The presidents of this group of Japanese guilds were discussing whether to let the ghost dragon guild take the lead to rush through the death 50 meters, and there was a commotion on the battlefield. I saw a group of wild beasts suddenly jumped out of the group of Japanese players who charged. No, that is not a wild beast at all. These animals that look like some natural creatures are all kinds of strange things, some are common animals in nature, some are strange shapes that have never been seen before, and these guys are also large in size. It's small, in short, there are all kinds of mess. However, although these creatures look messy, they have a common goal.

Looking at the animals rushing out of the crowd, the archers on the opposite side reacted immediately. The dense arrow rain fell accurately on the heads of the charging creatures, but the result was unexpected.

A creature that looked like a weasel, but was as big as a German wolfhound, suddenly turned into a cloud of black smoke when it ran. The arrow shot at it directly penetrated the smoke and nailed to the ground, but after the smoke passed through the arrow, it quickly returned to the form of a weasel and continued to charge.

In addition to this animal that looks like a giant weasel, the other animals in the team also have their own divine abilities. An animal that looked like Pangolin was hit by more than a dozen arrows in a row, but all the arrows hit it as if hitting a steel plate and bounced to the side with a sting, and was simply injured. Not to it. Although a wild boar next to this Pangolin doesn’t have the scales like Pangolin’s armor plate, but this guy relies on his skin is rough, flesh is thick, he was shot like a hedgehog but still with arrows covered in his body. The rod continues to rush forward, as if it wasn't the one that was shot. There are many creatures like wild boar and Pangolin in the herd. Some of them rely on defensive power to resist hard, while others can dodge attacks. In short, many of them can continue to charge regardless of the arrow's attack.

Of course, arrows are arrows after all. The formidable power of arrows fired by the elite troops of this guild is still quite strong, so although there are many creatures that are not afraid of arrows, there are more creatures in the herd. He was still nailed to this terrifying fifty-meter route. However, compared with the previous Japanese players who suffered countless deaths and injuries, the greatest specialty of these animals is not those creatures who are not afraid of arrows. On the contrary, the most powerful force among these animals is precisely those creatures that can be injured by arrows. However, unlike players and NPCs, although they can also be killed by arrows on the road, they have players and NPCs. Unmatched speed. That's right, it's speed.

The reason why 50 meters of death is terrifying is not how many people it can kill. As I said before, Japanese players are most afraid of dead people now, so no matter how many people die, they don't care. What really scares Japanese players is the terrifying rate of casualties. Because the speed of death caused by the rain of arrows exceeds the charging speed of Japanese players, if they simply cannot rush to the battlefield at the current pace, they will all die on the road. This is what they are really afraid of. But these animals are different. Their speed is fast enough, although most of them are also afraid of the arrows shot by the archer, but unlike Japanese players, they only need to withstand a round of blows to rush to the front of the battlefield, and once both sides When fighting, the archer's strike will inevitably weaken. Unless our personnel dare to cover the arrow rain with our own people, we cannot shoot at full speed. This is where these animals are truly powerful.

The fast-charging animals rushed to the front of the battlefield like lightning after a round of blows, and the leopard-like creature that ran the fastest leaped to the front line.

Seeing that leopard leaping up, the shield formation facing him was useless. Although the charging leopard had good speed, its jumping ability was not good enough to guard against the sky, so it didn’t. Can skip the lance array specially prepared for high-level personnel, and finally fell on a bunch of spear tips pointing to the sky after the inertia was exhausted and was quickly worn into a barbecue.

With the death of the leopard, subsequent creatures began to rush to the front of the formation and jump towards the shield formation. Although they were all worn on the lance without exception, lance after all The length is limited. When five or six creatures are strung on a lance, the lance hand can't move the lance at all.

The spearhead being crushed alive makes the lance array no longer able to stand up to the sky, and the subsequent creatures can finally fall into the crowd safely.

The first creature that successfully entered the formation was a reindeer-like creature with huge long horns, but the size of this guy was not so big. He stepped on a shield without lance protection and flew into the crowd behind him, and then this guy immediately swiped his head and used Changjiao to overturn a few people around him, but he was only a few people down before he was jumped out from the side. A big hole was made in the neck with a dagger, and as blood spewed wildly, it quickly fell into the formation. However, the death of this deer brought a little chaos to the formation, and with the help of this little chaos, more creatures finally rushed into the front line.

