"Who just said that my member is a rat?" I asked, leaning on the tree trunk and looking at the group of Russians below.

The Knight who said this of course knew that I was simply dumping them, so he did not show that eagerness to argue, but just stood up and said confidently: "hmph, Cheng Tiandong What is it that the one who hides in Tibet is not a mouse?"

"Oh, it turns out that as long as you hide in Tibet, you are a mouse!" I pretended to know now, "Then I decided not to hide in Tibet anymore. Lest you accidentally become a mouse. By the way, I don’t know if you plan to be a mouse?"

"hmph, hit if you want, no one wants to play word games with you." Next to the Knight One of the female archer of's said, she suddenly shot a bow at me, but her arrow was fast, and my reaction was quicker. Seeing the arrow fly out, I didn't even move at all, and directly clamped the arrow with two fingers. Seeing that her arrow was actually caught, the woman was obviously taken aback, but before she could react, I spoke first.

"How embarrassed to receive a gift when you meet for the first time! But since you have already given it, it doesn’t seem good for me to return it, so let’s just exchange gifts."

After speaking, the other party realized that it was not good, but it was a pity that their reaction speed could not keep up with my actions. Just when they were about to react, the woman suddenly froze there, a short crossbow arrow was stuck in her throat, and the blood tank behind the arrow shaft was spraying blood like a faucet. In less than three seconds, the woman fell to the ground with a soft plop, holding the arrow shaft in both hands and twitching on the ground for a few times, and there was no more movement.


"Why? Are you angry? Then I won't be joking with you." As I said, I stood up straight and jumped down from the tree. The Russians were so nervous that they no longer shut down the besieged players in the guild, and directly retreated together to form a small defensive circle. I watched their reaction and smiled and asked, "What are you all doing together? Is it convenient for me to massacre? For the first time you meet, I'll give you a piece of advice. Next time you meet me, don't get together. , You may survive one or two by running apart."

Almost at the same time as I finished talking, my silhouette turned into an afterimage and rushed into the opponent’s crowd. The first two Russian players took a look. I rushed up and immediately waved the weapon in my hand to intercept, but the speed of the two was too slow, until I rushed past them, they didn't realize how I passed. As for the group of people behind them, to be honest, they are not as good as the previous two. After rushing to the center of the crowd, I didn't kill them one by one at all, but directly inserted Eternity into the ground to activate the skills. "Thunder shining" a heavenly thunder suddenly fell from the sky, hitting my body directly, and then immediately along my armor into the ground, followed by a blue aperture quickly spread out around me, the group of Russia located near me None of the people ran away, they were all swept by the electric light, and suddenly the whole body flashed and fell out.

Of course, an arc is not terrible, but if you fight with an expert like me, even a delay of one second may be terrible. Besides, these people are all electrocuted to the ground, although they are all struggling to crawl afterwards. I got up, but one by one, it was the same as hemiplegia, and the walking was awkward. Taking advantage of the group of people being numbed by the electric numb, I walked to them one by one very calmly and each made a sword, and soon the few people present lay on the ground together.

Seeing that I killed the enemy, the few rescued players from the guild ran over excitedly, but before they could speak, I stretched out a hand to stop their movements. Then turned to the branch of a big tree next to him and said: "You really can bear it! Your companions are dead and don't take any action. Do you want to be worldly-wise and play safe or plan to install 13 for a while? How about jumping out to be the great expert who came out last?"

The Chinese players were a little confused when they saw that I didn’t let them go in the past, but now they immediately watched me on guard as soon as they heard what I said. He took a sharp look in the direction. Of course, no matter how they look at it, it's useless. People have invisibility, not that you can see it when you look closely. However, the position had been exposed anyway, and the opponent did not continue to remain invisible, and directly showed his body shape.

"Purple Moon is really Purple Moon, it's not a little bit strong!"

"I don't need you to evaluate what level I am. Now I will give you three choices. One, you Stop it by yourself. Two, come over and play two tricks with me, and then I will kill. Three, turn around and run away, and then I will catch up and kill you. Can you choose one yourself?"

"If I choose the fourth item What about?"

