The two remaining mountains in the screen look very scary. Needless to say, Mount Olympus, it is a very famous super mountain in the whole world. The Olympus Divine Race that lives on it can be said to be the most famous existence in the world Divine Race, like Zeus. , Hades, Athena, which one is not a world-class god? If the Russians want to send this group of people to Russia God World, it would be a bit weird, right? You must know that the Olympus Divine Race is a group of super capable masters. The Russian Divine Race squeezes a piece with them, that is, looking for abuse, it is impossible to run. Moreover, even if Olympus Divine Race doesn't care about this behavior of Russian Divine Race, what on earth did Russian Divine Race move Olympus to itself? Russia's Divine Race lacks a mountain to live? Surely impossible!

After thinking about it, I feel that the probability of Olympus is minimal, because the Russian Divine Race will not get any benefit at all if it is used, at least it is not a good thing in my opinion. On the contrary, the disadvantages are obvious. In the end, it will definitely offend the Olympus Divine Race, and then cause two Divine Races to rally. Unless the head of the Russian Divine Race gets water, they are absolutely impossible to choose Olympus.

Apart from Olympus, only the Himalayas remain among the two mountains. Originally, the Himalayas belonged to the terrain for dividing national boundaries, and there was no Divine Race living in them, and there were no resources available except ice in the mountains. Therefore, it would be no good for the Russian Divine Race to move the Himalayas away. However, although there was no Divine Race in the Himalayas before, it is not without Divine Race now. Because the city of commandments is on the top of the Himalayas. If Russia's Divine Race wants to move to the Himalayas, then everything can make sense.

"Their goal is the City of Discipline?" Although the military god does not have too strong creative thinking ability, he still has the basic ability of association. As soon as the target situation was listed, he immediately understood the key.

"I'm afraid it is."

Although the city of commandments is the city of our guild, and our guild’s system silently recognizing master city is set up there, in fact it In fact, it can't be regarded as our city at all, because the defense of the entire city is not controlled by our guild, but protected by a joint defense team composed of multinational Divine Races. To put it bluntly, the City of Discipline is a special place for the Ring of Discipline, but in name it is under the name of our guild. As for the place where I set up the Recognizing Master City of our guild, it is nothing more than just a little bit of light by the way. After all, the silent recognition Master city is the guild headquarters for the system. If this city is captured, not only will the guild level drop, but the guild war value, technology value, slaughter value and merit points will all fall down. Therefore, the main guild city is very important for a guild. It doesn't have to be so big or prosperous, but it must be safe enough. At present, in this world, no city is safer than the City of Commandment protected by the multi-national Divine Race, because any force attacking it must face the joint strangulation of all other Divine Race forces at the same time. Even if it is as strong as our Frost Rose League, it can only fight against a Divine Race force. If you want to challenge the Divine Race of the whole world at the same time, it is courting death.

Now the Russian Divine Race has set the teleportation target in the Himalayas, so there is no need to guess the purpose, it must be for the ring of discipline. Although the Russian Divine Race was also present when the Gods Agreement was signed, they did not have the heart to fight for the Ring of Discipline. Strength, even the combined power of several Divine Races can be easily wiped out. After all, like Celestial Court and Egyptian Divine Race these all are Low God, they have divine force but not Rule Power, and the pure rules of the Ring of Commandment. Compared with weapons, divine force is a children's toy and has no comparability at all. Therefore, the motivation of the Russian Divine Race to get the ring of commandments is understandable, and the subsequent inferences can also be fully consistent. The transmission attribute in the super array is to move the Himalayas away from the city of commandments. The cutting array in the array is to cut the Himalayas from the ground below, otherwise it will not be transmitted at all. As for the last array that suppresses the divine force, it goes without saying that it must be prepared for the multinational Divine Race united guards on the mountain.

Thinking of this, I suddenly patted my thigh. "I know why the Russian Divine Race has to study so many magic weapons!"

"en? Why?" Although the god of war is commanding a computer on the battlefield, he does not have the divergent thinking ability like mine, so yes I don't understand at all.

I pointed to the array that restricts divine force still floating on the small screen next to me and said: "It's because of this thing."

"Why?" The military god still didn't understand.

