Just as I waved my hand back and forth in front of that guy, hoping to recall his soul, a guide next to him stopped in front of that guy first, and then With an exaggerated smile, I was so frightened that I thought what he was going to do to me.

"Hehe, really sorry, my colleague is so timid that he has never seen the world, and he is a little scared. Let me entertain you. Are you the president of Purple Moon? I am Your fan!" The guy tried his best to keep his scary smile and politely put it up.

I gave him a little hairy smile, and I could only replied: "Then what, although smiling service is now advocated, do you have cramps on your face?"

"en? "The guy lowered his head and glanced down suspiciously. Then he remembered that he couldn't see his face, but he still probably knew where the problem was and smiled slightly. After removing the exaggerated smile, this guy looked pleasing to the eye, and he could even be said to be a little handsome. If he had another piece of equipment with a cooler point, it is estimated that he would have to line up with his little MM.

"Well, our people from the Frost Rose League have just returned here. The new combat plan needs to adjust the army. Maybe the troops from all guilds will be withdrawn in a while. You'd better be prepared to receive it. Those of us will be responsible for isolating the Russian troops when the guild’s troops are reorganized, so please take us to the battle front first."

"Oh, yes. I understand. Now, wait a minute, I will tell others to prepare to receive and guide the troops who came back, and I will send you to the front line personally."

"Okay." After I nodded, the guy decided immediately. Turned to tell others to do something, but he had just turned half of his body, I suddenly pulled him back, and at the same time, my left hand stretched out like lightning, and snapped an arrow shaft. This is a magic arrow. The abundant Fire Element magic power on the red crystal arrow rolls as if it will overflow at any time, and the bow or archer that shoots this arrow is not an ordinary person, because even if I hold the arrow , Its tail section is still spraying Wind Element magic power backwards. Obviously this is a super huge might demolition magic arrow with Wind Element acceleration. The red crystal of the arrow is simply a magic crystal bomb that has been forcibly infused with a lot of magic power. This thing is not to mention hitting the item, even a slightly larger vibration. It is possible to make it burst, and according to the direction and angle of this thing's flight, I easily found its original target.

The guy who was pulled by me was still wondering why I pulled him suddenly, but he immediately reacted after seeing the arrow in my hand. The next second my shout made Everyone around knew what had happened.

"Blocking Transmission Formation is an infiltration force of the Russians. They want to blow up Transmission Formation."

Russian invaders have such a large legion, among which impossible are fools. , At least their staff is still very smart. As the last city on the north bank of the Yellow River on their way forward, it is also the closest city to them. These guys don’t have to think about it and know that this is our transit point, and even amateur-level military hobbyists must know how to fight during the war. The supply line is so important, and the Russian staff is naturally impossible to attack our Transmission Formation system, otherwise we can take advantage of this Transmission Formation to supplement the loss of personnel and materials on the battlefield at any time. No matter how powerful the Russians are, they cannot avoid the negative effects of going out of the country. It is obviously not cost-effective to fight for supplies with us, so destroying our supply lines has become a top priority for them. At first, they didn’t do this because the elite of our guild were all there, and they were unable to mobilize high-level personnel to cause sabotage. During this time, we were fighting the Russian Divine Race and fighting against Japan. We adjusted all our experts. After leaving, this gave them an opportunity to take advantage, and the arrow just now obviously came from such a supply line to destroy the squad.

As I shouted, the ordinary players around immediately became confused. Some people rushed out desperately to find someone who is attacking Transmission Formation, while others stood by Transmission Formation. I hope to block the enemy's long-range attack. Although the purpose is good, it is obvious that such a random run will not achieve much effect. Fortunately, there are still the elites I brought, even if those people do nothing, it doesn't matter.

The elites who followed me immediately dispersed as soon as they heard my shouts. The melee professional stunned and jumped out, and the wizard quickly stood near the Transmission Formation. A sparse circle, and the staff was raised high, and layers of protective shields were put up to completely surround the Transmission Formation. As for our crossbowmen professions, they jumped to the highest nearby in three or two steps like a monkey. Several buildings opened their bows to search for traces of the enemy.

"Over there." A demon archer who first climbed to the ceiling of the teleportation hall spotted the target first, and while reminding loudly, his arrow had already flown out. The Russian player on the opposite side turned around and jumped out of his hiding place when he discovered that the location was exposed, but he was still a step late. He only heard a scream. The player who was about to jump from the roof directly hugged one leg. He fell into the street below, and he was wearing an arrow at the knee joint of his left leg, and his entire left leg was abolished.

At the same time this player was recruited, a magical rays of light suddenly lit up on a building next to him. A mage finally stopped hiding and stood up, and his wand The illuminated magic rays of light also showed that his spell has been prepared for a long time. With the white light flashed, a magical light ball with a little bit of faint blue flew towards Transmission Formation like a lightning.

