The advantage of actively accepting the pet contract is that you can retain the pet’s level. As long as the pet’s original level does not exceed the owner, it will not be downgraded. It's nothing more than to drop to the same level as the owner, and it will not be wiped out like a forcibly captured familiar, and all consciousness will be turned into a pet egg and re-leveled.

Lilith no longer wants to resist after accepting my contract. Although her current loyalty is still very low, she is already my favorite after all, and the contract is mandatory. At least it can guarantee that she will not actively attack her master by unfathomable mystery.

After I completely controlled Lilith, I started to check Lilith’s attributes. In fact, without looking at the attributes, I already have a general understanding of her attributes. After all, she had already shown it once when she attacked me.

According to the introduction in the attribute, Lilith’s level is very high. Her basic rank is as high as 3000, which means that if my level does not affect her, she should be at full level. It can be upgraded to three thousand levels, but now it is limited by my level, and currently only has more than one thousand levels, but even so, her attributes are still quite abnormal. In fact, Lilith’s basic offensive and defensive attributes are very general. In terms of creatures of level 3000, her data is not even as good as those of creatures of level 2,000, but with her other special attribute, you will find that In fact, the lowness of the basic attributes is simply not a problem for her.

This special attribute of Lilith is-cell vitality. Ordinary creatures don't have the attribute of cell firepower, but according to Lilith's attribute introduction, this attribute can be obtained through a conversion formula. One of the simplest conversion methods is to calculate the biological blood return speed, and the formula is quite simple, that is, multiply the blood return volume per minute by seven, and the value obtained is the cell viability value. For example, your life value can be restored by ten points per minute, then your cell vitality is ten times seven, which is seventy. According to this numerical calculation, my own cell viability is more than two thousand, which is quite good. However, when compared with Lilith, my little activity is almost equal to nothing, because her cell activity is as high as more than 100,000 points. This value means that she can automatically recover nearly 10,000 points of blood per minute without relying on the assistance of treatment and medicine. This speed has actually exceeded the damage output of most players, which means that even if she does not resist the station Let you chop it there, and the damage you cause to her is not even as fast as she can recover her blood, and simply can't chop her to death. Of course, such a perverted ability is not unlimited. Lilith’s ability to regenerate blood actually needs magical assistance. This is why she used magic crystals to me. If her own magical power is insufficient, she will not even be able to regenerate her limbs, and can only be used as a piece of flesh. There is nothing you can do if you hang on that hook.

Although Lilith’s blood recovery ability needs magic support, her attribute is still quite abnormal, because her blood recovery and magic power are not calculated on a one-to-one basis, but a ratio of ten thousand to one. of. This ratio means that every time she recovers 10,000 points of blood, she only needs to consume a little magic value. According to her current blood volume of tens of thousands, it is estimated that the number of attacks required to hack her to death can make a warrior exhausted, or even if she is not dead, the durability of other people's weapons will be worn out first. Such a perverted conversion ratio created Lilith's extremely terrifying regeneration ability. And not only is the blood volume regenerated, even if you dismember her body into fragments, as long as there is one cell left, she can quickly regenerate back, and it does not even take more than a dozen points of magic power to restore the entire body. Of course, if you have the ability to blast her down without leaving her ashes, then you don’t need to consider her regenerative ability, but Lilith’s basic attribute is weaker than most creatures at level two thousand. After a second, her existence is really rare.

In fact, if Lilith is just a little stronger in resilience, it would not be too good, after all, no matter how hard she fights, she is just a top-level meat shield. The real perversion of Lilith lies in another derivative ability brought by her terrifying cell vitality-cell assimilation. This skill feels like swallowing, to put it simply, it absorbs the enemy's body and transforms it into its own body. This was what she used when she planned to fight back against me in abandon one's benefactor after achieving one's goal, but she was burned down by the heat before she swallowed me. If I were slower then, she would connect my body and her body together, and then slowly transform my body tissue into her body tissue and completely absorb it. Her attribute metamorphosis basically does not consider any defensive power issues. As long as there is direct physical contact, she can activate the assimilation skills even if she touches a little skin, and the speed is super fast, and it can quickly spread to the other party. whole body. Currently this trick will only fail in four minutes. 1. The target has no entity. 2. The target is not carbon-based organisms. 3. Cannot touch the target's body. 4. The cell viability of the target is close to or exceeds Lilith's cell viability.

