Although Banshee said it was quite serious, but not many of the leaders of the Russian guild present really took her words seriously. It is true that Isinger’s outer circle area is open to the outside world, but as a leader of a guild, in addition to the necessary command skills, his own strength is also indispensable. In order to guild things and exercise their own strength, these guild leaders must spend more time on these things than ordinary players, so they often don't have much time to wander around. It's not that there aren't no presidents like me who are not doing business properly, but there are definitely not many. The guild leaders present are obviously not in this minority group, so most of them have never been to Isengard, relying on word of mouth from others, they simply don't believe that Isengard is so difficult to play.

However, although I don’t believe that Isinger’s defense is as perverted as the ice-bound Banshee said, the guild leaders present did not really regard Isinger as a target. After all, the Frost Rose League The reputation is there. As one of the nests of the Frost Rose League, Isinger is considered a dragon's pool and tiger's den for any guild, not a rabbit den. If you want to take a bite in such a place, you must do a good job of breaking your teeth. Preparation. Although the Russian elders present were full of confidence, they weren't to the point of being dizzy. At least they knew that Isinger was not something they could consider at this stage.

Following Banshee's proposal, the elders finally agreed to a consensus after some urgent discussions. Their idea is simple, that is, where our elites appear, they will attack wherever they are.

This idea looks a bit idiot, but it actually contains great wisdom. On the surface, the elite of our guild should be the strongest among all the encircling troops. According to normal people’s thinking, since the Russians want to break through our line of defense, of course they should choose the weakest place instead of the strongest place. breakthrough. However, if you think about it upside down, you can quickly realize the key issue. Although on the surface it seems that picking up persimmons is the correct solution, but our line of defense is not a horizontal line, but a U-shaped line. If the Russians choose the direction of attack according to the strength of our defense, it goes without saying that it is most convenient to run back, because there are no defensive troops there. Therefore, looking for soft persimmons is actually not the right choice. On the contrary, it is the right choice to find the area where the strongest battle strength of the Chinese defense forces is located, because the Russians believe that we will definitely put the most elite troops in the least hope. They are advancing in the direction.

There was nothing wrong with the Russian thinking, but it's a pity that our think tank is too cunning. So Mei and the others have long judged the ice-bound Banshee. They will find our strongest defensive area as the assault point, and they deliberately put our elites in front of the Yellow River to block the advance of the Russian army, which is equivalent to conveying A misinformation that we don’t want Russians to cross the Yellow River was given to Banshee frozen in order to induce them to voluntarily cross the Yellow River.

Sometimes it’s a blessing to have to be stupid. If the Banshee is frozen, they are all ignorant people, specifically looking for breakthroughs in the weakest area of ​​our defense. Maybe they can really make a lot of money. benefit. It's a pity that they are all smart people. They see through the traps on the surface and fall into a deeper trap as a result.

After the Russians discussed specific tactics, the battlefield adjustment on our side was completely completed. However, even though the troops on both sides had completed their preparations for battle, the battlefield fell silent very strangely.

The Chinese combatants are busy making tactical adjustments, a large number of troops are busy changing defenses, and there is no time to trouble the Russians. The Russian leadership is discussing how to adjust the battle arrangements, so the following People don’t know how to fight. Under this circumstance, people on both sides had a brief silence, but compared to the fierce battle that just started, this haunted and quiet environment made people feel more nervous.

"Purple Moon." I stood in front of the battle line and was observing the Russian army camp on the opposite side. Suddenly, I heard the voice of the god of war in the headset.

"What's the matter?"

"Our personnel adjustment has been completed and we can enter the second stage."

The so-called second stage is the confrontation stage At this stage, our task is to meet force with force with the Russians, and we must fight tenaciously. Although our plan is to lure the enemy forward, the Russians are not stupid. They know that we have reached the elite level, but we are still unable to withstand a single blow. Is there a problem in the middle? Therefore, not only can we not show weakness as soon as we come up, but we have to beat fiercely and hurt the Russians.

Some people may find it strange. What if we hurt the Russians and they run away? In fact, this question is very simple. The Russians will not run at all, because he knows that the Frost Rose League is very strong, and they still dare to invade our country and confront us head-on, which shows that they are ready to pay the price. In other words, the Russians think they can win, but they also know that the losses before victory will certainly not be less, so as long as we don't maimed the Russian expeditionary forces, they will not retreat. Because they believe that these are only advance deposits before the victory, as long as they don't completely lose confidence in the victory, they will never retreat.

Military God is now telling me to enter the second stage. I have no problem with this, but... "Hey, Military God. I want to ask a question."

