"Ah!" With a boom, I slammed on the ground below the ring of discipline. However, just after I landed, following all the Divine Races, I discovered that the situation was not right, because my body was obviously exuding extremely strong magical fluctuations. Generally speaking, this situation is a sign that the magic is about to be completed. At this time, if I face the ground and release the magic in this position, the result will be...boom. The facts helped the Divine Races directly answer this question. I saw a purple flash burst out of my body, and the whole ground erupted like a volcanic eruption, and my whole person was directly thrown by the reaction force. In mid-air, as for the Divine Race standing nearby, they didn't run away either. They were all jumped up by the flames flying all around.

It is supposed that Divine Race is not afraid of ordinary magic, but the problem is that I have divine force to suppress attributes, so the magic that I release is not only indefensible for Divine Race, but also formidable power Double, this is why the Divine Race powers present will be burned up and down. However, although the image was a little embarrassed, the Divine Race present did not suffer much damage. After all, it was not a magic cast against that group of guys. Even if it was hit, it was just a lingering power. Naturally, what is impossible to do with these powers? But now it's a shame to be made this way.

When the Divine Race finally escaped from the raging magic, I happened to fall from in the sky waving the tattered wings with flames. However, before the gods had time to ask me why they used magic to blow them up, they saw me explode first. "Why are you again? Haven't I already said it? I won't take your task anymore! You don't understand what's going on?" When I said this, I looked back at the ring of precepts that hadn't completely died down, and then Said: "You actually used the Ring of Discipline. Do you know what I was doing just now? I was just completing a 99th ring continuous mission, and I am currently blocking the 98th ring. I finally stunned the boss at the bottom of it. I was preparing to condense the mana for the final blow, and you actually pulled me back! What do you mean? You deliberately have trouble with me?"

I was sprayed with fire and planned to The gods who asked me to settle accounts not only did not dare to have such a scolding, but started to make up for me in a low voice.

"Aiya, I'm so sorry! We really don't know that you happen to be at such a critical moment. Can we compensate you?" A Divine Race stood up and said.

"Compensation?" I glanced at the gods present with disdain: "What kind of compensation do you plan to use? After completing my ninety-nine chain mission, I can get a super gift package, and this You can get a piece of equipment at the end of each ring, and it is the stronger one in the later stage. Although the boss of the 98th ring just now has not died, but it is about to die, only the last kick, you guys You actually got me back! Do you know what the prize of that BOSS is? You bearer of bad luck, I don’t want to get close to you anymore, this time I’m unlucky, can’t I just admit it?"

I ran out while talking. The Divine Race around was very angry when I was scolded at first, but after another thought, I couldn't let me go, so I had to surround myself again.

"Aiya, everything is wrong with us. We will compensate you for what you lose." A Divine Race said.

"It's up to you?" I glanced at the Divine Race present with disdain: "You can turn your face with me for a little bit of petty profit, and you will compensate me for such a big loss? I think it still counts. Come on! Don’t you can’t afford the price and toss me again, let me go as soon as possible!"

"No!" Anubis hurriedly stepped forward and pulled me: "They are stingy It’s their business, I’m very generous to you. Think about your Death God tattoo, am I a cheapskate?"

I looked down at the tattoo on my arm and said:" So what do you want?"

Hearing my tone eased, Titans hurriedly pushed Athena, who was still standing there, and pushed her in front of me. Athena was also very helpless when she was suddenly pushed out, but she knew more or less what to do at this time, so she just got a little embarrassed and walked in front of me reluctantly.

"I'm sorry, I apologize. I was wrong before."

"no no no, I am wrong, I am greedy, I have bad intentions." I deliberately In the opposite direction: "I figured it out now, don't worry about things that don't belong to you, so I decided to go back and live on my own. Goodbye everyone."

