Before I went to the upper level, I had already used the ghost bug to explore the upper level, but I found that the upper level is actually a warehouse, so it is generally not easy to find, but it is not easy to find It's only relatively speaking, for example, it's a different matter if this happens now.

Just as I was hoisting myself to the height of the upper floor and preparing to swing to the ground, suddenly there was a click on the top of my head. Originally, the sound was not loud, but the point was that what the sound represented was definitely something I didn't want to happen. With the slight sound, my heart suddenly tightened, and when I looked up, it almost frightened my soul. It turned out that the cracks in the bricks where the dragon's tendons were shot in the past had a tendency to crack more and more. But when I looked up and observed, the brick cracks suddenly burst open, and the heads of the dragon's tendons slipped out of it in an instant. And I also lost the support and started to fall. At the crucial moment, I suddenly turned around and kicked the column in the center of the spiral ladder, and immediately moved out with the whole person. Although the person is still in the air, there is already a solid ground below, as long as I can be quiet. The landing will be no problem. As my body fell, I forcibly twisted the direction in the air with my super body coordination, supported on the ground with one hand, and the whole person made a leap forward with the help of the supporting force and the previous inertia. Somersault, and then land on all fours at the same time like a cat under the perfect coordination of the arm and leg muscles. The whole process is like dancing, gorgeous and silent. But... Just as I was secretly proud of my perfect performance, a squeaking sound suddenly came from behind. I turned my head suddenly and saw that an ice brick next to the crack in the brick that was nailed by the dragon's tendons slipped out of the roof. I jumped up almost instantly and tried to save, but I was still a step slower.

Bang loud noise, the ice brick the size of two microwave ovens slammed all split up and in pieces on the ground, and what’s worse was the vibration caused by the impact to the side of the gap The other ice brick also slid out, and relative to this one, the position of that ice brick was just above the spiral staircase, which means I couldn’t catch it even if I rushed over, so I could only watch it. It fell under the spiral staircase and shattered. Of course, the sound was much louder than the previous one. After all, there was a two-story drop this time.

Although the loud noise did not immediately attract people outside, I knew it would happen sooner or later, so I immediately moved. First I scanned all around, and then I found a gate not far away. After confirming that it was the only gate here, I immediately rushed to the door, and then found a larger cargo box and lifted it up. I quickly opened the box and took out some of the goods and threw it into the Phoenix Dragon space, and then hurriedly hid in. As for the outside, the king helped me to seal it back from the outside, and then the king put the box back in place and returned to the training space. , And just as the king disappeared, the door was opened.

"You go over there, you guys over there, you go over there." As soon as a long and beautiful woman came in, she started to direct the people behind to search the entire warehouse separately, but the most What makes me strange is that all the women who followed this woman were all women, and all of them were big beauties. But in the other way, I thought that since the guild of the ice-bound Banshee is called the House of Snow Demon, all the guilds are beautiful. The goblin can understand. In addition, due to the serious imbalance between men and women in Russia, there are more guilds composed of pure women. It is not so strange that the House of Snow Demon is full of beautiful women.

Although I am hiding in the box now, the few ghost worms that were left outside are clinging to the roof and temporarily replacing my eyes to observe everything in this room. The translucent body of the ghost worm and this ice-snow structure can almost perfectly fuse together. Compared to other places, the ghost worm has a more powerful concealment ability here.

The women found the broken ice soon after they rushed in, and then under their careful search, the hole I dug when I entered here was also discovered. Although I re-sealed the hole with ice after I came up, the frozen ice layer is still a bit different from the previous one, and all I can seal is the surface. After being smashed by them a few times, the passage below is penetrated. But there is no way to cover it up.

"It seems that the intruder has already entered the castle." A woman reported to the leading woman.

"Search separately. He should still be in the warehouse. Find him out for me."

"Yes." Up. They all thought that I must be hiding in which corner or in the pile of goods, but no one thought I would hide in the box because the boxes were sealed from the outside. It is really easy to destroy it, but people hide in. It won’t do if you want to seal it back after you go. Of course, unless someone like me helps to seal it from the outside, the person who seals the box under normal circumstances can't hide it. As for my familiars, although they can do this, it’s hard to think of this probability in the minds of ordinary people for a while. After all, most players don’t have or have only one familiar, and they can’t handle it like me. Magic pets are applied to various fields.