"Please say ."

"Should we and the Russians die in the second stage?"


"But they don’t move, I want What should we do? Should we take the initiative to rush forward?"

"Of course not. If they don't move, then force them to move."

"Force them to move?" I was stunned. After a while, it reacted. "Understood, I will do what I should do now."

The military god’s so-called forcing them to move is actually very simple, that is, let me complete the tasks that belonged to me that were set in the previous meeting. . Temporarily interrupting the battlefield to allow our army to withdraw the entire team. This is just an additional task for me, and my official task should be to trouble those elite Russian teams. With the strength of the battle between me and those elite teams, if we fight inside the Russian Legion, this kind of accidental injury is always inevitable. When the time comes, the Russians will certainly not be able to sit still watching their constant sacrifices in vain. As long as they can’t kill me, this kind of large-scale casualties that affect Chiyu is unstoppable. The only way to reduce their losses is to let the troops attack quickly, otherwise it will keep me draining them, sooner or later, all their personnel and morale will be exhausted. Light up.

Clear the task and it will be easier to handle. After giving a brief account of the elite players around me, I left the front line alone and flew over to the Russian Legion.

The Russian troops on the front line saw a huge black figure rising into the air on my side. The first reaction was that we were going to launch a counterattack, but then they discovered that only the ones who seemed to be flying were A goal.

"Why did only one target fly over? Are you sure you didn't see the others?" The player commander in charge of the observation asked the observer in front of him in confusion.

The observer leaned behind a large telescope while looking at it and said: "I saw this black spot flying up, and there was nothing around it. It could also be their aerial scout. "

"no no no, if it was a little bit possible before, now we are facing the Frost Rose League troops head-on, but they never use the air force to do battlefield reconnaissance."

What the commander said is pretty good. Because our guild has giant mosquito outposts, super reconnaissance equipment, there is no need for other guilds to send air units to each other to detect enemy movements and formation arrangements before the battle. We only need to make giant mosquito outposts When the scouting mosquitoes are released, they can immediately obtain all the information on the battlefield. Not only is it more detailed than aerial reconnaissance, but it is also much safer. At least our reconnaissance method will not be discovered by the enemy, so it can increase in surprise attacks. The suddenness of the attack.

"That's not a reconnaissance air rider." The observer continued to observe for a while: "It seems to be smaller than something like wyvern, it seems to be a human-shaped flying object. Oh wait, that thing suddenly There is something more, oh they are combined together, oh my goodness!"

"What's the matter?"

"It is the long spear guardian of the Frost Rose League! The one who flew just now was Individual!"

Almost at the same time the observer yelled, they had already used naked eye to see an object dragging a flame of nearly a hundred meters long from them at lightning speed. The small dot instantly turned into a huge object above their heads, and then in the next second passed the so-called air defense line composed of wyvern cavalry and Griffin Legion above them and entered the sky above their Legion.

While the observers were still marveling at the speed of the thing, a shock wave visible from naked eye suddenly slammed down, blowing all the personnel who had turned and looked towards the observation post above Legion. . Although the thing flew very low before, the speed was exaggerated enough to blow people away purely by airflow.

Just as the Russians were in a panic at the forward position, the missile-like flying object in the air suddenly disappeared into the air. No, the only thing that disappeared was the silver white object below, while the black object above did not disappear. When the speed of the black object gradually decreased and was clearly seen by the people below, a more serious chaos appeared. The Russian army is on the ground.

"Oh, damn it, it's Purple Moon! Purple Moon has come in!" Anyone who saw me in the entire Russian battlefield instantly entered a state of chaos. This is not because they are afraid of me, but because people nearby react differently. As I said before, Russian players are different from Japanese players. Their understanding of my strength is not as well known as Japanese players. That is to say, some Russian players know my horror, while others do. I don't know how strong I am at all. Under such circumstances, some people want to rush up and try my skills with me, some turn around and run, and the inconsistency of actions on both sides instantly caused a large-scale chaos.

Shortly after the chaos broke out, Banshee knew about the situation, but before she could bring someone to kill, I had found my goal.

"Ah, Purple Moon has fallen." Amidst the panic shouts of several Russian players who knew my strength, I directly relied on my wings to glide and land on a small group of Russian players. Nearby, and this group of people is one of the elite group of Russian hunters.

