Seeing that I haven't moved for a long time, this old treacherous and slippery guy immediately realized that I was going to run. "hmph hum, tell you the truth. Your contract city should have been breached by now. As for the purpose of our coming here-nothing more than to block you and the Peacock Pluto here, but didn't expect it. Even Guanyin was persuaded by you to surrender. However, it’s okay to block all three of you here, and it will be easier to break through in Contract City. Ah hahahaha..."

When I hear the words of the Tathagata, my His face instantly became cold. I now finally understand why the seven ancient Buddhas of Buddhism would run out together to surround us. Treasury is indeed important to Buddhism. Peacock Pluto, a traitor, is also very tricky, but this is not enough for all the seven ancient Buddhas of Buddhism to be dispatched, because it is not necessary at all. But everything is clear now. Buddhism means that the drunkard doesn't mean to drink, they simply didn't come to kill us. They came for the contract city. Due to system restrictions, Buddhism couldn’t send the seven strongest individuals to siege the city, and it’s difficult for those high-level personnel to bypass the restrictions to participate in the battle, so Buddhism came up with such a way to bring me and the rebellious Peacock in one fell swoop. Pluto was blocked outside the city, and then the other side quietly attacked our city, so that the high-end martial power of the contract city would be greatly reduced, allowing them to take advantage of the opportunity to enter. Moreover, the other party has mental arithmetic and unintentional, so it is very likely that they will directly use this opportunity to have a last fight, as long as they do not count the casualties, it is not a problem to get us all at once.

"You cunning guys, I won't pay you for playing."

"Want to run? Not so easy?" Just when I turned and wanted to run, one The golden magic beads were suddenly thrown out. The thing arrived in front of me almost instantly, and then suddenly exploded. The whole golden bead instantly turned into ten thousand golden light and scattered out. I just felt like I had been baptism by a torrential rain. In an instant, there were countless pinpoint holes in my body.

"Purple Moon!" The Peacock Pluto immediately wanted to rush over when I was knocked down, but a black shadow appeared in front of her at a faster speed. Tathagata's golden big hand took a picture of the Peacock Pluto. When she was about to pinch her, a white beam of light suddenly rose up into the sky and collided with the golden light. The Tathagata's hand was beaten by rays of light for an instant, but it quickly broke through the interception of white light and continued to take pictures.

"Burning-the light of life." Lingling, who had just held up the sword to block the Tathagata, suddenly shone with a dazzling white light all over her body, and immediately disintegrated into a thick beam of light to welcome the Tathagata. The giant palm hits it. Tathagata immediately felt bad, but it was too late to withdraw his palm. The beam of light instantly hits the palm of the Tathagata, and then instantly vaporized the entire palm of the Tathagata like boiling water and snow, and the beam of light did not stop there, but continued to follow the arm of the Tathagata all the way up, and finally passed through him. His shoulders burned his entire arm before he stopped. When the beam of light disappeared, a faint translucent Lingling appeared in the air. She turned her head and shouted at Peacock Pluto: "Quickly go." Then she completely disappeared in the air.

"Where to run." One of the arms of the Tathagata was furiously grabbed by Fei with the other hand, but a huge shield suddenly crossed his hand to block his attack. Tathagata found that his hand was blocked and immediately changed his hand to strikes with a shield. Although every time he strikes, the shield will shake for a while, but no matter how he smashes the shield, he will not fall. He always keeps in front of him and prevents him from getting in.

Jingjing gritted her teeth to withstand the shield and shouted back to the Peacock Pluto: "Hurry up? Do you want to see us all dead?"

" The master is dead, and it’s useless for you to stay here. Let’s run quickly. We can be reborn, so your lives are more important than us, so let’s go.” Ling stood in front of the Peacock Pluto and persuaded him calmly. "Let’s go, go back and help us defend the contract city. That is your greatest help to us."

The Peacock Pluto squeezed his fist, and then squeezed his head against the various feelings in his heart. Xinghuo said: "Let's go." The two people instantly turned into two rays of light and flew towards the contract city. Several people in Buddhism also turned into rays of light and planned to chase, but they didn't want the space to shake suddenly, the surrounding space. Suddenly, everything changed, and everything appeared on a bloody ocean.

"This...this is?"

Ling stood slightly smiled at the corner of his mouth on the surface of the sea of ​​blood. "Why? Change the color and don't know it? He also said that he wanted to solve the sea of ​​Bitterness, but he didn't even know him in the Sea of ​​Bitterness! Shameless is also considered the best in your field!"