"The fourth item?" I said with a smile: "I'm very curious what kind of choice you call the fourth item. Why don't you show it to me."< /p>

That guy didn't talk nonsense, and suddenly moved after I finished talking. He suddenly jumped down from the standing tree, then pulled out a giant sword from behind looked towards me and rushed over. Originally, I thought he could play something with him, but didn't expect his so-called fourth option to rush over directly like this. But now I understand why he said that this is the fourth option, because this guy actually thinks he has a chance to kill me. Seeing that guy rushed over so directly, I simply put away the eternity, and then simply put a standing posture and waited for him to come and chop.

Although his reaction to me was very strange, but that guy knew that he couldn't hesitate no matter how much he had a problem with his head, so he continued to rush over in response to the changes. However, just as he was about to enter the attack range and had already begun to swing the sword down hard, I suddenly took a step forward, and I stuck in front of him. At the same time, I squeezed his wrist with my left hand and turned my body sideways. Half a circle followed the direction of his chopping and slammed forward, and the other foot tripped gently on his leg, the guy's center of gravity was immediately deflected by me, and the whole person flew out sideways.

"It turns out that your fourth choice is to throw yourself to death while fighting with me! It's really creative." I deliberately said blunt words to stimulate that guy. I guess I fell. It's not light, and if I am agitated by my language, it will be difficult for this guy to stay mad for a while.

Although my thoughts are good, this guy in front of me really proved to me that he is extraordinary. He wasn't agitated at all after being humiliated by me, instead he was thinking calmly all the time. Just after he was thrown into the air just now, he swooped and fell to the ground without moving. Although I looked strange, I didn't think too much, and it was only when the blue halo lit up under him that I realized that this guy deliberately fell over by flying to cover up the rays of light activated by Transmission Scroll. . But although the idea is good, it is not suitable to deal with me.

The moment the rays of light shined on that guy, and his people were already blurry, I suddenly threw the eternity out with my hand. No, to be precise, the end of eternity was thrown out. When I shake it, Eternal has already turned into a chain knife in midair, one end is a handle and I hold it in my hand, the middle is a long chain, and the other end is like a sickle. The head of the knife that was thrown out accurately nailed the guy’s back waist, and then I slammed back, and with a swish, I pulled the guy out of the rays of light activated by Transmission Formation. When he was pulled out, Transmission Formation also disappeared in front of us at the end of the start.

"Ah!" The guy who was pulled out fell to the ground again, and rolled all the way to my feet like a bottle gourd before being stopped by me.

"Your brain is very smart?"

"hmph, what else did you say when you found out?" That guy is a bachelor, knowing that he will definitely die now, so he doesn't want to When I was humiliated again, I just used words to provoke me to kill him.

I smiled and kicked him to the side of the group of players in the guild, and then said: "Kill him, and then do your own tasks, I have to go to other places."

The gang of players in the guild surrounded the guy after responding. Although the guy is much stronger than them, he is now hurt by my eternity to his spine. The whole lower body is Paralyzed, no matter how strong he is, he can't perform well.

After leaving the hunting ground, I re-discovered the crystal communicator, and then checked where the other Russians who hunted down the squad sent by our guild were located. I found that the position of the group of people is actually a huge gap from the previous position. I was about to get through the communications of the military god to ask for clarity, and the military god sent the message first.

"What's the matter?"

"I just found out that you are inquiring about the specific problems of the Russian hunting team, so I don't have to worry about telling you."

< p>"What the hell is going on? Why are the positions of the personnel shown on the map all piled together?"

"It's not because of you?" Military god replied: "Since you just killed the first After personally, the group of people was notified that they were recalled to the main force."

"The group of Russians were really cautious enough to arrive." I sighed.

Military God is also very helplessly said: "I can't be cautious! Who told you to kill an anti-hunting team as soon as you appeared? Compared to you, those people are just like porcelain dolls. Fragile, fools use them to fight you!"

"Then what can I do now?"

"Are you still afraid of nothing?" The military god don't give The face said: "If you can learn the Avatar Technique now and divide yourself into a dozen or twenty people, I guarantee that you will not be able to spare each of your Avatars."

"Okay, I didn't ask. Quickly tell Which task is more important to me now."

"Now I have marked the places where you are most needed. You can use the crystal ball to check the location and go by yourself."

< p>"What's the situation over there?"

"Forward to forward, our high level units are all in Japan, and we will not be able to return for a while. The Russians have too many high level units, relying on NPC alone. It’s a bit unstoppable with that player."

"Understand, I will be there soon."

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