The composition of the special operations team that Hong Yue helped me prepare is pretty good. Although there are no outstanding players in it, the overall strength is above the average. At least if the general combat squad encounters them in the wild, it will definitely be wiped out if the number of people is equal.

After seeing me, these people immediately saluted me and shouted neatly: "Hello, President."

I didn't say hello, and then asked: " Do you understand your mission now?"

"Understood." One of the players is obviously Captain replied: "Our mission is to follow Solo to the nest of Divine Race and move all their treasures. Empty."

"What? Did Hong Yue tell you that?"

"Isn't it right?" The member looked towards me with a little surprise. Originally, he thought I would nodded and said they could act.

I didn’t ask Hong Yue to ask her how to pass it, but directly corrected it: “Since it’s wrong, don’t worry about it. Now listen carefully and I’ll say it again. Your task is to choose The most valuable part of the Divine Race treasure, not all of them. You can only take away 10% of all the supplies at most, don’t take one more. But I hope this one is the best of those things That’s 10%. Do you understand?"

"Understood. We promise to complete the task without any problems."

"Okay, now you find a place to hide, After a while, you will get out of the mess before you sneak out."


After sending away the special players who are responsible for searching the treasures of Divine Race, Hong and I Yue's attention moved to the sky. Since Isengard’s mobile fortress fell from the sky just now and disrupted the plans of the Russian Divine Race, this group of guys now took out a 2nd move. I saw that those Divine Race that did not hang up took out a torch-like thing from behind, and then pointed the thing at our player. The tip of the thing immediately shot a red beam, all What was hit, whether it was a person or a building, would immediately burn into a ball of fly ash, and its formidable power can be imagined.

"What the hell is that?" I looked at the thing and asked in surprise.

"I don't know." Hong Yue said: "Recently, Russia's Divine Race has really produced a lot of messy things. Our Intelligence Section has no time to collect so many weapons at the same time. This thing may be One of the parts of the equipment that we don't have information on."

I nodded and didn't blame Hong Yue, because she was telling the truth. In order to deal with the deity effect caused by the super magic array, the Russian Divine Race has specially developed a variety of secret weapons to enhance its battle strength without the divine force. The ones I saw in the Russian guild before were all this. The product of dominant thinking. Now think about it. Although we thought of the reason why the Russian Divine Race did these things, we underestimated the number of weapons they produced. Think about it, since they were able to provide so many new weapons to the Russian guild for experimentation, then they would naturally only have more in their hands.

Although the formidable power of the torch weapon is very large, I don't know if it is a semifinished product made in a hurry. It seems that there is a problem with continuous output. Most of the Divine Race only took two to three times to put away the thing. If it wasn't for some reason that the thing could not be used continuously, the ghost believed that the Russian Divine Race would give up such a good weapon.

Although that kind of weapon caused a lot of pressure on our people when it first appeared, with the misfire of that thing, the battle soon returned to an evenly matched state. Russia’s Divine Race has relatively strong individual battle strength, but we have a large number of people and we cooperate well, so there is no obvious difference in overall battle strength. There are indeed a lot of secret weapons made temporarily by the Russian Divine Race, but in the same way, our guild also started with technology, and all kinds of messy equipment are no less than them. After the teams on both sides fought together, all kinds of new weapons were like doing things. Weapons exhibitions were flying everywhere, causing huge casualties to personnel on both sides.

"Military god, how are our casualties?" I asked with a communicator.

"At present, our casualty rate is about 20 people per second, and the other side is less than us, about three to four people per second. However, if we count the number of people, we should still have the advantage."

