My words made the dragon visibly taken aback, but the other party still reacted quickly. "The Ring of Discipline is the birth of the creation of the world. It controls more than 100,000 basic rules. On top of this, many high level rules can be evolved. If you can fully grasp it, you can theoretically manipulate Heaven and Earth. So it should be regarded as a major event, but we don’t know why you told us this?"

"Because I want to cooperate with you."

"What can we get? "This long patriarch obviously lacks negotiating experience, so he went directly to the subject, but this is good for me, of course I will not correct him. I deliberately glanced at the Gunslinger and Black Widow next to them. Although Elder Dragon doesn’t have much negotiation experience, he is not stupid. Looking at this situation, I know that the next thing involved belongs to our internal problems, so no It must be heard by irrelevant personnel. "Then let me see this! Anyway, the passage you came over has been blocked by the solidified lava, why don't you follow me to the gathering place of our Golden Dragon clan first?"

"Would you like Take us to the gathering place of Dragon Clan?" The gun god heard this news and went crazy. You must know that no matter what kind of legend, Dragon Clan has always been associated with the shining treasure, so in the consciousness of many people When you arrive at the place where Dragon Clan gathers, you are entering Baoshan. Don’t you think that Dragon Clan’s treasure is so easy to get? It's like a large bank in reality. It's definitely a mountain of banknotes, but can you take out a dime from it that doesn't belong to you? Apart from being chased by the police like chasing a dog, there are few who can really succeed. Dragon Clan’s gathering place is similar to that of the big bank. If you don’t mind being chased by hundreds of adult giant dragons, you might as well try it.

The golden Elder Long was definitely nodded, and said to us: "It's nothing to take you to the Dragon Clan gathering place, but you have to abide by some rules."

" Just say any rules." The gun god is so excited that he can't find North now. When he hears that there are only some rules, he immediately slaps his chest to ensure that he will abide by it.

"In fact, we don’t have many rules, as long as you pay a little attention." Long patriarch said casually: "There are only a few things that need to be remembered. First, never without permission. Enter any dragon’s cave. For us, dragon lair is a private domain. Even giant dragons who have a good relationship must obtain the consent of the other party before entering."

"This is simple, and there is Is it?"

"The second rule is that you can’t get close to the energy crystal pillar in any way. This is more important than the previous one. You must do it, otherwise I don’t guarantee that you can leave the dragon lair alive."

"What is the energy crystal pillar?" Gun God couldn't help asking.

"This is more troublesome to explain, in short, you can recognize it at a glance when you wait there."


"Just two rules , As long as you guarantee compliance, there will be no problem."

"It turns out to be so simple, we promise to do it."

Elder said two rules, but I think it’s actually one Code, that is the idea of ​​not playing giant dragon treasures. There is a collection of dragons in the dragon lair, so it is normal not to let them in. As for the energy crystal pillar, although I don't know what it is, it must be very valuable, and it is a kind of treasure, so it is understandable that Dragon Clan should not be touched. In fact, the real scary thing about Dragon Clan is their strength, not their character. Puppies know how to protect food, and it is not surprising that Dragon Clan has similar habits.

After explaining the main points to the handsome pig and the others, we finally followed a few dragons and turns through a very long passage and finally reached the Dragon Clan gathering place safely. I have to say that it’s convenient to move with Dragon Clan. Although we have passed through many monster areas along the way, because there are too many Dragon Clan in our team, the monsters who frightened them ran away far away. As for some The stronger monsters weren't scared away, but they didn't attack us either. Monsters are not stupid, unless they are hungry, there are generally no monsters who like to attack Dragon Clan. After all, the danger is not proportional to the income.

The gathering place of Dragon Clan on red planet is far less dreamy than those on Earth. The dragon islands on Earth are full of lush vegetation, all kinds of exotic flowers and rare herbs contend with each other, it is called a beautiful scenery. But the situation here doesn't work. The entire gathering place is a super huge underground cave. The surrounding walls and the thick natural stone pillars supporting the top of the cave are covered with large and small caves, and almost one or two of them live in each cave. Golden Dragon. But this is not the most shocking, the thing that shocked us the most is in the very center of this cave. It is a huge crystal pillar with a transparent diameter of more than 300 meters and a height of more than 2,000 meters. The strong demon force around it is dense enough that it can be seen directly with naked eye. Because there is so much magic power around the crystal pillar that the air is completely demonized, you can see countless firefly-like light spots shining and flying around the crystal pillar from afar, but if you look closer, you will find that those simply are not. Firefly is a small-scale energy explosion caused by the overflow of magical power, and this small-scale explosion is happening at the same time at a speed of tens of thousands of times per second. From a distance, it seems like a large group of firefly is dancing around the crystal pillar.

