Originally, this kind of task completed by the squad would not attract my attention. The reason why I am so curious this time is entirely because I heard the wizard and The content of the chat with the brawny man named Big Bear. Before tracing their squad, I always thought that their actions were for support or cover for Legion, the main Russian force staying on the frontal battlefield, but after listening to the content of their chat, it turns out that the facts are just the opposite of our guess. These two teams are not only used to support the main force Legion, on the contrary, the super invasion Legion, which has assembled the main guilds of all Russia, is actually playing cover for them. How can I not be curious about such a strange startup?

With curiosity about the mission goals of these people, I landed lightly near the entrance of the cave. After confirming that everyone in the cave had gone down some distance, I turned over and jumped down.

Although the gate with complicated mechanisms outside is inclined to the ground at an angle of thirty degrees, there is no inclined passage or step underneath it. Below this gate is a vertical downward passage, and the depth is amazing. The previous second echelon was all lowered down with ropes, and in order to fear that the first echelon would wake up and find that they had entered the crypt, these guys did not even leave the rope on it, but instead After everyone descended, a few flying players threw down the rope. Anyway, when they want to come out, they can let the flying players bring the rope up first, don't worry about not coming out.

Compared with the group of Russians, I want to go down much easier. Stand directly at the entrance of the passage and take a step forward, spread your wings and slowly fall to the top of the cave.

After I got down to the bottom of the well, I first observed whether the opponent had left people here, but I scanned a guard with anti-stealth and didn’t find any guards, until I found a lot at all around the bottom of the well. Rotten wood. Judging from the traces remaining on the wood, the vertical deep well we just jumped down originally had a sloped passage like scaffolding to go up, but these wooden structures really can’t stand the ravages of time. It's already a pile of rotten wood.

There is a unique entrance at the bottom of this cave, but it is different from the above. The passage here is not that big, but also not usually the door of a home is so small. The entrance is about ten meters high and at least eight meters wide. There is also a wooden door that has been decayed and hung on the entrance, but now only a few pieces that are less than one third are still hanging on the door frame. On the contrary, there are a lot of debris lying on the ground.

After passing through that bad door, the situation inside becomes more complicated. Unlike the obvious man-made buildings outside, although the passages inside have obviously been refurbished, the primordial natural style has not changed much. I estimate that the back passages should not be excavated manually, but later built by builders on the basis of these natural passages. After removing some protruding parts that affect traffic safety, and roughly filling the ground, it is what I see now.

Following this very tall passage for humans, I have been moving forward. Not long after I walked there was a cave that was bigger than the bottom of the well, but the shape of this cave made me Completely dumbfounded.

The cave in front of you is quite large, and the area is no less than an indoor football field. In the center of this cave, there is a large vertical downward hole, its area has almost covered the entire cave floor, only leaving a circle of passage along the cave wall. However, this channel is not flat, but high and low, and even the width is irregular. The widest part is about four meters from the wall to the edge of the hole, and there is even the narrowest part. An area where people can't stand at all.

I was not surprised to find a hole here, anyway, I just jumped down, and it didn't cost much for a major event. But the problem is that in addition to this downward hole, there is actually a hole directly above this cave. However, it is different from the dark hole below that looks like Gates of Hell. The hole above the head is actually covered by a light film emitting a light blue light. Through the light film, you can barely see that the back is also a passage, but it is just a few meters away. Can't see clearly. However, there is a very bad situation now, that is, the light film on the top of the head is desperately pumping up air like a vacuum cleaner. The gravel flying up from the underground hole at high speed from time to time can explain the inside of this passage. The airflow is very terrifying, as long as it is touched by it, it will definitely draw people into the hole above it instantly.

But that's weird. Although it seems that the two holes on the top and bottom are madly carrying out gas convection, but the horizontal passage where I stand is not at all air flow. Originally, according to the principle of air pressure, since the passage on my side is connected to the outside space, and the big hole on the top is inhaling frantically, the wind on my side should also be howling, but it is strange that there is no trace of wind on this side. .

