"Damn, what's the situation?" After getting out of the huge silhouette that fell to the ground, I found that in the sky, people were constantly falling down like dumplings, no matter it was The high level of Buddhism, the Buddha or the Divine Immortal of Celestial Court, is almost not immune. The stronger ones can barely find a place to make an emergency landing, and the weaker ones will simply fall straight down. "Halo, what kind of man's big trick is this? Why do you shoot down regardless of the enemy and me?"

"Look at me, master." Ye Yue yelled, pointing in one direction, and I followed She looked over, but only saw two small white dots confronting each other in the air, and the zoom function was activated to finally see exactly what roles the two people were. The one on my left of the two opposing parties is a monster with a big bag of red skin on his head. At first glance, this guy is just a large toad walking upright. However, this guy's current condition does not seem to be very good, because his eyes, ears, mouth and nose are all covered with thick black blood. It seems that the injury is serious, but there is no superficial wound. I don't know whether it is. Was hit by something. Opposite this guy, on the side of my right hand stood a Divine Immortal wearing a gorgeous costume. Unlike ordinary Divine Immortal robes, this guy’s costume looks more like the emperor’s dragon robe, with no dragon on it. Jifeng, almost full of Divine Beast. However, compared to his gorgeous costume, what makes me more nervous is the small clock in his hand. The thing looked gloomy and dull, but there was still a corner missing at the bottom. Someone who didn't know thought it was a funerary found in which tomb. But the fact that ordinary people can't see it doesn't mean that I can't see it either, because there is a copy of that thing in our guild. The seven spirit dust bell hanging on the top of Isinger is actually an enlarged version of this thing, but compared with the enlarged volume, the formidable power of the two is exactly the opposite. Compared with the little fellow, the seven spirit dust bell The formidable power is the real kindergarten grade. Of course, the level of this kindergarten is only relative to the little bell. After all, the Qi Lingchen Bell is also a city-level weapon. The formidable power is definitely up to the standards of weapons of mass destruction, and it is even much stronger than ordinary weapons. It's just that I didn't look at it at all when I compared it with this little thing, because that little bell is the "East Emperor Bell" that everyone is familiar with.

"I rely on, world-destroying weapons! Everyone is flashing!" I don’t even think about taking advantage of it. I just threw all the summon creatures into the training space and jumped on the bird and turned around. run. Just now Donghuangzhong just cleared his throat and shook the Heavenly God Buddha. If it really fights for a while, even if I have divine force resistance, it will definitely be finished. Although the Eastern Emperor Bell is N times stronger than the Seven Spirit Dust Clock, it has a major disadvantage that it is not as good as our Seven Spirit Dust Clock. It's just that the initiator only needs to take 1% of the damage of the formidable power, and everyone around you, no matter which side you are on, must take 100% of its damage.

I let Asuka speed up while looking back at the two guys in the sky. The members of Divine Immortal and Buddhism who fell on the ground are doing the same thing with me, but they just left too. Recently, the first wave of attacks was seriously injured, so only a few people started to fly again. Most of them ran out with both hands and feet. Even some people were too seriously injured and could only crawl forward, but regardless of the severity of the injury, as long as People who can still move are trying to run far away. After all, Donghuangzhong is so famous, that thing can’t be blocked by biology at all. Unless you are a High God, you’d better run right away when you see this thing, Dong. The only weakness of the imperial clock is the limited attack range. The farther away the formidable power is, the smaller the formidable power. If you don't want to die, you have to hide away.

Here we are running away desperately, and the two creatures in the sky suddenly moved. The injured monster suddenly rushed towards the opposite god, but the god suddenly slammed his eyes, raised his palm and slapped it on the eastern emperor clock held in the other hand, and saw an earth-yellow aperture. Ripples instantly. After the aperture spreads, the first person to hurt is the god, but because he only needs to take 1% of the damage, he just shook it slightly and survived. After the aperture continued to spread, it swept across to the monster on the opposite side, like a tofu block that was hit by a bomb at close range. The flesh on the surface of the guy's body was blown away first, followed by the flesh, and finally the skeleton. When the yellow aperture was completely While passing through that guy, the monster had been completely broken down into countless pieces and flew everywhere. Although it sounds complicated, in fact, this was only completed in a few tenths of a second. From the eyes of the people around, the guy turned into a bunch of fragments and was swept away, and then the aperture spread further, first directly below. The aperture hit the ground. The ground below that god-lord seemed to be hit by an atomic bomb and instantly cracked and sank, while the ground nearby burst and sank in the order from the center to all around, and a shock cloud mixed with lava and gravel followed the explosion. Bringing them forward together, the immortal Buddhas who are close to see that the yellow light of assaults the senses is no longer the usual divine might, and they all cried and used their hands and feet and crawled out crazy, but it's a pity they The speed of is really not as fast as the spread of the aperture. The first people swept are all blown into fly ashes like the previous monster, and the rest are protected by the running defensive cover. Cover, but the results are basically the same whether it is running or supporting the protective cover. The destructive power and speed of the yellow light are quite amazing. The protective cover that was put up simply did not play any role. It was like a raw egg placed next to a grenade. The egg yolk splashed out into a paste of flesh and blood and was completely blown away by the blast wind. Compared to those who support the protective shield, those who run away are not much better. They are nothing more than two steps longer than those who support the protective shield. In less than 0.1 second, they were caught up by the yellow light and burst into the sky. flesh.