"This is the energy crystal pillar?"

Long patriarch is very proud of nodded. "How? It's spectacular, isn't it?"

"More than spectacular?" The gun god almost jumped up with excitement. "This thing is too great! How did you find it? This is simply a super golden mountain! No, compared to this thing, Jinshan is not even a fart. If this thing can be sold, how much would it be worth? !"

"Don't even think about it." I slapped the gun god's daydream to wake up. "Unless you want to fight the entire Dragon Clan, and even if Dragon Clan is willing to give you this thing, you won’t find anyone who can buy it. Even if you cut it into hundreds of dollars, the value of each one will exceed The total asset value of the top ten guilds in the world."

"Too terrifying! There is such a huge magic crystal!" Shuai Zhu said while drooling looking at the pillar.

"That's not magic crystal." I said in a tranquil voice very much.

"What?" This was shouted by the people around, and the dragons also cast surprised glances, but they were not surprised that this energy crystal pillar is not made of magic crystal. Yes, but surprised that I actually recognized that this thing is not a magic crystal.

"You said that's not magic crystal?" The gun god asked in surprise: "Don't you see the full magic power? Isn't magic crystal something else that has that effect?" Gun god After yelling this kind of question, everyone around me also expressed doubts, but I kept smiling and didn't talk until they were about to blow me up.

"That is not magic crystal, but magic crystal, a kind of materialized magic."

"Magic crystal?" Everyone was puzzled and didn't know what I was talking about. But Elder of Dragon Clan opened his mouth to help me out.

“I didn’t expect someone to recognize it. That’s right, this energy crystal pillar is really not a magic crystal. The real magic crystal simply can’t grow so big. It’s a whole piece of magic. The crystallization is the result of our Dragon Clan gathering slowly over the past ten thousand years."

"Huh? You gathered this thing?" Gun gods were even more surprised when they heard the news.

I helped Elder explain: "Just like bees collect pollen to brew honey, material dragons should also have the ability to absorb magical energy from the natural environment and produce magical crystals. But this root can grow to this size. It’s really scary. If I were you, they would cut it into pieces and take one piece with each dragon. You are not afraid of being blown up by others if you just pile it up here?"

"Because of fear The explosion will be released like this.” Long patriarch said: “You can’t see it here. In fact, there is a huge magic energy protection array under that energy crystal pillar. The inner magic crystal pillar is used as energy to drive this array to produce limited energy. On the one hand, it prevents the crystals from decomposing naturally, and on the other hand, it can also ensure that the crystals will not be accidentally detonated."

I nodded and said: "With such a large magic crystal as energy to support a protective array, even When High God comes, you have to stare!"

"hahahaha...not as exaggerated as you said, but except for High God, most people really don't want to go in." Listen to me praise this protective array like this Those dragons are quite proud. After all, this thing was made by their Dragon Clan. Just as foreigners praise how well the Great Wall of China is built, Chinese people will be proud of it. Dragon Clan also has a sense of collective honor. , Or the proud Dragon Clan is actually more vain than us. This is the same whether it is a material dragon or a giant dragon. After laughing for a while, Elder and they said, "Come on, let's go to see the Dragon King."

I nodded followed them and walked forward, but I just took two steps and listened to one. The wind suddenly rolled over from the side. Black Widow swiftly rushed up against the strong wind, and saw two shadows collided together, followed by a chaotic sound of ding ding dong dong, the two shadows went through dozens of strokes in one second. , Followed by a scream, Black Widow was thrown out.


A white light and shadow suddenly appeared behind Black Widow and took her down, but because of too much power, Jingjing caught Black Widow They were still taken and hit the ground together, but the hit was not too heavy.

The strong wind defeated Black Widow within a second and then suddenly ran into the gun god, and the scared gun god hurriedly ran behind me. Although he ranks second on the battle strength list, he is a person who is mainly engaged in long-range attacks. He is also very difficult to deal with in close combat, but it is not his strong point. Seeing that Black Widow is leveled within a second, he understands that even if he It's definitely not a second to rush up, so I just turned around and ran.

