As the volcano under our feet was gradually covered with cracks, the whole mountain began to shake violently, and with the violent shaking, the ground actually began to bulge upwards gradually Phenomenon.

"What's going on? How did the ground rise?"

"Oops, this is not a volcanic eruption." Rose suddenly reacted and shouted: "Everyone went up into the sky, How far you fly, don’t stay here."

Although I didn’t know what Rose was talking about, it didn’t hinder our response. As the rose reminded us, we spread our wings or rode mounts, and flew up, and as our altitude rose, the situation that had not been seen before became clear now.

There is a poem saying that I don’t know the true face of Mount Lu, because I am in this mountain. The implication is that when you are in a certain thing, you will be too close or have a personal interest, so you can't see the essence or the whole picture clearly. We just stood on the ground, the range of our eyesight is really limited, so we haven't figured out the situation until we all fly up. As time went by, the volcano where we were before began to burst like a balloon, and it seemed to explode at any time. The most common volcanic eruption is to blow up the equivalent to plug-like volcanic cone on the top of the volcano, but it seems that what is going to explode is not the volcanic cone but the entire volcano. The formidable power of an ordinary volcanic cone explosion is equivalent to the formidable power of dozens of super bombs. If the entire volcano is exploded, the formidable power is definitely not much smaller than that of a tactical nuclear weapon.

Although Masaga Matsumoto did not receive our notice, since he saw us take off early, he also took Kojiro Kenjiro to fly, just in a different direction from where we flew away. Many Japanese players in the appearance battle looked at Matsumoto and Kenjiro with little Hato and seemed to be struggling to fly, and they couldn't wait to go up and help them. It's a pity that they can't fly, and they won't be able to enter the duel space.

Shortly after we both left the ground, the volcano below finally expanded to the limit it could bear, and then the whole volcano suddenly turned into a huge white Fireball, the terrifying glare even All the rays of light of the sun were suppressed in an instant, and with the appearance of the ball of light, we all heard a deafening bang, but the sound came and went quickly. After its explosion, we The nearby unfathomable mystery suddenly became a silent world, whether it was the sound of shouting at each other close at hand or the sound of the entire volcano erupting in the distance, anyway, I couldn't hear anything. No, it's not completely inaudible, but the sound seems to be very small, and the frequency has also changed. It feels as if my head is covered by a glass cover with good sound insulation.

The feeling of complete soundproofing lasted for less than ten seconds, and disappeared suddenly without warning like it appeared. The surrounding sounds instantly returned to our ears, and then it was a piece of The thunderous rumbling sound filled all our hearing. The huge Fireball in front gradually rises off the ground, transformed into a huge mushroom cloud, and on the mushroom cloud is a ring of strong gray bands visible by naked eye.

"Ah seems we are in trouble. Kristina, expand your domain to the maximum, don't save any defense methods other people have, now is the time to use it. "

Almost at the same time that Kristina’s domain protection was completed, everyone around us was painted with layer after layer of protective shields, but with the terrifying gray ring After the band spread, there was an extra layer of cold sweat on our foreheads because of the unfathomable mystery, because it was not until this time that everyone could see exactly what the band was. That thing is simply not a simple shock wave. The white thing on the outer ring is actually the water mist formed by the small water droplets that condense after the shock wave shook the air and caused the water vapor in the air to naturally precipitate. As for the water mist behind the circle of water mist The blank area, which should actually be called the shock peak, is the compression shock circle formed by the second shock wave after the first blast shock wave hits the air and superimposed on the second shock wave. This circle is the thing with the largest formidable power in the high-pressure shock wave. The part behind this blank area is some grayish-brown scattered materials, which were not very clear before. When they got closer, everyone realized that those simply were not scattered materials, but large chunks of rocks. After the volcano exploded just now, the whole mountain was thrown high into the sky, and this gray-brown material was just the first batch of volcanic debris brought out by the shock wave.

As I said before, we made a mistake about our enemy. In this scene, our enemy is not actually our opponent, but the scene set by the system itself. For example, we are now building a protective circle with the power of so many people. If Kojiro and others were to destroy it, they wouldn't even have to think about it in an hour or two. However, such a strong defensive circle is as weak as a small sampan in a tsunami in front of this perverted scene.

