s irritating, but you have to hold it back!"

Rose frowned said: "But it’s not enough to endure it, according to this Monarch. Describe, this group of people does not intend to give up the fat they have obtained. If one of them forbears, they can only become more and more greedy."

"Actually, I thought of one. How to deal with it, that's why I came to contact you." Masaka Matsumoto said on the communicator.

"Let’s talk about it?"

"Well, I think so." Masaga Matsumoto said: "In our plan, I should not occupy some special Meaningful city?"

I'm nodded. "Yes, isn't the city level marked on the map for your plan? S-Rank cities must be occupied. Class A cities should be occupied as much as possible. Class B cities should be occupied or not based on the situation. Class C cities unless by the way, Otherwise, you don’t need to occupy. D cities are never occupied. According to this classification, you only need to ensure that the eight S-Rank cities are controlled in your hands. , The others can actually be ignored."

Matsumoto Masaka immediately said: "The Fulcrum City is an S-type city, so I must occupy it, but according to this negotiation posture, I think those guilds are very good. They don’t mean to let the negotiation end, so I don’t think I can spend it with them. It doesn’t make sense at all."

"Then you mean...?"

" My thought is, anyway, I can’t talk about it, so I might as well give it up generously."

"Do you want us to attack again and scare them to give up Fulcrum Castle?" I immediately guessed Matsumoto Masaka the purpose.

Seeing that I guessed it, Masaga Matsumoto said with a smile: "You are right to follow the president, and everything will work. But I don’t want you to attack on a large scale and fight another battle. If it’s too expensive, it’s not cost-effective. Moreover, the Fulcrum City is now destroyed like this and it is really not suitable for another battle."

"Then how do you want us to cooperate with you?"

"Actually, my idea is very simple. Since they want Fulcrum City, then I will give it to them generously, and then I will immediately take people to evacuate and immediately grab the other seven S-Rank cities. These The city currently has no soldiers, so it happens to be easy to win."

"Wait, who said there are no soldiers?" Hong Yue exclaimed, "Our guild’s first elite Legion is still in Japan. !"

I didn’t wait for Masaka Matsumoto to explain, I interrupted Hong Yue first: "There is no need to worry about this, as long as we transfer the first elite Legion to Fulcrum City in the name of looting the city as an assault. That’s fine. This will create the illusion that Masaga Matsumoto just didn’t run into our elite troops, and should be able to pass."

Masaga Matsumoto nodded and said: "That’s what I mean. As long as I mean it. I controlled the seven S-Rank cities in advance, which means I was half of the plan ahead of schedule. These cities are independently occupied by our Ghost Dragon Association. Those greedy guys won’t have their turn to stretch out their claws even if they break the sky. A large number of troops were sent to rob the A-class cities, and you cooperated with my actions to take the opportunity to attack Fulcrum City. While those guys watched me rob the site everywhere in Japan, they were dragged by you to Fulcrum City and couldn’t leave. When the time comes, I just want A little bit of willingness to take over Fulcrum City, are you afraid that they won’t let it go?"

"The plan is good, but there is a problem you have to find a solution first." Hong Yue said, "If we attack Fulcrum City, and those shameless guys use national justice to force you to resist us Chinese, then how can you refuse them without affecting your reputation? Although you are fighting the Chinese in name, the Japanese know that. Now these cities are not defended, and looting sites is as easy as picking up persimmons. If you don’t help protect Fulcrum City, you grab the site while other guilds are dragged in Fulcrum City. Then your reputation in Japan will be complete in the future. It's ruined. How do you think this problem should be handled?"

Matsumoto Masakao was asked by Hong Yue for a moment, and then fell into a state of thinking. That's right, if we attack Fulcrum City, those shameless people will definitely ask Matsumoto Masaka for help. If Matsumoto Masaka does not participate in the guards, he is not talking about national justice, but the plan to help them is meaningless, and it is not worthwhile to say it.

Fortunately, Masaka Matsumoto believed that the bank’s most important advantages played a role in a timely manner. So Mi, the little think tank, immediately said: "This is not simple? Don't just play Fulcrum City? Purple Moon, you take Kristina elder sister and the others, and then you lead the team to attack Fulcrum City and let Chris Dina’s elder sisters went to attack the cities occupied by Matsumoto’s big brother. Their relatives and strangers fell into the water at the same time, so no one would be embarrassed to say something about saving their relatives first? Didn’t the Matsumoto big brother not participate in the resistance? It’s just that he was guarding himself. When the time comes, who can say what’s wrong with him?"

"hahahaha......" Masaka Matsumoto laughed and said with a smile: "I said it a long time ago. If Black Dragon had a think tank like the Frost Rose League, it would certainly not be so miserable by you. But now it’s alright. The Frost Rose League’s think tank is my think tank. It’s really cool to have support. !"

After working out specific countermeasures with us, Masaga Matsumoto's mood was obviously much better. After that, we left the military god’s command center to dispatch troops to prepare for the counterattack against Japan. It was just this opportunity to take advantage of this opportunity. Prove to domestic players our determination to fight against Japan. As for Masaga Matsumoto, after separating from us, he quickly returned to the conference hall to reconvene the meeting.

Meeting at first, a relatively rogue Japanese guild leader said immediately: "Song this Monarch, have you figured it out? We paid the price of almost annihilation in the war of attrition in the city, and Your guild just wanted to sit on the city with some tricks. Isn’t that a bit too much?"