Although I haven't figured out why there will be no wind in the lateral passage, I would like to know how the guys in front pass through that air passage. When I arrived at the entrance of this cave just now, I just saw the last person of the second echelon climb into the passage opposite me, but I was blocked here.

In fact, there are four passages in this cave. In addition to the one I came in, there are two other passages that are crazy inhalation overhead and the big hole like hell entrance on the ground. In addition, in addition to these three passages, there is a passage opposite the cave that corresponds to the passage I came over. The second echelon of the Russians walking in the front is to enter the opposite passage, but to pass, they have to pass through the two convection areas in the middle that are the same as the suction pipes of the vacuum cleaner. Although the two holes in the middle can be bypassed along the wall of the cave, since the hole above the head can suck up the stones in the cave below, it can be seen how wind speed is. With such a strong air current, let alone go around the hole in the ground, even if it is a little closer, it will be pulled over. If I didn't know what caused the passage of my station to have no airflow, I guess I would be sucked into the hole above my head like a cockroach sucked into a vacuum cleaner when I entered the underground hole.

Standing here and studying for a long time, I haven't figured out how the other party passed, but I also know that I can't stand like this, so in the end I decided to take the plunge. Anyway, even if you are sucked into the hole above, you may not die. If you don't try it, it's useless to think more.

After making up my mind, I walked carefully into the cave. I was actually standing at the entrance of this side of the tunnel before, and didn't walk over. However, just after I took two steps, a sudden violent air current blew me off the ground. I turned my hand quickly and shot the dragon's tendons into the rock wall, and then pulled myself back to the ground with the help of the winch of the cable retractor.

Now I finally know why there was no wind when I was standing in the lateral passage just now. I did it for a long time because there was an invisible barrier at the entrance of the passage that blocked the wind. I just didn’t see it. Layer barrier, so I always stood at the boundary of the barrier, so I walked two steps forward and entered the storm zone, and was blown off the ground at once.

After crossing that barrier, I discovered that the cave here is not only the flying sand running stone, but also the noise is as loud as standing next to a space shuttle taking off. The wind is beside it. The howling sound of the terrifying air current rubbing against the rock wall can be compared to the magical sound that penetrates the brain.

Although the environment is extremely harsh, I still have to get past it. Fortunately, the Longjin Cable has confirmed that it has the ability to fix me on the ground. Using the dragon's tendons as a safety rope, I turned Eternal into two daggers, and then crawled through the cave wall with my hands and feet against the wall until I reached the opposite hole.

Just like the passage I came in, there is an invisible barrier at the entrance of the cave. After passing through the barrier, the violent airflow and the deafening noise instantly disappeared without a trace.

Compared with the previous channel, the channel on the air duct has two notable features. The first is that the passage on this side is more primordial than that on the other side. Not only is there a large number of protruding sharp rocks hanging on the walls and the ceiling of the cave, even the ground is not a barrier at all. If some simple treatments have been done on the passage over there, it is simply a naturally formed crack.

Because there was too much time in the air duct before, I didn’t dare to move this section of the road slowly. Start jumping between the rocks. The body structure of the werewolf form is more suitable for running and jumping, and the arms will be longer. In this complex terrain, you can also use both hands and feet to climb from time to time, which is much faster than just walking with feet.

Because of the faster speed, I ran a short distance before catching up with the guys in front of me. The obstacles of terrain are the same for everyone. If I can't run fast, they do not raise. Moreover, their situation is obviously worse than mine. After all, I’m alone, and I’m also an attribute person who is very good at melee combat. In addition to the warrior, there are groups of wizards and auxiliary professionals in their team. The attribute points of these people have been added to the mana, and there must be nothing in the body. Compared with the warrior, the speed is naturally faster and does not raise. Moreover, even the warrior in their team can't compare with me in terms of athletic ability.

Since I have caught up with these guys, I simply slowed down and followed them carefully, but I did not cancel the werewolf form because it was more convenient to move.

This kind of accessibility with complex terrain stretched forward for about three or four kilometers, and then began to appear obvious tilt, and as the team moved forward, the tilt became larger and larger, and finally It turned into a slope of more than 70 degrees. Instead of a slope, I think it’s more appropriate to call it a cliff. It’s just that there are more steps on the cliff, and you can follow the protruding rocks with a little attention. Go straight down.