When the first white liquid cloud rushed over, we felt the first shock wave, but the shock wave at this time showed only relatively strong air currents, our defensive circle It's just being blown away a little bit backwards. However, after the dense fog of the first shock ring passed, the invisible second shock peak slammed into the outside of our defensive circle. Almost instantly we felt as if we were packed in a big iron ball, and then the ball was stuffed into a cannon and fired out. The entire defensive circle was knocked out by a terrifying force in an instant, and the protective spell outside the defensive circle was also broken in an instant, leaving only Kristina's domain. However, although this realm was not broken, Kristina, who was the core of the realm, spewed a big mouthful of blood. It was obvious that the force hitting the realm had exceeded her upper limit. However, this shock peak is only the second round of the ring-shaped diffusion zone, and the real strike method is yet to come.

As the impact peak passed, our defensive circle was bombarded with only a layer of Kristina’s domain power, and then we saw the densely packed black rock group as if Shotguns usually hit our side. Kristina had just been shaken by the shock peak, and she was already in a trance. This time, she was struck by the baptism of so many rocks like raindrops. Finally, that layer of realm could no longer withstand such continuous high-density strikes in the air. It shattered suddenly, and Kristina fainted directly because of the broken backlash in the field.

Seeing Kristina fell into a coma, I held the rose again and didn't have time to intervene, so I pointed to Kristina and said to Ivoryt: "Put her into your belly."< /p>

Ivorite turned his head and glanced at me in surprise, then he also reacted and quickly flew to Christina who was falling down, picked it up and threw it up, and then he himself Suddenly it was broken down into several parts and covered Kristina’s body like a suit of armor. Although the combination seemed to be the same as the previous Ivorite, Kristina was wrapped in Ivor. In Ritter's body, during the time she was in a coma, at least there was no need to worry about being killed by a volcanic meteorite falling from the sky.

Although the protective shield collapsed, the danger we are facing now is not as exaggerated as before because the ring belt has passed. However, this so-called exaggeration is only to say that we are safer than before. In fact, we are not completely out of danger. At the moment when the volcano exploded, at least millions of tons of rocks were thrown into the sky, plus the lava that has not stopped until now, in the sky, there are at least ten million tons of hot lava that has not yet been completely cooled. The material of half lava and half rock. The three characteristics of these things are: hot, high speed, and carry deadly powerful kinetic energy. Not to mention that all those things are smashed down, as long as it is wiped by any one of them, it is not fun. With my current strength, I still have a way to deal with rocks that are less than a bus, but the problem is that rocks that are more than ten times larger are everywhere in the sky, and some can even match the size of an aircraft carrier. Don’t If I say that I am now, even if I summon all my pets and activate Divine Domain, I can at best ensure my safety. If I want to bring roses to protect other people, it would be my life!

Compared with the tense atmosphere on our side, Masaga Matsumoto and Kenjiro Kohato are much more relaxed. Although they are inferior to us in terms of strength, we are inferior to them in some things-for example, Kenjiro Kohato's teleportation skills. Before the official war started, Kenjiro Kohato showed his teleportation skills in front of us, and it seems that his skills can also carry people, so the ring belt that directly destroyed our defensive circle has no hard resistance at all, just one The transmission is over. Although Masaga Matsumoto also has defensive skills, because of the existence of Kenjiro Kohato, he was also taken through the defensive circle. Therefore, relative to our embarrassment, they are very relaxed here. However, the next period of time is not for their skills to take advantage.

Now in the sky, there are two kinds of things carried into the sky by the high-pressure lava flow, one is the rock, and the other is the lava itself. The rocks are nothing, after all, there are not many other than those that were blown up when the eruption just started. Besides, these rocks have a fixed falling trajectory after all, and you can get out of the way if you pay attention to it. The real problem is the lava.

Everyone knows that lava is the material after the rock melts, and its fluidity will change due to changes in temperature. When the temperature is high, the fluidity of the lava will be stronger, and it feels a bit like the fluidity of milk, and when the temperature is lowered, the lava will gradually change from a relatively thin state of milk to a relatively thick state of asphalt, and finally When the temperature is lower than the melting point of the rock, the lava will completely condense into a black rock called Fire Mountain Cliff.

