After listening to my words, a scholar immediately felt that there seemed to be a problem, but now he has become if you ride a tiger, it's hard to get off. promise? It feels like there is a trap here, so don't think of it when you jump in. Don't agree? What about the Divine Beating Whip? "That... okay!" Although the ideological struggle was fierce, Yiwen Taoist finally decided to "discuss" with me again. Although if you agree, you may fall into a trap, but it is only possible after all. If you don't agree, then But I definitely want to say goodbye to Divine Beating Whip.

When the other party agrees, I immediately said with a smile: "A Fellow Daoist Wen really has an expert style, so what are you going to put out as a bet this time? It seems that the whip is worthwhile It’s not cheap? I don’t know how strong two treasures of its equivalent value are? A Fellow Daoist Wen, shouldn’t you use ordinary goods? I know, you can’t afford to lose that person."

After being run on by me, a scholar who originally wanted to use two rags to replenish the money was forced to run aground. In desperation, he had to take out two treasures of equal value. "This is a golden scroll of Huiguang." A scholar took out a golden scroll.

I took the scroll and looked at the attribute, but I was taken aback. I have seen the function of this thing, and I only used it not long ago. Its function is exactly the same as the huge law space made in Contract City at the time of the Ring of Discipline that I finally borrowed. It can set a restoration point, and then use this point as a benchmark to restore the designated target. Of course, unlike the super law of the Ring of Discipline, the radius of action of this rejuvenating gold scroll is only two kilometers. Although multiple targets can be designated to restore at the same time, the target must not leave the range of the gold scroll during the whole process, otherwise at The first recorded restore point will become invalid. In addition, this thing can't run indefinitely like the super law of the ring of commandments. It can only last for 3 minutes each time it starts. Within 3 minutes, it will continuously restore the specified target at an interval of 0.1 second. Said that as long as you do not exceed its scope of action, you will gain 3 minutes of invincibility and unlimited mana.

"It is indeed a good thing, although it can only last for 3 minutes, but as long as it is not too weaker than the enemy, 3 minutes is enough to destroy the opponent."

Look at my approval. The literati and literary person took out a white candle that looked unusually ordinary. "Let's use this for the other one!"

I took that candle again and I was shocked by its attribute again. Although this thing looks like an ordinary candle, it is actually not ordinary at all. This candle is called a life candle. Every time you use it, you only need to specify a goal with your own mind while ensuring that your body is in direct contact with the candle. Once the target is selected, the life candle will automatically ignite, and then the opponent's life will begin to decrease. As the candle burns, the opponent's life will gradually decrease. When the candle is completely burned out, even if no one touches him, the target will also Immediately die, and if the target person is injured during the burning of the life candle, the burning of the candle will speed up, which means that it is equivalent to continuously attacking your target, and the damage effect can be superimposed. If the opponent wants not to be burned to death by the life candle, there is only one possibility, and that is to extinguish the flame on the life candle before he hangs up. Of course, if the user can kill the candle, the attack of the candle can also be terminated.

After reading the attribute, I immediately asked in confusion: "This thing is very practical, but what should I do after burning it? One-time things are worthless!"

< p>"no no no, this is not a one-off thing. The life candle will automatically extinguish after it burns out, and when the Fire of Life is extinguished, the opponent’s soul will be forcibly extracted and merged into the remains of the candle to reshape it. A new life candle. This is the real way the life candle kills."

"Very well, it seems that they are fully in line with the value of gambling, so let’s start. This time a Fellow Daoist Wen Don't let me go anymore?" I attacked while talking after placing the two gambling money on the edge of the field.

"I won't...!" Just when I was about to say something big, I realized that I suddenly jumped up, and then turned around in the air, my legs bounced off with a strong kick on the top of the cave. It was almost too late for him to react and I was in front of him. In a hurry, a scholar hurriedly blocked my eternal sword with the dusty handle in his hand, but because of the immense strength that I bounced off the roof of the cave and my own gravity, the power of this sword was unexpectedly great, even though one article The Taoist's whisk was not cut off, but under my heavy chopping, he let it go and flew out. "Wait...!"

I didn't give a scholar a chance to breathe at all. After flying into the dust, I slammed into the ground, twisted my body and touched the ground with my feet, followed by a squat motion. The impact was completely offset, but because of the huge impact, a large spider web-shaped crack appeared around my feet on the ground, which shows the strength. In fact, the crack is not only because of my impact, but also because of my counter-talk. In fact, after squatting to the bottom, I ejected from the ground again, and the Eternal Sword swept towards the throat of a scholar. A Fellow Daoist Wen backed away in fright. Although he avoided my attack, he lost his center of gravity and fell to the ground. While attacking, I was still answering what a scholar said just now. "A Fellow Daoist Wen, don't be foolish, we are simulating actual combat, and there is no preparation time for actual combat." While finishing the last word, I flew over the head of a scholar who fell to the ground and was in the air. A turned around and changed the direction of the head and feet, and the left hand without a sword landed on both feet at the same time. The sharp claws on the gloves of the Divine Dragon suit and the sharp barbs on the toe of the boots were inserted deeply into the ground and pulled out on the ground. After a half-meter-long gully, I quickly offset the impact and recoiled back.

Yiwen Taoist has never seen such a terrifying continuous attack. For him, fighting means that everyone hits each other with one spell and one spell. Whoever has high mana can take the lead in breaking the opponent’s defense and get it. Victory, and my continuous attacks completely subverted his battle method, making him unable to perform even half of his usual strength.

"Stop, wait a minute." A scholar who found himself in danger hurriedly yelled to pause, but I had no intention of stopping at all, and almost instantly rushed over him again. A scholar hurriedly typed a handprint at me and tried to drive me away, but I turned around in midair to avoid his handprint and threw Eternal at the same time. Eternity deformed in the air into a double tine and nailed into the ground with a squeaky sound, and a scholar's neck was just between the two fork blades of the double tines, and his head was completely locked on the ground. Can't move.