Seeing that ball of light, ordinary players nearby had no time to react. Fortunately, the direction the ball of light came from just needed to pass by my side to hit the Transmission Formation. I pushed the guy I just pulled aside and jumped up, turning into a long sword forever and bright. There is a layer of blue rays of light. "Break for me." I just heard the sound like a sharp knife cutting a watermelon. The magic ball of light was directly cut in half by my sword in the air, but it did not disappear, but suddenly The air burst, and the ground and the roof near me and I were instantly covered with a layer of ice shells, but the ice shells on my body disappeared before I landed, but the ice on the ground and the roof still flashed with crystal rays. of light.

"Darts, white waves." After I landed, I pointed at the magician directly. The two apertures around me flashed at the same time, followed by two white shadows. As soon as the smaller white shadow appeared, it moved towards the mage straight away like a missile. Before his protective spell could take effect, it rushed to his face and blew the blood from his nose. The wounded mage couldn’t complete the spell at all. He stretched out his hand and wanted to take a picture of something on his face, but another relatively large white shadow lightly tapped on the ground less than a second after it appeared, and then flew to the side in the next step. The top of one of the buildings, followed by a few ups and downs on the roofs of those buildings, rushed to the mage's side. The mage was tossing with the darts on his face, and suddenly found that the darts were missing, but before he could realize what was going on, he was bitten in the neck by a long mouth full of sharp fangs, and then he felt like he was being hit by a long mouth. A huge force hit the room and flew out. The people nearby only saw a white silhouette knocking the wizard out of the roof, and then the two silhouettes entangled in the air and fell to the ground, but just before landing, the white silhouette suddenly kicked the wizard again. He jumped onto the roof, but the mage's neck twisted into an extremely abnormal posture and fell to the ground, and the guy was completely cut off without even struggling.

Just when Bailang jumped onto the roof, my eyes widened suddenly, and my hand was eternally thrown out as a throwing axe. The revolving eternity passed through a distance of tens of meters in the air like lightning, pu' sound penetrated into the chest and abdomen of a warrior who rushed out from the side and wanted to sneak attack the white waves. The last one rolled directly off the room.

After throwing the Flying Sword, I quickly raised my hand and threw it upward like a thing, while the flying bird burst out of the training space and rushed into the sky like a lightning. "Go to the top and help us locate."

Seeing the bird lifted into the sky, probably the attackers knew that they could no longer hide, so they all jumped out of their hiding place in a spurt of energy. Originally, I didn't care much about this attack. After all, this kind of attack on the supply line is normal, and generally a commander with a little brain will do it. But what made me didn't expect was that they actually sent so many people out, and no one on our side found out. The number of people who got out of the hiding place was almost 50. How did they get in on such a large scale? The security check here is a bit too bad, right?

Although he was surprised at the low defensive capabilities of the city, those who came in couldn't ignore it. Seeing those people rushing out of the hidden place, I immediately shouted to the elite players who hadn't moved behind me: "Except for the wizard who protects the Transmission Formation, everyone else will follow me."

"Yes. "After everyone answered, they rushed out with me immediately. The people on the opposite side who had just ran out of stealth didn't have any plans to back down after they found us, but rushed forward to meet us.

Because I am already fast and I stand in the front, so I as it should be by rights is also the first person to come into contact with those Russians.

The Russian player who ran in front stretched his hands behind his head while running, and then pulled out two throwing axes like lightning and threw them at me. The high-speed rotation throwing axe is different from ordinary throwing weapons. Although the speed of this thing is not necessarily very fast, it is surprisingly powerful. Fortunately, these are just two ordinary throwing axes instead of the double-edged axe most commonly used by Russians. Otherwise, this axe can knock a blood ox warrior directly into the air. Of course, the above situation refers to the battle between ordinary players, these things do not apply to me.

Looking at the flying axe, I did not hide at all. I directly reached out in the air to pick up the two axes, and then took advantage of the forward inertia of the axe to move downwards, and the axe danced in the air. I threw it back after the circle. Although the axe is still the two axe, the effect of throwing it out by different people is obviously different. The throwing axe thrown out by my power with terrifying power almost instantly stuck on the shoulders of their original owner, and the powerful kinetic energy directly knocked the warrior into flight at full speed. His lower body continued to move forward because of the inertia of running, but his shoulders were carried by the axe and flew back. The result of the inconsistency of up and down movements was that his whole person instantly became a lying position, and then the two inertias canceled each other out. He just lay flat on the ground, and even if the two axes were not lethal, this one stroke alone was enough to throw him half-bodied.