It doesn't matter whether the lava falls in a liquid or solid state, it doesn't matter. I'm afraid that it won't solidify as soon as it is semi-solidified. The lava sprayed high in the sky will begin to fall naturally after reaching the apex. However, because the lava sprayed later is below them, the two colliding with each other will break down into lava balls of different sizes in the air. Later, these lava balls, which are as large as a dozen meters or less than the size of a quail egg, will condense due to the cooling effect of the air, but not the entire condensation, but the outer layer of lava condenses first, and finally forms a layer of rock crust outside the lava ball. . With the protection of this layer of rock crust, the cooling rate of the lava inside the lava ball will be significantly reduced. However, in the process of falling, because these lava balls with crust will collide with each other, and some lava balls with irregular shapes will disintegrate on their own, many lava balls will suddenly decompose halfway and then spray out. The lava will break down into more small lava balls in the air due to the wind, and then repeat until it hits the ground.

This process of breaking down and falling seems to be a natural phenomenon, but it is not a good thing to actually happen around us. We must know that we are now within the falling range of the lava ball. If the falling lava ball remains in the state of being wrapped in the crust, its falling trajectory will be clearer. We only need to get out of the way before seeing it from a distance. . But once it disintegrates, then a lava ball will instantly turn into a grenade with a fragmentation effect, and every bullet emitted by this grenade may explode again into a large shot, you say How do we dodge being stared at by such a shotgun? What? Hard block? Not to mention the consequences of being touched by hot lava that has an adhesive force comparable to napalm bombs. The impact force of lava bombs rushing down from a high altitude is absolutely life-threatening. Moreover, this thing does not appear individually. When people come in a group, one or two shots are of course okay. What if you get hit several hundred?

Looking at the lava bombs in the sky crackled like rain, we can only think of ways separately. Masaka Matsumoto and Kenjiro Kojiro used a more tricky method, that is, Kenjiro Kojiro held Masaka Matsumoto constantly relying on teleportation to dodge. He held up the protective cover and blocked it hard. Although he couldn't hold on to it more frequently, he still managed to come by Matsumoto once in a while.

Different from theirs, the situation on our side is a bit worse, mainly because we have too many people. Everyone knows that lava bombs fall randomly, and the probability of our people being attacked is naturally much higher than that of Matsumoto and the others. And we are also facing a more troublesome problem, that is, we don't know whether it is better for everyone to stand together and take turns to resist the lava or disperse each other to find a way to be safe. If we get together, it will be much easier to resist the lava. We can take turns to carry it hard, and if we can't carry it, someone will take over. But there are so-called advantages and disadvantages. Although everyone can help each other to defend against falling lava bombs when gathered together, the mobility of the crowd is certainly not as flexible as a single person, so we must resist many lava bombs that could have escaped. This virtually increases the burden that everyone has to bear.

Because we don’t know which of the two plans is better, so after seeing Matsumoto’s approach, we also adopted their approach, that is, neither forming a large group nor dispersing. As a single person, but divided into two squads for defense. Although this can't show as strong defensive ability as when everyone gathers together, the advantage of fewer people is that you can avoid most lava bombs. If you only defend a small part of lava, it will be nothing at worst.

After thinking about the plan, I quickly grouped everyone. First of all, I formed a team with my four monsters and Rose. Familiars and I can basically be regarded as one person, so there is no problem of cooperation. As for Rose, she can't evade herself by herself, so I have to take it with me. Anyway, the power gathered here is relatively strong, so it should be no problem to protect her. Having said that, if it weren't for this damn system restriction, I only allowed me to summon four monsters. At this time, as long as the bird is there, I don't care what volcano erupts!

Except for my group, the rest of us are another group. In fact, they are only three of them. Kristina is still wrapped in Ivorite and has not come out, so it is equivalent to being pulled into my group. True red and gold coin are both strong fighters, plus a flexible shadow spring should be able to easily dodge most of the lava bombs, it is really impossible to dodge whether it is the true red Heavenly Dragon Fist or gold coin Sword array should all be carried.

The volcano in front of us just formed a team suddenly made a deafening explosion again, the ground around the volcano that just exploded suddenly broke again, and the area where the lava gushed out of unfathomable mystery expanded again. After a large circle, we were still some distance away from the lava eruption area, and we suddenly became close to the lava pillar. If the eruption area is expanded even ten meters, we will all be encased in lava. .

"Damn, what kind of perverted volcano is this?" Zhenhong cursed, while holding Shadow Spring in one hand and holding the gold coin in one hand, quickly backing away, and I hurriedly greeted the demons. Turning back with the rose quickly.

