Banshee said so, but I know she definitely didn't find me through this, she just didn't want to tell me. However, as the strength of her hand increased, I was forced to take a step back, and this step made me understand how she discovered me.

Actually, Banshee's method of freezing Banshee is not magical, she just saw the coil of wire under my feet. I've been following the vines just now, following the machines on the other end of the thread looking for the thread, and I was walking forward while holding the thread while winding it. The Avatars disguised as Death God guards nearby are all rushing forward desperately. It's strange that I am alone here, bending forward and touching like old farmers who are farming. I was forced back by the ice-bound Banshee just now. I happened to step on the wire on the ground, and I immediately thought of the reason why the ice-bound Banshee found me.

Although it was discovered, I didn't mean to be anxious. Taking advantage of the time of Frozen Banshee's pressing forward, I suddenly stepped away and let go of her force, and then I hit her back with a kick when she couldn't hold back her strength. The ice-bound Banshee also reacted quickly. She turned around immediately after finding out that I had escaped, but she only had time to protect the vital part with a sword, so I kicked her on the spine of the sword and took her to death. Kicked out.

After flying the ice-bound Banshee with one move, I quickly turned around and rushed into the Death God guards. Since all the converted Death God guards have been illusioned by Emenis, so It looked like I was running around in a square full of squares. After I stepped into the many Death God guards, Frozen Banshee immediately dazzled. After trying to confirm for a long time, I couldn't figure out which one was the real me. In desperation, she had to choose a target with the greatest probability and rushed over, but it was a pity that the target was quickly killed after being attacked by her. This kind of strength is obviously not my normal performance, and Frozen Banshee also knows that as long as the first goal is not found, it will not be so easy to find me.

In fact, when Frozen Banshee killed the fake me, I was watching not far from her, but I didn't stop it at all, so Frozen Banshee could only be anxious. . Watching her run away anxiously when she found it fooled, I started looking for the wires on the ground again.

According to the extension direction of the wire I saw before, I moved towards the approximate direction and moved quickly, but because there are many enemies there, I had to mix in the Death God guard and kill all the way forward. , Anyway, I am everywhere in the eyes of Russian players. They can't tell which is true and which is false. As long as I don't do anything too abnormal, I generally won't be exposed.

After I joined the battle and released the familiar, the battle situation in the entire square changed significantly. At first Relying on the number advantage, Russian players can barely block my Death God guard Legion, but with the massive casualties of Russian players, the Death God guard with a strong back-up gradually gained the upper hand. In fact, when it comes to team battle strength, the Death God guard is much higher than the Russian players. The problem is that I did not let the Death God guard go to war with these Russians before, but they took the initiative to fight after they rushed out of the gate. The Russians fought. Otherwise, I simply won't let them challenge the Russian army. Even if they want, they should line up first, so they won't be mixed up in such a mess. To be honest, this kind of battle group is actually very detrimental to us, because the single battle strength of Death God guards is not high compared to those of Russian players, but is slightly inferior. Their real specialty should be teamwork. After all, Death God The God Guard is a Legion. Like my Qilin warrior, they are a regular unit, and their combat coordination far exceeds the combination of player teams and ordinary NPCs. But now in this situation, the crowd is completely messed up, let alone cooperation, it's not bad if you don't hit yourself.

Although I have suffered a bit in the formation, I am here anyway. The double dragon arrow composed of luck and plague has a strong penetration ability, so that the Russians have been unable to line up. In addition, many of my familiars are auxiliary types, which assist the familiars on this large-scale battlefield. The power of the game will be particularly obvious, and soon the battle will be drawn back by my familiars. Not only does the team of Russian players become smaller and smaller, but they are also constantly compressed and retreated. Finally, let us force it forcibly. Out of the square.

I don't know if the previous situation outraged the Russians' expectations, causing this guild called the Pantheon to reflect improperly, and only prepared those few arrows to deal with me. Now, when we rushed out of the square, the Russians finally reacted. The previous formidable power scary light arrows were taken out again, but it was different from the situation where there were more than a dozen before. This time, there were five bows in total. However, it was these five bows that caused us heavy casualties.

As soon as Lucky and Plague rushed out of the square exit, they saw a volley of five white lights on the opposite street. With luck and the plague, they reacted very quickly. They slapped each other's paws and pushed them away, and the beams were dangerously dodged. Only when they drew away did they realize that there are companions behind them, but it is a pity that they want to save again. That's too late. Immediately behind Lucky and Plague is Xiao San. This guy originally took on the second-line cleaning job because three heads can attack three targets at the same time. Unfortunately, Lucky and Plague suddenly escaped, but he was exposed. Xiao San, who was a circle bigger than Lucky and Plague, had a much larger target. All five arrows were hit, knocking off the two heads and one wing of Xiao San in an instant.

