"hey hey hey, don't you really plan to fight me hand-to-hand, are you?" I asked in surprise when I saw Julian's posture.

Julian glanced at me, and then said nothing. Suddenly he reached out from behind and found something unknown and threw it towards me. Although Julian's speed was too fast, I didn't see what it was, but since he threw it over, it was definitely not a good thing for me.

Just when the thing was about to touch me, there was a sudden buzzing in front of me, and a shock wave visible with naked eye suddenly swayed in front of me, pushing the flying thing backwards. Went back. Julian was taken aback when he saw that the thing bounced back again, and hurriedly flashed aside, the thing instantly passed through where he was standing and flew into the pile of people behind him. Just listening to a loud explosion sound, a large cloud of yellow-green smoke engulfed all the Divine Race members in an instant.

The natural impossible thrown out as Julian is a smoke bomb. The Divine Race inside immediately rushed out after the thing exploded, but they, like me, obviously didn’t expect That thing is so powerful. Immediately after rushing out of the smoke, the Divine Race members suddenly knelt on the ground and coughed violently. Some people even experienced breathing difficulties, looking like gas poisoning.

Seeing that his poison qi had accidentally wounded his own person, Julian didn't care about me anymore, and quickly turned around and ran back to the crowd to start giving out the antidote. The Divine Race who had been recruited heard that there was an antidote and hurriedly crawled over to take the antidote and swallowed it quickly, but just as soon as Julian sent a few people, he suddenly realized that it was not good, and then looked back and found that I was already It's gone. The guy reacted quickly, and plugged the antidote bottle in his hand into the hand of a Divine Race who had just taken the medicine. "You send it." After speaking, he turned around and jumped up. On the wall of the shaft, he jumped out of the well with a few force, but there was no sign of me around. After discovering that he couldn't see me, Julian's first reaction was to jump on the roof of the front hall, but he glanced around and saw nothing.

The temple itself was built on a mountain. The back was full of magic arrays, and it couldn't rush out at all. The area in front of it had a very wide field of vision. At the speed he chased it out, even the shadows were impossible to see. Realizing that I hadn't left from the front at all, Julian immediately realized my intention, but now it was too late to think about it. Just when Julian wanted to turn around, a sword shadow with flames was suddenly cut from his back. In a hurry, Julian only came to block his back with another spare sword, but this It only slowed the impact a little bit. His spare sword couldn't even match the previous main weapon, and it was too small to use to stop eternity. Hearing a crisp sound of ding, his spare sword was cut by the sword of Eternal, after which Eternal still slammed into his back. At the moment of collision, the flame attached to eternity suddenly exploded, causing a larger-scale detonation effect, and instantly blasting Julian away.

Julian, who suffered a big loss, rolled immediately after landing, then quickly got up and looked to the rear and put on a defensive posture, but it was me who made him didn’t expect simply didn't chase it out, but still stood where he just stood.

"It's very strange why I didn't chase it down, right?" Looking at Yulian's puzzled eyes, I asked on his behalf, and then answered by myself: "Look behind you and you will understand."< /p>

After landing, Yulian was originally worried that I would chase down, but when he found that I hadn’t moved, he relaxed a bit, but after hearing my words, his whole body got hairy, because of a wave The extremely cold murderous aura suddenly appeared behind him and quickly included him. In panic, Julian quickly turned around and backed away, but after turning around, he only saw a cloud of azure Ghost Fire floating behind him, and nothing else. If I was really nervous before, now Yulian is almost gone. After discovering that there was only a harmless Ghost Fire behind him, Julian's first reaction was to turn around again, but it was a pity that he just turned half of his body before he was shot and flew out by a huge horizontal force.

"Roar..." Mila roared first after shooting Julian, and then opened her mouth to the building that Julian fell into. It was a ray of destruction, but just before the ray was about to A few tenths of a second before hitting the building, Julian suddenly rushed out of the house like a missile, but before he could run two steps, the house behind him burst into a big fireball, shock wave and rubble. The fragments blasted Julian away again.

After landing again, Julian wanted to get up immediately, but just groaned and fell down as soon as he moved. Julian's back was already injured when I was cut off from the roof of the building before. Just now, he was hit by the shock wave of the explosion, and his injuries became more serious. Now it has reached the point where it affects his actions.

Urian, who found that he was seriously injured, didn't run away immediately, but got up and fired a yellow beam in my direction. Seeing that beam of light, I didn't even flash. A huge mirror made of ice suddenly appeared in front of me. The yellow light hit the ice crystal mirror and was immediately reflected, without even touching my side.

"Aren’t you claiming to be the chief instructor of Russian Divine Race fighting skills? Why is the technique so bad? Are you a fake?" Yulian, who was ridiculed by me, just stared angrily I glanced at it and it was obvious that he was still caring that the weapon was not as good as me. "Looking at your expression, you know that you still care about weapons. Let me tell you the truth, even if we both strip this equipment out, you are still not my opponent."