I took a look at the military god, and then explained: "The answer is simple. Although this array can suppress divine force, it runs indiscriminately. So once the Himalayas are moved into God World in Russia, The entire Russian God World will be affected by that giant array and all Divine Races in it will lose their divine force. For the Russian Divine Race to get the Ring of Discipline, it must first deal with the guards sent to the City of Discipline by Divine Races from various countries, and since these people To be sent to protect the Ring of Discipline must be a very capable role in the clan. Even if everyone has no divine force when the time comes, the guys from the Russian Divine Race can't do the same with the elite of the Divine Race of these countries. "

When I said that, the military god finally reacted and said, "That’s why they studied so many external weapons, so when the time comes, they have weapons to use, but those guards don’t. divine force, the result of the battle must be one-sided."

"Yes. The Russian Divine Race is really ruthless. When the time comes, they kill the guards to get the ring of discipline, and After obtaining the Ring of Discipline, they become the strongest in the world Divine Race. No one can stop them if they want to destroy whoever they want to destroy."

"Then should we destroy that right away? Large-scale magic array and notify Divine Race of other countries?” The god of war was already in the summon communication crystal while asking about it. Obviously he felt that this was as it should be by rights.

After the communication crystal flew over, I stretched out my hand and pressed the crystal down. The military god reached out to touch the crystal but was blocked by me, so I could only look up at me in doubt and wait for my explanation.

"No, none of us should notify."

"What are your plans?"

"If you notify those Divine Races, you can only It was Divine Races from various countries who came to settle this matter, which is of no benefit to us at all. So let’s not divulge this matter for the time being, and let the Russian Divine Race bring the Himalayas to the God World in Russia."

"But if they get the Ring of Commandments, they will definitely support the expansion of Russian players. When the time comes with them backing up, and the Divine Race of all countries can't get involved at all, we can only wait for the country to be destroyed!"

"No, it's not that easy." I said: "This array can seal the divine force, but it can't limit the magic of the player, so only Divine Race is really affected."

"That Do you mean...?"

"Record three things." I said suddenly, and the military god immediately switched to the recording mode. "First, immediately send someone to install a high-level transmission jammer in the City of Commandments, and pay attention to vacating the magical characteristics of our own Transmission Scroll, so as not to interfere with our people by mistake. Even if the Transmission Formation output of Divine Race in Russia is bigger With these jammers, at least we can hold on for a few more minutes before being teleported away. Second, all the elite players in our guild will each be issued a Transmission Scroll of the City of Commandments. Once the Russian Divine Race begins to teleport to the Himalayas, Let them immediately teleport themselves to the City of Commandments. With the help of those jammers, they should be able to rush to the City of Commandments before they are teleported away. Then they will be teleported to the God World of Russia together with the City of Commandments. , When the time comes, all the Divine Races present have no magic power. They are elite players who are stronger than Divine Race. You know that the EXP that a Divine Race can contribute is an astronomical thing! So good! How can I let go of the opportunity of collective experience of the guilds? Third. Send someone to greet the various Divine Race forces, saying that I may need to borrow the Ring of Discipline in the near future and ask them to give me a temporary authorization."

"Understood. I will post the matter right away."

"hehe, the Russian Divine Race wants to get something from me, I will let them know that I am not that easy to mess with. Yeah. That's right. I just have time right now. Is there any place on the battlefield that needs my support?"

"Yes." After hearing my words, the military god immediately drew a few strokes on the crystal. , And then a strategic map was immediately displayed on the main screen, and several areas were marked. In addition, more than a dozen person introductions with photos were displayed on the side of the map. "These are the experts in the Russian invasion force. We have already killed several harassing squads by them. To deal with this kind of unconventional force, besides encircling them with large troops, only high-end martial power like you is the only way to deal with it. You know, too. , We can’t form a military advantage in that place, so we can only rely on you."

I glanced at the data on the screen casually, and then said: "It’s just a few brats, I’ll take them Send them all home. Is there anything else to do?"

"If you can kill these people, you'd better kill the frozen Banshee a few more times. Her battle strength is really good. It’s too strong. During the time you went to God World in Russia, she killed all three of our assault squads. In the end, if it weren’t for a big fight against Zhenhong, she was shocked once. It is estimated that our harassment actions were all I have to be forced to pause."

"She can’t stay free, she will be there whenever something goes wrong! Okay, I’ll stop by. Send me a copy of the map, and I’ll Go and find out those brat first."

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