"The floating artillery group is raised to a safe height, and the rear artillery group enters an attack state. Please take care to avoid your own artillery shells by air combat units. The ground Level 2 defense unit is activated and enters close combat mode."

As the prompt sound ended, several cliffs disguised as mountains on both sides of Fulcrum City suddenly fell forward amidst the rumbling sound and turned into a platform. At the same time, several metal tracks changed from Stretched out from the mountain. Immediately after the steel rails were fully deployed, several railguns drove out of the cave along the tracks in the mountain, and the barrels that were as thick as a mountain tunnel began to slowly rise up amidst the sound of metal gears rotating.

"The last notice is that the artillery group is in place. Please pay attention to concealment of all units. The special artillery map shells will start to be loaded and will be launched freely after three seconds. Three, two, one, start shelling."


Boom. A huge rumbling sound sounded on the mountains on both sides of Fulcrum City at the same time. At the same time, the orbital guns protruding from the mountain also slid into the within cave under the terrifying recoil, and at the same time, a thick smoke rose from the mountain. , The huge resonance produced by the shelling actually shook all the dust on the mountain to in midair.

"All down." Standing on the city wall of Fulcrum City, the layman who helped defend the city was preparing to attack the enemy under the city wall. Suddenly, he heard the Frost Rose League NPC around him shouting They lie down, although they don’t know why they should lie down, but since they shouted, it’s definitely useful, so those players also learned the same as the Frost Rose Alliance personnel around them, plucking on the ground and covering their ears with their hands on their heads and desperately covering their ears. .

Just after the people on our side had just been sheltered, a few flashing red light spots glided across the city wall and fell into the Japanese player community outside. Just listening to a loud explosion sound, all the people on the city wall felt a violent shaking of the ground. It felt as if the city wall was about to fall. Many people were even bounced off the ground. The horrible shock wave even made people unable to breathe. Many people were still dizzy and turned as if they had just poured two catties of Erguotou even though they were covering their ears.

In fact, compared to the effect on the city wall, the real unlucky ones are those Japanese players who directly bear all the formidable power of the shells. The previous shelling had shocked them enough, but didn't expect the situation became even worse when the artillery groups on both sides of the mountain fired. Those railguns fired super shells with a diameter of more than two meters and a weight of ten tons. Each shell was pre-installed with 3,000 diffusion bombs filled with liquefied magic crystal vapor. When the mother bomb exploded on the ground, these The bullets will be evenly distributed within a radius of one kilometer around, and then when these bullets are detonated together, everything within this kilometer radius will withstand a momentary high temperature of 20,000 degrees and a super pressure of more than one million atmospheres. Compared with air-fuel bombs, this kind of explosion caused by the excessive release of magic crystals is not only formidable power larger, but also has a chain reaction, because the magical power fluctuations that collapse during the explosion are too strong, and even cause the surrounding space to appear. The phenomenon of magical disorder, and if there is a magician in this area, it will become part of the explosion, and the higher the mage level, the stronger the magical power, the greater the formidable power of the explosion. It can be said that this shell is simply a mage killer. The higher the level, the more unable to resist the formidable power of this shell.

When the first round of the artillery group ended the bombardment, the entire position outside of Fulcrum City became quiet in an instant. The Japanese players had already rushed to the city wall and almost appeared from the face of the earth. All were gone in an instant, except for the hundreds of big pits that were smoking smoke, no corpses could be seen at all on the battlefield, and the situation was strangely abnormal.

"The people in front, why didn't they leave? What are you doing blocking the door?" Although the Japanese players in the secret stronghold channel heard the loud noise of the bomb explosion, they couldn't see the outside. The people in front stood at the door in a daze and blocked the passage of people behind, so the players behind pushed the people in front to figure out what was going on.

The player in front took the initiative to give up a passage after being pushed by the person behind, but the person who just came out of the passage immediately froze at the exit and blocked the passage again. The situation behind it is unknown. The people had no choice but to continue to push the crowds, but when they came out, they immediately became the same as the people in front of them, because what they saw was a huge open space that looked like the surface of the moon. Those people who came out before have all disappeared. The position you are standing is invisible to the person standing next to the city wall. Although these latter players don’t know how many people went out before them, there are tens of thousands of people, but they didn’t expect this to be less than one minute, and there are tens of thousands of people standing outside. , Such a terrifying casualties, even Japanese players who are determined to die can not help but shake.