"Don't!" Athena took a look at the situation. I don't know if I didn't forgive her. Although it was a shame, instead of being embarrassed by the Russian Divine Race in the future, now this little face really can't be considered. "Don't go." Athena hugged my waist in disregard of her image and shouted: "Please, can't we apologize? We will reimburse you for all your losses, and also compensate for your mental losses. , As for the battle agreement, can't we talk about it again?"

"hmph, I can't stand it." I still don't let go.

As soon as Titans saw the situation, he hurried over and said: "Forget Purple Moon, everyone should step back! Give us some face! At worst, we will give you enough money in a while Can’t it?"

When Ditans said that, the other Divine Races that had a good relationship with me rushed out to persuade me. Seeing them all say this, I also know that it's time to take it when it's good. "Well then! Since so many of you come forward to persuade, then I will see you and my previous friendship reluctantly help you this last time. But I can talk to you first, if you have the conditions promised just now I didn’t do it again. Lima quit this world and will come back when the Russian Divine Race plan is over. When the time comes, even if you use the Ring of Discipline, don’t even think of pulling me back."

"Okay, it's a deal." Seeing me let go, the nearby Divine Race quickly nodded and agreed, they wouldn't dare to come back like this again. If they were more generous before, they wouldn't be able to get to the current situation. Not only did they not save the face, but also didn't know how much benefit they would have to give. Anyway, they want to use the previous price to get things done this time is probably impossible.

After agreeing to the Divine Race, I followed them back to the previous Conference Hall. When the gate was closed again, I began to say: "First of all, to show my sincerity, I decided to cancel the precepts for the time being. The countdown to the transfer of the Ring, but if our negotiation breaks down, I will immediately restart this plan and no longer control the Ring of Commandments." The gods rushed to pat me flattery, but only they knew what they thought. However, I don't care about what they think in their hearts. As long as there are benefits, how about they scold me in their hearts? "Okay, now talk about my mission, how do you plan to compensate me?"

"So." Supreme Taoist first stood up and said: "Since we act as peacekeepers, we have to pay a little bit. . Our Celestial Court will take out a top-level Immortal Pill as compensation for the Purple Moon mission."

"Top-level Immortal Pill? Is there any use?" I asked, looking at the Supreme Taoist. It’s not that I don’t want to be a little reserved, but there are too many types of Immortal Pills in Celestial Court, from Fasting Pill, which can be eaten without eating for a few years, to Promise, which can raise a Level 20 newcomer to a Thousand and Zero Level 20 at a time. Divine Pill, what functions are there, if you don't ask clearly, just say it is the top Immortal Pill, that range is too big.

Supreme Taoist did not seem to intend to perfuse me this time, so as soon as I asked it, he immediately said: "This time we provide an Innate Qizhi Pill."

"I haven't heard the name. What exactly is it for?"

"Translated according to your adventurer's words, this Innate Qizhi Pill is an experience-enhancing pill that can give you multiple times of experience in a period of time. This time we are providing the most potent Innate Qizhi Pill. It must be effective for seven days. During this period, no matter what kind of creature you destroy, the experience you gain can be increased tenfold, plus you originally got it. A total of eleven times EXP."

"This value is quite a lot. Okay, I want this thing." I nodded that this thing is not bad, but I don’t have it in my heart. Many thanks to Celestial Court for the meaning, because Celestial Court and Divine Immortal are extremely unkind. At this time, they still want to play with me. This Innate Qizhi Dan is simply an experience pill, but at my current level, the fastest way to gain experience is to kill the Divine Race, and now the only Divine Race that suits me just and honorable is the Russian Divine Race. That’s all, so Celestial Court gave me this Innate Qizhi Dan, which is forcing me to find trouble with the Russian Divine Race. Otherwise, the Innate Qizhi Dan will not be able to display full formidable power in my hands, which is equivalent to lowering the level. 1 .

Although the motivation of Celestial Court is not pure, Celestial Court takes the lead, and other Divine Races are naturally not too far behind. Both Ditans and Anubis knew that they would have to shed some blood. Who told them to have a good relationship with me? Just now they have to act as the peacemaker!