"hmph, you have good weapons now, of course, if my weapons are better than you, I can also boasted shamelessly to speak big words."

When I heard him say this, I immediately laughed. "How about this? How about we two make a bet?"

"Bet? What to bet?"

"Just bet that we fight with bare hands, who is better? How?"

"What are the rewards and punishments for winning or losing?" Julian is obviously interested in this, but I guess he doesn't care about rewards and punishments, but about his own face. In any case, he is considered to be one of the strongest fighting skills in the Russian Divine Race. If it is defeated by me in other aspects, it will be fine. If he loses technically, then he won't have to mix in Russia in the future.

"If you lose, you must leave the Russian Divine Race and play for me."

Hearing my request, Yulian was just laughed, obviously he felt that the conditions were quite good. Funny, but he still asked: "What if I win?"

"If you win, I will be obediently surrender and let you catch me back."

"Okay, it's a deal."

"Since you agree, then sign this." I said and threw a scroll over. Julian took the scroll and looked at it, frowning slightly, but in the end he signed his name. Just now, that was a high level contract guarantee agreement, which is extremely binding on players and NPCs. Although Julian was a little worried about what to do if he lost, but thinking about it, he would definitely not lose, so he finally agreed.

After signing the agreement, I said to Julian: “Let’s play in another place, right? Your companions should be chased out in a while. Although you signed the agreement, they didn’t sign it. I can I don’t want to fight with a group of enemies without a weapon. As for I’ll run away, you don’t have to worry about it. There is an agreement to guarantee that we must finish the fight first. When the time comes if you win , I have to fulfill the agreement, so it is impossible to run, and if you lose, then you are not a member of the Russian Divine Race, and I don’t have to run."

Think about it, Yulian. Yes, nodded agreed to my opinion. In order to fear that the Divine Race coming out later would catch up, I directly summoned Asuka and the guardian long spear, took Julian and I, and flew towards the area where the weapon experiment was done before.

Actually, the idea of ​​abducting Julian out was also a temporary idea. The God World where Divine Race lives in Russia is so large that the ghosts know where their secrets are hidden. The temple in front of me was the first place I searched. As a result, I encountered such a big resistance. If I checked the temples one by one, I might not be able to find anything after the war was over. So this The method is obviously not suitable. So I thought of grabbing a tongue, and the position of this tongue should not be too low, too low to know too little, of course not too high, the interests of Divine Race individuals with too high positions are too closely related to the interests of the Russian Divine Race , Impossible betrayed the Russian Divine Race. Since this Julian is the chief instructor of fighting skills, his status must be a little bit, and the instructor himself is just a clerical staff, so his status is impossible too high, just in line with my low requirements.

When we landed on the proving ground, Julian immediately jumped off the long spear and set up a posture to share with me, but I stretched out my hand to stop his rushing behavior, and I first brought out Xiaochun summon. Before I left the temple, I was relieved of the state of harmony. After all, that thing was too magical, and I still don't need it if I don't need it.

"You have injuries on your body, and your movement must be restricted. I will let my demon be healed for you first, lest you lose and make excuses to say that you are injured."

Although Julian wanted to refute, but thought that he was really not suitable to fight with me with the injury, so he didn't speak, and let Xiaochun use the healing spell to help him heal the injury. After curing Julian's injury, I waved Xiaochun to return to the training space.

For this battle, I can say that I am not worried at all, because this guy Julian is simply an idiot. The agreement he signed with me before actually contained detailed fighting rules, and one of the key rules was-this competition does not restrict summon creatures from participating in the battle.

If I play against Yuri An alone, and the odds of winning are still five or five points, plus the pet, I will simply win. Not to mention that I have so many familiars, as long as I can summon a few of them, it will be enough to play Yurian to death. I guess the main reason why he agreed to such an unreasonable agreement rule is that he is an NPC. Although the intelligence of NPCs in "Zero" is quite high, NPCs are still NPCs after all, and they will be affected by many artificial settings. As in the current situation, Julian is obviously affected by the system setting. If it is a player, he will definitely ask me to compete with me in fighting skills, and this process will not only prohibit the use of weapons, and may even not be allowed to wear armor, after all, armor has attributes. In addition, the fighting skills must be single skills. In this case, the familiar is obviously beyond the expected range, so the average player will know that the magic familiar should be restricted from participating in the battle. But Julian can't, he is an NPC. In his opinion, I am a beast trainer, which is a profession that relies on demons to fight, so he didn't think there was anything wrong with me with demons. This is the difference between system NPC and players.

"My injury is healed, now you can take action." Yulian said to me confidently.

