According to my order, Frost Legion began to advance in a neat array along with the drums of the military band, and our actions immediately attracted the attention of the Japanese players Come here. However, just as the Japanese players panicked and prepared their team to fight our impact, our troops suddenly stopped in a neat step, and at this time the front row of soldiers just stood there. The maximum range of the Japanese player's long-range weapon.

"Damn, why did it stop again?" The Japanese players who thought it was about to start immediately booed, they finally raised a sigh of relief and prepared to work hard. It's uncomfortable not to mention it.

The boos from the Japanese players here are not over yet, I was already standing on top of a siege tower and pushed to the front, and there was a magic amplifier in front of me. . The Japanese players on the opposite side knew that I was going to do something when they saw me running to the battlefield. However, after waiting for a while, instead of issuing an offensive command, I shouted into the loudspeaker.

"Guishou Nobunaga, are you an adult?" My sudden question confuses the Japanese players on the other side. Is Nobunaga Guishou grown up? What does this mean? However, just when the Japanese players were thinking about what I meant, I started talking again. "Nobunaga Guishou, men should look like men. Men should prove their existence. If you are a man, then come out and fight me? One of us is the leader of the largest guild in China, and the other is from Japan. Leading character, I will not shame your face when I singled out with you. How about? Have you figured it out? Come out and singled out with me?" After a short pause, I continued to shout, "Oh? Why are you so long? Haven’t appeared yet? Don’t you mean you don’t want to fight with me? Are you afraid? You are afraid before hitting? Are you not an adult? Then you should be a man. Oh, could it be that you are not a man? Man? is it possible that you are a mother? That's really sorry, it's because I have bad eyesight and didn't figure out your gender. Oh? Are you angry? That means you are a man? Then you haven't been weaned yet? So it’s not a man for the time being? Oh, it’s not? Then is it because you know that Japanese men are inferior to our Chinese men, so you dare not come forward to fight? Or I guessed it before? Are you a woman? Or have not been weaned? "

My this remark does not contain dirty words at all, and system does not block it at all. Nobunaga Guishou has heard it completely, but he is not stupid. We haven’t played one or two times between us. He knows the gap between himself and me. Now if he dares to show up, it won’t take long for him to be beaten by me. So no matter how I stimulate him, he will live and die. move. However, if he didn't respond and didn't respond, he was already overwhelmed in his heart. When he was scolded like this, he could only endure it. He also felt uncomfortable, but he didn't want to be a fool, so he wouldn't come out after gritting his teeth.

Although Nobunaga was not stupid enough to rush home and fight me desperately, his non-retaliation clearly affected the morale of the Japanese players. The think tank of our guild has specially analyzed him from the time when Oni Shou Nobunaga first grasped the power of Japanese players. Unlike Masaga Matsumoto, Nobunaga Onijiu is not his own ingenuity, but an appearance of bravery and toughness, which means that he is actually a reckless leader. For people like him, if you want to beat his position in the mind of Japanese players, the best way is to defeat him from the martial power, because the martial power is the martial power. If even this is defeated, then it’s true. It's worthless.

Seeing that he didn't respond for a long time, I started to scold again, but the topic changed. I won't talk about his strength this time, and I started to scold him for his commanding ability. There is no need to play word games in this regard. Nobunaga is not good at commanding. I don’t have to fabricate facts at all. It is enough to exaggerate what he has actually done. Anyway, Nobunaga is nobunaga. There is no brain at all to say. Regardless of the following Japanese players Believing or Not, in short, I will first bury a seed in their hearts. With each failure of Nobunaga Guishou in the future, this seed will take root and sprout little by little. When the seed grows into a big tree, Nobunaga Guishou will be completely finished.

After I finished talking about Guishou Nobunaga’s commanding ability and saw that he still didn’t respond, I started scolding others. Compared with the value of my martial power, in fact, my scolding skills are more powerful, although From the beginning to the end, it is a civilized term, but as long as the IQ is not lower than 70, I can hear it.

Originally Guishou Nobunaga thought it would be over for me to curse casually for a while. Who knew I moved a chair, opened a bottle of drink and sat on the siege truck and cursed it. I scolded him for nearly an hour, and the Japanese players over there began to sweat for the ghost hand Nobunaga. Of course, the players on our side were also shocked. In the past, they only knew that I was fighting a lot, but today they have seen my true specialty.

"Huh, our guild leader is too good, right? I guess Zhuge Liang was in this state when he was fighting against Confucian scholars, right?" A member said with eyes full of admiration.

