With the cooperation of the handsome pigs, the next journey becomes much easier. Follow the passage all the way, wherever there is a fork in the road, there are marks left by the handsome pigs, as long as you follow the marks, you can't go wrong.

"Okay, the next part will be the most troublesome part of this section of the road, you better be careful yourself." After coming out of a narrow passage, the handsome pig suddenly said this. , And then looked towards the previous finger. We followed his fingers and looked over, and were immediately shocked by what was in front of us. I saw densely packed tentacles growing in this wide passage in front of us, like a bunch of tangled vines. But compared with the green vines, these things are much more disgusting. Although those tentacles are called tentacles, they are not as soft and moist as the arms and legs of an octopus. On the contrary, these things are like octopus paws covered with gravel. Not only are they very dry, they also look numb. The skinny is disgusting.

"What is this?" I asked, looking at the tentacle jungle in front of me.

The handsome pig shook the head. "We don't know. We only saw these tentacles when we came here last time. Their roots are in the upper channel. We didn't go up. We didn't know what their body was."

"Then how did you get there last time?" The Gunmaster asked, looking at the densely packed tentacles.

The handsome pig did not directly answer us, but signaled to the person behind nodded, and then Hongdou took the lead to walk out, and walked over to the pile of tentacles in our surprised eyes. Originally we thought Adzuki would run over while fighting with the tentacles. Who knew that when she walked to the tentacles, she stopped and then not only put away the weapons in her hand, but even removed the armor on her body. Next, I will watch Red Bean, like the snitches in the movie who passed through the infrared alarm array, usually tossing between the tentacles. In the end, it took a full twenty minutes, and she unexpectedly passed through that one without even touching the tentacles. aisle.

"Damn, how do you live this?" The gun god looked at the red bean, who could still see a shadow on the other side of the tentacle jungle, didn't know what to say. "Hey, I haven't learned gymnastics. You can't get through such an exaggerated move!"

"Can't you destroy these tentacles?" Black Widow asked, apparently she didn't want to play the Snitch game either. .

The handsome pig shook the head. "We can't do it anyway. Those tentacles grow too fast, and they will grow when cut off. We really couldn’t think of this method. Besides, those tentacles will attack people in addition to automatically repairing. Even the position where we are standing is very dangerous. Fortunately, they only have this sense of touch. As long as they don’t touch them, there is no danger."

I looked at the terrifying tentacles again, and then Asked: "Can you all go there?"

The handsome pig nodded said: "Don't look at the place where the tentacles are very dense. In fact, when you get closer, you will find that the gaps are still big. Just be careful. Most people can go there."

The gunman listened and shook his head for a while. "No, I can't get through killing me, I'm not good at this! Besides, how long will it take for so many of us to pass the one by one?"

What the gun god said is actually very reasonable. These tentacles obviously have the ability to communicate with each other, which means that as long as any one of the tentacles is touched, then the entire tentacles jungle will be active. If our one by one past is nothing, if we live together, if one of them touches the tentacles, then everyone will suffer. When the time comes, it would be troublesome if there is no one to save someone!

I thought about it and asked: "If these things start to move, how long will it take to calm down?"

"About seven or eight minutes." The handsome pig replied immediately after digging. Looking at me in surprise and asking: "Aren't you trying to forcibly pass, right?"

As I walked to the Tentacle Jungle, I said, "You guys finally step back."

Seeing my actions, everyone knew of my decision and retired to the Safety Sector domain. After walking to the side of the Tentacle Jungle, I paused for a while, then after thinking about it, I gave Yeyue out to summon. As soon as I saw my summon pet come out, everyone still doesn't know what I want to do, but as Yeyue's eyes flickered, the large tentacles in front of them turned into stones and everyone finally understood what I meant.

These tentacles really only have the sense of touch, because when some of them become stone, the remaining tentacles do not even move. After all, petrification itself does not cause pain or other sensations. , Unless the tentacle's body sees its tentacles turned into stone or it wants to move the tentacles but finds that it loses consciousness, will it discover that it is petrified, otherwise the owner of the tentacles will not even feel it.

After confirming the petrification effect, I tried to carefully touch one of the tentacles, but it didn’t respond at all, and then I increased my strength and pushed it slightly. The tentacles were still a little bit No reaction. Seeing this result, I took Yeyue back, then turned to the gun gods and said: "Okay, come here. Now these tentacles have turned into stones, as long as you don’t use too much force to touch them, it won’t work. It was discovered."

After hearing my words, several people carefully touched them. After confirming safety, everyone began to walk through this tentacle jungle. Because the tentacles become stone and lose the sense of touch, so long as we don’t hit the tentacles too hard to cause abnormalities in the roots of the tentacles above, there will be no problem. In this case, traversing the jungle of tentacles has become very simple. We lined up in a column and passed through them in less than ten minutes. Although many people encountered the tentacles in the middle, they did not cause a reaction because of the lack of power. .

"Your method is really good!" said the gun god after passing through the jungle of tentacles.

"In fact, there is an easier way." I snapped my fingers, and luck suddenly appeared, and then a mouthful of dragon flame sprayed from the front to the back, burning the entire tentacle jungle clean.

"Why didn't you use such a simple solution earlier?"

"The red beans have already come over earlier, did you let me roast her together?"

The gun god looked at the red bean and said nothing. The handsome pig ran over and said, "Well, let me tell you something first."

"What are you doing?"

"There is a cave a little bit in front, and there is a big puddle in it. When I get there, I hope you can keep quiet. There is also a monster under the water. If it is accidentally disturbed, it will be more troublesome than this tentacle jungle."

"What is that like? Where is the monster?"

"Actually, it was..."

"Ah..." Before the handsome pig finished speaking, he suddenly heard a scream from the front. The gun god and I rushed out almost at the same time.

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