After a careful search of all possible Tibetans, the women had no choice but to report to their leader, and the leader was obviously very confused about this, but she did not give up immediately, but Turned around and said something to the attendant next to him, after a while, I saw Banshee Bingfeng walking in with seven or eight women from the outside.

"Have you searched all places?"

"Yes, all places where people can be hidden have been searched." The woman who took the lead reported to Banshee Frozen. road.

Frozen Banshee scanned the situation in the warehouse, then waved forward, and the women who came with her immediately began to think of incantion. At first I thought it was an anti-invisibility spell, but who knew it was an ice spell. The temperature in the warehouse began to drop in a straight line, and the temperature instantly dropped below minus two hundred degrees below zero. The surrounding environment suddenly became much clearer, and there was an extra layer of light blue liquid on the ground, which was liquid oxygen and nitrogen. At this temperature, oxygen and nitrogen can no longer remain gaseous.

"Damn, these women are also very awesome, right? Thanks to the Divine Dragon suit that can provide oxygen for a short time, otherwise I have to be suffocated!" Although I scolded these women in my heart, I didn't dare to come out. Voice. I'm not afraid of what they can do to me after being discovered. Even if I can't beat them, running should be fine. The point is that I really want to know if the gun god is here, and if it's discovered, I can't continue to investigate.

Frozen Banshee originally meant to force me out by cooling down, and the people in her guild seem to be extremely adaptable to the cold environment, even if the air is liquefied, they still don’t care. Continue to search my whereabouts. But their patience is limited after all. After staring at me for a long time, Banshee Frozen had no choice but to leave a few guards, and he took most of them and left here.

I found out that the ice-bound Banshee had left after I began to wonder how I could run out from under the eyelids of the few women in front of me. After all, the few people left were all players. If the NPC is killed, it will be killed, players Will be resurrected, so the trick to kill a witness to silence them is useless to the player. After thinking for a long time, I suddenly thought of a way. Since there were not many people left, I simply gave Eminis out to Summon. Of course, I didn't throw her directly into the crowd, but instead made her appear behind the box with the help of the box in the warehouse.

After Emenez came out, she first arranged a set of phantom masks, and then the small dragon girl was also taken out by summon. As soon as the small dragon female appeared, she used the Anti-Gravity Technique to slowly lift the box, and then moved the box I was in to the back of the box pile. Anyway, the boxes look the same on the outside. No one should pay attention to one of them. The box was replaced.

After being moved to the back of the pile of boxes, the small dragon woman immediately opened the box carefully and then let me out. Then we quietly moved ourselves back to the original position, so that I When I got out of the box, I just thought that the door outside was still a bit difficult.

A total of four people stood by the door, originally two facing in and two facing out, but although the player is not afraid of being killed, there is one certainty that is fatal, that is, inertia. Although the game "Zero" is more humane, and NPCs can sometimes be lazy, it only happens in low-level NPCs. Other NPCs at high level rarely slip. As for players, this situation can be quite serious. After all, everyone enters the game to play, and you are certainly not happy to let you stand by the door without doing anything. Even if the guild’s high level orders directly, it will be fine for a short time, but no one will do it for a long time. Can't hold on. This is the situation with these four women. They began to be dishonest less than ten minutes after Banshee left. The four people not only chatted about the sky, but they were also in the wrong position. All four of them ran out of the door. Anyway, it seemed to them that they just had to keep the door.

Since their positions have changed, it will be easier. I first let the small dragon female sneak into the deepest part of the warehouse to release a few boxes and float them up, and then ran back. After I took back Emiennes and the small dragon girl, I moved along the root of the wall to the side of the door, and silently counted the expiration time of spell. Ten seconds later, the levitating technique on the box failed. I only heard the all split up and in pieces of the box hitting the ground with a boom, and the four women outside rushed in and rushed to the place where the box was. It's the deepest part of the warehouse. As for me, of course they slipped out of the gate directly after they rushed in.

"Hehe, I want to catch me, it's too early!" I laughed and turned around to touch the upper level, but when I turned around, I almost hit a person.

Frozen Banshee looked at me with a smile on his face and said, "Purple Moon, where are you planning to go, President Purple Moon?"

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