Just a little bit farther away from the eruption zone, the number of lava bombs flying towards us was not much, now it is next to the lava pillar, and the lava bombs that fell on that day seemed to be raining, let alone For dodge, we can hardly even see which lava bombs will hit us and which will not, and because the lava bombs are too dense, the probability of collision will increase exponentially. The result is that the more lava bombs are touched, the more lava bombs will be hit. We feel underneath as if the entire head is covered with lava.

"Xiaofeng, immediately the Fire Element transforms, and then activates the energy gathering on top of my head." I yelled while flapping my wings desperately away from the lava pillar.

After hearing my order, the flames on Xiaofeng's body suddenly skyrocketed, and then her body surrounded by flames began to become lighter and lighter, and at the end only a bird-shaped flame could be seen. But Xiaofeng was completely invisible. This state is actually Xiaofeng's energy form, also called the Yuhuo form. In this form, Xiaofeng’s body is composed of Fire Element, which is equivalent to losing the entity, and since she is composed of Fire Element, in this form, Xiaofeng’s fire skill not only doubles the formidable power, but also The release speed will all become instantaneous. Of course, there are advantages and disadvantages. The biggest disadvantage of this form is that Xiaofeng in pure Fire Element form is very vulnerable to damage from Water Element spell. After all, these two elements are inherently restrained from each other, so it is understandable that the damage is strengthened. However, what we have to face now is the lava bomb ejected by the volcanic eruption instead of an enemy who can Water Element spell, so there is no danger at all in this form.

Xiaofeng, who completed the transformation of the Fire Element form, immediately flew over my head and covered us all under her body, and then she activated her energy gathering skills. Xiaofeng in the form of Fire Element is not afraid of physical attacks at all, so the lava bombs falling from the sky have no harm to her at all. Moreover, because Xiaofeng in the form of Fire Element can absorb all Fire Element, when the hot lava bomb passes through Xiaofeng's body, all that is left is a large mass of condensed rock. Compared with hard anti-lava bombs and hard anti-rocks, of course, it is better to deal with fixed-shape rocks.

Don't worry about the high temperature of the lava, I quickly called Iverite to my side, and then directly gave the rose to him to take care of. Anyway, there is Kristina in Ivorite's body, and the battle strength has been affected to a certain extent. Since he can't fight, let him be a transport plane just to maximize the use of resources. Since Ivorite is a construct creature, he can fly while holding the rose while paying attention to dodge the falling rocks above his head, so that the probability of them being hit will be much smaller than if I hold the rose.

I don’t need to hold the rose to fly, my own hands and feet are freed, and Lingling and Mila themselves have free time, so that the three of us can mix with each other to form a three-layer on top of Frit’s head. Protection net. The top layer is Mira. As a material dragon, although it can only appear in human form, Mira's defensive power is still the highest among us, so she is more resistant to smashing on it. Of course, I didn't plan to let Mira be a human shield for us. Her job is to intercept the larger rocks and break them into small pieces. Of course, if she is free, she will be responsible for intercepting even small rocks, but the order I gave her is to give priority to those rocks that are relatively large and not easy to deal with.

The layer below Mira is the defensive layer that I am responsible for, and my main task is to block all the rocks that Mira did not stop or the fragments of the big rocks that were crushed. This way It can guarantee the absolute safety of the following Ivorite. In the end, Lingling was responsible for the last insurance under me. In case there is a continuous breakthrough of two lines of defense, or some rocks are too large to be completely crushed after passing through the two lines of defense, then Lingling must be complicated. Three interceptions. Of course, if Lingling's third interception still fails, Ivorite must get out of the rock as soon as possible. However, in my opinion, there are not many rocks that can pass through the three lines of defense in a row, and secondly, even if it passes through, Ivorite should have noticed it a long time ago. It should be easy to dodge if you are prepared.

Beside us, Zhenhong and they quickly built their own defensive circle. But unlike me, none of them can absorb Fire Element, so there is nothing good except dodge and hard carry. But there is one thing that they take advantage of me, that is, their burden is much smaller than mine. Among the three of them, only Shadow Spring can't fly, and she is a highly sensitive person with a lighter body. With the load capacity of the gold coin Nine-tailed Fox, she can take them to fly easily. Besides, the sword array of gold coin is completely on top of a smasher, even if there is occasional real red that leaks through the net, it can be smashed. Under such protection, it is estimated that no lava bomb can penetrate their defense lines.

