"It's because they can't beat me." The voice that suddenly appeared was not someone else, it was Mira, and the answer surprised me from ear to ear.

Hearing such an answer, I immediately turned my attention to the Dragon King and the others, and the Dragon King and several Elders could only helplessly nodded. This result really made me wonder what to say. I thought Mira was a spoiled big child. She didn't expect that she would be so strong that even the Dragon King and the Elders are not opponents. This is too abnormal, right?

"You are better than them?"

"Don't believe it?" Mila glanced at me and said, "My book was born by wishing, not natural production. The young dragons are stronger than them. There’s nothing at worst, right?"

The dragon king suddenly explained to me: "When Mira was born, we used the power of magic crystallized power, but a little accident happened. Originally, our Golden Dragon could not directly use Dragon Language magic, but Mira unexpectedly gained the ability to use magic, and her instinct manipulation has become stronger than ours. The energy rays on which our Golden Dragon Clan lives are originally There is a limit on the number of times it can be used, but Mira does not have this limit at all, and the formidable power of each hit is much stronger than ours. The most important point is that there is an extra hope in the original wishing technique. As a result, Mira seems to have some kind of Law Power. She can strengthen herself by constantly challenging various enemies. The more she fights, the stronger she becomes, and she grows very fast. More than a hundred years ago We couldn't beat her when she was in her forties, and now it's more than a star and a half worse!"

"But before you came, I also played against her, it seems like you didn’t say anything. That's so exaggerated!"

"no no no, all you felt was her state after limiting her strength." The dragon queen pointed to Mila's neck. "Have you seen that necklace? It is made of energy-gathering crystals. It usually absorbs energy from Mira and stores it. On the one hand, it can limit her energy to avoid magical explosions. On the other hand, it can also be used as a battle reserve. Once she feels the need, she can reverse the energy attribute of the necklace and release the magic previously stored in reverse."

"Damn, doesn't it mean that she is always gathering energy?"

" p>

"Yes, so you didn't see her true state before. You see that the necklace is dark red now, which means it is still absorbing energy from Mira. Once the necklace starts You have to be careful about shining, it means that she has completely liberated her strength. By that time, her every attack will have four times more formidable power, and her speed and defense will also be greatly improved. Very strong, but it is normal to be killed if you are not careful."

"Understood, you guys wait for me for a while, I'm going to see how strong Mira Princess can be." Actually I didn't want to compete with Mira if the Dragon King didn't say those things, because there was no benefit in fighting this fight, but after hearing what the Dragon King said, I felt that it was necessary to test Mira Princess's battle strength. As I said this, I walked up to Mila and said, "I promised to fight you, so I won’t fall for it, but it’s too narrow here. If you blow up the Cave Mansion of your clan. It's not good. Why don't you look at it like this? You and I will go to the main star first, and I will take you to fight in an open area, so that both of us are more open, and any huge might tricks can be unscrupulous and casual. Throw it, what do you think? Don’t worry, it won’t take long."

Mila doesn’t seem to be really unreasonable. The reason why she has been clamoring to fight with me is obviously to improve Strength, because according to the Dragon King and the others, Mila belongs to the type that can grow quickly from battle, and the stronger the enemy, the faster she grows. If she doesn't make good use of her expertise, it would be a waste of it.

After Mila agreed, we quickly returned to Isengard, but the leaders of Dragon Clan and I were the only ones who came back. Gun gods and the others didn’t know what they had found. I'm gone, anyway, Transmission Passage has already connected with Isinger, I don't bother to wait for them here, it still matters.

After returning to Isengard, I first introduced the dragon king, dragon queen and Elder of Golden Dragon Clan to Rose. They asked Rose to take the guests to visit the Ring of Commandments and get to know our guild. Case. After sending away the Elders, the Dragon King, and the Dragon Queen, I asked them to take the purple clay I brought back to Woma. This is related to the benefits of our guild's rewards and must be dealt with first. After getting these things done, I found the management personnel of Transmission Formation in the guild, and then asked them to connect to Isinger and Dragon Lair according to the coordinates we returned before, so that it would be convenient to go back and forth in the future.

"Okay, everything is done. Come with me." I stood on the Transmission Formation and waved to Mira.

Mila ran to my side immediately and asked: "Can you fight me now?"

I'm nodded. "It's okay, but fighting can improve your strength, but I have no benefit. I feel like I am at a loss!"

"Then what do you want?"

"Not as good as How about let’s make a bet?"

"What to bet?"

I didn’t answer immediately. Instead, I started the Transmission Formation and sent it directly to the weapon testing ground outside of Steel City. There is yellow sand everywhere, so it doesn't matter how you hit it. As soon as I cross-country Transmission Formation, I immediately took out the Azure Dragon reverse scale and instantly transformed into the Azure Dragon form, and then quickly changed back in the dumbfounded Mira. "The creature I transformed just now is called Azure Dragon, which is one of the Guardian God beasts in our country. I just temporarily transformed into his form with the help of his token. Not only is the actual strength even one-tenth of his complete body. No, and it can only last for ten seconds. Can you imagine how strong his body is?"