For me, this kind of rock wall is very easy to walk, but after all, there are nearly 200 people in the front team, and there are also mage professions who are not good at physical fitness. As a result, when the slope increases to After more than seventy degrees, I walked down for less than five minutes, and then I heard a sound, and then I saw a person rolling off the rock. It doesn't matter what he gets, the people under him are unlucky. This slope is said to be steep, but after all, it is only seventy degrees, not like the ninety-degree slope that makes people fall all the way to the end as soon as they break off the cliff. Here, people who stumble will roll all the way down the cliff, and because of their survival instinct, these people who roll down will try to grasp everything he can touch. Compared to the protruding rocks, the most The ones who are easy to catch are undoubtedly his companions. As a result, one person stumbled and immediately dragged down a large row of people below, and then dragged them down one by one, and this time alone brought more than a dozen people down.

"Everyone, be careful for me." Watching those who fell and disappear into the darkness, a guy with a big beard in the team yelled angrily.

In fact, being angry like him simply doesn't make any sense. This cave is located underground, there is no light source at all, and the people present rely on the magician's lighting technique and torch to provide light. The people in the team who have large-scale lighting skills are obviously all martyred in the previous monster attack. The remaining wizards will only use personal lighting skills, and this type of lighting technology not only lasts for a short time, but can only illuminate the small ones around them. A small area. In order to find the way on this mountain wall, people can't squeeze into a group to borrow light, so those who can't see the road with the help of lighting have to use torch. This mountain wall has a steep slope, and it is located deep underground. The rock is very wet. The surface is either sharp and cannot be grasped or slippery. Some rocks look flat, but they will break when you stand on it. . Such complex terrain is not enough to use both hands and feet. This group of people has to give a torch. Only now has an accident. This group of people is considered to be of high quality. If ordinary players climb this section of the road, it is estimated that they will not be able to walk. If you go five hundred meters, you have to lose half of your people.

Of course, it’s better for me to have more people killed by them. As long as they don’t die, just leave one or two to show me the way. As for myself, it is difficult for me to fall down this way. After all, I use absolute dark vision, and I don’t need to grab the torch with my empty hand, and my werewolf form has sharp claws on both hands and feet. On this kind of rocky cliff, I’m basically walking on the road, as long as it doesn’t show up. I will never fall if a piece of mountain falls off. Besides, even if it falls, it’s okay. Anyway, we still have wings. At worst, it’s just flying. The cave here is very wide, even if they are lucky, they can barely fly, let alone my lucky head is not big.

After advancing for a full two to three kilometers along this 70-degree slope section, the guy in the team who asked everyone to be careful finally issued a rest order. It's not that he is sympathetic to his subordinates, but that he can't stop.

Just now, the player falling happened again. However, unlike the previous miss, this time it was not because the player himself missed, but because he was suddenly kicked offline by the system. The player was forcibly kicked out, but his body in the game did not disappear. The uncontrollable body was like a sudden faint and completely lost control and rolled down the mountain. Fortunately, this person stood in a more reliable position. Before, I didn't hit the people below.

According to the information I heard from the Master and Big Bear before, this second echelon should start from the first echelon one after the other, which means that their online time should be different from the first echelon. Up and down. But the first echelon was just on the way. They also had a very tragic battle midway because of the monster that Cook led to the past. We must know that the accumulation of fatigue in the battle is much faster than usual. Now even the first echelon with a relatively smaller amount of exercise has rested, and it is no surprise that some of their teams that have fought have been forced off the line.

Although it is to stop and repair, it is not so easy to rest on this sloping slope. This group of players and NPCs are indeed elite and good, but no matter how elite they are, they can't become bats. If you want to hang on a nearly vertical rock wall while sleeping, that's not something that humans can do, at least an ordinary person can't.

However, although you cannot sleep on a cliff on your own, your specialty is that you have the brain to know how to use tools. With the assistance of a few specialized personnel in the team, they soon hit many steel nails on the rock, and then all the sleeping bags were hung on the nails. Although it is very uncomfortable to sleep like this, but the current conditions are like this, and there is no way to be uncomfortable.

