Seeing that the Divine Race objections are so fierce, I have no dissatisfaction, but slightly smiled, and then went on to say: "Since you can't open non-material purchase rights, it conforms to There are only two conditions required. One is to pay the bill with personnel, and the other is to use things."

"Please explain."

"This is very simple." I explained Said: "Using staff to pay is for you to go out and transfer to my guild to become my person."


The following Divine As soon as Race yelled out two words, I preemptively said: "This is not working, I know, then we jump over, anyway, I didn't intend to mention this condition. The rest is the material reward."

"Didn't you say that you don't want money?"

"Don't want money doesn't mean you don't want things." I explained: "You must have a lot of formidable power, huge equipment items and high level creatures in your headquarters. , These things are often not available with money, so I think this is a good way of payment."

"This...!" Compared with the previous methods, this is relatively The least impact is that the Divine Race is usually stingy and used to it, and asking them to dig out things for a while will really not be able to adapt.

"Don't tell me this will not work, then we can't talk about it!" Seeing the gods reacting like this, I said angrily.

A Divine Race quickly persuaded: "Don't worry! Are we still discussing this? By the way, there is no other way besides these three methods?"

I shook my head and said: "There are many other methods, but compared to our combat mission this time, the benefits of those payment methods are all one hair from nine oxen, even if the messy conditions All are open, and I will not agree to help you with tasks, otherwise I will be too bad!"

"Then you mean you have to choose one of these three methods?"


I shook my head and said: "You don't have to choose a few! Each kind of open part is just a part."

"What do you mean?" The gods obviously had something to say when I said this. hope.

I explained: "This method is very simple. You give me a detailed list of all the magic, arms, technology, and equipment you have. And give a score for the comprehensive use of the equipment. In this mission, I only need to get 100 million points to help you with the mission, so when the time comes, you can choose the magic that you think can be open to me based on the points I gave. , Arms, technology and equipment. Is this the head office? Oh, yes, because I will suffer a lot from this method, so you must also open all mission permissions to all the subordinates of our guild so that the people of our guild can be in Any one of you can accept any task that meets their strengths. This requirement is not excessive, isn’t it?"

Anubis, the representative of Egypt’s Divine Race, stood up and said, “The condition you added later is not excessive. I can promise you now."

Listening to what Anubis said, other Divine Races have also expressed that they can open mission permissions. Anyway, this thing has little effect, so it will be open. However, after finishing talking, another Divine Race said: “We have too many technical data and units. Although we have a detailed list, we don’t need to delay time to prepare, but can you watch it? The Russian Divine Race is always available. Maybe you start the magic array. What if you keep getting them started without discussing a result?"

I stretched out a finger and said: "You just give me the information, I just I can give you an answer in an hour. As for the specific selection, you can leave it alone. How about? Agree?"

"Okay, let's see what points you give."

Because each Divine Race itself needs to explain the list when opening various learning permissions to the players in its own country, so this thing is available in each Divine Race, no additional preparation is required, and various lists will be sent to me soon. But to be honest, I don’t usually think that when the Divine Races sent all the information, I finally understood what it is called Sea of ​​Learning, No Horizon! The things sent by Divine Race are nothing more than catalogs with brief descriptions, but these catalogs alone pile up dozens of cubes. The weak and small Divine Races in small countries are relatively good. There are only a few thin catalogues, but the information for some large-scale Divine Races is completely different. For example, in the materials sent by the Celestial Court, there are more than 30 copies of the Immortal Technique skill catalog alone. Each book is as big as Da Cihai, and it will be used more than slabs.

Seeing the mountain of information, the Divine Race felt that I was fooling them, but I didn’t have time to watch them. I squeezed everything into the Phoenix Dragon space and quickly sent it back to Isengard for the army. God helps to filter. I didn't intend to watch these things by myself. I really have to read all of these skills. It is estimated that it will take a few months, and the premise is that I don't eat or drink or sleep. But this kind of thing is no problem if you leave it to the military god, he is a computer anyway, and the reading speed is much faster than me.

The pile of catalogs was thrown in front of the military god, and the military god immediately commanded a crystal ball to fly to the pile of books and scanned it. After ten seconds, the military god said that he had read all of them. During the period, I didn't even open the book. After looking through the information, Junshen began to filter the various lists for me. First, we eliminated the parts with unobvious uses and repetitive functions, and then selected the most useful items and scored them separately according to their use. For the whole process, I just gave the general direction. The specific screening was done by the military god himself, because even the information he had screened was enough for me to look at for a few days.

When I came back with the catalogue directly branded on the reel with Fire Element magic, the Divine Race felt unimaginable, because it only took me more than half an hour to go back and forth, and they all thought I was Did not read the information at all. However, I didn’t care about their thoughts, and directly handed the information of each company back to them, and explained: “I didn’t give points for skills that were useless to me. . The scrolls that each of your forces get listed are the magic learning rights, technology learning rights, arms purchase rights and equipment that belong to your forces. You just need to remove the parts that you don’t want to give to me according to your own ideas. Oh, yes, I forgot to tell you. There is a number on the top of each scroll, which is the score that each company needs to give. After all, the status of the Divine Race forces is different. Once the Russian Divine Race develops , Your losses are definitely not the same, so it’s impossible for everyone to share the rewards equally. Divine Races with a larger scale like Celestial Court will have more points, and smaller ones will have less. However, you can rest assured that this specific number is absolutely consistent. Your strength is directly proportional, so you don’t have to worry about losing. Well, please choose what you can pay to me as soon as possible, as long as you make up the mark on your own scroll."

After listening My explanation, the gods quickly began to study the information in their hands, but at first glance they almost fainted.

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