Although there are four neutralization situations, Lilith's skill can still be regarded as a biological killer. Although Lilith has nothing to do with them, these two kinds of targets are special creatures themselves, and they are rarely seen. Besides, there are magic familiars around me that specialize in dealing with these kinds of creatures, and I don't necessarily need Lilith to deal with them. The so-called not touching the other party's body in the back is actually easy to handle. Not being able to touch the opponent's body is nothing more than two situations. One is that the target is too fast to be touched, and the other is that the opponent's body is wrapped in armor without showing his skin. For first, you can let the darts work with Lilith. Anyway, Lilith’s assimilation does not necessarily require her own subject to contact the target, as long as it is a drop of her blood or any body tissue, but it is completely possible to let the darts smear Lilith’s blood. On one's own paws, and then as long as the dart touches the target, the opponent will be swallowed and assimilated by Lilith immediately. As for the kind of canner, this is the least we worry about. Anyway, my eternity is a professional can opener. So far, I haven't seen a few things that it can't cut at all.

In general, Lilith's strength is quite terrifying, especially when she has sufficient magic power. In addition, in addition to the above-mentioned characteristics based on cell vitality, Lilith actually has a great skill-transformation.

Because cells can regenerate at will without restriction, Lilith can theoretically grow herself into any creature. Of course, the premise is that she must have been in contact with the cells of that creature and understand its life structure. To make a simple analogy, if you give Lilith a piece of dragon meat to let her touch, then she can instantly transform into a giant dragon. And this transformed giant dragon will have all the body attributes of the previous dragon as a sample. But this kind of transformation is not perfect, because what can be copied is only the physical characteristics, and the opponent's skills cannot be copied. After all, skills are something learned, and what Lilith can copy does not include memory. However, even if it only copies the body, this is already very abnormal. After all, under normal conditions, most creatures rely on their flesh to fight, not to mention that Lilith's copied flesh also possesses her infinite regeneration ability. Even a small creature as weak as a cockroach can get the title of Undead Xiaoqiang. What about a giant dragon with Immortal Body?

In fact, when I saw Lilith’s copy attribute, my first thought was not to let her copy the genes of a powerful creature to become a super monster. After all, there are already a lot of thugs around me. One more is not more, and one less is not too much. What I really care about is that her ability to transform seems to be a good Camouflage Technique. Eminis’ illusion skills are indeed very powerful, but even the most powerful illusion has the probability of being detected, and Lilith’s transformation is different. She is not creating an illusion, but completely changing herself into a target. Even if you have the ability to see through the disguise, it is useless for her, after all, her simply is not a disguise.

After understanding all the attributes of Lilith, I threw her into the training space and asked her to greet my other familiars first. In the past, this greeting was just a familiar process, but since I have more and more familiars, I have discovered that it seems to increase the loyalty of the familiars. In fact, this is a very simple psychological problem. For example, if you suddenly become someone's slave one day, you will definitely feel unhappy. After all, you are being controlled and feel like you are inferior. However, if a person is extremely powerful and half of the people in the world are his slaves, then after you become his slave, not only will you not be sad, but you will also be very happy, because you can proclaim to others that you belong to this group. And this group is extremely powerful. My Familiar now has such a situation, because there are too many Familiars, and there will be a group effect after being mixed together. It can not only slowly increase the loyalty of the Familiar, but also exchange combat experience with each other and quickly upgrade, which can be described as a lot of use.

After putting away Lilith, Ling and I left the passage in front of the freezer and walked to the cell behind. According to Lilith’s situation, the further behind, the stronger the prisoner in the room, and the general strong biological intelligence is usually not low. In this way, the probability of finding a companion in the back room is relatively higher. NS.

