"OK, now the battle strength is all on, let this guy know about the strength of the Frost Rose League's strongest battle strength." Zhen Hong rushed first after her transformation was completed. go out.

"Prepare to fight!" Just when Zhen Hong rushed over, Masaka Matsumoto, who was just pulled down by Xiaofeng from the lava pool, suddenly jumped out of the lava and gave a loud reminder, before waiting for us. After attacking him here, Xiaofeng, who was chased out, was pulled into the lava. At this time, Masaka Matsumoto shouldn't have spoken out to remind Nobunaga and the others who had been squeezed, but I notified him in advance and asked him to remind Nobunaga and them. The reason for doing this is of course not to help Oniji Nobunaga, but to let them unconsciously regard Matsumoto Masaka as their leader. Just like when a major disaster occurs, the person who is the first to stand up and command everyone will often be regarded as the leader by the people around him for a period of time. In this kind of fighting moment, who is the first to speak out? Can get the approval of others. This is a specific psychological behavior commonly possessed by humans, and I now want to use this to strengthen Matsumoto's position in the hearts of Japanese players.

I need to pay attention here. Although we are fighting near the underground lava river, our current battle is actually being broadcast to the Chinese and Japanese players on the previous battlefield. Therefore, Matsumoto's current behavior is not only used to influence Nobunaga and the others, but more importantly, it affects those Chinese and Japanese players who are watching the results of our battle. After all, the result of our high-end power showdown will ultimately affect the direction of the battlefield outside. If it’s just for Nobunaga and the others, I can say that I will never let Masaka Matsumoto remind them. After all, these guys are different from the vast number of Japanese players outside. They have a direct conflict of interest with Masaka Matsumoto. No matter how well He behaves, they won't really regard him as a leader, unless these guys suddenly suffer from Stockholm syndrome collectively.

After hearing Matsumoto's reminder, the members of the Sakura team who were still in a daze suddenly reacted, but Kenjiro Kohato was the fastest. The guy suddenly turned his head to Guren Phoenix and Nobunaga Onitou, and said, "Since everyone has done their best, then we can't hide anymore."

When I heard Kojiro Kenjiro's words, the reaction of both sides Obviously different. Real red and the others, who were planning to charge on our side, stopped immediately and exchanged glances. Guren Phoenix and Nobunaga Onitou were nodded to each other, apparently agreeing with Kenjiro Kohato's opinion.

After seeing Guren Phoenix and Nodded Nodded, Kojiro immediately took back the long knife in his hand, and drew a dangling magic array in front of him with one hand. The sudden flash of the demon array was imprinted into Kenjiro Kohato's body in an instant. At the same time as Kojiro Kenjiro, Guren Phoenix and Guishou Nobunaga also drew a demon array in front of them, and printed them in their bodies. However, unlike the big fanfare changes on our side, the three of them each had an extra magic array that flashed twice from time to time, and they didn't show any changes at all.

Although there are no visual effects, Zhenhong and I did not relax our guard. Since Nobunaga Onitsuka still dare to speak big words after seeing our changes, it at least shows that our strength does not have an overwhelming advantage over them in their eyes, that is, their hidden strength is actually not small. There is nothing wrong with the so-called being careful. It is better to be more careful when people are watching like this.

With the completion of the engraving of the magic array, Nobunaga and the others launched an attack before us. But after seeing them suddenly start to charge, Zhenhong and the others were not idle, and immediately moved.

Although the ghosts of Nobunaga who sealed the demon array have not changed their appearance, the battle method has actually undergone significant changes. Kojiro Kenjiro, who rushed out first, did not jump on the lava pumice as before, but just jumped off the rock under his feet and suddenly penetrated into a void, leaving only a few flying energy petals. In the next second he emerged from another rock again. After a few flashing sprints, Kenjiro Kobumi crossed the distance between us and rushed to a place separated from the real red by only a rock.

Looking at Kojiro Kenjiro who disappeared again, Zhenhong also jumped to the rock between her and Kojiro Kenjiro at the same time. But after all, one is jumping and the other is a skill similar to teleportation. There is a significant difference in speed between the two, so in the end Kenjiro Kohato appeared on the rock first. Really red eyes saw Kojiro Kenjiro appear first, but he didn't have any plans to change the trajectory of his movement. He directly used the falling impact to wave his hand and smash it with a punch.

Kobato Kenjiro was also surprised when he saw the red fist. He is an attacker of Gao Min Gao type, defense is not his specialty, and the destructive power of the real red fist is the ultimate weapon counted in the whole world, so there is no hesitation, this guy just came out and took the next step. Stepped into the void again. The real red fist slammed down almost immediately when he disappeared, but at this time Real Red and the rock were still three or four meters away, and the real red fist was obviously not that long. However, although all the impossible of True Red hits the rock directly, that does not mean that her fist has no formidable power. I saw that a golden god dragon phantom flew out along the red arm suddenly with the real red fist, and then hit the rock with one head, and then it was as if a meteorite fell to the ground. The rock and nearby lava were all forced to one side, exposing a vacuum zone with a diameter of more than three meters in the center of the lava river.

