"Just say what you want, let us consider if we can give it to you. But you had better pay attention to it, although we need to hire you to help us deal with the Russian Divine Race, but we are not completely unable to shoot ourselves, so you'd better not be too greedy." Athena said first. Although her first identity is War God, in fact Athena is also a wise Goddess, so her head is definitely much smarter than ordinary people.

When I heard Athena's words, the gods also expressed their consensus. Everyone expressed their hope that I would not be too dark-hearted. Of course, not everyone at the scene expressed the hope that I would not be too dark-hearted, at least the representatives of Celestial Court and the representatives of Dark God Palace in Europe did not say anything, because they have dealt with me more and already understand my characteristics. . With such a big action, it is simply a dream to want me not to make a profit.

"Well, everyone, please rest assured, my request is absolutely reasonable. Anyway, you have to decide on the contract for war. You think my price is unreasonable, so you can do it yourself."

Hearing what I said, in addition to the Celestial Court and Titans, most of the other Divine Race forces present were relieved. Only those who really know me know that this time they must be bleeding again. .

"Okay, let me first talk about the cost of this contract." As I said, I took out a list that I had prepared, and said: "This time I don’t want you to pay for the battle. After all, there are too many of you, and I am not short of it, so it is meaningless to pay."

"Then what do you want?"

"I want you to open all arms purchase rights to me."

"What?" All the Divine Races present this time all showed extremely surprised expressions, including Celestial Court and European Dark The representatives of God Palace are the same, because they all didn't expect that I would suddenly make such a request.

It was Athena who spoke first: "Do you know what it means to open arms purchase?"

"Yes." I nodded and said: "I am not the first time Buy troops from Divine Race. Don’t you know that my guild has a large number of Celestial Court units? And the temple of chaos and order that our guild believes in also has special units."

"No , The problem is not here." A very weird-looking Divine Race stood up and said: "If you just buy a unit of a certain Divine Race force separately, then of course it’s nothing. It’s not a problem for any of us, but You want us to open all arms purchase permissions to you at the same time. Do you know what this means?"

"If you don't know, do you think I will make such a request?" I asked the giving tit for tat rhetorically road.

The average person may not understand what we are arguing about right now, but it can be understood by just a little explanation. Buying soldiers from Divine Race is not a major event. After all, the number of soldiers purchased by the guild from Celestial Court is not one billion or 800 million, so this is not a problem at all. In addition to our guilds, some guilds in other countries also have ways to buy troops from Divine Race. For example, the Ghost Army previously brought by Nobunaga Onihand was bought from Divine Race in Japan. Except for Japan, Europe, America, and Africa, which country does not have the Divine Race unit for sale? Since everyone sells it again, as long as it doesn't sell to hostile forces, it won't be a problem. However, the above situation is only for the situation where you buy a Divine Race or several Divine Race forces. If you want to buy all the Divine Race forces, it is completely another matter.

All things in "Zero" are all about mutual growth and mutual restraint, that is, like an animal chess, the tiger eats the cat, the cat eats the mouse, the mouse eats the elephant, the elephant eats the tiger, and so on. The result is that there is no strongest, only the most suitable. A pure output mage can easily kill more than a dozen warriors of the same level in a frontal battle, but as long as an invisible assassin can easily kill this mage, and such an assassin may not be able to kill a warrior in a hundred. This is the principle of mutual restraint in the game. But conversely, if these people cooperate with each other, the same holds true. A strong output mage stands in front of the warrior for protection, and then sends an assassin to kill the opponent's mage. This kind of team combination can definitely exert the effect of one plus one greater than three.

The principle of generation is the same as that of players, and the units of each Divine Race also have attributes of mutual generation and suppression. For example, the ghost army in Japan. At the beginning, it was because I had a bad relationship with Buddhism. Otherwise, as long as I could pull Buddhism over and use Buddhism's golden body Arhat against the Japanese ghost army, in the same level, an Arhat of Buddhism can easily defeat a group of ghost army, not because of the two. The difference in battle strength is entirely due to Buddhism's innate restraint of ghost army. There are also the gang of heavenly soldiers in Celestial Court. On the surface, they seem to be all-powerful warriors. They are all proficient in melee and long-range attacks. They are grasped by physical magic. They seem to be very powerful, but in fact they also have natural enemies. Before, people in our guild had accidentally discovered a Divine Race unit in a country in South America that could defeat the Celestial Court troops. That country is just a very small country. The Divine Race in their country is basically similar to the wizard, specializing in a curse. Normally, it seems that this kind of curse is too small to deal with players, but it can deal with Celestial Court's Celestial Court and Divine Immortal. It is just like spraying domestic silkworms with insecticide, which is almost a piece of death. I guess that someday the Divine Race of this small country will go to war with Celestial Court, and Celestial Court will definitely lose in the end. Of course, this situation was only established without our intervention. After all, the Divine Race in that small country was so weak that even our guilds might not have ever played it. As long as it was not Divine Immortal using Taoism, they almost could not beat it. But think about it from another angle. Even the one of the very best Celestial Court among the various Divine Race forces can be killed by the special Divine Race that pops out of a certain horn, and the other Divine Races must be the same. .