"Our Dark God Palace will provide Purple Moon with a super skill-element expulsion. This skill can expel one or several elements within a certain range at will and invalidate all spells associated with this element Or the formidable power drops."

This skill given by Titans is a typical auxiliary skill, but although it seems nothing special, it is absolutely powerful to use. After all, legal professions are usually unlikely to be all elemental. Among them, they must be the best at one or several types of spells. As long as I can expel all the elements corresponding to this element spell, then the opponent is equivalent to entering the domain of forbidden magic. , And a mage in a state of forbidden magic is definitely not much better than an ordinary person.

After Ditans finished talking, Anubis immediately continued: "Our Egyptian Divine Race will provide an attribute-absorption. This is a skill that can operate automatically without turning on it. In battle It can absorb the dissociated energy from the magic released by the opponent, and then accelerate the recovery speed of its own magic power. If you are preparing magic, you can also increase the speed of magic release. This skill absorbs the magic power of 15%, that is, the opponent’s release of magic consumes one One hundred points of magic power will automatically absorb 15 points of magic power and provide it to yourself. In close combat, this skill can also obtain blood-sucking ability, and ignores the opponent's defense. As long as it is close to a certain distance, it will automatically start blood-sucking regardless of whether there is a fight or not. The opponent can't defend at all. Of course, the user can turn off the blood sucking function. The normal absorption rate is ten health points per second. If the opponent's level exceeds the user's level of 1,000 or more, the absorption rate is reduced to one point per second. If the opponent's level is lower than the user's 1,000 Level and above, it will absorb 100 points per second. In addition, after the battle is over, this skill can also absorb the EXP obtained by the opponent, and the absorption ratio is 10% of the EXP obtained by the opponent in the battle. If the opponent has not gained experience, then I can’t absorb it at all. How? This skill is affordable, right?"

I nodded and said: "The compensation provided by the three is currently enough to compensate for my final mission reward, but I got the reward in the 98th ring. How to count BOSS equipment?"

"We will provide this." Olympus Divine Race stood up and said: "As an apology, we are responsible for providing 30 grams of Star Core fragments to strengthen you. Equipment. This Star Core fragment can be fused with any defensive equipment. The effect is to increase the physical and magic defensive power of the equipment, and there is a certain chance of auxiliary effects."

I have heard of Star Core fragments a long time ago. , And used it before. That thing is indeed the material of choice for repairing equipment. Not only can it quickly restore durability, but it can also greatly improve equipment defense. Whether it is physical defense or magic defense, it can be doubled, and the effect is surprisingly good. However, the extreme attribute of this thing corresponds to its extreme rarity. Even with our guild’s contact surface and financial resources, we have collected more than half a catty, which is less than 600 grams. Relative to this, 30 grams of Star Core is definitely not a small number. Moreover, in addition to being used to strengthen equipment, this thing can also be used to feed the familiar, and it can be used regardless of whether it is a physical attack or a magic attack. In addition to the uselessness of the special demon familiar, this thing can greatly strengthen the demon's attack defense and various attributes, which is simply a million Spirit Pill. Of course, generally speaking, no one except me is so generous with this thing to feed the pet, after all, the value is too high, no one is willing to do it.

Seeing the compensation items sent by the Olympus Divine Race, I nodded and said: "Okay. Since you have made so many things, then my mission compensation is forgotten. However, What about the cost of the previous apology? What do you plan to do?"

"This is easy to handle." Divine Race said: "Our Divine Races basically have the ability to improve the basic attributes. Clan provides you with some basic attribute points. What do you think?"

"What do you say about the distribution of attribute points?"

"This, because our own abilities are different, so even if you If we want to ask us to change, we can’t change it. You can only improve what attribute each of our families can improve. Of course, if any company has multiple attributes, you can choose among them freely."< /p>

"Okay, even if you pass the test." I nodded and said: "Then the last item, the contract war thing I said before, I don't care how you pay, but I must tell you first. All scores can only be calculated by three-quarters."