"Sister Ling, my battle strength can't be exerted in this kind of place, so I flashed it first." Jingjing disappeared immediately after speaking, but there were four more people in the surrounding space.

"hahahaha. Didn't expect me to have a time to confront the Buddha." Sha Yezi's ghostly laughter appeared in the surrounding air.

"Whether it is a mortal or a Buddha, he must kill him if he stands in the way." The king's bloody oath sounded at the same time.

"The boss said, let's do it." Demons and monsters appeared beside the king one by one.

"hmph, your master is not our opponent, what good are you lackey?" an ancient Buddha said sarcastically.

The ancient Buddha reached out and grabbed the impulsive guy and said, "Don’t be impulsive. This is a special area of ​​the Sea of ​​Silence. The surrounding seawater is red, but its attributes are the same as ordinary ones. If the water is basically the same, the Buddha power in you and me are all positive attribute energy. Once touched by this sea water, it will be like lamp oil and hit a flame, instantly burning out."

"This is Ruo Shui below. "I heard that this is actually a sea of ​​silence, and the impulsive guy immediately calmed down. Although I have fallen into the sea of ​​silence many times, and the fellow Black Qilin has been in this seabed for many years, but we are all dark attributes, so if we fall into the water, we are equivalent to fall. Entering a normal water ditch, there is no major event at all, but Buddhism's cultivation is all positive energy. That thing is completely opposite to Ruoshui, and it is absolutely impossible to touch Ruoshui. The Treasure Tree King who was killed by us was because of Ruoshui.

Just when the Tathagatas didn’t dare to move because of the situation in front of them, Peacock Pluto and Xinghuo had already ran back to Contract City, and because I was killed by the Tathagata, I directly hung back. Contract city. When I walked out of the Transmission Formation, I realized why the Tathagata was so proud. It turned out that there was a huge cover over the entire Contract City. After explanations from nearby players in the guild, I learned that this thing was continuously isolated and transmitted, and even the communication signal could be isolated. That's why there was a situation in which I was attacked but no one notified me. And besides the huge cover above the head, there is something more terrible now, that is, the city wall has been compromised. It is said that Buddha Sect has produced three super fighters. Although Vina and Hongyan have withstood one of them, the remaining one still blasted the city wall by a large amount, although it has now been smashed by our guild. The elite squad was surrounded, but because the city wall was broken, a large number of enemies poured into the city. The original city wall defense battle evolved into street fighting, and the whole city was smoking everywhere. It was really chaos.

"Damn Tathagata!" My sentence is not only to scold the Tathagata to sneak attack our city, but to scold him for blaming me. I just checked the attribute after I came out. The thing that didn’t expect Tathagata threw out was simply not an ordinary assault weapon. There was a curse on it. Although it was only killed once, I dropped a hundred at a time. There are multiple levels, from one thousand eight hundred and three Level 14 to one thousand seven hundred and three Level 10, and one hundred and zero Level 4 are dropped. Although I have known for a long time that the level brushed out by using the Spirit Bead sneak attack Buddhism will sooner or later be retrieved by the system through the hands of Buddhism, but I didn’t expect it to be so fast, and it’s still so cruel. I am more than 100 levels, which is really too dark!

"Purple Moon? Are you back?"

"I was just killed by the Tathagata!" Seeing Hong Yue walking out of my back, I immediately realized that she was also killed once. "What's the matter with you?"

"I was surrounded by the opponent's battallion, and then just like this."

"What's the situation in the city now?"

"The outer city wall has fallen, and our team has withdrawn to the second line of defense. The people of Buddhism don't understand tactics. We didn't expect that we still have the Second Layer line of defense, so we suffered a big loss and we killed a lot of them. , But our own losses are also great, and some scattered Buddhist experts rushed into the inner city. Now Zhenhong and gold coin are leading people to search for those Buddhists who came in!"

< p>Hearing that the line of defense still exists, my heart is finally put down by half. For the same army, with Defensive Array lines and without Defensive Array lines, the battle strength is quite different. Our guild originally built the second and third lines of defense in the city. Now that the team can stabilize on the second line of defense, it means that the situation is not too bad to be irretrievably bad.

"Since I'm looking for someone, let me come." After thinking about it, I decided to search the city wall for Buddhism people who came in. Although these people are not large in number, they pose too much of a threat to the rear, and it is impossible to get rid of them as soon as possible.

Hong Yue probably had similar ideas, so he immediately agreed to my decision. "Then you should be careful. Those who come in are experts. Although they are not as powerful as the Tathagata, you can't wait to take it lightly. Okay, you can encircle those who sneak in. I'll go to the second line of defense to see the situation."

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