"What the hell is his grandma's? How come it is like a monkey?" I rode the night shadow and chased behind the golden silhouette and it took only a few seconds to get closer. It was a few steps away, but the next situation turned sharply. Seeing that guy was right in front of us, but I just couldn't catch him. That thing is like a super spring ball, jumping up and down between the dense branches of trees like a monkey, no matter how hard I try, I can't catch him. It's fine if you can't catch it under normal circumstances, but this guy is also very awesome, and he can jump like a monkey with a person in one hand. What kind of athletic ability is this?

"Hey, Purple Moon, you should catch him soon!" The gun god did not know where summon came out of a big bird to ride on, although the speed is not slower than us, but Can't get close at all.

"Damn, you have the ability to catch it by yourself!"

"I want to be able to go down and use it to call you?" The gunman complained and said, "Be careful, It was the little MM and Black Widow that you brought back that were pierced."

"Black Widow was caught?" Although I got closer, I found that the guy had captured two people, but I didn’t see the truth clearly. It's Black Widow.

While aiming at the gunman with a gun, the gun god said: "Otherwise, why do you think she didn't catch up for so long?"

"Damn it, I can shoot it all at once. Black Widow, the third on the list of battle strength, took it away. This thing doesn’t seem to be of a low level. Wait for my signal. You will blast off the tree where he is going to settle. We will stop him. We can’t run like this anymore, handsome pig. They don’t have us in the vicinity. It’s too dangerous."

"I got it." As the gunman said, he tried to get used to the movement of the monster, and aimed at the monster that was about to land. Trees. After confirming that I almost mastered the rules, the gun god shouted: "I'm ready."

"Wait for my signal, get ready." As I said, I signaled Yekage to speed up, and at the same time summon out. Darts, white waves, and sickles. As soon as the three monsters came out, they ran at high speed among the trees and kept chasing after the monster. At the same time, I brought out Lei and Shuangxue Summon again. Lei followed us directly in the air in the form of thunder and lightning, while Frost and Snow fell behind me and rode with me on the back of Night Shadow. After preparing everything, I immediately shouted to the gun god: "It's now."

Bang...With this huge gunshot, the golden monster is about to settle down and a big tree responds. Broken, broken pieces of wood and sloping tree trunks made the monster not get the expected landing place, but fell to the ground, and just when he wanted to jump up, a white light suddenly flashed over, instantly covering On the face of the monster. As soon as the dart caught the monster’s head, he immediately grabbed and bit the guy’s face. In shock, the monster instinctively threw away the prey that he was holding in both hands and reached out to cover his face, trying to get the stuff off his face. However, the speed of the dart is almost the same as the speed of light. How can it be caught? In a few tenths of a second before the monster was about to cover the dart on his face, the dart once again turned into a white light and flashed out far away. Not only did the monster slap not catch the dart, but also slapped himself. .

While the monster is entangled with the darts, the Black Widow caught by him and the MM from our guild are flying in mid-air. They have not had time to land, but just as they are about to land, Suddenly two white balls popped out of the trees and attached to them, and there was still a filament behind the white balls. As soon as the white ball attached to the backs of the two of them, the filaments immediately stretched the two of them out of the air, and instantly fell into a huge white net.

After the monster drove away the darts, he immediately began to look for the prey thrown by him, but when he looked around, he found that his prey had been pulled more than ten meters away. There was a big net made of white silk thread between him and the prey. If he rushed straight past, he would definitely be caught by the net. After such a hesitation, monster suddenly felt a tremor on his body, a deep chill spread from the soles of his feet instantly, and his muscles all over his body were jerky, but before he could move, he heard a sudden bang behind him. . The monster hurriedly turned his head, but found that a gold armor monster that was more terrifying than himself suddenly appeared behind him at some point. What made it even more alarmed was that when the gold armor monster appeared again, he had already waved his claws and grabbed him. past. This monster itself is very agile, and realizing this situation, he immediately jumped forward and escaped the claw of the cracked stone. However, before he was proud, he suddenly realized that a white shadow in front of him had rushed in front of him. .

Taking advantage of the opportunity created by so many of us deliberately, Bailang finally managed to reach the monster in front of him, and before he could react, he rushed to bite the other’s neck. Then the whole body used the mouth as the origin because of inertia and played a backflip with the monster. After the somersault fell to the ground, Bai Lang immediately pressed the guy's body with his four claws, while his teeth desperately bit the other's neck. The smell of licking in his mouth made Bailang know that his bite had reached the goal, so he pulled down even harder, hoping to increase the results.