"What do you mean by only three-quarters calculation?"

"It is the score for those things that I open to you , Originally it was four points, but now it's only worth three points. The original one hundred points is now only seventy-five points, and you have to make up 100 million points for me."

"I... "Athena has a fierce temper. When I heard that I was going to raise the price, I would go mad. Fortunately, the people around her reacted faster. Before she could shout out, she covered her mouth from behind and pulled her down. .

"Hehe, no problem, what do you mean." After pulling Athena away, the other Olympus Divine Races said it didn't matter. Just kidding, isn't it enough to toss you just now? Once again, I don’t know how far the price will go. Pay a little more for the benefits, just pay a little more! There is nothing at worst anyway.

After the gods confirmed their acceptance of my new price, I added again: "In addition, in addition to compensation, you must also provide some powerful equipment or materials to help us win this game. War. Of course, the consumables in the war aid materials will not be returned to you after the war, instead of consumable materials, they will all be returned to you after the war. So please don’t be too stingy with this part of the materials, otherwise you won’t win. In this war, you can’t get through with yourself."

Now the gods have already made one thing clear, that is, without me, they have nothing to do with the Russian Divine Race, so now no matter what I say They all have to listen. Besides, I'm just asking for a darker price, and it's not that I don't take the money to do nothing. I can always achieve my goal by giving more benefits. This shouldn't be too much.

After I finished talking, the Divine Race started to count the open projects in their hands, and then calculate the score. However, although the points need to be converted this time, the guys made the offer much faster than last time, and it took less than ten minutes to get it done. In fact, it is normal to think that they are so fast. Last time they tried not to give me those good skills and techniques, so they kept disassembling small skills there, but it took the boss to get the score I requested. But this time is different. Because the bleeding was prepared in advance, these Divine Races colluded with each other to remove a part of the attribute that may cause invincibility, and the rest are large-scale skills that try to pick up high points. open. The scores of these high level skills are very large, so each family only uses a few skills to account for most of the scores. The remaining fraction is just enough to add some small skills to the score.

When I got the newly filled list, I saw almost all the large skills checked above, and many Divine Race forces also opened up some very important technical information. For example, the Olympus Divine Race has opened up to us the research materials of the large-scale guild technology "high level anti-Gravity Technique". Although our guild also has this thing, but the technical information is very imperfect, so it has not been able to directly enter the battle, at most it can only produce the Isengard mobile fortress, the tortoise-speed mobile fortress and the sky train can not turn and can only be used as a transport plane. Used semi-lifting equipment.

In addition to the technical information and various large-scale skills, the equipment opened to me by the Divine Race this time is also higher than the last time by more than one grade. Many things are high-level goods at a glance. Compared with the trash in the Divine Item, it is simply a sky and an underground.

After reading the list materials, I collected all those lists, and then nodded and said to those Divine Races: "Okay, the conditions this time are pretty similar. But the war supplies you plan to What should I do?"

Listen to me talking about war supplies, the gods did not show any abnormal behavior. After all, they have just made it clear that these things are only borrowed and will be returned after the war, so these Divines Race did not show any dissatisfaction. Moreover, they all know that the things they invested in before were just benefits for me. Now these are the things that are really related to the situation of the war. So it is the opposite of those things before. Now they don’t want to give it, but they don’t want to give it more. Good thing, it's safer to fight like this.

"Purple Moon!" Supreme Taoist said earnestly, "After you explain the reason, we have also thought about it. This war material is really important, and we also hope to provide you with more good things. It’s just that the array of the Russian Divine Race seals the divine force, and our high level Magical Artifact is actually based on the divine force, so many of our things are likely to fail after the array is activated."

Originally, I was expecting Divine Race from all parties to lend me all of my housekeepers for fun, but now it seems that I have made things simple by myself. The reason why the high level Divine Item is stronger than the ordinary Divine Item is because its internal operation is based on the divine force, so even if the setting function is the same, it will be much stronger than the general equipment. But in this case, the advantages of these high level Divine Items have turned into disadvantages. When the time comes after being moved by the Russian Divine Race to the God World in Russia, the divine force in it is suppressed. These high level Divine Items will become inferior to ordinary equipment. In that case, lending to us is the same as not borrowing, anyway. It will not have any effect.