Kojiro Kenjiro who escaped this punch did not see the position of the punch, because at the same time that Zhenhong blasted this fist, he had already appeared behind Zhenhong, and his left hand was big. With a flick of the blade guard pinned to his waist, the right hand took advantage of the trend and cut it out with a sharp stroke. Originally, if it were a normal person, this move should end the battle. After all, the Japanese Blade Drawing Technique is famous for being fast, and the one who used this move was Kenjiro Kohato, who was good at speed, and he suddenly made the move from behind. Under these many factors, the average person is definitely unable to escape. It's a pity that really red is obviously not an ordinary person.

Just as Kojiro Kenjiro's inevitable move is about to succeed, Zhen Hong suddenly burst out with a deafening sound of Dragon's roar. With this dragon roar, Zhen Hong's whole body is also fierce. A circle of dazzling golden divine light exploded outwards, and he blew out the soon-to-be-successful Kenjiro Kobumi with weapons. Seeing that he was blown away, Kojiro Kenjiro also knew that with his own defense, he would definitely not be able to face the destruction king like Real Red, so he decisively activated his skills and disappeared in midair after being blown away. However, even though he passed away, the golden light circle did not disappear. He was shocked to shatter all the lava pillars hanging upside down on the roof of the cave within more than 30 meters, plus a large piece of lava under his feet.

At the same time when Zhenhong and Kenjiro Kohato were fighting, Kristina had also suddenly appeared behind Guren Phoenix by a fixed point teleportation, but a huge giant suddenly appeared at the feet of Guren Phoenix. The dial of the clock, but the hands on the clock face that were beating from time to time suddenly stopped after it appeared. As the second hand on the clock face freezes, a gray mask also appeared at the same time and quickly spread to the surroundings, instantly covering the entire lava river. Almost while being swept by that light curtain, not only Kristina, but even Zhenhong and I felt a terrifying binding force that completely stuck our bodies in place, no matter how hard you tried. Can't move a minute. But it's not bad, this thing can hold only the body.

"Damn it, it's time to pause!" I regretted it almost at the same time I was frozen. I knew that I shouldn't have all summon battle-type familiars, I should have left Princess. In this situation, as long as Princess a mental flogging interrupts the spell of Honglian Phoenix, we can regain our freedom. But unfortunately, because the system limits the number of my summon familiars and does not allow midway substitutions, I have no way of summon Princess. However, compared with these, the worse situation is-Nobunaga Onitaka and the others can actually move.

"Quickly, I can't last long!" Guren Phoenix yelled immediately after we were all frozen. This kind of super skill is abnormal enough to be used, if it can be maintained for a long time, it would be too bad, so the current situation of Honglian Phoenix is ​​normal. It's just that although she can't hold on for long, as long as she can hold on for five or six seconds, we will all be killed. After all, everyone on the field is expert. Each shot is only a few seconds. As long as one side cannot resist, the winner can be determined in less than a second. The reason why we say five or six seconds is to count them rushing to us. The time ahead.

We understand this truth, and Oninote Nobunaga clearly understands them, so the members of the Sakura team and Oniite Nobunaga who were present after Guren Phoenix completely locked the nearby time did not hesitate at all. looked towards our closest person rushed over, and the most dangerous one was me. Not because I am the closest to the Japanese, but because I am the biggest threat here. Every Japanese player present knows that as long as they can kill me, they will have won half of this battlefield. So although most people consider the principle of proximity, I am a well-deserved number one goal.

Because Kojiro Kenjiro can teleport, although the distance is a bit far away, this guy is the first to rush in front of me. Seeing me who was completely disabled to move in the air, Kojiro's heartbeat speed surpassed one hundred and eighty times in an instant. As long as I can kill me once, even if it is killed with the help of others, it will also mean that Kojiro Kenjiro has become a hero in the hearts of Japanese players from then on.

With the excitement that he will soon become famous, Kojiro once again used the Blade Drawing Technique which is the fastest of all his attack skills. Immediately afterwards, I saw his knife slashed on my neck, and then made a crisp sound, followed by a wave of Kojiro Kenjiro's knife, and then I saw a piece of silver light flying away. go out.

Of course, my head is impossible silver light shining. In fact, it is indeed not my head that flew out, but Kenjiro Kojiro's knife. Don't get me wrong, Kojiro Kenjiro's hand was not loose, and the hilt of the knife was still in his hand, but the half of the blade in front flew out.

Kojiro Kenjiro, who originally thought that going down this blade would make me feel different, was completely stunned by the current situation for a while. Who would have thought that the sword that was inevitable not only didn't chop off my head, but also broke the knife. What is this? However, although Kenjiro Kohato was stunned, I was not in a daze. Just when Kenjiro Kohato’s staring boss couldn’t figure out the situation at all, I suddenly started to move. Unsuspectingly, Kenjiro Kohato lifted his leg and kicked him flying.