Divine Race, no matter how strong it is, is also an NPC, and it will be completely gone after death. But we are different. The battle strength of our guild is mainly composed of three parts: player, NPC and construct creature. Among them, NPC includes purchased high level units, high level creatures that have joined our guild, and Divine Race. The purchased units are just a matter of money for us, and we can buy them again when we die, so we don’t have to worry about it. High level creatures and Divine Race are more precious, and they are also disposable consumables, which cannot be reused, but this part is relatively small, and secondly, they are all protected by special personnel. Once a problem is found, the nearby members of the guild will at all costs Save these non-renewable high level creatures. As for the constructed creature, it naturally refers to the mobile angel. At present, the second-generation mobile angel of our guild has entered the era of mass production and modularization. The magic crystal steam liquefaction technology brought back from Russia before has made us get rid of the "high level magic crystal", the biggest problem that limits the output of mobile angels. Therefore, for us, the current mobile angel troops are completely consumables. As long as we are not afraid of spending money, we can use mobile angels to kill these guys alive. Therefore, among the three major battle strengths of our guild, there are two that can completely ignore the death problem. Although it is a short time to fight one and one less, it can be quickly refilled after the war is over. It is not worth it. Distressed. As for the final battle strength-the player. This part is actually the least worrying. Players can be resurrected. Although losing levels is also a problem, relatively speaking, players who can resurrect in a short period of time are the most powerful force on the battlefield. If calculated based on the current ratio of close to five to one casualty, the ratio between us and the Russian Divine Race will be more and more. In other words, the Russian Divine Race will die less and less, but we don’t drop too much, so we will spend more time. In the end, we will definitely win.

After figuring out the proportion of casualties on both sides, Hong Yue also became more relaxed. In fact, before the battle started, many people in our guild had thoughts of disbelief and suspicion. After all, few people had actually killed Divine Race with their own hands before. Even if I fought against Buddhism forces in India last time, they were actually fighting Buddhism forces, not really fighting Buddhism Divine Race. It's like if Celestial Court sends celestial troops and generals to attack a guild, it doesn't mean that they are fighting the Divine Race of Celestial Court, it's just the troops of Celestial Court. The Divine Race of Celestial Court refers to the Divine Immortal of Celestial Court, not the celestial troops and generals. Otherwise, our guild is so heavenly soldiers. Couldn't it be said that the Divine Race of our guild has gone all over the floor? Divine Race in this world is not cheap enough yet.

The current situation of the battle has raised the spirits of many members of the guild who had no confidence in the battle with Divine Race this time. Humans are afraid of invincible things, not things that can be defeated at a huge price. As long as it can be defeated, not many people will mind paying the price. Only the existence that can't resist no matter how hard it is is truly frightening. Now it is discovered that these so-called Divine Races are only this without the divine force, our people will no longer be afraid of Divine Races.

With the fall of many Spiritual Gods, the battle formations of the two sides have gradually mixed together, but this kind of melee is not a good thing for the Russian Divine Race. The combat team of our guild has been specially trained for the multiplayer melee mode, and the Russian Divine Race obviously has no time to practice this. On the one hand, it is a professional melee team, and on the other, it has hardly participated in such a melee. Naturally, it is superior to judge. As the turmoil between the two parties became more and more severe, the situation at Divine Race in Russia became worse and worse.

Probably because I saw that it would be a disadvantage if we continue to fight like this, Kaos, the leader of the Russian Divine Race, suddenly said to one of the Divine Race guys who hadn’t moved beside him: "Lurta ."


"Go open their battlefield and break the large weapon above, break for me."

Card The large weapons Osseng said are actually a group of powerful magic weapons that have been floating at the bottom of the Isengard Mobile Fortress above our heads. Its working principle is to use the principle of magic resonance to disperse all the molecular gravity in the target object in an instant. The material molecules that lose their bondage will suddenly collapse into basic atoms in an instant, and the things composed of these molecules will also be at that instant. Completely disappeared. Of course, the soul of Divine Race is also very strong, even if the fleshy body disappears, the soul will not die so easily. But the problem is that our weapon only makes the molecular gravity disappear in an instant, and the energy stored in the molecule does not disappear. After the molecule collapses, the energy will be released instantly, and the energy burst produced will naturally destroy the soul of Divine Race. The smashing of the boom, it is precisely for this reason that this thing has extremely powerful lethality on Divine Race. However, this thing is still in the experimental stage. The transmission power is not easy to control, and the rate of fire is also slow. However, its formidable power is really satisfactory.