"The high level equipment can't be used, then how do we fight the Russian Divine Race? Can't we really fight with people?"

"It's not necessary." Ditans Stand up and say: "We have just studied. Although there are divine force things that can't be given to you, some auxiliary items with special functions can play some role."

"What item?"

"Wait." After Ditans said, he stretched out his hand and drew a circle in the air, and then suddenly there was a flash in the circle, showing a thing that looked like a whisk held by a Taoist priest. However, unlike the whisks used by Taoist priests, the handle on the back of this thing is very short and thicker, and the beard on the front is not that long, and it is messy. The whole looks a bit like a feather duster.

"What is this thing?"

"This is my clan's baby." A guy dressed like a tufted grass emerged from the pile of Divine Race , And then explained: "Our Divine Race is good at using curses. This thing is our Magical Artifact, but because our clan’s divine force is relatively weak, this Magical Artifact is not driven by divine force, but used. Magic power."

"Driven by magic power? That means it will not be sealed by the Conferred God array?"

"Yes, not only will it not be sealed, but this thing can still Play the role of interfering with the array."

"Interfering with the array?"

"Yes." The Divine Race explained: "This Magical Artifact in our family is actually The main function of a defensive weapon is to contaminate other people's weapons. No matter how high the Divine Item is, as long as it is touched by it, it will immediately lose its effect."

"What? "I was taken aback when I heard the function of this thing. Magical Artifact that can make equipment invalid, this is a super ultimate weapon! What is the expression of the player's strength in the game? It's nothing more than its own attributes, equipment, familiars, and battle awareness. Among them, battle awareness belongs to everyone’s unique attribute, and basically won’t change because of the game itself. In the remaining three items, the own attribute will only slowly increase with the level, and it’s more difficult to get familiars. Equipment is relatively easy to obtain and is most often replaced. But the thing like a feather duster in front of you actually has the ability to invalidate equipment. If you hold such a thing as a weapon in your hand, who would dare to fight with you? You will be primordial in a few strokes. How many pieces of equipment does a normal person have to play like this?

Looking at my reaction so big, the other party quickly explained: "You are wrong, this thing is not that powerful. It can't really destroy a piece of equipment, but temporarily shakes the flow of power on it to make it It only loses its effectiveness for a period of time."

"You mean this thing is time-sensitive?"

"Yes. And this time is not stable, it mainly depends on the opponent's equipment Manufacturing technology features. Weapons with anti-magic treatment have better resistance. If they are hit, they will recover part of their functions within a few minutes, and they will be fully restored in less than an hour. If it is equipment that has not been specially treated, it may be possible A hit will fail for several hours or even a day or two. However, the specific time depends on the internal magic structure of the opponent’s equipment."

"I don’t care about other things, I only know that you can dismantle people. Equipment is enough." I nodded and said: "If you have something like this, you can get me some more. Anyway, it will be returned to you after the war."

Supreme Taoist said: "This we are naturally I know, it’s just that Divine Race, which has no divine force drive and is very useful, is generally not used very much. It’s really hard to be sure for a while. I think we should let us go back and look for it, and don’t make an appointment. When time is up, whoever finds it will come back first. The Russian Divine Race can do it anytime, we have to do it as soon as possible."

Because time is short, the gods left the precepts one after another after confirming the deal with me. The city went back to find equipment, and I myself began to arrange the defense of the City of Discipline, but what made me depressed was that the previous play was really wasted too much time. Not long after the gods left the City of Commandments, the entire City of Commandments shook suddenly, and all creatures in the city with levels over 1,000 stopped almost at the same time. In the end, I was the first to react. "Not good, the super magic array of the Russian Divine Race has started!"

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