The silent and unextinguished extinguishing ability of the light arrows is very strange. The location where Xiaosan was shot seemed to disappear suddenly. The speed was so fast that Yu Xiaosan didn't even react to what happened. He The two shot down heads were still surprised when they fell to the ground.

The lack of two heads is nothing at the worst for Xiaosan. The advantage of three heads is that when two of them go wrong, there are spares to top them. More deadly than his head is his wings. After suddenly breaking off half of his wings, Xiao San immediately lost his balance and rammed into the roadside building. After smashing through the entire building, he was accompanied by a large group of flames. After the house came out, a violent explosion followed the whole building, and it seemed that some large instruments were originally installed inside.

After the four light arrows were blocked by Xiaosan, a light arrow still flew past his wings. Following Xiaosan was the tank, but the light arrow flight path was relatively high, and it didn’t touch him at all. He, but straight into the back. Following the tank were Ling and Weina. Compared to the big guys like the lucky ones, their small body means that it is relatively easier to dodge. Moreover, with the flight trajectory of the light arrow at that time, it was actually not touched by anyone except Ling.

She didn't panic at all about the incoming light arrow, she only did one thing, and that was a white skull out of summon when she raised her hand. As a retired Dark Goddess, Ling's undead system and Dark Element spell are both top-notch, and the Necromancer entry skills such as summon white skeletons are completely a single thought thing. However, even though Ling only used one of the lowest skills, it fully demonstrated how keen her combat intuition is. At the moment when the light arrow struck, she discovered the flight trajectory of the light arrow and made an accurate defensive judgment, and even had extra energy to think about how to save the most effort. An expert does not have to master many powerful skills, but an expert must be able to use existing skills proficiently and achieve his goals through the appropriate combination. Ling’s high level skills are really used to startling heaven and earth, ghosts and gods weeping, but at this moment, she only used one hand-practice skills to solve the danger. This is her power. .

The white skeleton that came out of summon just appeared and was hit by the light arrow head-on before it fell from the air, and then it disappeared in midair as if it was suddenly reversed by summon. , But the light arrow disappeared at the same time.

Ling's move seemed to only solve a light arrow, but it made me find a major discovery. Before, I had been worried about the terrifying power of the light arrow, but it was only just now that I suddenly discovered that this thing is actually a lot of problems. The most important thing is that this stuff is too easy to be intercepted.

The special ability of the light arrow seems to obliterate all matter within a certain range, but this range is very small, about the size of a sphere with a radius of about two meters, something that exceeds this range. It won't be involved at all, and the light arrow seems to have no penetrating power at all. It seems to take effect as long as it hits an obstacle, whether it is a wall, a person or a piece of paper. According to this clue, we can expand it. Maybe this thing can't be used in the desert or in rainy and snowy weather. Because there is too much dust in the desert, the light arrow may be activated in advance by the sand particles in the pilot. If the distance is too close , It is even possible that even the launcher will be wiped out. In rainy or snowy environments, the situation is similar. The light arrow may be detonated by raindrops immediately after leaving the bowstring. Not only can it not hit the target, it will also kill the archer. In an environment like a forest, a similar situation might happen, because the armor-piercing ability of this light arrow is simply zero, and it will be detonated if it can't even penetrate the leaves. As long as the opponent keeps moving, it is almost impossible. Was shot. Of course, despite the many disadvantages, this does not conceal the powerful destructive power of this weapon. In the ocean and most terrestrial environments, this thing is actually very difficult to deal with, especially in the open area. The more a flat river is, the more terrifying power of this thing can be displayed.

After the first wave of light arrows hit, the opponent released the second wave of light arrows without any pause, but with the previous situation, I also knew the interception method. As soon as the second wave arrow appeared, Luck and Plague immediately flashed people, and behind them, a large group of densely packed Flying Insects dashed on bravely with no thought of personal safety. The summon of my Spirit Armor Worm is as high as one million, and the opponent can only shoot five arrows in one round, and they can't finish shooting when they are exhausted, so I just let the ghost Worm go up as a physical shield. Although the reaction speed of the ghost worm is not fast enough to intercept the light arrows, it is very easy to stop the light arrows as long as the number is large enough to form a wall of worms in the air. The five arrows of the second round were eventually stopped by the insect except for one that slipped through the net because the insect swarm did not react fast enough. They had no effect other than killing hundreds of ghost worms. As for the arrow that passed through the swarm, it didn't play a role either, it was knocked off by a skeleton of Ling Zai's summon.