It wasn't until a large group of creatures rushed into the formation that the Japanese players suddenly reacted and started to charge, although the creatures that rushed into the formation had not yet threatened the archer forces, so Japan launched the charge again. Players are still suffering from casualties, but no matter how many people die, they at least see hope.

Just as the Japanese players were excited to follow those creatures to charge, a fox-like creature ran and suddenly jumped in midair and became a beautiful woman, following her suddenly The palm of the hand which was only vacantly held in front of him was gently blown, and a large pink mist of gleaming fluorescence quickly diffused. In the dense battle formation, even if we saw the mist approaching, our personnel did not dare to move, so we could only brace oneself and watch the pink mist envelop them.

After being shrouded in the fog, the high level guards immediately felt a dizzy and eyes blurred. In the horrified eyes of the Japanese players, the high level guards in that large area actually planted one by one. Falling to the ground revealed a large blank area.

"Why do I say these animals are so powerful? It turned out to be Monster Race!"

The Japanese players didn’t understand until the vixen turned into a human form and released the hypnotic fog. Those charging creatures are simply not natural creatures, they are all monsters. Like the monsters in Chinese culture, there are also a large number of monsters in Japanese culture, and compared with China, Japan has more monster resources.

Just now, the Japanese players that our archer troops can shoot have stopped, which fully illustrates the strength of those archers, and if these creatures are really just ordinary animals, they are no matter what. It is also impossible to pass through that arrow rain to attack the battle formation behind. Now after seeing a vixen, the doubts in the hearts of Japanese players are finally solved. However, just after they learned the identity of their new allies, they began to worry about their allies.

The vixen that released the mist just blew the smoke out. Before he could return to the ground, he saw a divine light from where he flew from in the battlefield. The gorgeous arrow went through one of the eyes of the beautiful vixen in an instant, and the arrow even emerged from the back of her head. This is not over yet. Just when the fox spirit was pierced by an arrow and the corpse was falling backwards, suddenly a blue arc flashed on the arrow, followed by a boom, and a cloud of small mushrooms rose. , And the vixen and the group of Demons below her have all become pieces of ground meat.

"Broken Demon Arrow?" A Japanese player looked at the still rolling Fireball and wondered.

A person next to him said: "What demon arrow? That is the blasting arrow of the Frost Rose League. It is said to be a bow and arrow, but it is actually a reduced magic crystal steam bomb. Otherwise, why do you think an arrow can Is there such a huge might?"

"No! I heard that there are many rune archers in the Frost Rose League. It seems that the rune arrows they shoot can produce such explosive power, and the formidable power is similar."

"I know that kind of archer, but I heard that they are all on the front line of China and Russia. Even if they are transferred back, they are not so fast."

The dispute between these players is not over yet, One after another in our camp flew out a large swath of that kind of arrows, and it turned out that the group of Demon chickens flew up. Although monsters already have some special abilities, they still have fleshy bodies. What's more, these all are low-level Demons at the scene don't have that powerful mana, otherwise they won't be played in animal form as soon as they come up. If it is really a fairy like the Peacock Pluto, how can it still use its true body? Just a few kilometers away, a spell was thrown over and the battlefield was leveled.

With the extensive use of blasting arrows, the Demon who charged can be described as heavy casualties, but their deaths are not in vain, at least they let the Japanese players behind rush to the front of the battlefield.

Different from the Demon that made the sound of the animals, although the player’s attribute value makes them much more flexible than the real person, it is obviously impossible to jump directly from the shield, so they do Can only rush into the shield array.

With the crash of ding ding dong dong, the fastest Japanese player finally crashed into the shield formation, and followed the first group of people who rushed to the shield formation. Lance protruding from the gap was stabbed to death in front of the shield, but their bodies did not fall under the pressure of the follow-up personnel, but hung on the shield. Behind these people who died in the first wave, those who arrived in the second wave stepped on the corpse of their predecessor and began to climb up, and then jumped to the top of the shield and pressed their entire body onto the shield.