In addition to mutual restraint, the more terrible problem is mutual growth. Light God Palace and Dark God Palace are the best examples. light and dark are almost mortal enemies, but after Xiaochun and Ling became familiar with me, they cooperated very harmoniously, especially the combined magic of the two of them. The mixed magic of light and dark hardly considers the problem of magic defense. What kind of magic resistance you do, it is all-attribute kill. No matter how high the magic resistance meets their combined magic, it will be a death. Then, we can think of it as long as we expand it. Since Goddess of Light and Dark Goddess can work together to release mixed spells, what if the arms of the two temples are mixed? What if you expand it a bit and combine all the units of the other temples with each other?

However, although the effect of mutual generation and mutual suppression of attributes is very strong, "Zero" itself has taken precautions in its own settings in order to prevent the occurrence of the absolute combination of sinking attributes. For example, Light God Palace and Dark God Palace, although their combination is mutual-generating power, the merger can greatly increase the formidable power, but the two are deadly enemies. Even if you don’t meet each other even if you are polite, how can they be combined together? Woolen cloth? In addition to Light God Palace and Dark God Palace, there are many other Divine Race forces with such an attribute in the game, but they are all enemies of each other without exception. Therefore, if you want to give birth to an attribute, you do not raise. As for the conflict, this system It didn't stop the use of probability, but it also made restrictions, as long as it was to prevent the forces of the attribute from being connected. For example, if Divine Race A restrains Divine Race B, the system tends to leave both parties A and B in a state where there is no intersection at all. Even if a third-party force discovers the restraining attribute, you have to make a big detour if you want to ask A for help. , Anyway, it can be used, it is very troublesome.

However, the above situation is just a general sense of borrowing the mutual generation and mutual restraint attribute. If all the Divine Races present at the same time are open to purchase rights to me at the same time, it means that I can single out the units that can grow together. An independent combat team, and then use their complementary battle strength to deal with the force that was originally restrained by them. In this way, the result would be too scary. The strength enhancement produced by the coexistence attribute can often exceed the strength of one hundred levels. That is to say, two coexistent individuals that cooperate with each other can completely kill two ordinary enemies that are one hundred levels higher than them. Although the overall performance of the mutual restraint attribute is not as good as the mutualistic attribute, it has a greater effect on the battle strength. If the restrained attribute appears, the restrained party will often still be defeated at a state that is two hundred levels higher than the opponent. If you unite the two and form a combat team with two individuals who are living in each other, and then deal with an enemy that they have restrained, it will be even more terrible. Will be played alive. Once I have mastered this ability, then I can form a completely complementary Legion. Without considering the external factors of the strategy, this Legion can completely defeat a Legion whose average level is four to five hundred levels higher than its own in the case of equal numbers.

Originally, there is nothing at worst to form such a powerful Legion, but the problem is that if we can defeat the opponent with units four to five hundred levels lower than the opponent, it means that we don’t have to buy it at all. High-level arms, and low-level arms happen to be the cheapest. Calculating this way, the equal number is actually simply not true, because under the premise of equal investment, I must buy more pawns than my opponents. After all, the lower level is cheaper, so who can do us?

"No way, no way, your proposal is too exaggerated." After the Divine Race reacted, everyone talking at once objected. Although they now rely on me as their bridge of communication, after all They also didn't want to see an overly powerful guild appear, so these Divine Race forces almost immediately opposed it without thinking.

Actually, I was prepared for this situation a long time ago. After all, this proposal does not seem important, but the actual influence is too great. However, I did not intend that they would accept my proposal in its entirety because of the so-called skyrocketing prices. I did not intend that they would accept my proposal in its entirety. OK.

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