"Oh awful, sorry, I forgot that I was asking you for advice as soon as I started fighting. I'm really sorry, I won the gambling game again! It's..."

Although he wanted to refute, Yiwen Taoist held back for a long time and still couldn't say it. After all, he lost regardless of the current situation. He already knows that Eternal can transform very well, and although the two-edged fork didn't kill him, it was obviously because I didn't want to kill him during the competition, otherwise Eternal just became a three-pointed instead of two tines. In his current posture, if eternity becomes a three-pointed one, the one in the middle will pass through his throat. When the time comes, even if he is Divine Immortal, it will definitely not result.

I took all the four gambling funds from both sides while being polite, and a scholar is gnash the teeth. If he can't figure out my purpose now, then he is an idiot. The first defeat was indeed because I shot too fast, and he was too careless, so I won the game, but in the second game he was ready to fight but was defeated. What does this show? This shows that I am simply not weaker than him, at least we are not the difference between Heaven and Earth, but two individuals with similar strengths who can truly fight on an equal footing. Based on my previous request for gambling to add fun, a scholar has inferred that I simply used that huge crystal as a bait to hook him, and he was indeed caught, at the cost of the three treasures. Divine Beating Whip, Glowing Gold Roll, and Life Candle are all high level treasures. Although they are not priceless in God World, they are definitely not ordinary goods. It’s just that it’s too late to understand, things have arrived in my hands, and he has no good reason to ask them back, even if he is shameless, he can’t open his eyes and talk nonsense and turn black and white, at least he already knows about me. It's not a soft persimmon or an idiot. The means to deal with ordinary people is simply useless to me. Whether it is tricking or stealing the success rate, it is very small.

"Fellow Daoist, look at this..." Although he knew it was unlikely, Yiwen Daoist still planned to give it a try, but I didn't give him any chance.

"Aiya, I know that a Fellow Daoist Wen is sad, but the betting is a bet after all, and I know that a Fellow Daoist Wen is not among these extraneous things." I once again took the lead before I was going to speak. Said: "Of course, I was here to give things away. It's a bit sorry to take so many things away, so we can have another game. I will put all four things on, and Fellow Daoist will take some things out as gambling money. , This time Fellow Daoist is serious about winning and I can take everything back."

How can a literary Taoist not tell that I am arranging his baby, but he knows it is mine The trap has to jump in, because this is caused by his miser character. It's only strange that he doesn't feel bad for losing so many things, so even if he knew that I dug a hole and waited for him to jump in, he still couldn't refuse. If he knows how to give up, he is not a miser.

"Okay, I'll bet with you, but this kind of small venue can't be used. Let's go to another place to try it. Everyone takes out the divine ability once and for all."

< p>Yiwen Taoist is really crazy this time. He took me out of the field and ran to a Transmission Gate, and then took me through the Transmission Gate. The other side of the door is not a place for competition, but a real piece of sky. In fact, Transmission Gate didn't send us far, it was just the top of Sky Pillar Mountain. This place is a vast and huge flat land, and the ground is entirely composed of rocks. Although the surface is not completely flat, it can basically be counted as flat land.

"We are fighting here." A Taoist man pointed to the sky and said: "There is no height limit here. You can fly. This platform is not the boundary of the site. It doesn't matter if you exceed the range. Anyway, you and I will Don’t run away. Let’s knock down our opponents. We don’t have to worry about the scope of the field. The space is big. You and I can use it."

This scholar is really shameless. He is a Divine Immortal. I fight with him in this kind of place. Although there is such a platform, everyone knows that neither of us will stay on the platform after the actual fight, so this battle can only be air combat, and for Divine Immortal, the best thing is air combat. In Cave Mansion The medium height is limited, and many babies can't use it, which will greatly limit the battle strength of Divine Immortal. The reason for fighting there before was entirely because a scholar underestimated the enemy, but now it seems that he intends to make a real move.

"The venue is good, so what is a Fellow Daoist Wen going to use for gambling money?"

After I said that, I plan to stimulate him to get some good things out, but He didn't expect a scholar but he took out one thing first. "Four items are too troublesome. I use this super baby as a bet on those four things."

"Super baby?" I looked at the crystal in the hands of a scholar who was unfathomable. mystery, because that thing looks like a simple crystal, it's really nothing special.

"You don't believe it?" After discovering my suspicion, a scholar directly threw the crystal over. I reached out and caught the crystal and looked at the attribute, but I was immediately stunned on the spot. "This... can this thing exist?"

"hmph, otherwise, why do you think I think it can be worth the value of the four treasures?"

"Okay , I’ll accept this gambling money.” The crystal just now is actually an ordinary white crystal. The price of the system store is fifteen gold coins. It would be cheaper if it was collected by the player. However, this piece in my hand cannot be mentioned on equal terms with the ordinary crystal, because it is processed. There is a hole in the middle of this crystal, and you can see a little white rays of light in the hole from the outside. In fact, it is divine force, a trace of divine force from Hongjun Sect Lord. According to the open Spiritual Imprint in divine force, anyone can go to Hongjun Sect Lord with this crystal and ask Hongjun Sect Lord to do something for it. This can be to help kill one or a group of people, or it can be to ask Hongjun Sect Lord to help build a good set of equipment or grab a powerful magic pet. Anyway, as long as Hongjun can do it and it will not affect Hongjun’s identity. You can ask Hongjun to do everything. It can be said that this thing is simply an invaluable treasure, because it is equivalent to a promise, and for those who do not have the strength to defeat Hongjun, this promise is invaluable.

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