There was the impact of the previous two waves of people. Although the shield was basically not down, the weight of the corpse and the pushing of the enemy in front had already made the shield formation sway. The subsequent Japanese players became even more crazy. He rushed to the shield wall without turning back, and finally knocked the shield hand to the ground.

As the shield fell, the Japanese players behind were no longer blocked by the shield, and rushed frantically to the shield player who lost their shield in front. These tall and strong shield players quickly backed away when they found that the shield could not support them. So not many shield players were smashed under the shield, and most of the shield players ran out. Although they don't have a shield, the shield players are generally heavy-armored troops. Without a shield, the armor on their body is enough for opponents to cut. Therefore, these unshielded shield players pulled out the heavy sword hanging on their backs and started fighting with the Japanese players who rushed up.

A Japanese player excitedly watched a player not far in front of him threw down the shield, and then the person standing behind that player stepped on the player’s undead body and rushed in time The shield hand that escaped. The one who was at least two meters tall, and the long wall-like shield hand moved flexibly and pulled away, then stretched out with one hand behind his back to hold the hilt, and then violently lifted it forward, with the sword blade straight. Threw away from the back of the shield player, and with a sword of inertia, one of the two Japanese players who attacked him was split into two pieces. Another player who was not attacked excitedly took advantage of this opportunity to jump onto the shield player and cut his head desperately with a knife, but his helmet was so thick that he couldn't cut it at all for a while. Instead, he cut it off. With a backhand, the shield hand pulled the man off him and hit a player who charged up behind him, and then the two hugged him and fell to the ground.

This excited Japanese player looked at the two in front of him and ignored them after they smashed together. He jumped over the bodies of the two and hit the shoulder of the shield player with a sword, but he didn't let him. What I expect is that he was hit back by a fist that suddenly enlarged when he was still in the air, and then he saw the person behind him jumped to the side of the shield player and drew a sword to the waist of the opponent. Gaps in the side armor.

"ao..." With a roar that did not sound like a human voice, the shield hand punched the Japanese player who pierced his waist with the sword into his stomach, and then dragged him. When the dart was thrown out, an NPC that had jumped off the ground and was ready to attack was thrown back into the crowd.

Get rid of the annoying interference around him, the shield player once again raised the long sword, and rushed into the crowd of Japanese players with the anger caused by the pain, and then the guy waved the handle and approached one. Miba's super heavy sword will slash and slash in the crowd. Many people are not hacked to death by the sword at all, but are directly smashed out. Although this guy is obviously a living creature, his power is as big as a robot. If it weren't for the bleeding from his waist, most Japanese would probably think of this guy as some kind of magic puppet in our guild.

In fact, this is not the only shield player on the battlefield, but almost all shield players on the entire front.

Because there are no gorgeous skills, and generally do not provide much damage output in team battles, many people will mistakenly regard the profession of shield hand as a profession that is not very powerful, but, For a person who really understands the battlefield, he will never think that the shield player is weak. Imagine that on the battlefield, after two huge coalition forces encountered each other, the shield players of both sides stood in the front. If one considers an army to be a single animal, the shield-handed unit that comes into contact first is undoubtedly the minions or horns most commonly used by animals. When the two Legions collided, the heavy shields in the front row had to stand like a rock in front of the flood-like stormtrooper. Is this something ordinary people can do? Therefore, the shield players, especially the heavy shield players in the shield hands, are actually a bunch of super mobile fortresses with amazing battle strength. In a melee where agile attributes are basically useless, a heavy shield player conservatively estimates that he can kill at least twenty times his own enemy. In contrast, agile personnel can kill at least some people who are indeed very high-level. Some people can do a one-to-one change of injury even if it doesn't hold everyone back.

For these sturdy heavy shield players, although the Japanese players are quite afraid, their charge has not slowed down at all. Although the heavy shield players without shields are still very good, they can't stop the Japanese players from charging. What they can do is to kill and injure those who pass by as much as possible. As for those who missed the past, they can only count on them. The troops behind it.

Behind the heavy shield of our elite Legion is the lance array. Although a lot of Demon corpses were worn on it before, it has basically been cleared out now. The Japanese players rushing through the shield formation first hit a nail wall composed of spear tips, and then these people were quickly squeezed into the nail wall. Of course, those who charged didn't voluntarily hit the nailed wall. The key was that someone was pushing from behind, and the person in front couldn't stop even if they wanted to stop. As a result, Fengxian had to help others by himself.

