Originally, I thought that Banshee would force me to the side of the car like this, but because there was really nowhere to go, I chose to commit suicide or let me explode the car to death. It's just that Banshee frozen Banshee did something that surprised me. When I was still a few meters away from the car body, the ice-bound Banshee stopped suddenly and did not retreat. As I gradually approached, the confrontation between us began to become more and more intense. The violent air waves mixed with the terrifying cutting force fly around, and within ten meters of the surrounding area, it can be described as a flying sand running stone, which can't penetrate people at all.

Although Banshee could not be better than me, as she retreated slowly, she could still avoid some attacks, so we could barely stand up to each other. Now she suddenly stopped moving and those who couldn’t All the blocked attacks fell on her. With a bang, another wound suddenly appeared on Banshee's white face, and as her aches, her movements slowed down. All kinds of attacks fell on her one after another, instantly. Cut out dozens of large and small gaps in her armor.

Different from the previous situation, at first, although I occasionally attacked the ice-bound Banshee, most of the attacks were lightly brushed and not cut down, so her armor was There were only marks but no cracks, but now it's different. Because the ice-bound Banshee no longer retreats, my attack has become a lot sharper, and the continuous appearance of various penetrating injuries also means that my attack strength is gradually increasing.

"Ah...!" The ice-bound Banshee, who had been hit continuously, suddenly whispered, and at the same time, a piece of her left arm armor was suddenly cut off, even on the arm inside. There is more blood. Although the wound is not deep, it means that my attack has begun to hurt Banshee himself. As long as she persists for a while, I will definitely be able to cut off all the armor on her body little by little, and after that, it should be her body.

Although she knew the consequences, the transport truck behind her was a big bomb. The ice-bound Banshee couldn't retreat, so she could only brace oneself and stand there to support it. She is dead now if she retreats, and if she doesn't retreat, it's also dead. It's better to stand there so that she can appear brave. Although this truth is easy to understand, I still admire this woman. Just as many people, knowing whether to advance or retreat or die, would still choose to retreat rather than face it bravely in order to survive even one more second. Ice-bound Banshee can stop decisively at this time. She didn't retreat to the side of the car and was bombed to death. Although she was chosen to die, she showed her decisiveness and behavioral control far beyond ordinary people. It’s said that the person most resembling a genius is mentally ill. Although the frozen Banshee is paranoid, her purpose is surprisingly strong. As long as the goal is determined, in order to achieve this goal, she can abandon all irrelevant things-including Own life.

Seeing that the armor on her body was disintegrating at a speed visible to naked eye, the ice-bound Banshee had already been anxious, but she still did not retreat. After a few seconds, only a clanging sound was heard, it seemed that the last connection point was hit, and the ice armor on Banshee's body was completely cracked and fell from her body. Now the ice-bound Banshee has turned into a fight with me wearing only a blouse. Although his lower body is still neatly armed, the vitals of the person are all on it!

As the warplane collapsed, Banshee frowned and frowned, because she knew that she should not be discouraged at this time, or she would immediately die on the spot, and it would be extremely tragic. Kind. However, even if she can bear it, she cannot change her current situation. Without the barrier of armor, all my attacks were scratched on her body, and various large and small wounds were appearing in various places on her body at an extremely fast speed.

"Ah...!" Frozen Banshee, who gritted her teeth for a while, couldn't help but yelled out, and the reason she couldn't help it was a piece of her right arm that flew out suddenly There are two or two slices of meat. This Bingfeng Banshee's confidence was completely vented, and the attack speed was obviously slowed down with the addition of the arms and hands. This slower and bigger problem appeared. She couldn't control her well, and the Frost Sword in her hand slammed into my claws head-on, and it flew out with only the sound of the Frost Sword.

I found that the opponent’s weapon was flying, and I was also unprepared. The speed-to-speed attack just now requires a whole-hearted devotion, not to mention that I have to calculate the route to force Banshee to retreat. Under the second use, I can no longer take into account the third thing. When I discovered that the opponent suddenly lost the ability to resist, the subsequent attacks had been launched, and when I stopped and retreated to a change, I would go to see the frozen Banshee. Even I couldn't help being sucked in a cold breath.