Although my idea is very good, the facts have proved that the Russian Divine Race is really abnormal. Next, I ran all the back cells in one breath. The result was naturally surprising, but it was not because I found a large number of trapped creatures, but because these so-called prisons were more like the Institute of Biology. Specimen storage library. In the cells I opened, I often saw monsters that were cut in half or fragments of limbs that were invisible to any creatures they originally belonged to. Lilith is lucky. She has unlimited regeneration ability. After the ice is released, she can restore the Avatar body by supplementing with external magic power. But she is a special case after all. Most creatures are different from her. Normal creatures are not so. Those with strong regenerative ability can only show that their life force is complete if they are cut into this way, but no matter how tenacious their life force is, they definitely can't grow back to their original appearance.

The plan to rescue the trapped creature and help me escape completely failed, and I don't know what to do. Looking at the already bottomed passage and the Russian Divine Race, which is constantly rushing forward, I have no way back. Although I have been using the Gate of the Earth to block the way before, the Gate of the Earth is so wide after all, the Russian Divine Race can be dug from both sides. The way I moved the door back could indeed cause them a lot of trouble, but it could only slow down their approach to me, and couldn't really block them. At this rate, they will be able to rush to me in another half an hour, and then I will have to meet force with force with them.

I looked at the prison passage for the last time. I thought hard about the solution, but the door of the earth in front was constantly forced to move back again and again.

"If it doesn't work, let's meet force with force charge ahead!" Ling suggested.

"But those Divine Race...!"

"Using the Divine Domain skills and the body, you may not be able to rush through, right?"

I thought about it Suddenly eyes shined: "Yeah! Originally we are indeed in danger, but if we have Lilith's ability, we won't really be able to get out."

My ultimate skill is ultimately a trick. The super-integrated skills not only allow me to obtain the attribute stacking of all the familiars, but also can call any of the individual's appearance characteristics and special attributes at will. In other words, when I activate this skill, I will have all the skills and attributes that my familiar can use. What happens if I activate Lilith's Devour ability when the time comes? Anyway, it's impossible to retreat now, and I'm willing to go all out. First, I took out a bunch of medicines to restore the whole body attributes to full state, and then suddenly activated the strongest skills. As a phantom flashed by, my real appearance changed dramatically. Although my face is still my face, the armor on my body seems to have been replaced with a set of golden light. The whole person is like Sun God descending from the earth.

Theoretically speaking, my appearance after the body is controllable, but now this appearance is the most suitable for this occasion. In fact, the shiny golden light is not armor, but the small silver moon skill Sun God shield. This skill will change to this color as soon as it is activated. Simply is not the original color of the armor. After completing the release of the shield, I suddenly closed the gate of the earth that was blocking the passage. The Russian Divine Race, who was desperately digging the wall, saw that the gate blocking the way in front disappeared and immediately instinctively thought that the gate was going to go again. Backing, after all, they have been competing with this door for a long time before, and every time they backed up as soon as they dig through the door, they had to keep digging. But this time the situation seemed to be different from what they had imagined. After the gate disappeared, they did not see it reappear, but found that I was standing at the end of the passage looking at them as if I had changed. Although the armor seems to be different, my face hasn’t changed much. The Russian Divine Race immediately recognized me, and after seeing the wall behind me, they also understood why the Earth’s Gate did not reappear. NS. I obviously have no retreat now, even if there is no place to put the door of summon.

"hahahaha, run away again!" The god of judgement stood and looked at me proudly and said.

"Run?" I watched him coldly replied: "Why should I run?"

The other party was obviously stunned by my words, it seemed as if someone asked Why is one plus one equal to two? You definitely can't answer. For complicated things, you can also disassemble it into simple and organized explanations for others to listen to, but you can't explain some truths that can be understood at a glance. That group of Divine Race is like this now. What they think in their hearts is that I am inferior to them, so they can only run away shaking when they see them. Now I suddenly ask why I want to run, but they don't know how to answer. However, Divine Race is not a fool after all. Even though I was stunned by my question, I still reacted immediately and knew that I was playing with them. It’s an unforgivable crime that a desperate prey dared to play with the hunter. The judge who took the lead angrily pointed forward and shouted: "Catch this to me. I don’t know the immensity of heaven and earth." The guy."

Although I was scared to death by the Mother Earth before, the fact that I can open the passage to the back garden of the Mother Earth does not mean that I have the power of the Mother Earth, at least those Divine Race Feel that I still belong to the humble existence. If it hadn’t been known before that I had the ability to kill the Death God clan, they would not even join the two of them, which would definitely be considered a shame in the history of Divine Race. To deal with an ordinary person, two Divine Races are required to shoot at the same time. Isn't this embarrassing?