I probably realized that I will not survive this way. The translated name Divine Immortal suddenly was quick witted in an emergency, and he thought of a way, and this guy also yelled out a more conscientious reminder: "Quick witted in an emergency" Keep Divine Soul important!"

Hearing this reminder, the Divine Immortal all reacted, so the Divine Immortal in the back position suddenly burst automatically before the yellow light swept to him. , And then a golden light shot out from their bursting body and quickly escaped and disappeared at a speed faster than the spread of yellow light. This military solution Dafa can be described as a popular spell in Celestial Court, but no one knows how to use it. Unlike Demon Sect's use of military solution techniques to gain a significant increase in power in a short period of time, Divine Immortal's military solution techniques are more thorough, as long as they are used, they will instantly explode the fleshy body and lose more than 80% of the mana, but at such a high price. It came at the speed of lightning, and he could shoot his soul out to escape for his life in an instant. At this speed, it is almost impossible for him to be intercepted, so most of the time, it can be guaranteed that Divine Soul will not be destroyed, although the strength will be because of this. Decline is very difficult to deal with, but declining strength is better than dying, right?

Watching the Divine Immortal of Celestial Court all turned into golden Divine Soul and ran away, the Buddhism people immediately started to run out at a faster speed. The military solution is a Taoist method, and both Demon and Divine Immortal are both, but Nobody knows Buddhism, so these guys have to run on their own, but the aperture of the East Emperor Bell is too fast. Except for some people who can fly, most of the Buddhism members are not immune from being caught in the aperture and twisted. It became a blood mist in the sky.

As Buddhism members fell in large numbers, the aperture was still expanding, and it was about to chase behind me, but I couldn't help it. The speed of that thing is too fast, even if the gate of the summon earth is simply too late to open, as for the teleportation ability, this space has no coordinates at all, where is it going to be transmitted? It really didn't expect and the Seven Ancient Buddhas of Buddhism did nothing against the major event. In the end, the Eastern Emperor Bell of Celestial Court was reimbursed. It was a failure, failure!

"Bird, flash first." Seeing the situation is irretrievable, I kicked the bird directly into the training space. As for myself, I simply cannot enter the training space because I am still in the combat mode.

Without the help of Asuka, Lima slowed down. Seeing the earth-yellow aperture quickly sweep across my body, I was completely desperate. I just hope that it won’t hurt too much. , But I waited for a long time with my eyes closed but I was surprised to find that I was okay.

"Huh? I'm not dead?" After looking around suspiciously, I found that I had penetrated into the aperture, and the earth-yellow aperture was still spreading outwards. It gradually disintegrated under the rays of light, but it did no harm to me. Since this situation was obviously abnormal, I quickly checked my own situation and soon I found the problem. There was a faint golden aperture shining around my body. Obviously, the aperture blocked the terrifying destructive power of the Eastern Emperor Bell, and the aperture did not need my magic power to support it. It was completely automatic. "Damn, scared me. I knew I wouldn't have to run like a dog!"

Since it's okay, I don't rush to run anymore, so I will return to see the situation first. Although many experts of Buddhism and Celestial Court were involved, but not all of them were killed, there were still some super strong existences that blocked the formidable power of Donghuang Bell, but these people still have only a breath now. Yes, it's just convenient for me to pick up the bargain. Once again, the familiars were released and started to sweep around. Those in Buddhism who didn’t die would go up to make up the knife. Of course, all the people in Celestial Court would be rescued. Life-saving grace will not be forgotten by others. It is also convenient to find someone to do errands in the future. . But it is a pity that I saw a golden rays of light shot from the horizon not long after my plan to pick up the cheap price.