Kaos has noticed this object a long time ago. Although this thing that looks like a big pancake has a slow launch speed, it can instantly kill a member of the Russian Divine Race every time it launches. , And no matter what the opponent's level is, it will be instantly blasted into fly ash. Although this group of Russian Spiritual Gods are currently not protected by divine force and their strength has dropped a lot, they are also Divine Race anyway, at least their Divine Item is not well-dressed. In this case, a weapon that can achieve one strike certain kill, its damage output can be imagined.

With such a battlefield ultimate weapon, how could Kaos not worry about it? Following his order, the Russian Divine Race that was spotted immediately took a few of his subordinates moved towards our concussion cannon and rushed over. However, the people on our side are not fools either. The role of experimental weapons is to collect battlefield data. Compared with mass-produced weapons, this kind of experimental weapons is actually more important, so the protection forces we arrange are naturally strong.

Just when Lulta brought his men to the vicinity of the concussion gun, the bottom structure of the Isengard Mobile Fortress near the gun body suddenly opened two openings, and then saw two egg-shaped objects from Fell out inside. Although he was confused about the fact that this flying fortress would still lay eggs, Lulta did not stop. He knew that the thing was a great threat to his personnel and must be eliminated as soon as possible. However, just as he was about to rush to the vicinity of the strange weapon, the two giant eggs that had fallen out of the passage broke apart in midair.

In fact, the egg was not cracked, but unfolded. With the two huge metal wings fully unfolded, a warrior wrapped in a full-body armor finally appeared in front of several Divine Races. At this time, they naturally understood that the thing in front of them was simply the defensive force of the gun, but they didn't panic much. The strength of Divine Race itself is much stronger than that of mortals. Besides, a few of them are considered experts even in Divine Race. Isn't that trivial to deal with two warriors with long wings? However, the facts today made a joke with them.

Just when the fastest Divine Race had already waved the sword in his hand and slashed at one of the winged warriors, a loud explosion sound suddenly came from behind the warrior, accompanied by With the burst of four flames, the warrior disappeared in front of him with a swish. The Divine Race that swept away with one blow did not stop, but immediately looked up towards the direction where the guy above disappeared, but when he looked up, he happened to see a dazzling little sun appearing above him. His eyes were white with a strong flash of light instantly, and he couldn't see anything for a while. But in his ears, he could clearly hear the sound of the guy rushing over. With his proficiency in the battle skill, the guy immediately blocked the two-handed swordsman behind his back, but what he did not expect was that the striking power coming from behind exceeded his endurance limit. He continuously smashed the sword in his hand in an instant, and broke open his three-layer Divine Item armor in one breath, cutting into his body all the way. That's not the end. The weapon, after cutting into his flesh, continued to bite his flesh and blood like alive, ripping off the objects in his body and throwing it out of his body, and then biting through his body again. Breaking open the armor in front of him, he cut half of his body diagonally from the lower body.

All this speaking of which is long, in fact, it is only a matter of a few seconds. The Divine Race at the back did not have time to rescue at all, only saw his companion slammed his sword in the air and held his sword behind him, but he was smashed by the opponent together with the sword, and shot dead in the air on the spot. The few Divine Races who were still dismissive of the warrior in front of them all stopped all of a sudden, because just now they realized their crisis. The companion who was killed just now and their strength are almost on par. If that companion can't stop the opponent, then he will definitely not be better. Anyway, they don't think they have the ability to easily kill the two warriors in front of them.

In fact, they should be afraid, because the two sets in front of them are not ordinary goods. These two are actually our guild’s latest mobile angels for Divine Race-war angels.

In addition to the strength, speed, and response of War Angels, which have been greatly improved over the previous generation, there are four most notable changes. One is that the protection system has changed from the original pure metal armor to the current hybrid armor of creatures and monsters. Don't look at the ornate armor on them, which looks like an ornament, it's not really decorative. The reason why it looks so gorgeous on the surface is entirely due to the engraving of too many magic arrays and the energy gems inlaid on them. After these magic arrays are activated, various light and shadow effects are intertwined, and coupled with the silver white mirror reflection effect of the armor itself, it naturally becomes extremely gorgeous. However, this gorgeous appearance is not a display. Under its beautiful brilliance is the defensive power comparable to a small city wall. Even if it is struck by the frontal strikes of the heavy magic crystal cannon, it can safely block three to four attacks. It may be punched through. As for ordinary weapons, you can hardly even want to leave a strip printed on it.