After seeing the monster fighting with the white waves, I immediately directed Ye Ying to rush over, and then rushed down the moment Ye Ying rushed past them, and grabbed the monster’s claws. It is firmly on the ground. The sickle quickly jumped from the tree canopy, and then suddenly stretched out a sharp sting to shoot into the monster's body instantly. Following the monster, it started to tremble on the ground like a cramp, and me and Bailang simply let go of his control.

"It's done?" The gun god saw that the situation had stabilized and landed on the ground.

I stepped forward and kicked the monster that was still twitching, and then nodded. To be honest, this monster in front of me surprised me very much, not because of how strange it looks, but because this guy looks so much like an old friend.

"Huh?" After the gun god approached, he was also surprised. "This... isn't this the famous legend in your country? What's the name? It's the one who protected the monk from going to India to learn from the scriptures."

"Sun Wukong."

< p>"Yes, it is Sun Wukong." Although the gun god is an American, Sun Wukong is quite famous among Chinese mythological characters after all, so he has also heard of it. "This thing shouldn't be the same kind of Sun Wukong?"

I shook the head. "Sun Wukong is an Innate spiritual object. It belongs to an independent individual and has no race. If it has to be classified, he should be considered a monkey."

"Yes, that guy is a super monkey, just like the superman in our country "The gun god analyzed Sun Wukong from his American point of view while studying the monster on the ground that was almost identical to Sun Wukong. To be honest, apart from not having that gorgeous outfit on Sun Wukong, this guy is just like Sun Wukong. "Why does this guy keep shaking? What did you hit him?"

"Thunderbolt cell." I pointed to the sickle next to him. "His puncture can inject something similar to a microbe into the target body. This thing will attach to the surface of the opponent's nerve circuit after entering the opponent's body, and then release an electric current to interfere with the opponent's nerve conduction. As long as the creature has been stung Most of them can only wait to die."

"Really strong sting! But this thing is also so strong that it can take our Miss Black Widow all together." The gun god said this. I told it to Black Widow on purpose, because Black Widow always ignored his love for him along the way.

"humph." Black Widow is just snorted without refuting it.

I looked at the two of them and didn't pay much attention to them. Anyway, it's none of my business. Crouched down to check the monkey monster carefully, and finally saw all the attributes of this guy after using the special Appraisal Technique to identify it. This monster's race turned out to be stone monkeys. Sun Wukong came out of the stone at the beginning. Although I said he has no race, it would be nice if he belongs to the stone monkey clan, but is the stone monkey in front of me or the same kind of stone monkey as Sun Wukong? ? After thinking about it, I stood up and waved. "Yeyue."


"Turn him back to stone, we will take it back and give it to Sun Wukong for identification."

Although The race of this monster is a stone monkey, but he is not a stone monkey now. Throw this guy's sculpture into the Phoenix Dragon Space, and then I rushed back with the Gun God and them. This ghost place is too dangerous, even if you decide to cross here, you must first find the handsome pigs and them. Although I don't mind throwing them all here, the problem is that these guides are not the only ones in the team, and the people I rescued from the reminiscence field are also with them. These guides are unpredictable, and they hang up when they hang up. I don’t care at all, but the people I rescued must be taken away. Even if I don’t care about those people, the big Fireball is still sealed in the card. I have to bring that thing!

Run back along the way they came, plus the handsome pigs behind them are also walking towards us, so soon we were close to the distance that we could hear each other, but I was the first to hear It was not the sound of their greetings, but the sound of a head start.

"Damn, something happened later!"

"This ghost place really can't relax for a moment!" Gun God sighed and followed.

Pulling aside the dense trees, I instantly rushed to the handsome pigs and them, but before I could see the situation clearly, a golden light flashed in front of me. when. At the critical moment, my reaction was not slow either. As soon as my left arm was raised, I grabbed the opponent's paw, then raised my leg and kicked the thing into the mud. But when I raised my eyes to see the surrounding situation, I was completely dumbfounded. "How is this possible?" It is not something else that is fighting with everyone, it is the kind of stone monkey that I just brought down, and it is not one and two, but a large group. Except for those who are fighting with individuals in the field, the nearby trees and ground are almost full of these monkeys, and the number of them is no less than four digits. Back then, a Sun Wukong was able to toss Above the Heavens and Under the Earth. There are thousands of them here. Even the reduced version of formidable power is definitely not something we can do.

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