The lance hands immediately retracted their spears after penetrating one person and then retreated, using the drag force to pull out the tip of the spear and then stab the barrel forward again. Every two people next to each other in the dense lance array Forwards and backwards are reversed, so from the front, the lance array is constantly reciprocating like a flying needle of a sewing machine. In the process, anyone approaching will be stabbed and thrown away again. .

In the face of this terrifying lance array, the Japanese players behind were a little nervous, but after piled up a pile of corpses on the ground, they finally realized that if they were not brave, they would all die here. So a hot-headed guy yelled and took the initiative to jump into the lance array, and unlike ordinary people, he actually insisted on holding on to the spear after he was pierced like a hedgehog, which caused him The body can't be thrown off.

Because of the heroic behavior of the guy with hot head, a gap finally appeared in the lance array, and then more people with hot brain rushed in and hugged Lance’s spear with their bodies to expand the gap. 'S personnel used this gap to rush into the spear formation and began a close battle with the lance hand. In the dense crowd, lance is obviously not suitable for close combat, but lance can only throw away lance and replace it with a short sword for self-protection.

Originally, Japanese players thought that as long as the breakthrough lance array, they could easily kill the lance hands behind them, but when they actually got in touch, they realized that the elite Legion of our guild was not as susceptible as imagined. Rule restraint. The lance hand who gave up lance not only was not easily slaughtered by them, but even matched with the person who rushed in.

A lance hand can even match the enemy evenly without lance. What is this concept? This means that the amateur project combat level of these lance players is at the same level as their professional projects. A Japanese player who is a professional swordsman looked at the lance hand holding a short sword in front of him, and his depressed eyebrows were almost frowning. He himself is a swordsman, so he is a professional swordsman. The opponent is just a lance hand, and the sword is just a backup weapon. But even if they were able to tie, it’s no wonder that the lance hand was stabbed to death while holding a spear. There are so many of them, their level is really too high.

Our lance hand is indeed very difficult to deal with, but even the most powerful lance hand is still the lance hand. It’s not bad to be able to tie the hand with that group of melee professionals with the sword. In the Japanese In the end, the lance formation did not last long under the tactics of the crowded sea, but when the lance formation completely collapsed, a deafening roar suddenly sounded from the back of our battle formation.

"Damn, what is it?" The Japanese player who had just cut down the last lance hand was about to rush forward, his head stunned by the sudden roar, and his feet crooked. , Almost didn't fall to the ground. You must know that the current Japanese players have been completely crazy, and falling to the ground at this time is not just a matter of falling. In this situation, the Japanese player behind simply does not consider whether the person who fell in front is his own companion or enemy, nor does he consider whether the person fell accidentally or has become a corpse. In short, as long as the person in front falls, they will immediately step on the other person. No matter whether the person is dead or alive when he falls, he will definitely become a corpse after a few seconds.

The Japanese player who almost fell because of that roar had no time to complain, and suddenly saw a huge black silhouette flying in the opposite transnational Transmission Formation. The huge membrane wings covering the heavens, shielding the sun and the lizard-like body structure all charge to illustrate the race of the creatures in front of them.

"Damn it, giant dragon. It is the guardian giant dragon of the Frost Rose League."

It's no secret that our guild will have dragons. The Japanese once attacked Ai Xin before. Ge, they had suffered from Dragon Clan's losses at the time. When they saw this group of giant dragons, they immediately understood that this was the return of the giant dragon Legion from our guild. Unlike most troops, the giant dragon not only has strong ground combat capabilities, but also has super high mobility. Their huge wings do not only provide them with air superiority in battle. The giant dragon that can fly long distances during the transfer of troops is definitely one of the very best in all troops, except for the super fast but battle. Apart from the weak long spear formations and Pegasus troops, this group of giant dragons may be the fastest.