"Don’t be frightened by the Chinese shelling. No matter how powerful their cannons are, they dare not throw them above their heads. As long as we rush to the city wall, their cannons will be useless. For the empire Come on!"

Japan has never been short of passionate people. With the shouts of the first to recover, the morale of the people behind was immediately encouraged, plus Many people in the back simply didn't see the situation clearly, and now they found out that the army was moving again, they immediately followed along instinctively.

Looking at the Japanese outside the city moving again, those Chinese players on the city wall who had just been frightened by their own shelling shouted one after another: "Damn, the little Japan is just assaulted today. Do you dare to charge like this? They don't want to die?"

An older player patted the person next to him. "Idiots, they are here to die. Japan has been destroyed. If these people cannot restore Japan's national territory as soon as possible, they will become subjugated players. Who cares if they die at this time?"

< p>"That's what I said!"

Just as the Chinese players got up from the ground and stood on the side of the city wall, the Japanese below had already rushed to less than 500 meters away from the city wall. The distance of meters was up, but the artillery group at the rear did not sound again, until the dense firepower of the floating turrets above the head blasted the Japanese army like the carpet underneath and lost one piece from the east and one piece from the west. However, even if the floating fort attack is fierce, it is completely displayed in front of the Japanese who are not afraid of death. They still charge forward like crazy, as if they would get 5 million if they run on the city wall. .

In fact, the facts are indeed similar. In order for the Japanese players to work hard this time, Masaga Matsumoto not only moved the Japanese players with love and reason, but also directly used the temptation of money. According to Masaga Matsumoto's promise, the first Japanese player to rush to the city wall can get a Familiar Egg above the 900th level, and the top ten rushing to the city wall will also have their own rewards in order. The first player to cross the city wall and enter the wall has special rewards. After that, every time a city wall is captured, there will be rewards. If you want to get more things, you have to rush forward without fear of death. Under the dual motivation of national justice and personal interests, it is no wonder that Japanese players are crazy.

"Damn, are these guys taking drugs together?" The guards on the city wall watched the Japanese players almost use their hands and feet to rush under the city wall, despite the entire charge In the process, their attrition rate reached more than one-half, but the remaining personnel were not affected at all. After they rushed under the city wall, because they had no siege weapons, they took out the rope they carried and threw them on the top of the city wall to climb the wall, but the guards above were not models standing there and posing. The rope thrown up is directly cut off. The Japanese players who climbed halfway along the rope screamed and fell to the city head after the rope broke, but the people behind it seemed that they hadn't seen them. They continued to throw ropes on the city wall and climbed up desperately.

"Damn! The crossbowman is ready." Captain of a player squad directed several crossbowmen around to rush to the edge of the city wall, facing the Japanese who are about to climb to the top of the wall. The arrow shot past, and the Japanese who hit the arrow fell to the wall one after another, but the people below grabbed their ropes and continued to climb up. The crossbowmen did not even have time to change their arrows.

"Attention, there is a devil on the wall!" With a shout, the person guarding the city wall immediately found a place where a few Japanese people actually climbed onto the wall and were about to jump into the city wall , But before they jumped up, they saw a row of spears suddenly flying from the back of the player group. The Japanese who had just stood on the stomping wall were immediately pierced with guns and fell out of the city wall, but they didn’t wait for them 'S body disappeared outside the wall, and the people behind took their ropes and climbed to the top of the wall, and the lance hand who threw the spear just now had not had time to pick up the new spear.

"Get out of the way." With a shout, a mage player suddenly looked up, and a row of Fireballs flew out to blow up a few Japanese who were just about to climb the stomping wall, but he After all, his spell is not a machine gun. Before he had time to gather a Fireball after blasting a few people away, he saw a Japanese player in shiny red armor flying in directly from the stomping wall.

"Kill." Several Chinese warrior players raised their swords and rushed to the Japanese to make a collective chop. Didn't expect the sword to hit someone before the opponent suddenly put his hand on his waist. On the side of the knife, and then white light flashed, all these players were bounced back.