With such a meticulous arrangement, it was a lot easier for us to resist the lava bombs. Although we were hit by many lava bombs along the way, most of them were hit by our defense plan. The crushing did not cause any casualties. However, after our falling lava bombs flew out of the lava bomb concentration area, a new situation appeared in front of us. Just when we thought we were safe, the ground not far in front suddenly cracked a few cracks, and then we saw red lava sprayed out of it, and then the ground sank down first, and then violently. The upward shares are up. We who have gone through a volcanic eruption this time are considered to be experienced. When Zhenhong saw this posture, he immediately shouted: "Aren't we so unlucky? We just ran into another super volcano just after we left that super volcano?"

"The horror is not our bad luck." I said, pointing to the side, and Zhen Hong looked in the direction of my finger and immediately had nothing to say, because in the direction I was pointing, a huge mushroom cloud was rising in the sky. , And far behind the mushroom cloud, a slightly smaller sun can still be seen slowly rising. After reading the situation here, Zhen Hong finally reacted. She turned her head to all around and found out that as many as eight eruption points were erupting within the range covered by our line of sight, and the others did not erupt. I don't know how many there are. "Oh my God! Is this a volcano concentration camp?"

"No matter what it is, it's better for us to flash first." Gold coin said, pointing below us, and I looked down. It was discovered that the ground directly below us was actually bulging upwards, and this speed could explode at any time.

"Damn, flash!" As I shouted, everyone hurriedly turned around and flew towards the direction where Kenjiro Kojiro and the others escaped. Now we can see that if we don’t get rid of Kojiro Kenjiro sooner or later, system will kill us first, so no matter how bad the situation is now, we can’t wait any longer. We must get Kojiro Kenjiro as soon as possible. However, the problem now is that we and Kojiro Kenjiro ran in two opposite directions while avoiding the volcano. In other words, if we want to catch up with Kojiro Kenjiro, we must bypass the big one that erupted before. You can find Kenjiro Kotobumi in a big circle around the volcano, and there may be some situation that you will encounter along the way. Besides, even if Kojiro Kenjiro stayed there and didn’t change positions, we would have to fly in such a big circle for several minutes. When we get there, we might not have time to fight and we will have to face the next disaster. . Now this is the third scenario, the disaster is so terrifying. With the system setting, I don't know what moths will come out next time. "Damn it, if you can let me summon the familiar! Isn't it too late!"

I actually just complained about it, but what made me didn't expect was that the system actually responded. My complaint. "Purple Moon, player pay attention, now this system is beginning to accept the common wishes of both sides of the battle."

"Huh?" I just said casually, and the system didn't expect it to take care of me.

The system didn’t care about my meaningless sound, and still explained: “Because the player Purple Moon and the enemy Kenjiro Kohato also expressed their desire to obtain stronger battle strength, this system analyzes I believe that the two parties agree, so the attribute enhancement system is specially turned on. Will the personnel of both parties accept it?"

"Enhancement? How to enhance it?" While I was communicating with the system, Kenjiro Kohato, who was on the opposite side of the volcano, was also there Ask the same question.

System said to Kenjiro Kobato and the others: "If both parties agree, you will be transferred to you the natural force acquired by all the people killed in your battle before, that is, you will be able to manipulate time, space and energy at the same time. Of course, as a corresponding choice, the opposite player Purple Moon will also simultaneously obtain all the pets summon limit unlocking, and will receive special compensation for all the attributes to be full."

"What? All the pets Unlock?" On the volcano side, I heard the system hint and immediately nodded and said: "Agree, I agree."

System replied after I shouted after a pause of less than one second: "Opposite player Xiaoji Kenjiro also agreed to the choice. Now all the attributes of the player Purple Moon are automatically filled and the pet summon limit is lifted, and all the power restrictions of the player Purple Moon are lifted. Please fight with all your strength and wish you good luck."

As soon as the system hint was over, I turned around and shouted to Zhenhong: "True Hong, where's your refuge scroll?"