"hmph, Great One Spiritual Master, even if my Buddhism is now defeated, you don’t have to kill to the last one like this, right?" The visitor appeared in front of the Divine Immortal holding the Eastern Bell In addition to her figure, it was an old woman wearing a golden robe. She looked at least sixty years old, but there was no peace in her appearance. At first glance, she was not to be trifled with.

"Jinshi Holy Mother, don’t fake mercy there anymore, your buddhism tricks are useless in front of me. Today I’m waiting on the order of Hongjun Dao Zun to come and destroy you. Alien bastard, how can you get the Dao Zun’s order right if you don’t make any ruthless tricks?"

"Well, since you have torn your face, let’s see the real chapter under your hand." The old woman said, suddenly I felt something out of my body. It looked like a mirror at first glance, with a long oval frame on the outside, but it was not very ornate, as if it were carved out of wood. The inside of the outer frame is a circular area, but there is no glass or the like here. It feels like a hole in that place, but it does not lead to the hole on the back of the mirror, but a black hole. It feels like it leads to The other space is average.

"The catastrophe star mirror?" The Great One Spiritual Master was shocked as soon as he saw the mirror, and unconsciously stepped back a lot, although he himself knew the distance. It won't work, but at least I can feel calm.

"hmph, do you know you are afraid?" The old woman smiled triumphantly when she saw the Great One Spiritual Master being frightened and backing away.

Probably I felt quite embarrassed. The Great One Spiritual Master cleared his throat and calmed his mind before opening the mouth and said: "Don’t be too proud. Although the Mirror of Havoc has endless formidable power, My Donghuang Bell is not a normal Divine Item. You and I can only fight for both sides suffer. You'd better think clearly."

"Yes? Do we still think about it?" "The old woman angrily roared: "Now our Buddhism is in the period of life and death, either life or death, what else can I think about at this time? Come, let us do a powerhouse, survive, and the weak will turn into dust. Right." After saying this, without waiting for the Great One Spiritual Master to say anything, the old woman directly lifted the mirror in her hand and pointed the black hole at the Great One Spiritual Master. I saw a violent flash in the black hole in the mirror, followed by a sudden burst of terrifying strong light, and a beam like a beam of searchlight shot directly at the Great One Spiritual Master.

After knowing that there was no discussion, the Great One Spiritual Master had to brace oneself to rang the Eastern Emperor Bell. The earth-yellow aperture rippled again, and then the aperture and the beam of light collided together, as if using The high-pressure water jet sprays a large stone, and the beam of light instantly bursts into countless tiny rays that scatter in all directions, and wherever it is hit, it bursts like a shelling. My Familiar found that something was wrong and quickly hid back to the training space, but the Divine Immortal that was rescued was unlucky. All of them were hit by the beam of light, and then burned to fly ash in an instant.

I was scared at first when I saw the light beams flying around, but nothing happened after the light beams hit me. The golden mask on my body looked like an invincible defense. Generally, all the light beams are blocked, and the aperture produced by the subsequent spread of the Eastern Emperor Bell is the same as the previous aperture. It has no effect at all. I don’t know how the mask on my body is produced. Anyway, the two sides. Attacks have no effect on it.

I found out that I was okay, and I hurried to act. Those in Buddhism didn’t care about it. Anyway, the two Divine Items above my head have a lot of formidable power, and it’s hard for them to die. On the contrary, it’s Celestial. Divine Immortal on the court side must find a way to save it. Since my familiar is not protected by the aperture, I had to do it myself. First, I flew to a Divine Immortal who was lucky enough to not die and picked it up, and then flew to the next target. Anyway, the aperture on my body can act as a shield. Function, as long as they all stand behind me and I help them block the various sabotage attacks of those two Divine Items. Soon I gathered all the Divine Immortals that were still alive nearby, and then it was like playing with an eagle to catch a chick. I was alone in the front, and a large row of Divine Immortal in the back were all arranged as honestly as the chicks. A slip, as for the two eagles in the sky, they are simply two eagles, but now the eagles are fighting on their own, and there is no time to take care of us for the time being.

Just protect this group of Divine Immortal. After the group of Divine Immortal was outside the attack range, the group of Divine Immortal thanked me a lot and then was carried away by the other Divine Immortal who came over. I I turned around and returned to the range of the confrontation between the two sides. Although there is no living person inside, I have to take care of the two big bosses above. If they continue to blast this way, this alien space is probably going to collapse. Now, I also thought of seeing if there is any treasure in that hole, and letting them go down like this, I don't even have to think about it.