In addition to the improvement of the defense system, the second change of the Angel of War is its wings. The previous maneuvering days used wings like folding wings, basically just miniaturized flying wings, and some did not even have wings. But the wings of war angels are like wings of real angels. Of course, this impossible is meat wings, but metal wings. In fact, the main structure of the wing is still not bendable, but because there are multiple joints in it, each joint can rotate a certain angle independently, and the multi-layer joints on the entire wing can be linked into a freely bendable wing. As for those feathers, they are actually miniaturized liquefied magic crystal steam missiles, which can not only fly, but also track targets. These small magic crystal steam missiles are usually inserted into the hook grooves on the wings, and will only be released when they need to be launched, and they can be used as blades by relying on their closed edges, and can even be activated to active blasting when attacked. The role of reactive armor. People who don't understand the situation will definitely be miserable.

The third improvement of War Angel is War Angel’s combat support system. Unlike the predecessors, the war angels use liquefied magic crystal steam as a power source, and their energy reserves are much more sufficient than the seniors. In addition, the war angel does not have the skeleton-type combat core commonly equipped with the old mobile angels, so the internal space is very large, so it is equipped with a large number of female auxiliary equipment. The glare system that created the little sun before is one of them. In addition, there are various auxiliary equipment such as the smoke diffusion system, which makes the battle method extremely changeable, and ordinary enemies will definitely be attacked by them. To a headache.

The last fourth improvement, which is the biggest improvement of War Angels, is the replacement of a new type of power core. This core is connected to the artificial soul to form an integral part similar to the engine, which will be much more convenient for repairing, and if the damage is severe in the battle, you can choose to send the core back, and then the shell self-destruct, not only can Protecting technology from being stolen by others can have a surprising effect. Moreover, compared to the shell, the core is really expensive, so as long as the core is transmitted back, it will not cost much to build another war angel. In this way, the utilization rate of funds will be greatly improved, which can save a lot of money for our guild.

In general, the war angel is the latest model of mobile angel that surpasses all current series of mobile angels in various performances. Its lightning speed and terrifying power are combined to produce Extremely terrifying combat effect. According to the test results of the Divine Race of our guild, the current war angels are fully capable of single-handedly challenged ordinary Divine Race and high level Divine Race. Of course, the Angel of War is not all advantages, it also has disadvantages, that is its expensive price. The current production cost of our guild is between 12 million crystal coins and 15 million crystal coins per War Angel. The reason for the fluctuation of 3 million is mainly because the production technology is too complicated, so the yield rate is low, and the price is not stable.

However, although the price is a bit outrageous, the combat ability of the Angel of War is really beyond doubt. The Divine Race was shot to death within two strokes just now is the best proof.

With the lessons learned from the companions, the remaining Divine Race can no longer care about it. This time they quickly divided into two echelons. Among them, Luerta, as the strongest existence of battle strength here, naturally became the personnel responsible for containing the angels, and the two weakest players among the remaining personnel were selected to be responsible. Destroy that strange weapon.

The arrangement was nothing, but these guys obviously underestimated the speed of War Angels. As the latest model of mobile angels, the speed of the war angels is greatly improved compared to its seniors. Just when the Luerta squadron completed and charged up confidently, the war angel in front suddenly disappeared from their sight. Just as the Divine Race was looking around, suddenly a piece of metal feather was swirling and falling from the air. If people who know the performance data of War Angels see this feather, their first reaction should be to defend immediately, but Luerta and the others obviously don’t understand this, so their first reaction is not to defend, but to defend. Look up in the direction where the feathers are falling, hoping to find the silhouette of the war angel. However, just after they raised their heads, the feather, or the liquefied magic crystal steam missile shaped like a feather, suddenly ignited. Several Divine Races didn't have time to react before they saw the thing got in between them, and then exploded with a bang.

With the defensive power of Divine Race, this kind of explosion is nothing but covered in dirt at best. Although the injury will definitely be a little bit, but it is far from the point where it hurts the bones. However, just after these Divine Races were blown all around by the shock wave of the explosion, a white silhouette suddenly swooped down from the head of one of the Divine Races, and almost only a white line flashed from a distance. After that, following the Divine Race who was approached, suddenly burst into a mass of flesh and blood fragments scattered in midair.