The guy who took the lead explained the alternate vigilance mission and then started to take time to rest, but I saw that they had stopped and couldn’t wait for them to wake up, so I decided to go over them and look below. It depends on the situation. I didn't want to surpass them before because I wanted them to step on mines in front of me, but now I really don't want to wait for them to sleep, so I have to go ahead.

Without them in front of me, I can be much faster by myself. Like this downward passage, I don’t need to climb down slowly at all. I just spread my wings and jumped down. I glide down the inclination of the crypt, and land on the ground without even fanning my wings. .

Before I couldn't see the bottom of the hole above, but when I landed, I realized that the slope was really long enough. The second echelon of the Russians on the top has actually only now reached the one third place on the slope, and the bottom is twice as long. At their rate, don't count on every hour. Of course, I glide and land much faster, and it didn't take five minutes to go from top to bottom.

The bottom and top of this slope are basically the same in terms of topography, with chaotic rocks and various long grotesquely shaped stalagmites stone pillar everywhere. Since there is no one here, I didn't even need to hide my figure, and I opened my wings and started flying forward along the passage. Although there are many obstacles in the passage, they are all for people on the ground, so flying in the air is not so troublesome.

Flying along the passage for seven or eight kilometers, this long passage is finally over. But what makes me depressed is that the things I least want to see actually appeared, and when they appeared, it was a big piece.

The wide passage here connects to a huge crypt, which is easily more than three times larger than the crypt with the air duct before. But in this huge crypt, there are dozens of channels scattered in different directions. Those passages are big and small, some are so small that only one person can barely climb in, and some are so big that Lucky and Mira can walk through with their body form holding hands.

"Damn, the long road before has not turned off. I just passed those guys and encountered so many sideways. What's wrong with me?" I can't help seeing so many sideways. Complained. But if you complain, you still have to go.

In order to determine which is the correct side road, I plan to make a round in this cave to see if there are any clues. Anyway, this place is a natural cave after all, and since someone has hidden something here, someone must have walked through this place, and as long as someone walked through, it will inevitably leave some clues. The key is to see whether these clues are obvious enough to be discovered.

I carefully searched the cave inch by inch, and suddenly I noticed that a rock on the wall was a little different. Compared with the blade-like rocks around, this rock is obviously very round, like pebbles. I was about to walk over and take a closer look when I suddenly heard a click from under my feet. I hurried back, and when I lowered my head, I found a fragmented human skull on the ground.

"Undead?" Seeing this skull, a slight smile appeared on my face. He quickly took out a handful of crystal powder from his body, and then sprinkled it violently into the sky, and then said: "The dead sleeping here, listen to my summon. Reignite the Soul Fire, leave the cold earth, and shake your body. The soil, return to this warm world."

As my last sentence of incantion is over, the crystal powder in the sky suddenly emits a blue ray of light, and it is not until a few seconds later that the surroundings return to darkness again. Among. However, just a few seconds after the surroundings became pitch black again, there was a sound of rolling rocks in the crypt where the needle was still audible. The ground that followed all around seemed to wake up suddenly, there was the sound of rocks rolling everywhere, and some large rocks were shaking and trying to move.

Suddenly, I heard a bang. Just less than half a meter away from my side, a rock the size of a TV suddenly flew up, and a gray bone hand suddenly appeared. Where the rock originally stopped. After reaching out to the ground, the bone hand first slowly turned left and right, and then suddenly a large number of cracks appeared on the ground around the arm, and then the whole ground was lifted up, and a tattered skeleton suddenly fell from the ground. Sat up.

As the skeleton sat up from the ground, a large number of skeletons emerged from behind the surrounding rocks, under the rocks, and even on the walls. The cave that was originally empty instantly turned into a sea of ​​skeletons. I originally only planned to wake up one or two skeletons and ask for the next route, but didn't expect to get up to thousands of skeletons. This number is too exaggerated.