"It's Blade Drawing Technique, this is an expert. Heavy shield hand." As a player command shouted, two NPCs were nearly two meters tall, holding one tower shield suddenly resembling two The siege tank rumbled and slammed into the Japanese player with a shield.

Although the Japanese player knows the Blade Drawing Technique, it is a lightweight fighting technique after all. No matter how powerful the Blade Drawing Technique is, he can't cut a few inches thick shield. With a bang, the two heavy shields directly flew the Japanese player out, and then before he could regain his footing, the two heavy shields moved forward again, and they just pressed him tightly with their shields. On the edge of the city wall, impossible to move even a little bit. The attributes of Japanese players are mostly light and agile, and it is definitely not enough to compare strength with a strong shield player. The expert who was squeezed against the wall was completely impossible to move, and at this moment, the two shield players suddenly gave up a seam to both sides, and several lance hands immediately raised lance and plunged between them. Feeling that the resistance in front of them disappeared, the two shield players immediately retreated to one side, and more lances quickly made up for the Japanese player who had already hit a few lances into a hedgehog.

However, although this guy was killed, he wasted too much time. Japanese players in the rear climbed up the wall and started jumping in. Several lance players who retreated a little slower have yet to come. And when he hid from the crowd, he was hugged by the Japanese who jumped in and rolled into a ball. Although the people behind quickly rushed to rescue them, they also put more Japanese players in.

"No, the Japanese are too crazy, we can't keep the city wall in this way!" several Chinese players shouted.

"If you can't stand it, you have to be the best. One second is one second." Others yelled and directed the players and NPCs around them to continue to rush forward and pay with the Japanese players who climbed up the city wall. The melee started.

Just when they were huddled on the top of the city wall, a few Japanese guild leaders on a high ground outside the city said excitedly: "Haha, I finally rushed to the city wall, didn't Expect casualties are much lower than we expected!"

"Yes." Another chairman said: "Didn't expect Masaka Matsumoto's plan is so useful. I thought the casualties could be achieved. 70% to 80% or more, didn’t expect that less than 10% of the casualties have already rushed to the first city wall. Looking at it this way, the final total casualties should be controlled below 50%. Commander, we don’t know how many people are going to die."

A female guild leader also said: "Yes! Why do you guys say they charge at all costs, just let this Monarch command the battle? Can you reduce the casualties so much?"

An older president said: "What is charge at all costs? You have to figure out the key. Although loose this Monarch wants We are rushing to the strongest defensive stronghold of the Chinese, but he used multiple plans to confuse the Chinese, so that they have no time to react, and he also found the key point in time when the opponent's defense was empty. The ghost Nobunaga though. It is also for us to attack the city, but he is for us to attack the city where there are a large number of elites stationed by the Frost Rose League. Can the two be the same?"

"Indeed, there is a brain that is different. The long guy is an idiot. Did you say that we were caught in the door and we wanted to follow him?"

Amidst the discussions among these Japanese chairpersons, the Japanese players on the city wall are getting together. The more, the more they finally formed an evenly matched situation with the Chinese players who took the initiative to defend the city and the NPC troops in the guild. The density of the people on both sides was almost the same. In addition, the Japanese players came with a determination to die. They didn’t dodge the attack at all. People who saw us rushed up and hugged it and pressed it down. The Japanese behind them rushed up and didn’t see if it was their own people or the Chinese players and their people who would be hugged by a sword. Poke a pair of crosses together, and then fly around and hug the Chinese player in front of you, waiting for someone behind to poke yourself and the enemy through. Although this battle method is terrifying in casualties, it has to be admitted that the pressure on the opponent is terrifying. When have players from China seen this style of play? Those Chinese players who are accustomed to conventional warfare simply don't know how to deal with the opponent's semi-rogue battle method. The Chinese players who are engaged in the opponent's semi-rogue battle method are clearly defeated and beaten.

"No way, the city wall will no longer be able to be held in this way!" Several Chinese players gathered together while resisting the crazy Japanese players in front of them and said.

A warrior next to him jumped forward and cut down a Japanese player, then quickly returned to the cover of his companion, and then said: "Damn, why aren't the people from the Frost Rose League yet?"

A female player behind said: "The people of the Frost Rose League are on the front line of China and Russia. It will take time to temporarily transfer back!"

"But this side is going to be unstoppable. Ah!" Another female player said.