Because of these psychological factors, although the God of Judgment called out the attack order, in fact only the first two Divine Races moved. Seeing these two guys rushing over, I didn't feel the slightest panic at all. Normally I can kill a Divine Race within a few tricks in a normal state, and it is nothing difficult to deal with this kind of miscellaneous Divine Race now and after the body. Looking at the two guys who were about to rush in front of me, my eyes flashed suddenly, and the guy who ran the fastest kept running and fell out, while the other guy also staggered to the ground. I slid under my feet before being stepped on by me.

The trick just now is Yeyue’s Petrified Eye, and I can use it after being combined, and the formidable power has doubled. One of the two Divine Races was completely petrified in an instant, and the other lost half of its body. Although it is not dead, it is actually finished.

Looking at the companion who fell to the ground suddenly, the God of Judgment finally began to face my strength. Although I have always known that I am strong, I am not Divine Race after all. The inherent arrogance of Divine Race has always made them look down on any creatures other than Divine Race, so even if they know that I am strong, they still can’t afford much tension. , So that when facing me many times underestimated the enemy. In fact, this can be considered such is human nature. After all, what others say is scary, and you will never fully believe it if you don’t see it for yourself.

"This is the strength of the Russian Divine Race?" I stepped on the half-dead Divine Race under me with one foot to challenge the Divine Race on the opposite side.

In fact, even if the combination can improve my battle strength, I am not strong enough to despise the Divine Race. The reason why I have to be so arrogant is that I am delaying time, and the real The reason lies with this guy under my feet. If someone stands behind me, you will find that a sharp needle is extending from my foot and inserted into the body of the guy below, and his blood and body tissues are slowly following the thorn. Was absorbed by me into the body.

When I looked at the attributes before, I didn’t know that Lilith’s attributes could be mutated twice after I started the combination, so that the ability to swallow and assimilate turned into extracting each other in the combined state. The dominant genes evolve their own attributes. After all, the genes of Divine Race are extremely powerful. Just as we speak, my basic attribute values ​​are all rising, and the speed is very fast. Of course, this function can actually be used now. After you finish absorbing this guy under your feet, you won’t have such an improvement if you suck other Divine Races. After all, the genetic advantage of Divine Race is just a little bit like that of the same creature. I can only absorb it once, otherwise every Divine Race will have me suck it and turn my head back. Am I not even able to kill Hongjun Sect Lord? Of course, although in theory a creature can only extract the same gene, because of individual differences, after each additional Divine Race, it can still slightly increase the attribute, but the specific value depends on that. What is the quality of the sucked object? Anyway, the first such big supplement will never happen again. However, in this world, Divine Race is not the only one with dominant genes. As long as I find some powerful creatures of different types, I can use a lot of basic attributes.

Just as I was talking, the gene of this guy at my feet was finally extracted, and at this time my physical strength, intelligence and other basic attributes have risen by nearly one-tenth of the number. You must know that this is a basic attribute. The real offensive and defensive attributes are obtained through conversion based on the basic attributes. Therefore, the hints of the basic attributes are often more obvious than the surface attributes such as attack power and defensive power.

After I finished thinning this guy under my feet, I suddenly withdrew the needle, then I turned the guy on the back of my foot with a hook, then kicked forward violently, and the petrified guy flew back. . The ruling god immediately stepped forward and reached out to pick up the Divine Race guard, but I followed the Divine Race guard with a petrified bust and rushed up. As soon as the God of Judgment caught the guard, he felt that the impact on this guy was so great that he had to use his whole body strength to withstand the impact of the guard, but he hadn't waited for him to completely remove the power. Suddenly he felt the body of the guard in his hand shook violently, and he quickly let go of the guard and retreated from the battle instinct. At the same time as he flashed back, a sharp sword head penetrated the body of the guard and pressed against it. His chest pushed forward together, until the hilt of the sword was jammed by the corpse, and the speed suddenly slowly failed to catch up with the exploding him. However, despite this, it scared the God of Judgment into a cold sweat. When the sword was first worn out, he didn't care much, but after pulling the distance away, he was surprised to find that there was an extra one on his breastplate. Little hole. Obviously the point of the sword had pierced his armor just now, but it didn't hurt him because he was a step slower. Originally relied on the God Armor, the God of Judgment was not too afraid of my attack, but now he discovered that in front of my sword, the God Armor is actually not much different from ordinary armor, and they are all papery. Same.

