Although Onihand Nobunaga and Guren Phoenix have agreed to use the power of the three parties to deal with us, this ability is not something they have originally, so except for Kojiro Kenjiro In addition to being more familiar with their own skills because of their original teleportation ability, Guren Phoenix and Guishou Nobunaga have not yet figured out what their abilities can do. As for cooperation, let alone. However, although they have not fully mastered their own skills for the time being, Nobunaga and Guren Phoenix are considered experts after all. At least they can learn skills much faster than ordinary people. As long as they have this idea, it will be very easy to grind together. Fast.

As soon as Nobunaga Onitou and the others discussed the tactics, our side has also coordinated the battle method afterwards.

According to at first's plan, we will gather the most Peak Experts of our guild here this time, the purpose is to deter Japanese players and bring their confidence back to the original point because of continuous victories. Just because of this idea, we don't just say that we win the battle. To undermine the confidence of Japanese players, we must not only win, but also a big victory. It is best to win overwhelmingly as the autumn gale sweeps away the fallen leaves. If it wasn't for this reason, I wouldn't let Kristina and the others, who had been hiding for so long, reveal their full strength.

In order to improve morale, I said directly to Zhenhong: "No matter what special ability Guishou Nobunaga has, there will not be an invincible attribute, all skills in "Zero" have two sides. As long as If you find a skill defect, then there is nothing to worry about. Now that we have even taken out our hidden strength, we don’t have to limit our strength carefully. Now let us let go of our hands and feet to our Japanese friends once. Unforgettable and shocking education."

"You are waiting for this sentence." After Zhenhong finished speaking, she suddenly kicked the rock under her feet, and her whole body shot at the ghosts of Nobunaga and the others like a cannonball. side.

Guishou Nobunaga was discussing how to cooperate. We didn't expect us to attack first. They had no choice but to stop our attack first.

Kojiro Kenjiro was the first to react, and the whole person stepped into the void, and instantly appeared in front of Real Red, and then a heavy slash slashed towards Real Red's neck. Real red didn't mean to evade when Kenjiro Kohato appeared, and he slammed a punch directly at the opponent's knife. Just listening to the sound of dragon's roar, a golden Divine Dragon Fist rushed out violently and just hit the blade of Kenjiro Kobato. With a bang, Kenjiro Kobato immediately became a whole person. He flew backwards, but just when he was about to fall into the lava, he fell into a gap in the space, and then appeared on a rock next to him unharmed in the next second.

After fending off Kojiro's attack, Zhenhong didn't care what happened to Kojiro Kenjiro, but directly moved towards the group of cherry blossom group members next to him and rushed over. Although the members of the sakura team are outstanding among ordinary players, it is like a fox living in a mouse's den suddenly ran into the tiger's hole. The original physical advantage disappeared and even turned into a disadvantage. . These Sakura team members are expert for ordinary players, but for us, their strength is at best the realm that can just give Nobunaga ghosts their hands, but now Zhenhong's idea is very simple, then It is to dry up all the people who are in the way of the dead, and finally concentrate on cleaning up the ghost hands Nobunaga and the few experts.

Those members of the cherry blossom group are usually proud and arrogant in Japan, but in front of us they also know that they have how many catties and how many taels, so they see the real red dynasty. He rushed over here, and immediately fled towards all directions like a cat that had fallen into a group of rats.

Seeing the members of the Sakura group run away, it was so red that there was no chaos. However, she didn't immediately find a target to chase and kill, but slammed into her original footing. The fist wind with the dragon-shaped True Qi hit the lava river again, and then exploded the sky full of lava. Although all the members of the Sakura group present received the 50% fire resistance reward from the system, it was just fire resistance after all, not really not afraid of fire. Seeing the lava droplets flying all over the sky, everyone quickly turned around and tried to sweep away the lava with their weapon barriers, but the moment they turned back, Zhenhong punched in the air again. A golden god Dragon Qi flew fiercely along the red fist, and slammed into the place where the crowd was the most crowded. The members of the cherry blossom team who had just shaken the lava saw the golden True Qi that had rushed in front of them were all stupid. This thing was too big and there was nowhere to flash. In desperation, they could only raise their weapons to block in front of them. Intend to fight hard. However, just when they thought it was going to be bad, a red silhouette suddenly stood in front of them.

The person blocking these guys is no one else, but Guren Phoenix. If you can choose, she definitely doesn’t want to pick up Zhenhong's fist. After all, Zhenhong’s attack power is extremely high. No one except some special personnel who defensive perverts will be stupid enough to pick up Zhenhong’s meet force with force. The fist, not to mention that Honglian Phoenix was not a defensive character. But now she can't even pick it up. Although she also advocates profit and hopes to control Japanese players like Oni Te Nobunaga, there is one point that she is different from Oni Te Nobunaga. That is, Guren Phoenix does not have the unfathomable mystery of Nobunaga, which is the kind of unfathomable mystery. To put it bluntly, Nobunaga is a bit of a Japanese-style idea complex while Guren Phoenix just doesn't have it. Compared with the special emotion of Nobunaga Ghosts, who still believes that she will win even when she knows that the situation is unfavorable, Guren Phoenix’s behavior is relatively more rational, and because of this, she can often use her brain. It's not feelings to deal with problems. It's like now. Guren Phoenix’s first reaction was that if all members of the Sakura team were killed in action, she, Nobunaga Onitou and Kenjiro Kohato would not be able to do us alone. So, knowing that she shouldn't receive a red fist, she resolutely rushed up and took this fist.