"If you can't keep it, you have to keep it. This is the property of the Frost Rose League and the property of our Chinese people. It is lucky to be able to keep it, and if we can't keep it, it is considered that we have contributed to the Frost Rose League."

"Then do your best!"

As these players launched the final counterattack, the Japanese players’ charge was pressed back a bit, but the Chinese players’ fighting determination was not as good as that. The Japanese are so perverted, so the battle line was gradually pressed to the inner side of the city wall in the end. However, just when the Chinese players felt that they were about to be unable to withstand it, the prompt above their heads suddenly rang again.

"Warning, confirm that the number one city wall defense line is in danger of being breakthrough. According to the final decision, confidential units are allowed to participate in the war. All combatants should be careful not to accidentally injure their own units."

"Secret units The Chinese players who were being overwhelmed by the Japanese were all stunned, but they soon understood what a confidential unit is.

On the crossover line between the Chinese and Japanese players, a row of square platforms suddenly rose on the ground. These platforms are two meters long and wide, and are gradually rising out of the ground at a slow speed and rising higher and higher. After all the platforms were completely raised above the ground, the Chinese players behind realized that these platforms were actually some three-meter-high cuboid structures that looked like elevator cabins, and when everyone was guessing what was inside, they saw These cuboids suddenly opened a door on the side facing the outside of the city wall, followed by the sound of a gas appliance starting. Everyone only saw huge metal human figures coming out of those rooms.

"My dear, the Frost Rose League actually hides mobile angels on the city wall. No wonder it is a secret unit!"

As the row of mobile angels walked out of the room, Those platforms that were higher than the ground slowly retracted below the ground, and the mobile angels took off the heavy sword that was more than two meters long and was full of jagged edges behind them. With a neat sound as if a motorcycle is starting, the serrations on the edge of the heavy sword suddenly turned, and the originally terrifying serrations suddenly began to surround the sword with high-speed rotation at extremely fast speeds.

Some knowledgeable Chinese players immediately shouted: "I rely on it, it's a chain saw sword, this is a slaughter weapon! Haha, this little Japan is going to be unlucky."

Facts As these players said, as the chain saw swords of those mobile angels are activated, the Japanese players in front are instinctively stagnant. Although not everyone has seen the chain saw sword, everyone knows the formidable power of this thing. A heavy sword that is more than two meters long and thick like a human leg is even more terrifying. There is a circle of teeth on the edge of this thing that rotates like a gasoline saw. Let alone touch it, this thing can scare a row by looking at it. people. even more how The mobile angels holding these things are all three-meter-tall, dwarf-like super-heavy mobile angels.

These mobile angels hidden on the city wall are all super-heavy mobile angels specializing in close combat. These mobile angels at the expense of mobility are all equipped with half a meter of special steel. Armor, let alone the hardness of this material, ordinary weapons can't be cut at all, even if it can be cut, how long is your weapon? It was inserted half a meter deep and just passed through the external armor. What about the back part? No matter how sharp your sword is, can it even be pierced in with the hilt? So unless they encounter some special equipment, these guys are simply invincible.

"Damn, the bastards of the Frost Rose League arranged this thing on the city wall!" The Japanese were dumbfounded when they saw these mobile angels, and they could hug their opponents perish desperately against the players. Together, how do these mobile angels hold? Let's not talk about whether these guys' thick hands and legs can be hugged, even if you hug, how about you hang yourself on them with their motivation? Can it affect other people's attacks?

Although the Japanese were frightened, the mobile angels would not wait for them to slow down. As soon as the chainsaw sword in their hands entered the fighting state, they immediately stepped into the crowd of Japanese players, and then Seeing these guys holding chainsaw swords and waving them left and right like wolf fang club, those Japanese players who are close to a certain range will be cut and smashed as long as they are swept by the huge chain saw sword. Flying dozens of meters away, many people were thrown directly outside the city wall.

Seeing how vigorous these mobile angels are, those Japanese players finally realized that waiting to die faster, all howled and launched a countercharge at the mobile angels. But mobile angels are different from players. These guys are not afraid of death or pain. Besides, the armor on them is a bit too thick. Most Japanese players can only leave them one after another even if they rush to them by chance. The azure impressions of her can't cut these iron bumps at all.