I didn’t shoot right away, but said: “You have to think about it. If you still feel that there is something unfair, just say it as soon as possible. Don’t wait for us to finish the fight before calling out unfairness, when the time comes I don't admit it."

"hmph, I'm not as villainous as you think."

"OK, since you don't care anymore, let's start. "As my voice fell, Julian rushed towards me suddenly. Although he is an NPC, he is somewhat weird in behavior, but his intelligence is not low. At least he also knows that my pet can hit all distances at any distance, but he can only attack at close range, so he has to get closer as soon as he comes up. However, he is smart and I am not stupid. As he rushed over, a faint layer of purple smoke gradually gathered near us, and as Julian approached, I stepped back and easily concealed into the vast mist. middle.

Death fog or cloud of evil spirits, although this thing has no offensive power, it is really suitable to interfere with the enemy's sight. Because the fog of death itself has magical power fluctuations, it can effectively interfere with some large-scale detection spells. At the same time, the cloud of evil can also nourish my summon creatures. It helps my demon to exert all the battle strength.

Julian didn't expect that I would suddenly create such a large area of ​​fog to block the line of sight. He is a close combat type of Divine Race, not very good at divine technique, although he can also dispel, but after losing a few, he found that the effect is very bad, except that the fog in a certain area will become lighter for a period of time. There is almost no practical effect outside. In such a thick fog, let alone attacking me, he didn't even know where I was. He could only hold his breath and pay attention to the small visible area around him to prevent me from suddenly killing me in the fog. come out.

Just as Julian’s nerves were tense, a group of dazzling golden light suddenly burst from the depths of the purple mist, and Julian could feel it even through the layers of mist. To that huge magic wave. Obviously, someone over there is unleashing the magic of huge might. However, I saw that Gui saw that there was no idea how to prevent Julian, but his worries lasted for a few seconds and ended, because the opposite suddenly sounded a clear magical epilogue. "The arrow of destiny." Almost at the same time that the sound rang, a golden light flew out of the fog like lightning. Although Julian saw it, he had no time to stop him, so he could only watch the light. Submerge in his chest. However, after being recruited, Julian found that there were no wounds on his body, nor any pain, as if the light just had no effect. Julian was wondering why this light beam had no effect, but before he could understand it, he suddenly realized that the light was not really ineffective, but the effect did not appear in the form of scars. Julian now feels as if he has been seriously ill. He is exhausted all over, unable to concentrate, and his hands and feet become heavy as if he has been filled with lead. The whole person feels on the verge of collapse.

"Purple Moon, you hid your head and show your tail, what did you do to me?" Yulian, who was recruited, yelled angrily into the mist. Anyway, the attack just now shows that the fog has no effect on me, otherwise the attack beam would be impossible to accurately hit him from so far away, so he doesn’t care about revealing his position aloud, anyway, it’s really invisible here. Only him.

"hahahaha, do you feel scared?" My voice came from several directions in the mist at the same time, and Julian, who originally planned to rely on voice to confirm my position, was frustrated. Endless. "I'm sorry, Julian War God, your luck today is really bad! Just now I let my pet Victoria play roulette, didn't expect you to get a disease attribute. Do you feel right now? It’s as if you are sick? Don’t worry! It’s not really sick, but the power of rules. As long as you can defeat me, or persist for more than eight hours, that attribute will naturally disappear."

Julian almost vomited blood from me. Who can last for eight hours in such an environment? Besides, who knows if Ba disappears and will he make up for another attack? In fact, he didn’t guess wrong either. Although Victoria’s Wheel of Fate was marked that it cannot be used multiple times for the same target, it is actually not written in the attribute. This multiple use only means that it cannot be used multiple times within eight hours. As long as the time passes, The rule force on the target is automatically removed, and Victoria will also obtain permission to use the Wheel of Fate again to attack the target at the same time. That is to say, in theory, Victoria can guarantee that the target is always under the care of Wheel of Fate, but no matter what attribute is drawn, it must be changed every eight hours.

For my deliberate stimulation, Julian did not refute too much. He knew that once he was irritated by me and lost his mind, he would be completely finished. However, even if he doesn't lose his mind, he actually has no chance of winning.

Just as Julian was carefully guarding my next wave of attacks while dragging his body as if he was seriously ill, a crisp bell rang suddenly in the mist. Originally, Julian was stunned when he heard the ringtone, but he soon realized that it was wrong, because as the ringtone rang, his movements were unconsciously changing with the ringtone. This change does not mean that the ringtone manipulates Julian's actions, but just like the rhythm of the music when the ordinary person hears the music, Julian is now following the rhythm of the ringtone. It's okay for ordinary people to follow the rhythm of the music. At most, they can make their movements faster and slower, but the problem is that Julian is playing against me. The rhythm of a Martial Artist is very important to himself and the enemy in battle. Once the rhythm is chaotic, the same set of tactics will be completely different from the previous effect.