The God of Judgment, who just stepped back, saw the hole in the armor and realized that my weapon was extremely sharp, but before he could react, I threw it away. The body rushed up again. In fact, the other party simply didn't expect me to rush over. After all, the God of Judgment before went out to pick up his companions was tantamount to leaving the crowd, but now I suddenly rushed over but it was tantamount to rushing into the crowd of Divine Race. They didn’t. t expect I have such guts.

Actually, I really didn't have the guts to do too terrifying. The reason why I rushed up was because I knew that it was safest to rush into their pile. The biggest difference between Divine Race and ordinary creatures is that Divine Race can almost spell every one of them. Before they underestimated the enemy, they only sent two people out. Now they obviously know that I am great. If I continue to keep away from them, they just in case. Throwing magic on my side collectively, even if I grow Three Heads Six Arms, it would be dead, but if I rushed forward, the situation would be completely different. This passage is the aisle of the prison, and its width is only over three meters in total. This width is actually quite good for general passages, but this width is a bit too narrow in battle. In such an environment, at most three people can attack me at the same time, and besides the one facing me, the people on both sides of these three are subject to great restrictions on their activities, and they are unable to perform fully. In other words, I only need one-to-three at most, and it's not three Divine Races with full strength. With my current attribute greatly improved battle strength, just be careful, one-to-three is completely fine. If you count the devouring and absorbing power that Lilith brings to me, as long as there is enough time, polishing the Divine Race here does not seem to be impossible. Originally, I was worried that I would be planted here today. Didn't expect a chance to turn defeat into victory. Of course, the prerequisite for this opportunity is to be cautious, as long as I make a slight mistake, it is definitely hopeless in the look around so many Divine Race.

The first reaction of the God of Judgment after being close by me was to suddenly raise the shield of divine force, but my eternity easily passed through the shield, but the God of Judgment responded very well. , Suddenly turned around and passed the sword, but he didn't expect that I didn't strike with a sword but didn't draw the sword again, but continued to rush forward along with that power. Originally, I was blocked by the God of Judgment, and I would definitely not be able to get through without defeating him. Now that he took the initiative to give way, I was naturally not polite and went straight through. Among the many Divine Races present, the God of Judgment is actually the strongest. If you can get around, it is better not to fight him. After all, it is not one-on-one now, and it is too dangerous to fight him.

After the God of Judgment flashed around, he realized that I had rushed past and was taken aback, but when he reacted again, I had already rushed into the crowd behind. Although I entered the team of those Divine Race guards is not as exaggerated as tiger entering a flock of sheep, at least the lone wolf fell into the fox den. Although they are all carnivores, the level difference is still obvious. The group of Divine Race guards who came close to them almost didn't have a single move, and they were all shocked back. The attribute of the slaughter on my body is not good-looking, it is a real Divine Race nemesis. Usually these Divine Race guards randomly send one, which is invincible in the eyes of ordinary people, but in front of me, it is just a difficult little BOSS, and this BOSS is still the kind of EXP.

Seeing that I was pushing back the Divine Race guard next to me with a sword, the God of Judgment immediately wanted to squeeze over, but as soon as the other Divine Race guards blocking him gave up the passage, I raised my hand to him. Shot out a stream of light in the direction of. The God of Judgment didn’t know what I was playing and didn’t dare to take it hard. They had suffered a loss before, and now they all know to be careful of any of my skills. Maybe a skill that doesn’t seem to be terrifying will be super strong. The lethality. But this time they all guessed wrong. My trick is really just like a flicker, and it has no attack power at all. After throwing the stream of light, I turned around and rushed forward. Divine Race and I were in the way. There was almost no one in contact, and I rushed to the center of the team in an instant.

Seeing that I have to run away if this continues, the God of Judgment finally becomes anxious. He couldn't do it now, but he couldn't do it again. Anxiously, he turned the dough around, and finally suddenly thought of something yelled to the front: "I'm going to use that one!"