Looking at the fist strength coming straight, Honglian Phoenix also knew that she might not be able to block it, so she did not choose to hard-wire it directly, but fiercely when the fist strength was about to rush to her. The red flame slammed into the golden dragon fist strength. The two collided in the air and eventually caused the fist strength to deviate slightly. Finally, Honglian Phoenix used the magic knife in his hand to block it diagonally. After a while, although his hands were still numb, he blocked the fist strength anyway.

Although the punch did not work, Zhenhong did not stop. The third punch then blasted, but instead of hitting someone, it was against the lava below. This fist directly blasted the river surface, and then Zhenhong landed on the river bed. Suddenly, his hands began to swim around the body along a strange trajectory.

After seeing true red falling into the lava river, Honglian Phoenix thought she would jump out again like last time, but she didn’t see true red coming out until the lava began to flow back. Instead, it returned. I don’t know why the lava began to slowly rotate around the place where the true red fell, and the lava was spinning faster and faster, and the range was gradually expanding. Soon there was a huge one on the lava river. A giant whirlpool with a diameter of more than twenty meters.

"Quickly get out of the way, she is preparing for a big move." Guren Phoenix was still stupid standing there in a daze. Why didn't it come out? Guishou Nobun was so long that he discovered the problem first, but he now He should be more concerned about himself rather than Honglian Phoenix.

Just as Nobunaga Guishou reminded Guren Phoenix, one silhouette has appeared behind him. Guishou Nobunaga felt that someone was approaching, and immediately turned around and cut through it, but the knife he quickly slashed was caught by a person with two fingers.

"At this time, you still care about others. You are really laid back." I looked at Nobunaga Onishu's shocked expression and heard a ding sound as soon as I pressed my fingers. I was caught The Japanese sword in his hand broke off.

The ghost hand letter with the broken blade is so long that there is no panic. Anyway, since they knew that my eternity can cut off other weapons, the Japanese players have already done so when they fight with me to replace multiple weapons. He’s mentally prepared, so I didn’t feel a little nervous about Nobunaga’s broken weapon, even if I broke his knife with my fingers.

Guishou Nobunaga, who saw his blade broken decisively loosened half of the blade in his hand, then quickly turned his hand back and drew a saber out from behind, and then shaved my neck. Go down. However, as soon as his knife was cut in half, I pinched it again with two fingers like a piece of paper. Unsurprisingly, with a crisp sound, Guishou Nobunaga's new knife was squeezed off again.

In fact, I split the eternity into a small part just before the transmission, and then attached it to the blades and fingers of my whole body. The benefits of this are obvious, at least pinch it with bare hands. This move is very effective in discouraging others' confidence.

Seeing that the second weapon was squeezed off again, Nobunaga was also anxious, but this time he didn't change the knife, instead he gripped the Dao in his hand tighter. Then he slammed the knife back, but did not completely pull the knife away, but backed less than a millimeter to make it out of my finger control, and then violently cut it down in the previous direction. Looking at the sharp blade, I didn’t move at all. I just lifted my leg and kicked the ghost hand Nobunaga to kicked flying, but this kid was also very good, everyone flew out and threw the truncated knife as a hidden weapon. come over. My head flashed over the flying half-cut knife and flicked the fingers, and the other half of the knife in my hand moved towards Guishouxinchang and flew over.

Guishou Nobunaga saw the blade I threw out and ignored it. He directly dipped on a rock below with one hand, and then hung in the air and hung on the top of the cave with one hand. After the impact fell off the top of the cave, this guy actually rushed towards me again. Of course, he didn't forget to change to a saber again, but this kid was really unfortunate. Just when he was halfway through the jump, he suddenly heard Kenjiro Kojiro yell to him: "Get out of the way!"

Hearing Kenjiro Kojiro's call, Nobunaga Onishou quickly turned around, but only watched When a magic bullet flew towards him, the previous flapping action had to be given up halfway. After turning back to block the magic missile, Nobunaga Guishou’s flight direction had been shaken a lot, and continued in this direction. When he flew down, he wouldn't say to chop me, he didn't know where he would fall. However, this guy reacted very well. He hooked on the lava pillar on the roof of the cave with one hand, and leaped towards me again after turning his body around.

