"What? Do you have a way to keep our divine force core?" Hearing me said that there is a way to keep the divine force core, even this Old Guy can't control his emotions. .

The characteristics of the divine force core thing are rather strange. Divine Race uses divine force not to consume the energy in the divine force core, but the energy in their own body, so no matter how they use divine force, the core itself will not be reduced. Only the divine force on Divine Race itself will be consumed, but this divine force is actually the same as the player’s magic power. After it’s consumed, it can be filled up by taking medicine or waiting, but it just reverts to the divine force. The upper limit of force is affected by the core of divine force.

Generally speaking, we can regard the core of divine force as a public warehouse, and the divine force of each Divine Race is just a bottle. Each Divine Race in a Divine Race force will have a dedicated bottle in the core of the divine force of its own clan. The size of the divine force that this Divine Race can call depends entirely on the size of the bottle. The divine force in the bottle will be consumed and can be refilled, but if the bottle is gone, then this Divine Race will never want to have a divine force anymore.

The act of the Russian Divine Race this time is actually using the divine force bottle of the whole family as a bargaining chip, and the exchange is the ring of commandment. As long as they win the bet, then everything is easy to say. Although expanding the volume of the bottle is not as easy as filling it up, with the help of the ring of discipline, then everything is not a problem. It’s just that the Russian Divine Race is relatively back this time. They unfortunately lost the bet, and they lost thoroughly, so their divine force core is about to be completely consumed by the magic array, and as long as that thing is gone, then even these Divines Race has a method to restore the divine force, but it can't save the divine force at all, because without a bottle, no amount of divine force will collapse immediately after being gathered.

According to the old man’s idea, this time their divine force core is definitely not preserved. After all, the thing is about to collapse, and it is not easy to fix it, so he simply didn’t. Hold any hope. Now suddenly I heard that there is a way to keep their divine force core, how can he not get excited?

"Don't get excited!" I pushed the old man who suddenly turned into human tyrannosaurus from his body and said quickly: "It is not difficult to keep your divine force core, but I want to restore it to the previous one. It’s not easy."

"It’s okay, just keep it." The old man said to me that he couldn’t return to the previous level, as if he didn’t care at all, but he was still excited and let me hurry up. Keep their divine force core. In fact, this is also something that is being cleaned up. The core of divine force is also called: the source of faith, divine force crystal, and faith converter. In short, there are many names, but they are all one thing. It can be seen from these names that the source of divine force is actually a thing that transforms Power of Faith, and its foundation is Power of Faith. If you want to expand the divine force core, you must increase the amount of Power of Faith, which is equivalent to help Divine Race increase the volume of their bottle. Although it is not easy to collect Power of Faith, there is always a way, so old man is not too worried about this. However, if the core of divine force collapses and you want to reshape it, it is not a simple matter. To put it bluntly, Divine Race without a divine force core is an ordinary person. If you want him to regain the divine force core, there is no difference in making an ordinary person a god. From the time you can imagine how difficult it is to condense the core of divine force. That’s why the old man is so worried about the collapse of the divine force core.

"Since you said that, I will help you arrange it. But my condition..."

When I heard my condition, the old man immediately said: "We All join your guild. You will let me go east and I will never go west. You said fish fly in the sky and birds swim under the water. I said fish fly in the sky and birds swim under the water."

People are talking about this, what else can I say? "Okay, since you have all talked about this, then okay, wait here, I will arrange it."

Although you want to help others keep the divine force core, you have to do it too. Isn't it ready? First of all, I notified the god of war to prepare the people in the City of Commandment to prepare for the teleportation, because I will remove the divine force core from the magic array in a while, so that it will be completely finished if it is exhausted for a while. After all, this magic array has been using the divine force core as the power source, and it will take less than two hours for the divine force core of the Russian Divine Race to completely collapse.

After informing the god of war, I let the group of people who came with me teleport back to the city of commandments. After all, if you don’t return to the mortal world with the city of commandments, you will have to go back. It's time. I have a teleportation ring, and Yekage, a mount who is good at mind transfer. It's easy to leave God World. They are different. So we must send them away first.

After getting the divine ability and knowing that everyone has returned to the city of commandments, I walked under the divine force core that was constantly tumbling. Compared with the first time I saw it, this thing is obviously smaller, and if I don't do it again, it will definitely cut faster and faster. After all, as the volume of the sphere shrinks and the same unit of energy is released, its diameter will decrease more and more, and the pulling force of the ring of commandment will also become greater and greater. The consumption rate here will surely rise in a straight line. Wait until that After the sphere is reduced to a volleyball, it is estimated that it will be completely burned out in less than two seconds.

To keep the divine force core, 1st Step must first turn off the magic array. Although direct destruction will be faster, but the purest divine force flows in these pipelines. According to Ling, it will accidentally explode. I don't want to bury this group of Russian Divine Race.

"Hey, old man. How can this thing be turned off?"

"Turn off?" The old man originally saw me being in constant contact with me, and thought I was calling Someone was preparing something to deal with the divine force core. Now when I heard me ask him how to turn off the magic array, I immediately understood that I actually didn't know how to get the divine force core down. When he thought of this, he went crazy. "You bastard, you don't know how to remove the core and what can you guarantee?"

Looking at the old man who wanted to eat me the same, I quickly squeezed his fist. "Hey, calm down, okay? At least I'm thinking of a way? Anyway, what are you doing so angry? Don't you know how to turn it off?"

"It's not that I don't know, but this magic array simply doesn't It’s possible to close it!"

"Huh? Isn’t this thing switched on?"

