When everyone was busy going back, I saw something that scared me the soul flew away and scattered. Then Demon turned her head to Yinxue. As the only super-level existence among the gods present in our guild, if there is only one person present, I definitely hope that Yinxue can survive. But now the Demon has targeted her. Judging from the previous situation, once Demon launches an attack, even if Yinxue does not burst into blood mist like the previous ones, the chance of surviving is definitely not great. So at that moment I did something very brave.

At the moment when Demon’s one-eyed red light lit up, I suddenly jumped into Yinxue’s body and took her into my arms and turned around to block between her and the Demon. At the same time My wings spread quickly to envelop the two of us in order to improve protection as much as possible. However, even though both of us were wrapped in wings, I also knew that a skill that could kill the great gods in an instant would definitely kill me in seconds. But as long as I can save Yinxue, it will be worth it even if I get killed.

"I hope that damn skill won't wear two people at once!" This is the last sentence after I hugged Yinxue, and it's what I worry about most now. I'm not afraid of being killed, at worst it's just resurrected, it's dead and impossible for the player. I'm just afraid that my sacrifice is meaningless. In case that Demon's skills can be worn by two people at a time, it would be really troublesome.

Although I have thought a lot in my head, in fact, the whole process from when I pounced on Yinxue to the activation of Demon's skills did not take more than half a second. Almost at the same time I hugged Yinxue, everyone around saw that Demon's eyes sparkled with that terrifying red light again, and then...

Then I was expected to be bombarded with blood. The mist thing didn't happen. When the Demon's skills were activated, I only felt that I was pushed forward by a huge force, and at the same time, a group of red energy burst out behind me, and the shock waves flying all over the sky would lift a large group of people around. Turned over, but I was just blown off by the explosion.

"Purple Moon, Purple Moon, are you okay?" Yinxue understood my intention the moment I hugged her, and she didn’t mean to struggle. It’s not that she is selfish, but treats me. She didn’t care about sacrificing herself to protect her, but she knew that I could be resurrected. In contrast, it was completely worthwhile to exchange my resurrection for her non-renewable life, so she did not resist at all, so she let me help her resist. attack. However, let me be a shield and let me be a shield, my favor Yinxue can be regarded as completely written down. After all, for these NPCs, there is only one life. No matter what I paid, she would have had more lives anyway, and she would never forget this kind of favor.

When we were lifted off together, Yinxue immediately adjusted our posture in the air. As soon as she landed, she hurriedly shouted that I wanted to know how I was doing. Even though she knew that I could be resurrected, she was still terribly worried at that moment.

"Ah...Don't shake it, it hurts!" Yinxue shook it like this, and I immediately screamed with a grin.

When I heard me cry that Yinxue's heart hurts, I let go of it a lot. The pain at least means that the problem is not big. After confirming that I was okay, she immediately led me to fly back, and then turned me around and took a closer look at my back after the distance.

The most severely injured part of my body should be the back part. The armor here has become a sieve. There are at least hundreds of large and small holes on it. The density is simply staggering. My spine is not much better under the armor. The surface layer of flesh is completely gone. The red spine and the roots of the ribs are all exposed to the air, and the internal organs can even be seen directly in some places, if it weren’t for me. The racial attribute is quite special, and such a serious injury must have been over at that time.

"How? Is the injury serious?" I asked Yinxue while looking for Xiaochun's skills in the skill list. Divine Domain integration is not good at this point. Except for the common skills, other skills are not classified. They can only be found in the catalog. After the integration, I inherited all the skills of all the familiars, so this list is just like the phone book. It's the same length, it's really not easy to find a certain skill in it quickly.

Without waiting for me to find the healing skills, Yinxue put her hand on my back first, and as a blue light lit up, I only felt a chill on the hot back, and my muscle tissue Under this rays of light, he healed quickly at the speed of naked eye visible, and soon the perforated abdominal cavity was completely covered, but it would take some time for the muscles and skin to grow back.

While helping me with the treatment, Yinxue said: "Although the injury is not minor, the problem is not serious. It is all skin and flesh injuries. The internal organs seem to be fine. But your armor..."

< p>"It’s okay, Divine Dragon Armor can be repaired automatically. I just let you treat it without letting it repair itself. I will let it recover after the injury is healed, and it will be fully restored to a brand new state within ten seconds. "

"That's good. I thought it was because I broke your equipment!" Compared to my life that can be resurrected, my equipment is more precious. , That's why Yinxue worried that I would break the equipment because of saving her. If something goes wrong with my formal equipment, the favor she owes me is even more unclear.