In fact, it’s not only Kenjiro Kobuto who didn’t react. The members of the Sakura team behind him and Nobunaga Onitou were similar. After kicking off Kenjiro Kobuto, I went again. With a single hand shake, Eternal directly became a ten-foot-long hook and scythe. Following a fierce roundabout, all the members of the Sakura group who had rushed up with Kenjiro Kohato were knocked out, and finally I turned the gun head again. He slammed into the last ghost Nobunaga who arrived. Compared with Kenjiro Kohato, who hadn't figured out the situation at all, Nobunaga Onitou still had some reaction time. Seeing the hook and sickle I pierced, this guy turned around and rolled back.

Seeing that I was out of control, Honglian Phoenix gave up and continued to insist, and slumped to the ground. At the same time, Kristina and the others also regained their ability to move. However, because everyone is surrounded by members of the Sakura team who will attack them, Kristina and the others have no time to take care of the weak Guren Phoenix.

In the end, neither of the two sides took advantage of the big move that seemed to be able to completely handle us. Kristina and I were in a cold sweat, while Guren Phoenix was tired and half dead. The outgoing ghost Nobunaga and Kohato Kenjiro were all thrown back by me kicking and kicking. In short, basically There is no real progress on both sides.

After getting rid of the members of the Sakura team who attacked them, Kristina and the others did not immediately pursue them, but gathered around me one after another. Although it seemed that the Japanese suffered a bit more loss than us, I have to say that it was still dangerous. If they didn't attack me first but stared at Rose, maybe they could do it. Although Rose does not play a role in damage output in our team, with her battery, we are more unscrupulous in fighting, isn't it?

"What happened just now?" Zhenhong asked as soon as he returned to my side.

While staring at Nobunaga Guishou to prevent them from doing anything else, I explained: "It's time pause."

"Time pause?" It's obviously more red. Surprised that there is such a skill. So Rose remembered the previous system hint.

"By the way, didn’t you say that the first time the system strengthened Nobunaga's formations? The attribute that Nobunaga and the others randomly obtained a natural ability was changed into an attribute. Each person has an attribute. It seems that the trick that Honglian Phoenix just now means that the attribute representing'time' has taken effect."

"Time Attribute? Isn't it too abnormal?" Gold coin said: "What if this is what it is." It’s a bit of perversion, but it’s not something that completely disrupts the balance. After all, you have also seen it. As a result, it’s more powerful than me. Strong people have very weak restraint ability. Secondly, they don’t seem to last for a long time. Thirdly, the burden seems to be huge. Look over there, Honglian Phoenix hasn’t stood up yet."

" By the way, if Guren Phoenix gains the ability to control time, what about Kenjiro Kobuto and Nobunaga Onitou? Just now Kenjiro Kobuto has been teleporting endlessly. Is that a natural ability?" Zhenhong asked.

I shook my head and said: "It doesn't look like it. Kojiro's teleportation is used to do as one pleases, it doesn't seem to be burdensome at all, and from the situation that he uses teleportation to fight, he should be long ago. He has this kind of ability. But I guess his previous ability It shouldn't be is as abnormal as it is now. The more likely guess is that he actually would have this kind of teleportation, but the system seems to strengthen his space ability. Now The superposition of the two makes his teleportation completely without a weak spot."

"So what about Nobunaga Guishou? Is there any ability he hides?" Zhenhong looked a little worried and looked at Guishouxin. Asked the long.

Rose thought for a while and said: "We must have no way of knowing the abilities that Onizuka Nobunaga has acquired before he can use it. We can only say that we should try our best not to let him suddenly attack and occupy it. Cheap. But since the system said it was a rule-based ability, it would not be something to deal with. I think it should be at least equal to the Time and Space ability of Guren Phoenix and Kenjiro Kohato. A kind of ability."

When we were nervously analyzing the abilities of Nobunaga Guishou and their abilities, Nobunaga Guishou and their moods were also very nervous. Nobunaga Onitou immediately asked Kenjiro Kohato: "Didn't you cut Purple Moon? Why did you fly out in the blink of an eye?" Kenjiro said angrily: "I still want to know! I clearly slashed Purple Moon's neck. Who knew his neck was not broken, but my knife was broken!"

"What? Your knife was not cut by Purple Moon but by Purple Moon’s neck and broken?"

Just now because Kojiro Kenjiro rushed the fastest, plus everyone else was behind him, they only Seeing that Kenjiro Kohato swung a knife, the unfathomable mystery flew out. Although they later saw the half of the blade that flew, they always thought that I was the one who used Eternity to kill Kenjiro Kobato with eternity the moment before I was chopped. The knife was cut off, so they were not surprised at first. After all, they had seen the eternal sharpness, and the things that were cut by eternity were rare. What made them didn't expect was that Kojiro Kenjiro actually said that his knife was not cut by me, but broke when he cut me. Although they were cut off because of me, being cut off and breaking down by yourself are completely different things. If it was cut off, it would only mean that Kenjiro Kohato was unlucky, but if it was cut off, then they would have to reconsider whether the battle is still going on. After all, if Kojiro Kenjiro's sword really broke, it means that my defense has been so high that they can't break it at all. If that's the case, then they're going to fart? Just wipe the neck and commit suicide.

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