When the skeletons crawled out of the ground, they immediately raised their heads and observed the surrounding environment with Soul Fire pulsating in their eye sockets, until they discovered my existence, and then all the skeletons All of his attention was focused on me. However, just as the blue Soul Fire in their heads began to gradually turn red, and when they were about to enter the violent mode, my body suddenly ignited with a raging hell fire, and the moment the flame on my body ignited , The Soul Fire of all skeletons almost instantly changed from red to blue, and finally all became white.

The Soul Fire of the skeleton is their soul. An experienced liar can tell others a lie without blushing and breathless, even if he believes it is true, but no matter how powerful a liar is, he cannot disguise his soul, because the soul represents the thought, unless you didn’t. 't expect, otherwise it is basically impossible to make the soul show a false reaction. Of course, the souls of ordinary creatures are invisible, so it doesn't matter if they can't be disguised, but skeletons are different. Because the body lacks sufficient biological tissue and there are several large holes in the protective skull, the Soul Fire of the skull is actually half exposed. This determines that their soul reaction can be seen intuitively by others.

When a soul is in silence or confusion, his soul will emit blue or purple rays of light, and for the undead, this state will be their main state. Red stands for passion, and the same is true for the undead. When the skeletons see something they are interested in-such as creatures, living beings. When they see these creatures, they will appear very excited, and then their soul will change from blue to red, and the degree of excitement will determine the gorgeousness of red. However, the Soul Fire of the undead now is neither red nor blue, but white.

To be honest, it is difficult for ordinary people to have the opportunity to see Soul Fire in white. Of course, if you see the free Soul Body that escapes from the skeleton or other Spirit Physique and spills out of the body, their color is generally white. But Soul Fire, which is still in the undead organism, rarely has white, because white represents only one situation for the undead—connected state.

The so-called connected state is a completely open and undefended state, which means that the soul is completely opened. At this time, if the soul is hit, it will suffer more than a hundred times the damage, and other souls can read their memories or give orders to the opened soul at this time. Of course, if you don't feel sick, it's okay to swallow those souls. Anyway, the opened soul is like a beauty who has been washed for nothing and has done everything to do for you. The next step is your absolute free time. What you want to do is your only thought.

Of course, because connected souls are so fragile and undefended, it is rare for undead creatures to do this. This is the same as when you suddenly say to a person that you will sink and float on him and are willing to do tasks for him, including giving up your life. This kind of behavior cannot be said to be impossible, but it absolutely requires quite harsh conditions for it to happen. After all, no one is stupid and suddenly wants to give everything to someone. This is very abnormal behavior.

Although the undead does not have the brains of creatures, they still have basic judgment. Undead will never do things like opening their souls to other souls. So why do the skeletons present open their souls to me and enter the connection state? The answer is-I am Demon King.

Eh...it seems like that.

as everyone knows, my evil attribute has been rising since it cannot be lowered, so it has been rising since a long time ago. With some accidents later, my evil value has now become a number The general existence. But whoosh... Although the evil value is easy to scare ordinary NPCs, for creatures such as undead and demons, the evil value should actually be regarded as the affinity, which means that the higher your evil value, the more the undead will be The demons like you more, and my current evil value...Basically, it can be regarded as a popular idol of Spirit World.

The above is the reason why the souls of those skeletons suddenly turned red after they found me, and then turned white again. Their souls suddenly turned red because they discovered that I was a creature, so they instinctively drove them to want to attack me, but then they suddenly discovered the evil value of my number that day, and then this group of guys instantly fell down on me. Under the pressure of evil. Having said that, although we have no arrogance, can we still be frightened by the devil at the critical moment.

"Hello, the dead who have awakened from their long sleep." I found a larger stone and stood on top and said to the thousands of skeletons below.

After I finished speaking, all the skeletons knelt down and gave me a prostrate bow and gave me a soul fluctuation of thanks, but their movements made me frown. .

Generally speaking, the undead will retain some habits during their lifetime. Although the memories during their lifetime will be messy, things like habits are not so easy to forget. For example, the etiquette to the superior, this thing is very unforgettable. If a modern person becomes a skeleton, then I just said hello to them. Even if this kind of skeleton does not remember who he is, he will definitely want to shake my hand. But these skeletons in front of them are a collective gift of prostrate oneself in admiration, and the problem is that it seems that this kind of etiquette is not used much in the modern era, even in the feudal era. Even if the common people saw the emperor, they were nothing more than kneeling and facing the ground. There are few such super gifts that even their chests must be attached to the ground.