We are healing the wounds here, but Demon over there is madly using her one eye to shoot that kind of red light everywhere, no matter who is stared by her, it will burst into the sky in an instant. blood mist. Just after I left to protect Yinxue, three other great gods died unfortunately, of course, more of them were nearby Russians. Because the great gods are relatively fast, as long as they can't hit them, the eyes flying over their heads will inevitably explode a large group of people.

The great gods on our side finally got out of contact with the Demon and gathered here one after another. Seeing Yinxue who was healing me, Biling was the first to ran over and hugged Yinxue. Xue Xue said: "I was scared to death just now, and I thought you were not saved!" Yinxue smiled and responded to Bi Ling while saying: "Thanks to Purple Moon for helping me with it. , Otherwise you will never see me again."

Bi Ling said to me earnestly after listening, "Purple Moon, this time I owe you personal love." Bi Ling and Yinxue The relationship was very good before I was accepted by Hyundai. It can be said that the two of them belong to the kind of close friends of the boudoir. Sometimes people even think that the relationship between Bi Ling and Yinxue is better than the relationship between her and the golden Heavenly Dragon husband. Better.

After hearing Biling’s words, I certainly can’t accept it directly, but politely said: “It’s all right. Yinxue is also a member of our guild after all. I’m protecting myself, so I don’t have anything to owe. I owe it. Besides, my life can be resurrected. It’s a good deal to replace Yinxue’s only life with my life that can be resurrected infinitely."

" I have to thank you." After Bi Ling finished speaking, there was another meal, as if thinking of something, then she looked at me up and down with a little surprise.

I was hairy when I was seen by Bi Ling, and couldn’t help asking: "What are you doing when you look at me like this?"

Bi Ling did not answer my question. Yin Xue, who was treating me, said: "How was his injury just now?"

Yin Xue said: "It's very serious. The entire back armor has been sifted into a sieve, and the muscle tissue is also very thin, even The skeleton and internal organs are all exposed. What are you asking for?"

"That's not right." Bi Ling said: "When others are hit, they will burst into blood mist instantly. Why are you just smashing your muscles? That’s it? And what you are suffering is only the muscle that is facing the attack, which means that Demon’s attack did not penetrate the muscle layer on your side at all, and even the internal organs were not injured."

The great gods who had just withdrawn in embarrassment also reacted upon hearing Bi Ling's words. The Golden Heavenly Dragon jumped directly to me and pressed a hand on my shoulder for a long time, and then said: "Strange, the attribute is not better than us? Why is the Demon skill so bad for you? "

"Does that guy have the same suppressing attribute of Divine Race as me?" I speculated tentatively.

A side of Azure Dragon shook the head and said: "Impossible. Only Godslayer has the attribute that suppresses Divine Race. Your position appears because you have killed too many Divine Races. Then Demon doesn't have you. She is so perverted that she has killed so many Divine Races. So she is impossible to kill the Divine Attribute."

"Actually, she is more perverted than me. Although she has not killed God before, but just now Killed six. She is definitely more perverted than me in terms of the efficiency of killing gods per unit time. But you are right, she is unlikely to have the attribute that suppresses Divine Race. Then there should be some other reason that caused me to suffer. The damage is much lower than yours."

"Otherwise, you can ask her to try again, maybe you can find the reason?" Vermilion Bird said suddenly.

As soon as I heard this, I stared at her and said: "You will have bad ideas, why don't you try it yourself?"

"We are not like you can be resurrected , Besides, didn’t you die just now? Don’t worry, we will protect you from a distance, and we will bring you back when we find something wrong."

"If something happens, I will become a blood mist. What's the difference between pulling it back? You have the time to think about what caused the difference between my defense and yours."

"I’m not suggesting it." Vermilion Bird said: "You want to know. Why are you not afraid of Demon’s attack, you must first tell all your defense attributes, and how did you stop her from attacking?"

"There are these defense attributes." I will own my own All attributes are displayed, and then the defense attributes are found and displayed separately, and then the process of intercepting the attack just now is described again. In order to fear that my own memory would be incomplete, Yinxue asked Yinxue to add it.

After listening, everyone is frowned and wondered what caused my defense effect to be so much higher than them, but this problem is indeed very troublesome. I searched for all my defense attributes and I didn’t find it. The article can block the unknown attack.

"Ah, I thought about the reason." While everyone was thinking about it, a Divine Race who I didn't know suddenly called out: "I thought about the reason."

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