With the attack of two Super Divine Items, I flew directly into the air near the two experts, and both sides were taken aback when I saw my appearance. They know how huge might their Divine Item is, and they still know the two items together. Under this terrible formidable power, I can fly to them like no one else. This is definitely a matter of subverting common sense. , It's no wonder that the eyes of both people are bigger than copper bells. However, soon the expressions of the two people began to change, because after the surprise of Early-Stage, they all thought of my identity. Although these two great gods and I have never been in direct contact, the Jinshi Holy Mother knows that Buddhism does not have my number, so it naturally confirms that I am an enemy, and the Great One Spiritual Master heard people say that although he hadn’t met me in person After passing me, he recognized me immediately in appearance.

"Purple Moon, please help me get rid of the catastrophe star mirror in the hands of the old woman."

"Understand." I nodded directly towards the golden stone Holy Mother In the past, Jinshi Holy Mother immediately complexion greatly changed as soon as she saw me rushing over. She was fighting the magic weapon with the Great One Spiritual Master at this time, and suddenly there was an enemy like me who was not afraid of magic weapon. It was only strange that she was not nervous. However, people who can have such a strong baby are obviously not ordinary people. Seeing me rushing to the other side, I suddenly let go of one hand and grasped the catastrophe star mirror with one hand, and the other hand turned a finger. With a bullet at me, a bunch of golden light shot directly at me, and instantly passed through the golden mask and hit me in the sky with a dozen somersaults and almost fell all the way to the ground. I was a little skeptical before, but now I finally confirmed it. This layer of light mask seems to be able to block the attacks of two magic weapons, and has no defensive effect on ordinary attacks. Thanks to me being more cautious and not rushing to hard-wire the golden light. In fact, the reason why I turned so many somersaults was because I suddenly tried to dodge the beam and lost my balance. If I was hit directly, it would be more than a few somersaults.

Although I was forced to drive some distance away, my behavior distracted the Jinshi Holy Mother. Due to my lack of concentration, the beam of the catastrophe star mirror was immediately pushed back by the formidable power of the East Emperor Bell. Dashang, now the docking position of the two is only a dozen meters away from the Jinshi Holy Mother.

"Good job." I found that my simple assault gave me such a big advantage. The Great One Spiritual Master's face almost bloomed with laughter, and he quickly encouraged me to continue to harass the Jinshi Holy Mother.

Although I was not satisfied with the Great One Spiritual Master’s previous behavior of arbitrarily large-scale destruction weapons regardless of the surrounding people, we belong to the same camp now, so I rushed forward again.

Jinshi Holy Mother was downwind because of one of my charges, but now she saw me rushing up again and she immediately became nervous again. Continuing to attack me not only may not be effective, but will cause myself to enter a more unfavorable state, but no matter how close I will be attacked by me, it will be unlucky no matter what. After weighing it for a long time, Jinshi Holy Mother had to make a decision because I was almost rushing to her.

Seeing that I was approaching, Jinshi Holy Mother suddenly turned over the mirror in her hand, pointed it at me with the back of the mirror, and then turned the mirror back again. Although I don’t know if she suddenly changed the mirror surface and let the Great One Spiritual Master defeat her, it doesn’t matter much to me regardless of the result, because I was sucked into the black hole on the back of the mirror when the mirror turned over. . It turns out that the mirror is two-sided, one side can launch a beam attack, the other side can receive people, and I thought I didn't understand the characteristics of the thing, so I ran into it very unfortunately.

"Halo, where did I fly in?"

The space inside the catastrophe star mirror is simply a void of Star Sea. There is no gravity and no direction. It feels like It's like in space. However, what is not exactly the same as in space is that there is air here, and it does not seem to be ordinary air, because the air here feels very viscous, a little watery, but not so dense.

The surrounding environment can basically be said to be dark, but you can see a little bit of light, it feels like stars, but the distance looks very far away, it is probably not so easy to touch Arrived. I started to feel a little scared in such a void, because unlike a confined space that is completely unclear, this allows you to see the endless space farther away at an obvious at a glance, but it is even more frightening. If you don't know the size of the space, a stronger-willed person can still walk along, but when you know that there is no boundary, then you don't even have the desire to walk, because it's the same whether you walk or not.

"All come out to help me see what is going on here?" I couldn't think of a solution, so I had to ask the magic pet to come out and help.

Most of the demons don't know anything about this place, but the small dragon girl screamed. "Master, why are you involved in the mirror of catastrophe?"

"Do you know where this is?"

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