The person next to him was nodded and sighed: "It's really cruel! If I'm Nobunaga Guishou, I might as well just wipe my neck with a knife. But I admire him now, so I can hold it back, most people vomit blood early!"

"Maybe he was fainted by our president at first, but we and the president didn't know it, and he cursed for so long."

Of course Guishou Nobunaga is not dizzy, he is just not at the scene. At first he thought I would stop if I scolded him for a while and watched him not respond. Who knew I would scold him for an hour without repetition, but then he couldn't hold on, he simply hid over the aisle. So he didn't know exactly what I scolded later. But I didn't intend to let him hear it all anyway, scolding him was just a means, not for the purpose of scolding him. When you are a leader, you must learn to hide your true purpose. You can't go straight to any purpose you want to achieve, unless you are sure that no one can threaten you anymore.

Actually, after Nobunaga was scolded and ran away, I knew immediately that he had left and disappeared. After all, Masaka Matsumoto’s nail was not for nothing. Through his channel, we are in Guishou. There were many spies in Nobunaga's team, but these people didn't know that they were actually spies of our guild, and they all thought they were just spies of Matsumoto Masaka. If you let them know that the news was finally sent to me, these Japanese players who were spies might commit suicide depressed.

After confirming that Nobunaga was not on the front line, I suddenly stood up from my chair, and then said to the front: "In summary, Nobunaga is an extremely idiot, shameless,..." I counted more than ten shortcomings in one breath, and then made up one more. "..., greedy, ugly and extremely unethical guy. For example, now, he lets you so many Japanese players guard here, but he himself ran behind to find his little girlfriend and go happy. I don't believe it. If you see for yourself, Nobunaga Guishou is simply not behind the first line of defense. There is no one in the command post behind you." Just as I finished, the temporary commander who was built behind the first line of defense The tower broke apart with a sudden bang. Of course, as I said, there was indeed no ghost of Nobunaga. Hearing what I said before, coupled with the loud noise behind, at this time the Japanese players on the first line of defense looked back one after another, and of course they saw the empty command tower. It can be said that the mood of Japanese players is extremely complicated. The most taboo thing on the battlefield is for the coach to run away first. Although Nobunaga Onitou did not run, the Japanese players did not know that the coach was really not on the line of defense. , This greatly hurt their feelings. Although Guishou Nobunaga can find a way to explain in the future, and most Japanese players will temporarily forgive him, but with this thing as a nutrient, the seeds I planted before should grow faster, right?

Although Guishou Nobunaga is not on the front line, he has left a contact person on the front line. He learned of the news shortly after I said that, but he is obviously going to the front line at this time. It's too late, because I simply didn't plan to give him a chance to explain.

"I said Guishou Nobunaga, you guys are too timid? Don't you dare to fight with me without running away? Are you not the hope of the Yamato nation? Is your hope at this level? Well, since you don’t dare to come out, I’ll go in. You can let all of you and the warrior of the nation go together. I don’t mind one-to-many, because I’m the descendant of the dragon. The dragon is fearless; the dragon It’s aloof and remote by nature.” After saying this, I suddenly took a wing and flew directly to the city wall of the country on the Chinese side that was occupied by Japanese players. At this time, there was chaos on the city wall. . The commander-in-chief was not there, and most of the Japanese players were told by my public opinion offensive not knowing what to do. In addition to my long-standing reputation, none of the hundreds of thousands of Japanese players and millions of NPCs dared to frighten me. Attack me. Although the city wall and behind the city wall were crowded with people standing in darkness, I flew directly into the back of the defense line without letting go. When the front low-level commander responded, I had already crossed six or seven cities. The wall is almost at the end of the line of defense.

"You go die for me!" I was flying well, suddenly I saw a white and purple ball of light shot up from below, but because of the slow speed, I easily flashed it over .

"Yeah. Isn't this Nobunaga-kun Onitou? Why don't you just stay on the front line and run behind to stroll around?" I deliberately added amplification magic to myself, adding echo to the channel will naturally spread Far away. The Japanese players on the frontline looked back and found that I was almost at the end of the tunnel before I ran into Nobunaga Guishou, so I even believed that Nobunaga Guishou had run away before. In short, Nobunaga Guishou was jumping into the Yellow River this time. Can't wash it out.

"I'm going to kill you!" Even if Nobunaga is bloodless, he will be angry after being scolded for so long, not to mention that he is not a calm person. Before, it was because of the battle that he could not go out of the city to fight with me. Now that I have rushed in, he has to fight me hard even if he can bear the breath.

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