The other party found that the target had hidden behind without any pause, and ran into me directly, but I stood there without moving at all. Maybe it was because I didn't even do a defensive posture like this. It was a bit arrogant. Suddenly a nasal sound came from the shadow, and then I saw the other party suddenly speeding up and hitting me.

dong! "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Until the opponent landed on the ground, the people around could see that it was a little girl with a long delicate and pretty crystal armor, but what surprised everyone was that I didn't even move at all from start to finish, even the one that was bombed. The little girl didn't know what was going on, she just felt that she had hit something, and then she was bounced back.

"Her Highness the Princess!" The dragons who brought us all bowed their heads after seeing the little girl.

"Princess? She is Dragon Clan Princess?" Gun God asked in surprise.

No one answered the gun god’s words. Instead, the little girl on the ground jumped up from the ground and rushed directly in front of me, but she didn’t dare to get too close, but stopped at the last time she was bombed. I stretched out my hand to test the distance and made sure that nothing was blocking her before daring to take a step forward, until it finally stuck in front of me. The little girl is very cute, a crystal clear and near-transparent crystal armor with her beautiful face, plus a pair of energetic big eyes, is it just the super little loli that came out of the comics!

"How did you bounce me off just now?" The little girl looked at me curiously and asked.

pa! I snapped my fingers, and a transparent ball of light instantly wrapped me and the little girl in. If it weren't for the occasional arc flashing on the surface of the ball of light, it would hardly be visible. The little girl tentatively stretched out her hand and touched it, but she actually stretched her hand out.

"This is an absolute barrier, one-way protection, and mind activation. As long as the magic power is sufficient, it can theoretically block any attack." The one I activate now is actually not my own skill, but Jingjing open for me. My own absolute barrier is the fixed skill on the equipment. Although the defensive power is much higher than that made by Jingjing, it has a time limit, and I can use it once a day. The most important thing is that it is a full protective cover, unlike Jingjing. Jing this one-way protection, that is both inside and outside.

little girl heard me say that this thing can resist any attack as long as the magic power is enough, immediately jumped out of the protective circle, and then violently raised her hand and slammed it on the protective cover, and of course she shocked herself After a few steps back, as for the absolute barrier, there was no response at all. When the little girl realized that her attack was ineffective, she immediately became angry. She fetched the crystal sword she carried behind her back and hacked and slashed at the mask, but she was tired and half dead but had no effect at all. In fact, it’s not really a no effect. Jingjing’s magic value has dropped a lot for this short time, but the little girl didn’t know it. In her opinion, the absolute barrier didn’t react at all, as if all her attacks were It's the same as tickle.

"Her Highness the Princess." Elder said after seeing Princess playing tricks again, "These people are going to see Your Majesty, shouldn't we go there first?"

"You just go, I didn't stop you. But this guy has to stay, and finally meets an opponent who can compete, I can't just let him go."

"But..." Elder was still arguing but was interrupted by her.

"Well, I said he will stay and let him stay. You go first, I won't delay it too long."

"But...!"< /p>

"en?" The Princess suddenly uttered such a nasal sound, and Elder immediately stopped speaking. I was surprised by this reaction. According to the meaning of Elder, the ruling class here should be twelve Elders plus the Dragon King and the Queen. In other words, Elder is actually only a little less powerful than the Dragon King. This Princess, even the daughter of the Dragon King, is at best favored. One point, but looking at this posture, she seems to have a higher status than Elder, which is a bit unreasonable. Even if the Dragon King spoils her, that is also Dragon King's business, and this Elder seems to be afraid of her appearance, as if it is not because of her high status.

"This...!" Elder hesitated for a long time and finally looked towards me helplessly. I didn't care if this Princess was just a Princess, but seeing her status is so high, it made me interested.

"Elder, take them to see the Dragon King first, I will discuss with Princess in a while and then go over."

"Then...then you have to be more careful!" Elder suffocated After a long time, there was such a sentence, which made me full of question marks. I don't know what he meant, but I am not completely unable to understand what he meant. Elder's words clearly meant to make me pay attention to safety. What I really don't understand is why he wants me to pay attention to safety. Is it because of the Princess? Reminiscing about the fear that Elder showed before, I think I probably guessed the root cause. This Princess might be very powerful, that innocent appearance is probably just a disguise, she should have the strength beyond the average Dragon Clan, otherwise it is absolutely impossible to make an Elder so submissive.