I didn't say anything when I saw that this kid dared to come over. I just jumped into the air with one pair of wings and took the initiative to greet him. Can fly and can’t fly in this case, the performance is very obvious. I and the flightless ghost Nobunaga smashed into a ball quickly in the air. After a few lightning strikes, my wings quickly recovered from the roll. He came over and went back again, and Nobunaga oni had already flown away from the previous direction because of my impact, and he was falling into the lava river below.

Hit a person when he's down is my favorite thing. Seeing Nobunaga Onitou falling into the lava river, I immediately swooped into him, but when I was halfway through the flight, I suddenly saw Kenjiro Kohato come out in front of me and slashed my wings. . Looking at the sliced ​​blade, I took my wings away, and the whole person slammed into Kojiro Kenjiro’s arms like a cannonball, and then pressed Kojiro’s chest with both hands to separate us by a small gap, and followed me fiercely. Bowed and retracted his legs, and pushed the legs that were originally behind him against Kenjiro Kohato's stomach, and in an instant, the two of us looked towards and shot out in two directions. It's just that I vacated again, and Kojiro Kenjiro was stepped directly into the lava by me.

"Ha, get one."

"The beauty of thinking." Almost at the same time that Kenjiro Kojiro fell into the lava, space fluctuation suddenly appeared behind me again. In a second, Kenjiro Kojiro appeared from behind me with a piece of still burning lava. "Go die for me." The almost crazy Kenjiro Kojiro swung a long knife at my neck and cut it again. Unlike last time, he even activated his skills this time, which means that this is not only a trick. It is his basic attack power, but also his skill damage.

I felt that the attack that was about to arrive behind me didn’t completely ignore it. After all, the last time I fended off his knife was because I wrapped a layer of eternal melting liquid on my neck, and now eternity is distributed by me. When he reached several attack positions in his body, there was no eternity on his neck. If he was chopped again, he would definitely be counted as a critical attack. However, just as Kojiro Kenjiro was about to succeed, the wings on my back suddenly stretched out to slap Kojiro Kenjiro.

Kojiro Kenjiro, who has never encountered such a situation before, didn’t react at all, and was fanned out by my wings. After smashing a row of lava pillars with a bang, this guy thought I got up and started teleporting again and disappeared in the air. In fact, this can't be blamed on Kojiro Kenjiro's ineffective fighting skills. The main reason is that he has too little combat experience. He doesn't know that a person with six limbs like me can directly attack the person behind him with his wings. That's why he said. It has become a rule of battle for normal players to avoid the strong frontal area of ​​battle strength during the battle. Sneak attack from behind has become a kind of battle rule, and Kenjiro Kohato followed this rule, but he didn’t expect me to have wings like this. In fact, the people of "do not attack the dead corners. After all, the big wings behind them are theoretically stronger than my arms. If they are not as flexible as the arms, they are definitely more terrifying to attack the limbs than the hands."

As soon as I flew Kojiro Kenjiro with my wings, I moved towards Nobunaga, who had fled to a rock, rushed over, but Kenjiro Kojiro who saw this teleported back again. He tried to block me, but as soon as he appeared, he heard Nobunaga yelling from below: "Leave me alone, go and help Miss Guren stop Zhenhong from releasing her big move. We can't stop the woman's powerful skills!"

Kobato Kenjiro looked back at Nobunaga in surprise, and finally disappeared in front of me just before my body.

I don't have any intention to stop Kenjiro Kohato from leaving, because I don't plan to play hide-and-seek with him here. I know the big trick that Zhen Hong wants to release. As long as she releases successfully, she can solve at least one target in an instant. It is better than our fight like this, so I slammed it the moment Kojiro Kenjiro left. He turned his head and drew a beautiful half arc in the air and flew towards the real red side.

Kobato Kenjiro must be faster than me using teleportation, but as soon as he teleported to the sky above the whirlpool, he suddenly fell out of the void as if he had hit something. If it weren’t for Guren Phoenix, he would respond quickly and catch it in time. If you lose him, maybe he will fall directly into the lava like this.

"What's the matter with you?" Guren Phoenix asked Kenjiro Kohato when he placed it on the rock.

Kobato Kenjiro looked at the frowned in the void ahead and squeezed out two words. "Domain."


"Yes, it's my elemental field." Kristina suddenly rose from the lava vortex in front of her. Neither Ren Phoenix nor Kojiro Kenjiro saw when she entered, but now they are more concerned about things in that field. Originally, according to normal circumstances, Kristina shouldn’t tell others about her skill characteristics, but now anyway, it is to shock the Japanese players who are watching us fight each other outside, so Kristina did not deal with it according to the general situation. Instead, he said: "The elemental realm is a space completely controlled by me that is opened based on my magic power. Within this range, I can absolutely control all laws. Including space. So you should not show your uselessness in front of me. You have the ability to master the space. Your skills to cross space are just an ability to use the law after understanding Space Law, but I can directly erase or rebuild the law. Lawyers who study the law and find loopholes in it and can freely formulate abridged laws Who do you think is the stronger legislature of the clause?"

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