"Attention now, I wake you up to ask you to do me a favor and answer some questions." After I finished speaking, the skeletons below immediately sent a wave of approval or promised to know what to say the meaning of. I waited for them to finish and then said: "Now the first question, do any of you know if you died here at the same time?" They all died together, and there are definitely not many of them who can remember this moment. Sure enough, there were only two undead replied in the end: "I know. We were poisoned to death here after taking the poison."

"Very good. Next question. Which country are you from?"< /p>

Actually, what I want to know is what era they are from, but it is stupid to ask this question directly. As a modern person, you can certainly distinguish the Warring States, Spring and Autumn, Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming, and Qing dynasties, but if the other party is from that dynasty, can he decide for himself a dynasty? It's as if you were resurrected one day and found yourself in a cosmic battleship, and then the people inside said that they were the army of the Great Universe Federation, and asked which dynasty you were, how would you answer? Say you are a modern person? Compared with others, you are a primordial person, and it is definitely wrong to say that you are a modern person. Of course you can also say that you are from the Republic era, but what if someone asks which Republic you are from? Then people explain to you, you know that human beings have entered the cosmic age for hundreds of thousands of years. There have been hundreds of world state changes in human beings. Do you know which republic you are counted as? Even if you say that you are a member of the first republic, you may not be able to express what you mean correctly according to other people’s chronology, because their historical data may not be the same as what we know. What you are talking about may not be the first generation Think of it as the first generation.

So, if you ask an ancient person which dynasty you are from, if you ask this question, it means you haven't asked him. It's better to ask him which country he is from. At least according to historical data, you can find out which dynasty he is from.

Sure enough, there is a skeleton replied soon below: "We are from Qin Country."

Look, isn’t the problem clear now? Now that Qin Country is out, the approximate historical period is clear. Anyway, I am not here to engage in archaeology, as long as I know the approximate historical age.

"Next question. Why are you poisoned to death here?"


Use this question-and-answer method The way to communicate is very fast, because my questions are very targeted and the other party's answers are very concise. From these questions and answers, I roughly figured out the situation here.

These skeletons are actually the folks of Qin Country. They were called by the king to build the Qixiong Tomb. As for this hole, it was completely formed naturally. They just dug the vertical well that we passed when at first came in and built a gate. However, in the deepest part of the cave behind this, there is a Qixiong Tomb hidden. However, although they built the Qixiong Tomb, the monarch at that time would not tell them the specific purpose of the Qixiong Tomb. All they know is the structure and general location of the Qixiong Tomb. They don't know exactly why the monarch wants to build this thing. But they finally guessed the reason why they were killed. Of course, no outside call is to kill a witness to silence them, a method used to prevent the location of the Qixiong Tomb from leaking out. Anyway, there were many things like this in that era. For example, to build tombs, the construction workers were usually killed and buried in the end. First, they were sacrificed, and secondly, the location of the tomb would not be leaked out.

Although I didn’t ask what was installed in the Qixiong Tomb, it doesn’t matter whether I know it or not. Anyway, I will know it when I get there, and what I want to know most now How did it go, and what was there, these problems have now been resolved.

Finally, I picked out two skeletons from the skeletons who remembered the details of Nanao Tomb and showed me the way, and then I used them to disperse them to make the other skeletons fall back to sleep.

Because the skeleton does not have muscles and internal organs, the two skeletons together are not as heavy as one person. I lifted the two skeletons in my hand with ease and flew in the direction they pointed.

If it weren’t for these two skeletons to show the way, I wouldn’t find the right way to kill me. Although there are no less than 80 passages in this damn place, the two skeletons replied together when I asked which is the correct passage: "All are fake."

"What? All of them are fake?"

"Yes, they are all fake. The real road is not here." The two skeletons kindly explained, seeing that I couldn't react at all." This side is used to con

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