Seeing me land next to them, these guys in front of them didn't even seem to be scared at all. On the contrary, not only are they not afraid of me, they are also extremely excited. Before, they always heard how strong and terrifying I was, but they never believed other people's rumors. In their imagination, I might also be a higher level, plus the equipment is slightly better. They think I may be better than the average person, but with the strength of their expert, as long as a few people cooperate with each other and follow the method of besieging the super boss, they can definitely kill me. Therefore, these experts with such thoughts did not have any fear after seeing me. Instead, they were full of desire for fame in their hearts. Some people have even begun to show off the bright prospects after defeating me.

"haha, I assume something fell, it turned out to be Purple Moon, who has never dared to show up!" The player leading the group looked at me and said arrogantly, "What's the matter? Why didn’t you hide? Was it because of the helper that we killed you..."

The words of the guy in the crowd stopped at this point, because the mouth he used to talk was stuck in A sword. The blade of this sword is divided into sections like a whip. The entire blade stretches out a full five or six meters long. The end is still attached to the hilt of my sword five or six meters away.

The biggest advantage of the eternal weapon is that you can change any weapon you want, and the whip sword is one of my more commonly used weapons. As a sword, the whip sword has all the attack methods of a normal sword, but at the same time, the decomposable blade gives it the function of winding and whipping. At the same time, the retractable blade also has the ability to attack medium and long-range targets, such as the one in front of you. Idiot, thinking that standing far away would be fine, but I didn't know how to die in the end.

The companions around that guy were still listening to their companions to humiliate me. I didn't expect my companions to finish their unfathomable mystery and be killed by me. At that time, these people immediately had two completely different reactions. The more impulsive ones immediately rushed up with red eyes, and the other part immediately became sluggish.

Actually, the group of people who became sluggish were not stupid. On the contrary, they were far smarter than those who rushed up. It was because of their cleverness that they were shocked. As a member of the combat squad, they naturally know what kind of strength the companions who have just been killed, and since I can kill their companions silently in front of everyone, it has proved that my strength is not the same as them. on-line. It is precisely because of this possibility that these guys are completely shocked. They finally understand that the rumors they heard before are not rumors at all, they are facts, and they are even a little conservative.

Although so many things have been thought of, the intelligence of these guys can't help them much. On the contrary, being in a daze on the battlefield is not only not a good thing, but it is the last thing to do. It would be okay if their impulsive companions could help them with it. At least they had time to recover. Unfortunately, all those brainless guys are masters with low-hearted experts, although they despise me extremely and think that I am It's just that Lang gets a false name, but the actual situation is that a bunch of pretentious guys who met him will explain it here.

The nearby Russian players saw the experts that they admired and looked up to rush past me, and then those people fell to the ground with expressions of astonishment and disbelief. , Some people even split up and in pieces directly after falling down. People are not porcelain, and at most they fractured after a fall. How could they suddenly become a pile of fragments? The answer is clear-they were chopped up before they fell to the ground.

"They are dead, it's your turn." I put the eternity that turned into a spherical shape back into the groove on the back of my hand, and then walked up to the few people who were still in a sluggish state with my bare hands. Then they pinched their necks one by one and twisted them slightly. Accompanied by the sound of crack cracks, the remaining so-called experts also fell softly to the ground. in the vicinity In the horrified and stunned eyes of ordinary Russian players, I patted my hand, and then said disdainfully: "A group of ants actually call themselves expert!"

"Of course they are not expert. But you Don’t you feel ashamed that this great expert came to bully our second-tier players?” I was wiping my hands there, and didn’t expect someone to answer me. It seemed pretty bullish.

"Huh? Where did this toad come from? You are not too big and your breath is not small! Come out and show me your appearance. You can't always hide your ugliness." I Of course, I said this to piss off the other person, and the reason I used the toad as a metaphor was because the person who picked me up just now was clearly a woman. In this world, few women don't care about their looks. Especially experts with superior battle strength, or public figures such as guild leaders, should pay more attention to their own image. Therefore, I am here to insult the other person as a toad, which is the most vicious attack.

Sure enough, when the other party heard me say that she was a toad, she immediately became angry. But she didn't rush up right away, but stopped when she rushed out of the crowd.

"hmph, want to fool me, I'm not so stupid." The voice was still the same as just now, but after seeing the other daoist, I was stunned for a while, because of the woman's appearance ……

"Frozen Banshee?" Although the woman in front of me is not wearing ice-clad armor, her face is memorable because Banshee’s face is very beautiful, and I am a man. Impossible Not paying attention, now suddenly I saw a face exactly the same, of course I immediately recognized her as the frozen Banshee.

"That's my cousin. We are not alone. But last time you made my sister make a fool of myself, this time I came to you to settle the account." The little girl said and put on a posture. Hooked at me and said: "Come on, let's see how I can revenge my sister."

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