Several Divine Races on the scene didn't expect that the other party would use the explosion just now to launch a surprise attack. In just an instant, they lost another companion. However, this was not over yet, just when they were preparing to use a large-scale skill to counterattack, they suddenly found that there were more than a dozen feathers floating on the top of their heads. I had suffered a loss before, but this time the gods had learned well, and they were immediately ready. It's just that the real attack didn't come from those feathers floating down from above, but from their feet. When they concentrated attention completely guarding the feathers on their heads, they suddenly saw a purple red ray flashing past, and one of their companions suddenly fell from the midair with Both eyes are spiritless.

"What the hell is going on?" Lulta finally couldn't help it. He just came out with a total of five subordinates, and he himself was only six. But half of the time was lost in the blink of an eye, which is too fast. Divine Race can't be beaten no matter how weak it is, right? So far, he hasn't even touched the enemy's side!

"Boss, the other party is too powerful, shall we go back first?" One of the remaining two Divine Races suggested to Luerta.

"No, just rush up like this."

"But the boss..."

"Don't say it, if we return now, Siliva and the others A few died in vain. I followed me for a while and rushed forward. I can see it now. Those guys are fast. If we are scared, we will only be destroyed by each in the process of retreating, if we rush together. Going up, they can only give up the speed advantage and stand in front of that thing and fight with us. When the time comes, it depends on whose battle strength is stronger."

The two Divines who have retired. Race also feels very reasonable after listening to Luerta's analysis. The opponent is clearly the Guardian with that strange weapon. If you retreat, trying to chase yourself at the opponent's speed is simply a pediatrics, but if you rush straight up, how fast the guard runs, can you still ignore what you want to protect?

After having a clear goal, the three Divine Races did not hesitate anymore, formed a triangular formation looking towards the direction of the concussion gun and rushed straight in the past. The longer the delay, the more unfavorable it is for them. Only by directly destroying that thing can there be hope of survival.

There is nothing wrong with this plan, but Luerta and the others are too overestimating their own strength. Of course, they too underestimated the strength of the War Angels. After all, in their eyes, the construct creature that can pick War God Race is impossible. Although they had also heard that our guild had a mobile angel for Divine Race, they all thought it was bragging and did not fully believe the battle data obtained in the rumors. As for the second-generation product that is more powerful than the old-fashioned mobile angel used for Divine Race, they are even more ignorant, so they think that the war angel is only fast, and completely ignore that it is also terrifying lethality.

It was discovered that the last three remaining targets suddenly gave up their defenses and rushed towards their guardian targets. The red light suddenly flashed in the V-shaped eyepieces of the two war angels flying high in the sky. The two war angels said mechanically at the same time: "Power transfer, cancel the high-speed mode, and the formidable power enhancement mode is activated." As the sound ended, the two war angels rushed straight to the three Divine Race one after the other. Go up.

Due to the mode change, this time the war angels did not get the speed that was so terrifying that they could not be captured, so they were discovered by Luerta before they could get close. With the corner of his mouth slightly raised, Lulta suddenly turned around confidently and rushed up to face the war angel who was charging at the front. The two confronted each other and immediately collided, but there was no instant kill as imagined. After the two violently collided, they were each bounced out. However, the War Angel itself is a fighter machine, and has no emotion at all. After being ejected, he immediately turned back and rushed up again. But Lulta was shocked because of the evenly matched collision just now. The decision he made to hit the target before was based on the premise that the Angel of War was not their opponent, but now he found that the Angel of War did not lose himself at all, at least in terms of strength and reached the same level as himself. Under such circumstances, it is obviously inappropriate to continue to attack that strange weapon, because once one of them is entangled by the other party, as long as that weapon fires and kills one of them in the process, the remaining two will inevitably suffer. In the end, not only was the task impossible to complete, it might have to be life-thinning.

Because most NPCs have only one life, they are impossible as brave as players who can be resurrected. At the thought of death, Lulta's heart immediately frightened.