Frozen Banshee is also a human being. Without the protection of the top armor, her body is not much harder than ordinary people. Besides, the claws covered by eternity and my fingers are both sharp and abnormal. I After this second of work was late, the upper body of the ice-bound Banshee was almost out of human form. At this time, her entire right arm has completely turned into a scarlet skeleton, and there are at most two or two pieces of flesh left on the surface, even if it is the sky. Although the left arm is better than the right arm, it is not much better. It looks like it was left behind by a pack of wolves. The high and low meat on the surface looks even more infiltrating than the complete bones. However, the arm is not the most important thing after all, what really scares people is the frozen Banshee's body. Because the two of us had our arms in front of us when we played against each other, the height of the battle was just on the chest. At the moment when there was no arm blocking, the entire front of the ice-bound Banshee was completely scratched by my claws, not to mention the meat, even the bones were gone. The ice-bound Banshee is like a mannequin in a medical classroom with the front cover removed. All the internal organs are directly exposed to the air without any obstruction or cover. The real thing is to be honest with me. See you.

Frozen Banshee thought that he would die, but didn't expect it to die like this. After I stopped attacking and retreated, she still stood there unbelievably. She looked down at her chest with an incredible face, then raised her head to look at me, and then her mouth moved, as if she wanted to talk, but she coughed from the spray of blood just after opening her mouth. . Originally, for normal people, there is no big problem with two coughs, but the problem is that the ice-bound Banshee is now completely open on the front chest and abdomen. Just now the internal organs can barely pile up in the body, this cough can be all It's messed up. I saw the intestines and stomach pouch first slid out, followed by a mess of red and green viscera, and all the viscera flowed out muddledly, and at the same time the ice-bound Banshee finally could no longer support his body being carried by the viscera. He fell forward spraying blood. But this woman is really bullish. She is still immortal. She lay on the ground and lifted the head to stare at me fiercely, as if she wanted to eat my meat.

Although the other person looks scary, I am not a person to be afraid. Although she is a woman, it is a bit exaggerated to be made like this, but since she is my enemy, I will not be merciless. In my heart, only my own power and the enemy power are the only ones that respect the old and cherish the young. Those who give priority to me are all told to my own people. The enemy does not need to enjoy this.

I didn't regret it or looked scared at all, walked to the ice-bound Banshee and squatted down, and then patted her face with the claws. "I told you long ago that you are not my opponent. You want to try it. I don’t blame me for making it like this. I just stopped, but you also know that I can’t control my strength in this kind of battle. I didn’t consider you to be cut into meat, even if I reacted quickly."

The ice-bound Banshee was originally cut so that it didn’t die, but I was forcibly supported by a few words and wanted to get up and talk. It's just that she spit a mouthful of blood as soon as her upper body moved twice, and then fell down abruptly and there was no movement.

"It's almost shredded and can persist for one minute before you die, you are really awesome!" After I said to the frozen Banshee's corpse, I stood up and looked towards the nearby enemies again. Lucky and the mobile angel were both stopped by the opponent's desperate attack. Although both obviously had the upper hand, they did not threaten the transport vehicle behind for a while. I originally wanted to detonate the car next to me, but suddenly I thought that I had tried my best to build a few transport vehicles before. Isn't this right in front of you? This car has been sealed by the ice-bound Banshee’s previous freezing attack, and the people in the car were also frozen at the same time, and the ice-bound Banshee’s ice spell, since even the magic crystal steam rocket can block it, It is probably impossible for other Russian players to detonate it. How can such a good opportunity be let go? I quickly opened the door of the earth, without my command, Skott and they knew what I was going to do as soon as they saw the transport truck outside, they went straight up and dragged it into the door of the earth and put it together with the previous car. .

Originally, the protection of the transport vehicles by the Russians was comprehensive and thorough. It was definitely a surprise to be able to get two of them by me. I no longer have any illusions about the other vehicles. He directly blew the whistle and recalled Lucky and the mobile angel, and then threw out the Vermilion Bird and turned into a Vermilion Bird. Sacred Beast’s majesty dealt with experts in one sweep. Besides, there were only second-rate personnel left at the scene, and once the move went down, everyone was given the rest of the transporter to one pot. speaking of which Sacred Beast’s transformation is the most perverted among my many skills. It’s a pity that the time is too short. If I can maintain the transformation time at one minute, it’s fine, even 30 seconds is enough for me to do a lot of things. NS.

The remaining transport vehicles were blown out by one blow, and the huge formidable power instantly wiped out the scene. The area where we were fighting before became a huge pit, even if I was transformed The shape of the Vermilion Bird was still smashed by the shock wave. If I didn't make any preparations and stood directly next to the explosion point, it is estimated that even if I have the life ball and the guardian collar, the two major blood-added Divine Items will definitely be hanged.

I killed the ice-bound Banshee once, and also destroyed the Russian liquefied magic crystal steam transport team. It is estimated that this time it will greatly delay the Russian invasion. Imagine that there are two carts of liquefied magic crystal steam in his hand, just to destroy it. It seems that the next target does not need to find those key people, it is more straightforward to find a large force to bomb.

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