As those giant dragons took off, a giant giant dragon that was several times larger than other giant dragons suddenly spread its wings and flew, and this one is also very familiar to Japanese players. The guild has advanced martial power, because he was Hong Yan who had just left the game due to a serious injury. The roar that the Japanese player just heard was actually from Hong Yan. In the previous battle, Hong Yan was beaten with less than one tenth of his blood. As one of the units that cannot be resurrected, our guild does not allow Hong Yan to risk his life, so he has only ten points left. After one-half of his health, he withdrew Isinger. However, although Hong Yan temporarily evacuated the battlefield due to severe injuries, there will be high-level healers in our bank. Therefore, after a period of recovery, Hong Yan, who has returned to the peak state, returned to the battlefield. As for the roar just now, it was actually a signal announcing his return.

Although Hongyan had been here once before, but now I saw Hongyan Japanese players still immediately showed a bitter melon face. Because of the lack of high level personnel, many Japanese players died in order to drive Hong Yan's blood volume down and force him to leave. Moreover, at that time, it was a Japanese player who ganged up Hong Yan with basically no interference, but now, Hong Yan has not only returned, but also brought a large group of younger brothers back. Players who have played BOSS know that the single BOSS and the BOSS with a bunch of younger brothers are definitely not the same concept. Although it is not a big deal whether it is the boss or the younger brother after separating them, the BOSS and his younger brothers appear together. That is definitely a nightmare for players. Besides, although Japanese players now regard Hongyan as a BOSS, don't forget that his little brother is also a dragon. Those guys are not little monsters, if they are released, each of them can actually be regarded as a BOSS. A super big boss brings a group of ordinary big bosses. This combination will definitely allow Captain of any monster spawning team to pluck out his hair.

The Japanese players are nervous there, and the giant dragon in the sky is not nervous at all. After all lifted off, these giant dragons immediately dispersed, and then they were seen diving and pulling up over the Japanese player team like a dive bomber, and each time they dived, they would cook a large group of people with dragon flames. , And then fell on the ground and swept a group of people with paws and tails, and finally killed two unlucky ones and grabbed one with one paw and took four people into the sky, and finally brought them up again. The human bomb was thrown back into the crowd below.

Compared with most devil beasts in the game, giant dragons are simply skinny creatures. These guys have the speed of an air unit, and at the same time have tank-like defenses and various physical attack methods, which are more terrifying. However, most giant dragons use magic, and Dragon Clan’s racial innate talent, Dragon Flame, is a model of high attack surface killing skills. Such a perverted creature itself is exaggerated. What's more terrible is that Dragon Clan has a large population. Although it has always been said in the game that Dragon Clan has low reproductive capacity, if you really observe it carefully, you will find that compared with most rare devil beasts, the number of Dragon Clan is actually quite a bit. Of course, compared with the skeletons or slimes, there are really not more than the giant dragon, but compared with the special creatures in some leveling areas, the Dragon Clan, which is distributed everywhere in the world, should actually be regarded as one. Very large ethnic group.

Of course, no matter how large the number of Dragon Clan is, it doesn't make much sense to ordinary people, because it is very difficult for them to get a dragon, and the number of Dragon Clan is meaningless to them. However, our guild is different, because we are the only guild with a large group of giant dragons. In particular, we also have Hong Yan, one that is known as a legendary existence in the entire Dragon Clan.

The participation of a large number of giant dragons can mess up the Japanese players who charge below. The original mountain cry out and sea howl, the dense team charged forward was smashed by the swooping dragons, scattered Japanese players who escaped the giant dragon slaughter could only be forced by those strong shields like bears. After the slaughter, only the Japanese players who survived two consecutive winnings can have the opportunity to rush to the regular battlefield behind. But the question is, is the group of heavy infantry holding swords and shields easy to deal with?

"This won't work. Those who rush through the elite Legion heavy infantry will have to die!" said a Japanese guild leader.

A guild leader next to him also said: "Yes, we have to kill those giant dragons before we can hope. Let them rush to fight like this and it becomes a tactic of adding fuel, a Chinese unit. The level is higher than ours, and we have no chance of winning with the refueling tactics."

"Don’t we know that we should kill the giant dragons first?" A president asked impatiently: "The present The question is, is there any way to get rid of those dragons!"

"Or we...?"

The president just opened his mouth and called out the president next to him. "Aren’t you asking us to go to Matsumoto Masaka’s Ghost Dragon Society again?"