The so-called narrow road meets the brave who wins. What kind of person's bravery can be compared to a mobile angel who only knows the mission and doesn't know what the fear is? Luerta on the other side has now lost his fighting spirit because of fear, and there is no need to guess the outcome of such a battle. Because his reaction was slow for half a beat, coupled with the hesitation caused by fear, when Lulta and the war angel collided for the second time, they immediately separated themselves. The angel of war smashed Lulta's sword with a sword, and then slashed the opponent's shoulder with another sword in his backhand. The chain saw sword inherited from the old generation of mobile angels has given full play to its characteristic of having a good cutting power without pressure. Even if the final war angel is not strong enough because it smashes Luerta’s sword, that handle The terrifying chain saw sword even cut Lurta's shoulder guard, saw one side of his collarbone, and pulled it out of the flesh alive.

Because of the pain, Lulta fiercely hit the war angel’s stomach with a kick, but the war angel didn’t know the pain at all, and kept the sword pressing during the kicking process and used it to fly out. The opportunity brought a handful of moments. This zipper saw sword obtained the most needed cutting force, and the entire blade was forcibly pushed down half a foot in the process of being pulled out, almost half of Luerta's chest had been cut open.

The life force of Divine Race is very strong, but they are not Immortal Body. Such a serious wound is naturally impossible and there is no reaction at all. The pain caused Lulta to go crazy and roared. The injury seemed to rekindle his courage, and his strength began to rise sharply, but he failed to erupt until his death, because his strength increased. In the process, another war angel decisively gave up his goal and cut his head off with a sword.

Although the remaining two Divine Races found their boss dead, they did not dare to stop because they had no way out now. The two war angels are stuck behind, and it is hopeless to retreat. It is better to rush over, maybe there is still a glimmer of hope to destroy that weird weapon, even if it is dead, it will be worth a little more. However, their idea was ultimately not realized. Because just when the two of them rushed to the device, they discovered that there were a dozen war angels hanging upside down like bats beside it. Just two war angels killed six of them and four, and now a dozen of them deal with two of them, there is no suspense at all.

Seeing that advancing is also dead, retreating is also dead, the two Divine Races finally decided to rush forward without returning, of course, they died also quite without returning.

Although Kaos is in charge of the overall situation in the distance, the battle in this place is after all the target he personally designated, so when his people were killed immediately, he noticed the toughness of the angels. battle strength. But what makes him thankful is that there are not many of this thing on the battlefield. Except for the dozens of units found beside the strange weapon, there are only 30 units in other places, plus one on both sides. Just enough for fifty units. He didn't know the horrible cost of the War Angels, otherwise he wouldn't be surprised why we only built fifty of such a powerful thing, and even concealedly reluctant to go directly into the battle. The investment of more than 600 million crystal coins for a large guild is more or less than less, but the guilds other than our guilds really can't come up with so much money. After all, a guild needs to spend a lot of money. Although the cost of the war angel is only more than 10 million crystal coins, it does not mean that you can make one with more than 10 million crystal coins. The fixed expenses of a guild usually account for more than 90% of the guild’s income, and the remaining part is the funds at their disposal. This is still the average value calculated by the guilds that can make money. In fact, many guilds are in a state of not making money or losing money. Of course, a guild is not a company after all. It does not mean that a guild will go bankrupt if it loses money, because only those guilds that make money will give benefits to members, and most guilds actually support their operations by charging membership fees. . Therefore, a guild that loses money is not necessarily a weak guild, and a guild that makes money may not necessarily be very strong.

Our guild’s current income and expenditure ratio is about 65%, which means that 65% of the money earned is used to pay for the money that must be spent. The remaining 30% is money that we can freely use, and squeezing more than 600 million crystal coins from this money to produce war angels is already our limit. After all, the Frost Rose League belongs to the super guild. The so-called family is big and the place to spend money is not ordinary. Even if some very unremarkable small money stacks up, it is not a small overhead. I am very satisfied with the current 65% of the income and expenditure. If it were not for the resource control of our guild's Plundering Form and the powerful means of business operations of Rose, I estimate that the ratio of our guild's income and expenditure can reach nine achievements. .

Anyway, there are not

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