"Here." Zhenhong immediately took my words from her body. I turned out a very ordinary scroll, but the attributes of this thing are not ordinary at all. Not to say how powerful the attribute of this thing is, but that this thing is super unpopular. The only function of this thing is to open a temporary shelter that can accommodate up to ten people. People authorized by the user can enter and exit the shelter at will, and can enjoy the assistance of double attribute recovery speed in it. In addition, this refuge can also move with the user. As long as the user is not in the refuge, the refuge will move with the user, and unauthorized persons cannot enter the refuge or harm the inside. people. Of course, this thing is also limited. Firstly, its capacity is only ten people, and secondly, its function time is only ten minutes, so although the function is good, it has little practical value. The reason why Zhenhong keeps such a thing, and we all know it, is because it is so rare, so Zhenhong has kept it as an alternative collection until now. However, it turns out that there are no useless things in this world. If you find that something is useless, it's just that you haven't found its use. It's not that it's really useless.

As soon as Zhen Hong found the thing, he threw it at me. As soon as I received it, I immediately tore it open, and then a translucent light ball with a diameter of more than two meters suddenly appeared behind me.

"Quick, all go in." I yelled as I directed Inverite to send both Zhenhong and Kristina in, and then Zhenhong and they quickly rushed in. Although the ball of light seemed to be only 2.5 meters in diameter, it disappeared as soon as Zhen Hong entered it. After they all entered the refuge, I immediately put away the nearby familiars, and then took out the Asuka summon.

Those erupting volcanoes are basically impossible to injure people because they are too loud. What we really have to be careful about now is the lava bombs flying around. But lava bombs must not be hard-wired. As long as you have enough speed and flexibility, you can flash all the lava bombs flying towards you. As long as they are not touched by them, the more powerful lava bombs Can not play any formidable power.

Before, I always thought that if summon had been summon, it would be fine. Didn’t expect can actually summon now. At the speed of the bird, these seemingly troublesome lava bombs in front of me are simply a piece of cake. I grabbed the bird’s back and folded my wings and shrank into the depression on the bird’s body, and then the bird quickly activated the supersonic assault mode. . I only felt a huge acceleration pulling me back. Thanks to my being half trapped in the groove on Asuka, although the pulling force was great, it wouldn't lift me up.

I was enjoying the incomparable speed of Asuka, and suddenly I saw a huge Fireball suddenly rise up in the front right, and then a large cloud of fire rose into the sky, the billowing heat wave still felt even though it was so far away Very scorching. "Master pays attention, we need to do some special action." As I was wandering, Asuka suddenly reminded me.

I quickly put a sticker on Asuka. "Okay."

"Then I will start."

The flying bird, which had been rushing forward at high speed, suddenly accelerated, and a lava bomb moved from We flashed behind us, directly smashing the smoke belt pulled out by the bird. However, the Asuka who had just flashed the lava bomb had no time to be happy, because a lava bomb was moving towards us. Asuka reacted quickly and suddenly rolled to the left, followed by another roll to the right. Two consecutive tumblings successfully flashed two lava bombs that had fallen successively. But this is not the end. Asuka jumped out of the two lava bombs that were almost side by side, and then made a rapid dive, and then hurriedly pulled up from underneath a giant rock that had just been lifted out of an area more than the size of a football field. Drilled over. Here we have just drilled through that rock, and another rock with a volume not much smaller than the previous one appeared in front of us. Asuka continued upward in the direction where it just climbed, and finally rubbed the rock at a distance of less than half a meter. The upper edge flew over. However, the bird that had just flashed past the rock was still surrounded by a huge amount of lava bombs. He first smashed his body sideways, and then drilled between the two parallel falling lava bombs. As soon as the bird passed through the gap, the bird immediately laid its body flat again, and then the jet propelling port at the rear shrank sharply, while the front air inlet blasted out a large amount of flames, and all the speed bumps on the bird stood still. When I got up, I just felt that all the blood in the whole body rushed to the head in an instant, but fortunately, my attributes were good, and I didn't explode blood vessels.

Just when my head was congested by the sudden deceleration, a huge rock in front of us fell from us like a wall, and we were just a few meters away. The distance almost didn't hit, if the bird hadn't slowed down in time, we would definitely have to be hit by that rock.

After the rock fell, the jet opening behind the bird immediately opened again, and then the speed brake was lowered. With a violent tremor, we immediately entered the supersonic state again, and then maneuvered in a series of S-shapes. A dozen lava bombs flashed through, and finally the bird came to a small area to slow down, so that two lava bombs flying from different directions crashed into a ball in the air and exploded. Then we violently accelerated from the two lava bombs. Passed t

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