"Get out of the way." A Japanese mage player just climbed up the city wall, and as he yelled, the Japanese player in front of him immediately stepped aside. The Japanese mage immediately pointed at the mobile angel in front of him with one hand. "Thunder ray."

A blue beam suddenly shot out from the tip of the wizard's finger, directly hitting the mobile angel's chest and exploding violently. The surrounding Japanese players cried out excitedly when they saw the explosion flames: "Good job." But before their cheers were over, an arm was suddenly stretched out from the flame in front of them, and the flame was forcibly slashed horizontally. Split, followed the mobile angel out of the flames and raised his hand to the mage. A small opening suddenly popped up on the mobile angel’s wrist, and a small missile coughed directly into the mage’s dead eyes. With a bang, the mage was bombed with a large group of Japanese people around him. A pile of minced meat.

Close the launch port, the mobile angel grabbed the chainsaw sword and began to sweep the nearby Japanese players. The Japanese players who were engaged in it didn't know how to do it well. You can't beat it, you can't withdraw it, and you can't go around it. These big metal pieces are like rocks in the pit, smelly and hard.

"My mother, the mobile mobile angels of the Frost Rose Alliance are too powerful! If I have a few too." Seeing the effect of the mobile angel slaughter all sides, the Chinese players behind are envious. I hope I can also make a few self-protections with me. This thing is like cutting people with melons. Players below level 1,000 are not much stronger than rabbits in front of them, and even players over level 1,000 can only Said that they would not be easily killed by them, players who wanted to kill them had to be level 1,300 or above to have hope.

"Ah...fight with them." A Japanese player suddenly took out two huge liquefied magic crystal bombs like a thermos from the space equipment and held them in his arms to the nearest one. The mobile angel rushed over.

Seeing this player rushing over, the mobile angel immediately chopped the person in half without the slightest hesitation with a flick of his hand, but the person was bullish enough, and his body was cut in two. He actually insisted on pulling out the bomb insurance in his hand, and then pushed the bomb to the feet of the mobile angel with the last force.

The cylindrical bomb rolled directly under the feet of the mobile angel and hit the feet of the mobile angel with a sound. Japanese players around were clenched the teeth instinctively, but the bomb did not sound. . The mobile angel looked down at the bomb under his feet, and then kicked it out again with one kick, but the bomb exploded as soon as it landed under the city. With a boom, the Japanese players under the city wall are missing the boss.

"Damn, there are magic crystal energy stabilizers on the Chinese city wall, magic crystal weapons are useless here!" A smarter Japanese player finally discovered the problem.

Another player yelled: "Impossible, didn’t the mobile angel fire a missile by itself? Why did its missile explode?"

"Maybe it’s not a magic crystal bomb , Or they have jamming stabilizers. Since the magic crystal energy stabilizers were invented by the Frost Rose League, it shouldn’t be surprising that they have stabilized jammers?"

"That’s right! But this is the case It’s not just that they bomb us. We can’t do anything about them?"

"It’s okay, I still have primordial explosives and detonating scrolls." A player contributed a large collection of items nearby. People picked up old bombs and strapped them to their bodies and rushed towards the mobile angels frantically.

Seeing the Japanese player rushing towards him with a bomb, the mobile angel did not slash the sword like before, but suddenly raised his left hand to the person who rushed, and then his wrist Suddenly a pipe stretched out from the upper part, and with a whirr, a Fire Dragon spurted out of the nozzle, instantly turning the several Japanese players in front of them with explosives into human torches.

After seeing the person in front being lit, the person in the back who sent explosives immediately exclaimed: "Not good, flash." Unfortunately, they didn't yell fast enough, they only heard a bang on those people. The explosive was suddenly detonated by the flame, followed by a series of explosions, and the group of people rushing towards the mobile angel all turned into fly ash and disappeared into the flame.

Can't cut in close combat, magic crystal weapons are ineffective, and explosives can't be carried. Japanese players are completely dizzy in the face of abnormal weapons such as super-heavy mobile angels. This kind of weapon that can't be gnawed is really shocking.

"What should I do? Those mobile angels are too strong!" Standing on the hill, several Japanese guild leaders commanding saw a large number of Japanese players and NPCs rushing towards another mobile angel. All fell at the feet of the mobile angels, anxiously they wandered around in the same place but couldn't think of a way.