Milan nodded said: "Don’t say that your transformation is only his tenth One of them is the form you just transformed into. I guess I will be defeated if I can hold on for a few seconds at most. The overwhelming horror power is too terrifying!"

Hear Mira To answer honestly, I immediately said: "That was my bet just now. If you can beat me, then I will ask him to teach you fighting skills and serve as a sparring partner. With your aptitude and his teaching, I think It won’t be long before you will become a terrifying existence."

Mila was excited to agree to what I said, but she was forcibly held back by her words. It seems that this girl is not stupid, knowing that there is no pie in the sky, and if you want to get it, you have to pay. "So what kind of promise do I have to offer as a bet?"

"Yourself." I said without the slightest hesitation: "If you are defeated by me, then I will still let Azure Dragon teach you , But you must first become my favorite. How about? You will become stronger no matter if you win or lose. The difference is that if you win, you will be taught for free. If you fail, you must work for me to get tuition. Isn't this a fair bet?"< /p>

After hesitating, Miralo readily agreed. "I won't lose the deal anyway. What's the matter if I promise you!"

"It's so refreshing, let's sign an agreement to guarantee it, so that no one of us regrets it for a while."

"Sign, sign." Mira was very happy to sign the agreement and immediately said to me: "Okay, can you start now?"

"Of course, you can start anytime."

"Then I'm welcome." Mila's silhouette suddenly disappeared when she said this sentence. The next second she appeared on top of my head, following her feet at the same time. It landed on my shoulders, and then she suddenly kicked her legs with a strong force, kicking me and herself out in two directions respectively. Because of the force on my shoulders, my balance was immediately destroyed. The whole person staggered back to counteract the impulse to maintain balance, and she flew backwards with the help of the rebounding force, supporting her hands on the ground for several consecutive times. She suddenly stood up after the backhand flipped, then suddenly bent over and rolled back forward. I just regained my balance when I realized that she turned back again, so scared, I quickly stepped aside two steps to avoid being hit by her again.

Mira probably couldn't confirm my position during the continuous rolling, and actually slid past my side, as if she hadn't seen me move away at all. But when I was about to take the opportunity to fight back, she suddenly ended the somersault and suddenly squatted to the ground, and then drew a very strangely shaped whip from her waist and slammed it towards my foot.

The shape of Mira’s whip is very strange. The main body of the whip is not a rope-like thing, but a cross-shaped metal blade biting each other. If it weren't for its very long length, it would simply look like the spine of some kind of animal instead of a whip.

Seeing that whip rolled over my leg, I quickly jumped a step back again, shaking with the eternity in my hand, and the eternity that was originally gathered in the state of a sword was immediately out of touch, oh la la Scattered and turned into a sword and whip form.

After discovering that I also threw away the whip, Mira immediately flicked the tail of the whip, and the bang exploded. The whips of the two of us entangled in the air, and followed us both forcefully and yanked back at the same time, but The result was quite a surprise to both of us. Mira was surprised that she didn't even drag me up. After all, she was Dragon Clan. Even if she didn't transform, her strength wouldn't drop much. Most people are simply impossible to compare her strength. As to whether I was surprised because I didn't pull Mira. I know that she is Dragon Clan, and her strength is normal. What I am surprised is that Eternal will be twisted with that whip. It is said that Eternity is already super Divine Weapon, even if it becomes a whip shape, it should be cut into iron like mud. According to normal conditions, the whip twisted with it should be twisted into segments, but Mira’s whip is actually It was not broken, and it was even matched with me.

"Is the whip good!" "Is the strength good!" Myra and I said this almost at the same time, but the things we praised were different.

After complimenting each other, the two of us suddenly started at the same time, and then we saw a dazzling white light burst in the air, accompanied by a metal crash, the two of us landed again, but the two of us stood on the ground again. The position has just been reversed.

"Damn, what kind of weapon do you use?" After a lightning strike in the air just now, I found out that hundreds of small holes were punched in my body by something I didn't know. The holes are only slightly larger than the eye of a needle, but the large number and dense distribution illustrate the terrifying nature of this weapon.

Mira wanted to show off proudly when she heard my scream, but she suddenly felt that something was wrong with her body before she turned around, and then she heard a click. His breastplate broke into more than a dozen pieces and fell off. "When are you...?"

"Each one! Each other!" I turned around and looked at the holes on my body. It was obvious that compared with Mira, I was slightly better than the collision I had just now. After all, those little ones The formidable power is not big, but I removed her entire frontal armor.