The old man seemed to collapse all of a sudden with all of his strength. The young Divine Race next to him comforted him one after another. Only one young Divine Race who looked like a sunny boy said: "The Lord God did not expect this thing to be closed at the beginning. If we finally If we grab the Ring of Discipline, it doesn’t matter if it is closed or not. Anyway, even if our divine force is gone, the Ring of Discipline can help us restore it. If it fails, it is estimated to be consigned to eternal damnation. Anyway, it will be dead. Now, what do you need to do with divine force?"

"So you didn't install the switch?"

That Divine Race nodded. "Since it's useless, what do you install it for?"

"How did you start it in the first place?"

"It's very simple, just push the divine force core directly to the exciting position. It started."

"Yes, even if I didn't ask!" I thought about it and snapped my fingers, and Ling and Xiaochun appeared next to me together. "You two, who knows how to move the divine force core?"

Ling first said: "Under normal circumstances, the strongest Divine Race corresponding to the divine force core can move it directly according to his own will."

"Then what if that guy hangs up?"

"It depends on external forces!" Xiaochun interfaced: "Generally speaking, if there is a divine larger than it If the force core is close to a certain distance, the divine force can be used to attract each other to suck it away. However, once one of the divine forces starts to move, the speed will suddenly rise, and it is almost inevitable that two divine force cores will occur. Merger response."

"What will happen after the merger?"

"I don't know." Xiaochun said: "I haven't merged the divine force core."

Ling saw me looked towards it and immediately said: "Don't look at me! Our Dark God Palace hasn't swallowed other Divine Race forces!"

"Damn, then who swallowed it? Ever?"

"Me." With a clear voice, a beautiful woman who is so beautiful that people can't help but want to approach but gives people a huge pressure to make people afraid to approach appears By my side.

"Yinxue?" My jaw almost fell off when I saw someone coming. This is no one else, but Divine Beast, the town club of our guild-white jade Qilin Yinxue. "When did you fully wake up?"

"Actually, I woke up a long time ago, but you have already controlled the situation, so you didn't take action. I guess you want to take this opportunity to make a collective Experience or something, so I didn't grab it with you."

"That's really many thanks!" Expert's treatment is naturally different. Although they didn't help, they didn't make a deal for our own good, so if they didn't make a deal at this time, I have to thank them. Anyway, mouth desserts don't cost money. "Oh, by the way, you just said that you know how to move the divine force core?"

Yinxue shook the head, but before I spoke, she said first: "I just said that I know the dao divine force core fusion will What’s the reaction, but I didn’t say that I know how to move it."

"What will happen then?"

"It depends on the state of the two cores." Silver Xue said: "If there are two unowned cores, that is, there is no Divine Race soul brand inside, but only the divine force carrier, then no matter how many there are, there will not be any changes after the fusion, at most it will become bigger. , The energy increases, it’s like combining a few drops of water into a large drop of water."

"What if there is a soul brand?"

"Then you have to look at two first The size of a divine force core. Usually the larger core energy is stronger, and it should be able to completely squeeze the control of the other divine force core. After the merger is completed, the overall strength of the winning side will increase by a bit, while the losing side will have to The choice is to surrender or resist. If you surrender, you will become a member of the victorious side, and the resistance will be swallowed directly. The soul brand left in the core becomes an ordinary person. But this is only when there is a significant difference between the two cores. It will be calculated based on this. If the size is similar, it depends on which of the two cores is stronger. Usually the soul brand with the stronger willpower will win, but this also depends on the size of the divine force core, both They complement each other, in which the absolute energy of the core occupies the main position, and the soul brand occupies a secondary position, but they are all indispensable."

"What if the main god of one party hangs up?"


"Then there is nothing to say. Those with the main god can directly swallow the ones without the main god, and then force the opposing members to choose whether to surrender. If they don't surrender, they will just wipe their marks, and the opponent will become a mortal."< /p>

"I rely on it, this is okay?"

"Why not?" Yinxue said indifferently: "Otherwise, why do you think Celestial Court has so many Divine Race members? It’s not all created by the devouring and merger for thousands of years. Except for Celestial Court, which Divine Race have you seen with so many people coming from Celestial Court?"

"That's what I said!" I'm here. Suddenly reacted. "No, we are now trying to find a way to keep this core! The god of war, quickly notify Vina to bring the core of the Divine Race of Chaos and Order! Use teleportation, don't feel bad about divine force!"

Generally speaking divine force It is very taboo for the core to leave the Holy Land, but when Vina heard that she brought the core to swallow the other core, she immediately had nothing to say. It seems that most people don't like going to the morgue, but if someone gives you a grand competition money in the morgue, you will definitely go even if you don't want to. Although Vina didn't want to bring the core out, but now that it is to swallow other cores to strengthen herself, it's a different matter.

Because I said don't care about the consumption of divine force, the so-called Vina really doesn't care about the actual situation, and directly activates the divine force to teleport himself to the city of commandments. But as soon as she arrived in the city of commandment, she was suppressed divine force, and the next way she had to use normal magic teleportation. Although the speed is a bit slower, it is finally much faster than other methods.

Thirty minutes later, the top of the crypt suddenly pierced through a hole with a bang. A large group of Divine Races followed Vina, with a huge glowing sphere falling from the top of the hole in the center.

"Purple Moon, is this the core?" As soon as she fell into the cave, Vina immediately discovered the divine force core with a diameter of more than 60 centimeters in the center of the cave. Compared to when I saw it at my primary level, this thing is nearly half smaller.

I said to Vina nodded: "That's it. This is the core of the divine force remaining at the end of the Russian Divine Race, and their main god has died. This is basically an ownerless thing. You hurry up Take our core to suck it out. Let it stand for a while and it will be completely sucked up by the magic array!"

"Oh. Okay, right now." Vina knew the waste too. Time is wasting divine force. I quickly pulled the core of the Divine Race of Chaos and Order, and then carefully approached the core of the Russian Divine Race. However, at this time, we encountered an accident again!

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