After killing the Russian player who was running first, I immediately stretched out my hand to the distance. The Eternity inserted on the corpse swayed back and forth twice on the corpse and then retreated from the corpse with a chuckle. It shot into my hands like lightning, and at this time the second Russian player just rushed in front of me.

Holding the eternity that has just arrived in my hand, I directly slashed with the player’s double-edged battle axe, followed by the ease of cutting tofu, and the eternal moment will be a full-foot-wide giant. axe cuts the two halves from the center of the axe blade, then cut directly into the player's head without any reduction, and directly took away all the parts above the eyes. The tactics of missing half of the head took another two or three steps after passing by me before falling to the ground. The remaining half of the brain in the skull also flew out.

After killing the second warrior, I still didn’t slow down. Instead, I speeded up and rushed for two steps, then three steps and two steps to the wall next to me, using my inertial foot to kick on the wall, the whole person He immediately flew up, and then jumped up obliquely with the help of the reaction force of the wall kicking. With the help of the falling inertia and the force of the wall kicking, the whole person got up in the air with high-speed rotation, and then fell directly into the battle consisting of three warriors. In the group, the eternity of the rotation is like a meat grinder, and the three of them are cut under the sword in an instant.

After killing four people in a row at lightning speed, I didn’t move forward anymore. Instead, I waved my hand to remove the eternal blood stains and said to the person who was catching up from behind: "The rest I'll give it to you."

The reason why I didn't keep going forward is mainly because I killed the strongest ones, and the rest are ordinary people, and those elites are not kindergarteners. Children, slashing more enemies can accumulate battlefield experience. However, it turns out that my idea is obviously a bit redundant, because this group of elites are simply a group of killing experts, and experience this thing may be needed by others, and it doesn't make much sense to them. The remaining Russian assault personnel were all brought down within 20 seconds of these elite men. Most of the time was wasted in the pursuit, and the actual shooting time was actually only two to three seconds. , Almost fell on both sides as soon as they touched people.

From the first blasting magic arrow to the Transmission Formation, to the fall of the last assailant, the whole process did not exceed one minute in total, and some people in other guilds did not even After realizing what had happened, the enemy was already lying on the ground. The player who was responsible for leading me had ran up to me and was going to say something after seeing that I was no longer rushing forward, but who knew that the battle ended after seeing us in twos or twos. He looked at the guild elites who came back in amazement and said to himself: "Is this the expert of the Frost Rose League? Too terrifying!"

"It's not us that is terrifying, and It’s your city protection.” I turned around and said to the guy: “This is the pivot point of our entire army’s supply line, which can be said to be the top priority. If the opponent sends three or five sophisticated players stealth to penetrate or forcefully rush in, I won’t It feels strange, but the other party sent only a few stronger experts plus a group of ordinary persons, and there were as many as thirty or fifty people. Are your guards asleep?"

" This...I’m sorry, I’m not in charge of this, and I’m not quite clear for the time being."

"I don’t want to say anything, and I don’t have the right to control your guild defense. I just want to remind you that since you have a heavy responsibility now, you have to be more careful. If something goes wrong, it is inevitable that the coalition will suffer losses, but you will definitely lose more.” I paused here and then said. : "If you have nothing to do, take us to the front line immediately. Since the Russians have come to visit in advance, it would be impolite for me not to give them a courtesy."

"Oh, okay, okay , I will take you there."

Amidst the surprised and envious eyes of the surrounding players, we quickly assembled again, and then flew to the battlefield with the player who led the way. Because we were in a hurry, we didn’t have time to take a walk slowly. After deciding who to lead the way, everyone directly brought out the guardian long spear summon. As for the guide, I rode on my guardian long spear. Anyway, I have a bird. As a mount, and because Purple Moon and Silver Moon are integrated, I actually have two guardian long spears. Adding the flying bird means I have three jet mounts. There is no problem with bringing more people.

It was probably the first time that the guide took a long spear. He was very nervous. Fortunately, he knew to show us the way, so we arrived at the battlefield soon.

The situation here is a bit different from what I imagined. Originally, when the guild leaders said that the battlefield situation was most urgent, I thought they just wanted to urge us to speed up the dispatch of troops, but when I went to the scene, I realized that what they said was not an exaggeration at all. At this time, the line of defense of the Chinese players is no longer visible in the first-line battle area. A large number of Chinese and Russian players and NPC troops are twisted together to fight each other. The ground is full of broken equipment, smoking scorched earth, dead warriors and returnees. The wounded groaning, it can be said that the entire front is already in a semi-penetrating state. Fortunately, this is a game. Players are usually not afraid of death. If this is done in reality, it is estimated that the battlefront would have collapsed early.

"Chairman, the front line is like this, how do we organize the defense line?" a member who followed me asked. Our task is to organize a line of defense to separate the Russian and Chinese forces, but now the two sides have become a pot of porridge, how should this be divided?

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