Although there is an interception method, we do not intend to be beaten for it. As soon as the second wave light arrow landed, Lucky and Plague rushed to two of the archers separately, but the other party apparently knew that these archers were very important. Fortunately, they were just halfway through and they were stopped by a few jumping players. But our side is not just the two assaulters, Lucky and Plague. Just after they were intercepted, the Death God guards who rushed out of the square suddenly raised their right hand and pointed forward at the same time, and then all the Death Gods. The guards suddenly read at the same time. "Summon...the stars fall."

"My sun!"

The stars fall is not a special skill, it is a mixed attack of Earth Element, Fire Element and Space System spell, you can attack the target from in the sky summon meteorite. According to the system classification, this skill belongs to the middle high level skill, which means that players after level 600 can learn it. But in my opinion, this skill is purely a personal character skill. What are character skills? That is to use the skill that the effect depends on the character. The falling stars are said to be stars. In fact, as long as you are no more than one thousand and two hundred, you can summon up to a dozen or twenty meteors, and you will reach the sky. It seems that there are a lot of them, but considering the range of the spell's strike , Its spread rate is so high that it has reached the point where the sky does not know what it will hit. In fact, there is no shortage of people in the game being killed by their own summon meteors. Of course, this is an individual case, but it also illustrates the extreme unreliability of this skill from the side. However, unreliable, unreliable, the impact of this skill is worthy of praise. If you can ignore its heinously low hit rate, then the damage value of this skill can be said to be one of the very best of all the skills you can learn, and the total damage can exceed its single skill. At present, I I have only seen six, and two of them are suicide skills, so the formidable power of this skill is quite good.

Although the formidable power of the skill of Fall of the Stars is very large, no matter how powerful the skill is, it is in vain if it fails to hit the target. So except for a few people who really have a lot of money and have nowhere to spend, I learn skills like me Except for the leaders of guilds who don't need money, ordinary people won't learn this skill at all. Not to mention the fact that taking up a skill position affects the speed of skill search, it is really worthless to spend money and time to practice. Even if someone exchanges it occasionally, they will regret the original decision afterwards.

However! The above situations refer to a situation where one person uses the falling stars. When you see a dozen or so meteorites sparsely scattered on a few square kilometers of land, the formidable power is naturally negligible, and it will not hit anyone anyway. However, what if it is used by tens of thousands of people together?

"My god!" Seeing hundreds of thousands of meteorites hitting the sky and covering the earth, the people in the Pantheon almost fell off their jaws until the fastest The meteorite had already begun to pull smoke, and they realized that they wanted to escape.

Because the meteorites appearing in this skill of Stars Fall are captured directly from space by space spell, they are different from the meteorites that generally fall to the ground. They do not rush down in space at high speed, but in The air was suddenly teleported out, and then it began to fall downward due to gravity. This feature determines that the meteorites from summon are not fast when they first appear, but meteorites are meteorites after all. As they emerge from a high altitude and gradually accelerate their fall, their friction with the atmosphere will become more and more intense until the temperature is enough to burn. After melting the steel, the meteorite will start to turn red and smoke, and this phenomenon just shows that the meteorite has begun to enter the state of maximum formidable power.

Although the players from the Russian guild began to flee after seeing the meteorite descend, the meteorite fell too fast, but the first meteorite landed successfully after ten seconds. Just listening to a loud explosion sound, the meteorite pulling the long tail flame rushed directly into a huge building, destroying it all in an instant, and then the second and third meteorites began to fall one after another. Each formidable power is no less than a blockbuster. Usually, when the number is scarce, there is still no formidable power of these meteorites, but now it shows its terrifying power when the number is large. Some meteorites flying all over the sky began to collide with each other in the air before they hit the ground. The large meteorites turned into countless fragments can instantly turn an area with a radius of tens of meters into a honeycomb-like state, whether it is a person or a building. In front of meteorites, they are almost paper-papered, and they can be worn with the same touch.

The archers who used that special bow to shoot us before now know what formidable power is. Not only them, but even the house under their feet was instantly destroyed by the meteorite. People are as fragile as the grass in the rainstorm in front of visitors from outside these days, and they have no power to fight back.

Ling stood by my side and watched the meteorite rain still flying around, and asked with some doubts: "How can the Death God guards fall into the stars? Isn't this skill only available to players?"

In fact, what Ling said is pretty good. Because of its particularity, the ability of Falling Stars is almost useless in the hands of players, but in the hands of NPCs, the effect can be understood only by looking at what the Death God guards are doing now. Therefore, in order to balance its formidable power, the system has long set a rule that NPCs cannot actively learn this skill. This prevents some people from planning to buy a large number of mage-type NPCs, and then teach them to use the falling stars to push people's cities. probability. Only now, this situation seems to be a bit unexpected. Although Death God guards are my summon creatures, they are also NPCs. How did they learn to fall from the stars? Besides, I didn't order them to throw magic just now!

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