After realizing that his rhythm was under control, Julian’s cold sweat came down. If I suddenly came out at this time, he might not even be able to play his usual one third battle strength. Weakness caused by disease and disordered rhythm, it's a hell to win in this state!

At first, Julian thought that I would attack him immediately after doing so much preparation, but he still didn't see me after the bell rang for a long time. As time went on, his nerves began to tighten, but I never showed up.

Just as Julian was nervously preparing for the battle that might happen at any time, I was studying there with a hand-drawn map in a small clearing outside the foggy area. I brought this map out from the temple just now, and I don’t know which room I found after piercing through it. However, looking at the map marked on the map is the full map of the Northland God World, so I brought it out. Now I am idle anyway, just to study the map. What? What do you ask Julian to do? That kind of idiot, let him play by himself first. I simply didn't intend to fight him as soon as I came up. The release of the fog and subsequent attacks were all arranged to create tension, and that was not a prelude to my attack. My purpose is to keep Julian’s nerves in a state of high tension, and this state usually cannot be maintained for a long time. Once the time exceeds a certain length, he will become very tired and his reaction ability will decrease. Attention will become less concentrated. When I show up again at that time, I can knock him down as easy as blowing off dust. Smart people don't have to rely on their fists to fight. The fist is just a tool, and it is the point to be able to use your fist reasonably, otherwise it will be useless if the fist fails to hit a person.

"Master, why doesn't this map look right?" Ling said from the other side of the map.

"What's wrong?"

Ling pointed to one of the places and said, "Look, here is the city of Knight, which is where the Martial God Palace was. Then look here again. This is Hope City, which is the first city we visited. Have you found the problem?"

I didn’t think there was any problem with this map, but it’s like this now. At a glance, I suddenly found the problem. I have been to both the City of Hope and the City of Knight. Among them, the City of Knight is obviously much larger than the City of Hope. However, looking at this map, the City of Hope is drawn in a huge circle, while the City of Knight is only clicked. A small point. "Isn’t the City of Hope where we went to the target of this thing?"

"No, the two are the same city from the coordinate position, unless there is another one within two kilometers of the City of Hope we went to. It’s called Hope City, and its area is more than ten times larger than Hope City."

Since Ling is so sure that the two are one city, we are not mistaken, but the size of the map is obviously Not quite right. The Russian Divine Race can research so many weird equipment, which shows that their technical level is not behind, but why is their map so bad? No, the Russian Divine Race impossible made such an obvious mistake on the map. In other words, the map is correct, but if the map is correct, then there should be a Hope City near the City of Hope we have been to before, and it is very huge. But before, we didn't know this information from the residents of Hope City. If there is such a large city there, no one knows it!

Looking at me lost in thought, Ling suddenly interrupted me and said, “Master, don’t rush to guess the intentions of the Russian Divine Race. Look at these first.” Ling pointed to the explanation area on the edge of the map. Seeing: "The description says that circles represent small cities, and stars represent large cities. Knight’s city is a large city, so I drew a five-pointed star. I hope that the city is a small city, so I drew a circle. The map description is correct. Looking at other cities on the map, most of the cities marked with circles are very small, while the cities drawn with five-pointed stars are very large. This also confirms that the circles mentioned in the description represent small cities. But look at these cities.” Ling pointed out eleven cities on the map, plus Hope City is twelve cities, and the icons of these cities are all circles, indicating that they are all small cities. But the circles in these cities are surprisingly large, and obviously these cities are abnormal.

"You show me this. Although it is obvious that these cities are abnormal, you still don’t know what the Russians want to do?"

"So what? "Ling suddenly took out a pen, and then connected all the twelve special cities on the map with lines. Of course, Ling is not connected by one by one. Instead, it first connects the six external cities. Instead, the jumper method is used, that is, the first city is connected to the third and fifth cities that are separated from it. The second city connects the fourth and sixth cities. After the connection is completed, the six cities have just drawn two regular triangles, and these two triangles just combine to form a six-pointed star. As for the six in the center This city is located at the six intersections in the middle of the six-pointed star.

"Basic magic array?" I couldn't help but scream when I saw this pattern. "The entire Russian God World is a giant magic array?"

"No, this is not a giant magic array, at least not for the time being."


Ling pointed to the center of the six-pointed star and said: "If this is a magic array based on the entire God World, then it lacks three things. The first is the lines I drew. They should be in the magic array. The form of energy or entity is expressed, but we did not see anything similar in Hope City. Second, there should be a circle outside the basic magic array, which is the magic loop of the entire magic array, which separates the array from the external magic. Come on. But there is no such thing here. Finally, there should be a core that activates the array in the center of the entire magic array, but this area on the map happens to be blank."

" No matter what it is, someone must know it." As I said, I turned my head and looked at the fog behind Ling with Ling.

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