According to the plan we handed over to Matsumoto Masaga, Japan will give back to the Japanese, that is, the Japanese players will control Japan, and then use Matsumoto Masaga to control the Japanese players, we only need to control Matsumoto Masaka That's it. This is much easier than taking over Japan directly, and the benefits are the same, but the reputation sounds a little worse than direct occupation. But what we want is actual benefits rather than false face, so this remote control method behind the scenes is what we need most.

Since we decided to remotely control Japan, now this pivotal city is naturally to be shot down by the Japanese, and if we rely on these mobile angels to defend the city, wouldn’t all our future plans be useless? How could we do this kind of trouble for ourselves?

Although these mobile angels who are actually slaughter all sides are very difficult to deal with, they have a flaw. This defect is not intentionally left by ourselves, but a real one. Most of the mass-produced mobile angels in our guild have this problem, and this is a core technical problem that cannot be solved simply. This time, in order to make Masaga Matsumoto completely become the idol of Japanese players, we did not hesitate to pass on this flaw to Masaga Matsumoto and let him solve the mobile angel of our guild at a critical moment, so that he can truly become a Japanese player in mind Idol.

Of course, the mobile angel is one of the main battle strengths of our guild. If its flaws are spread out, it will hit us too much, so we arranged a plan for Matsumoto Masaga. Not directly revealing the secret, but holding the secret in his hand to coerce the heads of Japanese guilds who are trying to trick him.

On the battlefield, when Japanese players rushing to the city wall were about to be driven off the city wall by mobile angel troops, a group of Japanese players and NPCs wearing uniform equipment suddenly appeared on those lose one's Behind the Japanese player head out of fear. As soon as these people climbed up the city wall, they immediately jumped over the people in front of them and rushed to the front of the Japanese players with the light movement method, and then moved towards The mobile angels rushed over.

Seeing that someone jumped over them suddenly, the Japanese players who ranked in the front were all surprised. Then they discovered that these people were wearing uniform black equipment. They immediately thought of what they had heard before. legend. "Ghost Dragon! It's the ghost dragon guy! The people who loose this Monarch are here!"

The guild that Masaka Matsumoto was in charge of before being ousted by Japanese players was called the Black Dragon Society. Now he is in Japan again. It is back on the throne, but the original Black Dragon Society has been disbanded and turned into countless small guilds, and the name of Black Dragon Society has been inherited from a very unremarkable small guild. In fact, the real Black Dragon Society has long been disbanded, and the Black Dragon Society that exists now was created by Nobunaga Onishu in order to humiliate Masaka Matsumoto and forced a small guild to change its name. Now Masaga Matsumoto is back in power in Japan, but it is impossible to rebuild the Black Dragon Club. For one thing, the original Black Dragon club left too many bad impressions on Japanese players. Secondly, the name and flag of the current Black Dragon club are occupied by that small guild. If you want to reorganize the Black Dragon club, you must first force that. The small line will give out the flag and name. Although it is not difficult to do so, it is not good for the reputation after all, and it is not necessary. Later, after our consultation with Masaga Matsumoto, the ghost dragon society was finally proposed by Masaga Matsumoto, meaning that after the death of the Black Dragon transformed into the spirit dragon reappeared in this world, it carried the history of the original Black Dragon society. , And will not bring those bad things together.

Learning from the original lesson, the ghost dragon guild rebuilt by Masaga Matsumoto this time has not become a super guild that almost includes all players from all over the country like the original Black Dragon guild, because of that guild. Not only is management troublesome, but the organization is bloated, slow in response, and very low in efficiency. With our help this time, Matsumoto Masaka’s Ghost Dragon Association only established an elite guild similar to our Frost Rose League. This guild has very few personnel, but all of them are elite, and they absolutely obey orders. Whether it is responding to emergencies or doing quilt matters, in short, it will not take a long time to discuss a resolution like the original Black Dragon guild.

Because of the secret funding of our Frost Rose League and the fact that there are not many people in the guild, many of them are spies we support to Matsumoto Masaka, so this guild is actually A half-puppet guild, in which almost one third person besides Matsumoto Masaka are all spies of our Frost Rose League, and the rest are all Japanese ultra-nationalists. These people are passionate and low in intell

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