Which one is that? I was stunned by the sudden call of the God of Judgment, but in the next second I saw that all the Divine Races present suddenly did one thing collectively, which was to fall to the ground and hold their heads. Although I don't know why they reacted like this, I am not stupid. The voice of the God of Judgment just now must be a reminder to myself, so now I do what they do.

Just as I learned their way and fell to the ground, the end of the entire passage, which is the place where I was blocked, suddenly darkened, and then countless arcs flashed from the wall. The around came out and intertwined in the middle of the channel into a huge white ball of light. The light ball seemed to be unstable. After it was formed, it shook on the ground and the speed was getting faster and faster. Although the thing hasn't fly out yet, I already know that this thing is definitely not to be trifled with. Otherwise, even Divine Race wouldn't even lie on the ground in disregard of its image. With such a dazed effort, the ball of light suddenly flew towards the end of the tunnel at a lightning speed. The speed was almost unimaginable, as if in an instant rushed to the top of my head, and then carried a billowing heat wave. I rolled over my head and flew all the way to the end of the tunnel, and then listened to a loud explosion sound. The whole tunnel vibrated violently. A storm of energy instantly overturned me, who had just risen from the ground. Well, I knew I should have lived like those Divine Races and would get up again!

Although I was affected by the energy storm, I still got up for the second time, and I still got ahead of the many Divine Races. When they followed up, I had already skipped The crowd I played against moved a lot forward from their heads, and when the Divine Race below reacted, I almost rushed to the end of the team.

Seeing that I was about to rush out of their blocking zone, the God of Judgment was really anxious this time. He suddenly shouted at the Divine Race guards in front of him again: "Keep out of everything."

Hearing his yelling, those guards immediately flashed to the edge of the wall, and I tried the same trick again. I once again played a small formidable power spell, but didn't expect the God of Judgment to go crazy this time. He did not dodge my attack, but suddenly turned his body sideways, took a step forward with one leg, and then raised the Divine Sword in his hand to make a slashing motion, and at the same time he said in his mouth: "Divine Skill-Wanli Feihua "

Although I don’t know what function this skill has, I can be sure of one thing. The skill that even Divine Race requires to prepare for movement is definitely not a small skill, so I don’t dare to run anymore. , Suddenly turned back to face the God of Judgment, and at the same time put up an attacking posture with him and slammed down one step ahead. "Space slash." With a slurping sound like the sound of a piece of cloth being torn apart, a huge Space Crack was cut out in front of me with my sword, and the skills of the God of Judgment on the opposite side were finally activated.

Just now, I wondered why his skill was called Wanli Feihua. When I saw the effect of his skill, I would fully understand it. I saw him swiftly forward, and immediately swept out a large piece of silver white like petals and flew towards me, but the seemingly soft petals were terrifying, and they were scattered along the way. As soon as he touched the wall, he immediately blasted a hole as big as a bowl into the wall, and although the opening was only the size of a bowl, the depth reached more than a foot deep. You know it's not an ordinary wall! This is a protective spell specially used to close the walls of the prisoners of Divine Race! How much formidable power is needed to make a one-foot-deep hole in this kind of wall? Fortunately, I did not choose to hard-wire, but used space slash. Although the formidable power of those petals is terrifying, the space slash is like opening the Transmission Gate in front of me. All petals that pass through the Transmission Gate are sent to a place where I don’t know. It is impossible to pass through and hit me.

Before the attack of the God of Judgment was over, I turned around and ran towards the other side of the tunnel. The advantage of the space slash skill is that once you use it, you don’t have to worry about it. The Divine Race guard who happened to be in the way was afraid to stand up for fear of being accidentally injured by the God of Judgment, which made me a smooth breakthrough. Of blocking. Originally, I thought that even if I could rush out, I would lose a layer of skin. I didn't expect it to be as simple as I ran out. Of course, Lilith’s special attributes are indispensable. If her special attributes had not absorbed the superior genes of the guard at first Divine Race, I would be absolutely impossible to come out, at least not so easily.

"haha, the god of judgment, don't hold me anymore, I will come again next time." After rushing

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