"The Ghost Dragon Society is the leading guild in this battle. Did we listen to them wrong?" proposed The chairman said.

"But...?" The opponents were still a little unwilling.

The proposed president said directly: "What else are you? You have a way to say it. We all listen to you. If there is no way, don't waste time. You can wait for our people. You can’t afford to die!"

A guild leader next to him also followed: "Yes! The troops we brought this time are only 1/4/2021 less than 1/4/2021, and we can’t beat us anymore. But there are really no soldiers to send! Besides, Fulcrum City is only the key point in the restoration campaign. After that, we have to regain the whole country. That is also important! Fill all the troops here, what will we do afterwards? I don’t think it’s time for intrigue. , Everyone should be honest and find this Monarch for help. If you solve this group of dragons, everything is easy to say!"

Although I am still reluctant, I see no one around me to support me, the opposing president They had no choice but to nodded, and then they quickly sent someone to contact Masaka Matsumoto's Ghost Dragon Association. Although Masaka Matsumoto was driven away by my demon, the Chief-In-Charge of the Ghost Dragon Club was still there, so these chairmen quickly got a reply.

"What did they say?" As soon as the reporter came back, they were questioned by these guild leaders.

The player who reported the letter said: "They just said let us not worry, they have arranged it. However, the people from the Ghost Dragon Club also said that they can't eliminate these giant dragons, they can only delay temporarily. They don’t let them attack the ground. They want us to destroy the Transmission Formation as soon as possible at all costs. They won’t be able to hold on for long."

After hearing this, a president nodded and said: "This is also the case. Yes, those giant dragons are top-level devil beasts after all. It is really too difficult for the ghost dragon guild to kill them all. But as long as they can hold the dragons, we can break through the defense and enter the Transmission Formation."

As soon as the person reporting the situation here explained the situation, the presidents of the Japanese guilds suddenly found a large group of densely packed giant bats flying overhead. Each of these bats has a wingspan of more than three meters, with sharp fangs in their huge mouths, and sharp claws on the tips of their wings. At the same time, these bats also emit some faint red light, which looks very Weird. However, despite the large size of these bats, compared with the seventy-eighty meter length of giant dragons, they can still be regarded as miscellaneous soldiers. However, the number of miscellaneous soldiers to a certain extent is actually very deterrent, and these bats are not ordinary goods.

When I first saw these bats flying, whether it was the people from our guild or the Japanese players, they were a little confused. After all, these bats are too small compared to giant dragons. Originally, the Japanese presidents thought that the Ghost Dragon Club had hidden a group of biped wyverns. Although the biped wyvern is like a malnourished giant dragon compared to the giant dragon, they can be regarded as an order of magnitude species anyway, but this group of bats are really...

Although they look down on these Bats, but giant dragons still have no intention of letting them rush over. A giant dragon closest to the group of bats flew over first, and released a ring of lightning at the group of giant dragons far away. Although he prefers hand-to-hand combat, Dragon Language magic is not a mere name. As a blue circle of light spread, a large blank area was instantly cleared from the bat colony. All the bats swept by the lightning ring were all covered with arcs and fell down.

"Damn, how do you hold those dragons so weak?" Seeing a magic, they swept away a large swath of bats. The Japanese guild players below all started to get anxious, although the bats are not theirs. But the results of the bats are directly related to their offensive missions! Now that these bats that they have high hopes are so useless, how can they not be in a hurry?

The dragon on the opposite side was obviously stunned by his magic formidable power. The lightning ring is not a powerful magic. Dragon Clan has no habit of using this spell to end the battle. They usually use this spell to cause a certain degree of electric shock damage to the opponent before touching, and then take advantage of the opponent's body to be paralyzed by the electric current. Opportunity rushed to fight melee. This dragon was also planned just now. Who knows that if a lightning ring goes down, those bats that were targeted will be dead. This is too weak, right?

Although it is not as fast as Dragon Clan, the bats do not fly much slower. As soon as the dragon hesitated, the group of bats over there immediately rushed to him, and trouble followed.

Seeing that there was a bat approaching, the dragon opened its mouth and bit, but when he bit three bats, he heard a bang. This guy immediately felt black in front of his eyes and his body Lost control and drove down in the sky.

This sudden change surprised both the enemy and us. The p

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