Under the intimidation of Dragon Clan Princess, Elder finally reluctantly took everyone to see the Dragon King first, and I was left behind. In fact, because of this Elder’s fear of Princess, he should have given up long ago. The reason why he stayed until now is completely because he knows that the ring of commandments discussed this time is in my hands. If I don’t, others will go and follow. Actually, it's all the same. But he didn't dare to fight with Princess. After getting my answer, he decided to notify the Dragon King first. Anyway, the Dragon King is not afraid of Princess. Even if the Dragon King gets angry, it doesn't matter to him.

After seeing Elder and they took the people away, Princess suddenly smiled and looked towards me and said: "Okay, the people who got in the way are finally gone, I can have the addiction."

"Fun? Is Princess going to beat me up? It's just a game, don't play too exaggerated?"

"Beat you? No, I plan to kill you." After this sentence is finished. The rock that Princess was standing on suddenly burst completely, and she appeared in front of me in an instant. Now this is her real speed. The speed when she defeated Black Widow before is obviously a deliberate slowdown compared to now, but I am not that easy to deal with.

"It's really impolite little girl." Just when Princess was about to meet me, my silhouette suddenly disappeared, and then a ghost-like appeared behind her and pushed it on her back. A handful. Princess, who was sprinting, was suddenly pushed from behind, and her balance was immediately disrupted. The whole person swooped forward and slid down to the ground for a full thirty or forty meters before stopping.

"You dare to say that I am a little girl?" The Princess was probably really mad, she jumped up from the ground suddenly, and then she saw an electric arc flashing on her body. Her body was rapidly expanding and growing at a speed visible to naked eye. In a blink of an eye, she changed from a little girl who was less than 1.7 meters tall and weighed less than 100 catties to a head over 100 meters long and weighed less than 30 tons. Giant gem dragon.

"Damn, didn't you say that Golden Dragon won't transform?" Seeing that girl original size appear, I immediately turned around and ran. The previous gemstone dragon can run me around like a rabbit like a spear. This Princess can scare away the dragon patriarch. I dare not try her skills no matter how powerful it is! Now I can only run away first, and wait until her attack method and approximate battle strength are determined, and then consider whether to discuss with her, in case she will also have some energy-gathering rays, I don't want to become fly ash.

"Want to run?" After the transformation, Dragon Clan Princess's voice has not changed, but the volume has increased by N times, almost catching up with the sonic weapon. But the real weapons are yet to come. Just a few steps after I ran, I felt that the situation behind me was not right. I swooped to the next one by instinct and rolled on the spot. A red ray instantly swept past me, and there was a big explosion in all the places swept by the ray along the way. , That formidable power has a match with the killer satellite of Longyuan Group.

"Damn, I just pushed you, don't you need to be so exaggerated?"

"hmph, not because you pushed me, but because you called me little girl. I am the most I hate others for calling me a little girl!"

Damn, it turns out that the problem lies here, I said that she turned her face and turned her face! "Hey, can't I apologize?" Just as I spoke, another ray swept across, almost hitting.

"Now it’s too late to apologize, let me blow you up to ashes and then apologize." The dragon Princess suddenly spread its wings and flew, and then slid in front of me with a huge and transparent front. He swept over with a fierce slap.

Boom, there was a loud noise of The earth shook and the mountain quivered. Princess's claw failed to hit, but was blocked by another claw.

"Little girl, isn't the strength too small!" Fortunately, a paw caught Princess's giant claw, and he didn't forget to take advantage of it.

"courting death." Princess suddenly opened her mouth to face Lucky and it was a ray, but the ray missed. Fortunately, a piece of ice crystal overflowing suddenly appeared in front of the lucky one. After the ray shot in from the side of the ice crystal, it turned a bend and flew towards the top of the cave, and then blasted the top of the cave into a big crater.

Shuangxue stood next to me, holding a white crystal in his hand. It looked exactly the same as the one blocking the rays, but it was much smaller. Golden Dragon Princess found that the attack had been refracted and immediately changed its position to another ray. Who knew that the crystal also moved to the path of the ray and refracted the ray again.

Two consecutive failed attacks have made Princess very angry. She suddenly loosened her paw and distanced herself from luck, and then murmured strange words in her mouth.

"Not good, it is the forbidden spell in Dragon Language magic!" After all, fortunately, it is Dragon Clan little Prince. Although he is not majoring in Dragon Language magic, he always knows a little bit. "Master, please help, don't let her out, or we will all be done!"

"You can interrupt her, don't you?"

"If I can Don’t let you help! The spell is invincible as soon as the spell is activated. Unless the total amount of damage received exceeds the spell’s formidable power limit, it is impossible to interrupt her at all!"

"Huh? What should I do?"

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