"Very well, it seems that you are worth all of my efforts." Mila said that the necklace on her neck began to glow gradually. According to the Dragon Queen, the necklace should be her release. Performance of strength. During the battle just now, I could feel that my strength was far above hers, but now her strength was completely liberated, and there was no guarantee who would win or lose! I was planning on what method should I use to defeat her, but Mila suddenly said: "Now let you see my secret skill-Phantom Dragons." As Mila shouted out the skill name, my surrounding suddenly Another Mira appeared. The influence of this Mila was not stable right after it appeared, and it stabilized completely after two flashes, and then immediately after the emergence of this Mila, one after another began to emerge one after another Mila, and soon there were more surroundings around me. Hundreds of Mira.

"Damn, isn't it! Didn't your mother say that you only increase your battle strength four times when you exert all your strength? How can you make so much?"

"Can't I? Hidden strength?" Mila said, suddenly moved, but the problem was that more than one Mila moved, but the hundreds of Mila standing around suddenly moved together. Instead of swarming at me, they all ran around me, and some turned forward and some reversed. If people with inexperienced fighting are staring at the silhouette at this time, they will not turn themselves fainted at the end. Just be overwhelmed by the pressure in my heart. I didn't even look at it, and directly swiped the Eternal Whip and drew it in one direction.

"Ah!" With a scream, all the people running around suddenly disappeared. There were only four silhouettes left, and one of them was knocked down by me.

What the Dragon Queen said is correct. Even if Mira releases her strength, she can only increase her battle strength by four times. Although there are so many silhouettes just now, it is really condensed that the entity possesses battle strength. There are only three illusions plus her own ontology, and I just picked the ontology, causing all her illusions to be broken. However, it seems that the three Avatars seem to be completely independent, because the attack on her body did not affect the battle of the three illusions.

After Mira’s body was drawn out by me, the illusion was collectively disappeared, but the remaining three physical Avatars showed extraordinary battlefield intuition. While many illusions disappeared and I was still adjusting to the new changes around me, one of the Avatars suddenly threw a few oval metal balls at me. I was wondering what it was when I saw those metal balls bloom in the air like budded flowers, but the flowers bloomed with beautiful stamens and sweet nectar, but the heart of this thing was densely packed. There was a large piece of thin steel needles standing upright, and at the moment the metal flower just opened, the metal needles sprayed out of the flower's heart like a rainstorm.

"Damn!" Seeing those things, I finally understood how the small holes on my body came from before. Obviously there are more of these in front of me than last time. If all of them hit me, I will become a hedgehog. Just when those hair needles were about to hit me, a layer of colorful bubbles suddenly appeared on my body. All the hair needles were nailed to the bubbles and none of them hit me.

After blocking all the hairy needles, I put away the crystal bubble again. This thing can not only seal an enemy on the battlefield, but also seal itself as a protective shell. I just sealed myself in and temporarily blocked the needles. But just as my steel removed the crystal bubble, there were a few more metal balls of that kind in the air.

"Isn't it? Are you going to use this thing to consume me to death?" He said, things have to be blocked. Just when those ox-hair needles were about to hit, a whirlwind suddenly swept across my body, and the trumpet Yinyue took over Purple Moon and appeared on the spot and knocked the staff lightly on the ground. "A ring of bright sunlight." A ring of orange red flames quickly swayed all around around the contact point of the staff with the ground. The small balls and the hairy needles they launched were all gasified in midair. Yan, even Mila's Avatars were all swept by the flame ring, and they screamed and threw them out.

The original shape of the Sunburst Ring is to resist the fire ring. Although it is mainly wounded by flames, it is also accompanied by the outward pushing force, especially the upgraded Sunburst Ring, which can easily move closer to the mage The melee enemy around him pushes a distance away. For a wizard who is weak in melee combat, this trick can be said to be a super practical spell that integrates offense and defense.

"Are you...Purple Moon?" Mira was confused when she saw my sudden change.

"This is me too. It's just that what I am good at is a little different. You only said not to let me be a summon helper, did you not say not to switch bodies?"

"Of course." Mira After confirming that I am still me, he commanded Avatar to rush up again, but this time it was not as smooth as before.

Looking at Mira rushing from four directions at the same time, I suddenly pointed the sun rod in my hand forward: "The wall of the sun." With a bang, a wall of flames cut me down. Entirely packed, Mira and her three Avatars stopped forcibly before rushing to the wall of fire. She originally planned to use her physical superiority to force her, after all, she is also a Golden Dragon, and ordinary fire can't hurt her at all. However, when she rushed to the front of the flame, Mira suddenly realized that this was not an ordinary flame. If she rushed in, even if she was made of gems, she would still be burned.

"Are you planning to stay in there forever?" After discovering that I couldn't rush in, Mira changed to use words to stimulate me to take the initiative, but she didn't know that I was waiting for her words.

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