Obviously, it was Matsumoto Masaka who was able to occupy the city, and this group of guys wanted to swallow the fulcrum city. I actually said that Masaga Matsumoto was too much, and the highest realm of shameless is nothing better than this.

Masaka Matsumoto pretended to be very angry and said: "Don't say who pays more and who pays less. The key is whoever can win the fulcrum city. Everyone knows it in their hearts. I don't want to I don’t have the strength to fight with you. This time I’ll buy a lesson. Although you take me as a fool again and again, you take advantage of me and say that I’m not, but I always think you’re still big The warrior of the Japanese Empire thinks that you will one day realize that the interests of the country are more important than personal interests. If even the country is gone, then your personal interests will not be mentioned."

"You What do you mean?" Another guild leader who wanted to obtain city rights immediately stood up and pointed at Masaga Matsumoto and cursed: "We admit that you have paid a lot, but after all, you have no major casualties, and our guild is all of us. After downgrading by two levels, isn't the price enough to get us some city quotas?"

Matsumoto Masaka said with a cold face: "I said, I don't want to fight with you anymore. I am. I just want to remind you that if I, Masaka Matsumoto, can use various strategies to defeat the Frost Rose League, it means that my IQ is not lower than yours. If you insist on treating me as a fool, then I can only say sorry. This time I will This is the last time I back down. We don’t want the Ghost Dragon Club in Fulcrum City. From now on, we will draw a clear line. You are you, we are us, and everyone should not touch each other, so as to save interest disputes. If you want the site, you can. Go and fight. In the future, whoever dares to reach out on the territory I have taken, I must chop his paws." Matsumoto said that he suddenly patted it with a palm, listening to a loud explosion sound, the table on the rostrum. He was photographed into pieces of wood.

Masaga Matsumoto, who was strong and powerful, left the venue with a look of anger and aggressiveness, leaving behind a room of guys with ghosts. After leaving the conference hall, Masaka Matsumoto immediately called a few confidants of the Ghost Dragon Society, and then whispered a few words. Ten minutes later, the Ghost Dragon Society personnel suddenly gathered in the city and quickly formed a running team. Leaving the fulcrum city. After he left, several guild leaders stood up and left the meeting hall in the conference hall. These people were all the people who had previously supported Matsumoto Masaka. Seeing Masaka Matsumoto being run away in anger, these people felt that such a meeting was simply a group of flies who saw the stool rushing to eat, there was a smell of rotten everywhere, and it was meaningless to stay, so they resolutely left the meeting. The hall left Fulcrum City with the people from the Ghost Dragon Club.

"Report, Masaka Matsumoto really evacuated with the ghost dragon guild people." After the ghost dragon guild completely left, an NPC ran into the meeting hall and said to the guild leaders present.

A guild leader said hesitantly: "Is it a bit too much for us to run Matsumoto Masakaha like this? Will he retaliate against us?"

" hmph, revenge? How does he revenge? Let’s not talk about how many people are willing to participate in the civil war, even if their guild members are willing to follow him in the civil war, how many of us will have so many people? Are you still afraid that he will not succeed?"

Initially, some people who disagreed thought it made sense when he said that. After all, such a big piece of meat in Fulcrum City has already been bitten in their mouths. It is really reluctant to let them spit it out, so shameless should be shameless once. , Anyway, it's not that I haven't done it before.

Here, a group of greedy guild leaders in Fulcrum City are sharing the interests of Fulcrum City. On the other hand, Masaga Matsumoto took the Ghost Dragon Society for a short distance and found that the rear was following. A small guild. After thinking about it for a while, Masaka Matsumoto guessed why the other party would leave with him, so he took the initiative to slow down and waited for them to catch up.

Seeing those guild leaders who were catching up, Masaga Matsumoto didn’t ask anything, just smiled at them, and then asked, "Do you want a city where you own your guild?"


The presidents were taken aback for a moment, and then one of them asked suspiciously: "Aren't you angry if they did this?"

Matsumoto Masayoshi smiled and replied: "I am not Saint, how can you not be angry? But being angry is useless. So I try to let myself think about the problem calmly."

"Then what did you think of?" A seemingly young meeting next to him With a long look of admiration, he asked: "Is it because you left so suddenly because you thought of something?"

Matsumoto Masaga nodded, but instead of answering their questions directly, he asked: "Do you think The Frost Rose League lost the Fulcrum City, how would the Chinese think about them?"

One of the presidents thought for a while and said, "It is naturally a swearing sound."

Masaka Matsumoto asked again: "If it were you, what would you do if you were scolded at this time?"

No one needed to answer this time, and everyone came to the realization together. Masaga Matsumoto helped them analyze this, and they should understand no matter how stupid they were. The Frost Rose League lost the city, whether it was for the benefit or for the sake of face, in short, they would definitely fight back. Everyone knows how the Fulcrum City was defeated in this battle. Without Matsumoto Masaka and his Ghost Dragon Club, Japanese players would never have any hope. Now that the Frost Rose League is about to fight back, the idiots ran away Matsumoto Masahiro. Do they expect to block the Frost Rose League's attack on their own? Don't talk about anything else, just talk about me. Masaka Matsumoto was not present. Who of those idiots can stop me, the super destruction king on the top of this world battle strength list?

A president who originally admired Masaka Matsumoto suddenly asked with a bad face: "But the Fulcrum City fell, isn't our country...? You really want to abandon Japan, are you? "

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