"Don't remember to download again?" Someone looked at me slightly and smiled.

I smashed all the memories in my mind, but I can’t remember who this guy is, and I’m not an ordinary person. Naturally, there is no memory error problem, so if I think about it, I still If you can't remember, then you must have never seen it.

"Who are you?" I raised my weapon in an instant. This guy pretended to be an acquaintance without meeting me, obviously harboring malicious intentions!

I was fully guarded here, and suddenly I heard a hearty disappearance from the other party. "Hahahaha...Purple Moon, you were still fooled by me." The guy turned around and said to the void after he said, "How? I said I can lie to the past, you still don't believe it. How? I win Come on? Come on, don’t let your account."

There was a twist in the air, and a woman with a purple clothed body suddenly walked out of the void, holding a golden Immortal Pill in her hand. Threw it to the other person. "Hmph! It's cheaper for you!"

"Zizhu Fairy?" I know this woman. She was originally one of the two outstanding talents in the rising star of Celestial Court, and was later cheated by Buddhism from Celestial Court. Passed, but was rescued by me. Now that she is here, I can guess who the other person is. "Are you Sun Wukong?"

"Of course it is my grandson!" The stranger in front of him suddenly turned and turned back into a monkey face full of yellow hairs. "Haha, you really can't read my Transformation Technique, old grandson. This time I got a Good-Fortune Pill for nothing. It's really many thanks." Monkey Sun said while showing the golden medicine pill in his hand.

I didn't ask much about the monkey Immortal Pill. It was just a joke. Now I am more concerned about another matter. "Aren't the two members of Celestial Court? Why did they suddenly come to the territory of another country? This is a foul?"

"What is the rule? My grandson is the most annoying!"


Sun Wukong's speech is not serious, and Zizhu Fairy is relatively more. "Purple Moon, do you remember our first official cooperation for what?"

"Naturally remember."

"That's it."

< p>"?" I looked at her suspiciously, but quickly understood what she meant. "Does it mean that your identity judgment has not been restored?" Seeing Zizhu Fairy nodded, I can understand the reason. In fact, speaking of which is also simple. Zizhu Fairy and Sun Wukong were previously hijacked by Buddhism and became members of Buddhism. Then Celestial Court asked me to help rescue them. However, the identity of the two of them is judged but I don’t know why they are still considered members of Buddhism. They also have the right to act in Buddhism. Buddhism originated in India. As members of Buddhism, Zizhu Fairy and Sun Wukong can naturally go in and out of India at will. This is not a foul.

After trying to understand their situation, I suddenly realized a problem. "Could it be that you can not only enter India, but you can also take the initiative to kill the enemy?"

This time, Sun Wukong preemptively said: "Hehe, don't you know? Not only can the two of us freely enter and exit Tianzhu Within the territory, there is also a right to kill, but there is a daily limit."


Zizhu Fairy said: "There is a limit. We can kill one person every day. , And no matter who it is, we can shoot as long as you specify the target. Of course, if you can't beat it, there is no way."

"Anyone you can't beat?"

"Ordinary people are naturally not my old grandson’s opponent, but your enemy is not just those mortals?"

Sun Wukong’s words reminded me that Indian players are indeed my worst enemy. However, the system also has a rule that if the player does not succeed in attacking the invading forces for many days while guarding the country, the Divine Race of the home country can come forward to support to a limited extent. That is to say, the consequence of blocking the Indian player is to face Buddhism and Buddhism. The great gods of Hinduism. Besides, Celestial Court knows to take advantage of the loopholes and send Zizhu Fairy and Sun Wukong over. Are the Buddhism and Hindu gangs idiots? They will definitely try to make some tricks. When the time comes, my player power may not be fixed. Of course, I am not really afraid of them, because the biggest difference between our guild and general guilds is that our guild has Guardian God. The Temple of Chaos and Order is not a good-looking place, Vina cannot participate in foreign aggression, and defending the city is absolutely fine.

Zizhu Fairy said at this time: “Celestial Court means that if Buddhism and Hindu people mess up with you and bring the power of Divine Grade, we can come forward to help you kill them. Even if you can’t beat them. It should be no problem to haunt the other party. But you have to use this quota of one person every day carefully. If we run out of quota and run into enemies that you can’t deal with, then it’s troublesome. You need to know about Buddhism. Helping Avatar is expecting you to kill the buddhism headquarters and return them to freedom!"

"Of course, I know this. We will try our best to deal with ordinary enemies, and we won’t be able to ask you to come forward. No matter what. It’s safe to say that the help of the two is always insurance."

Sun Wukong listened to me and looked at the team fighting in the distance and said: "Oh...it’s a pity that there is only one place per day, or else I’m old. I really want to go and join in the fun."

Sun Wukong's words made me suddenly think of a possible bug. "By the way, I'll ask you something."

"Please tell me." "What's the matter?"

"You said that if you beat the enemy half and let me kill it, Is this person counted as your quota for this day?"

Zizhu Fairy and Sun Wukong were stunned by what I said. They obviously didn’t think about it, but now I mention it. They naturally realized that maybe there is such a probability that they can bypass the system restrictions and carry out unlimited killings. As long as the intensity is controlled, it is OK not to hit the last one. However, this is only our speculation at present, and it is not known whether there will be restrictions on the system.

Sun Wukong is a hyper-hyperactivity disorder. According to Zizhu Fairy’s words, he always thought about it after he finished it. After hearing my idea, he immediately said, "Is it feasible to try? I'll know." As he said, he jumped, and it turned into a golden light just over a meter above the ground, and shot onto the opposite battlefield in an instant. The golden light circled the battlefield and then flew back, but when it landed, it was not only Sun Wukong, but also two ordinary players. After throwing those two people to the ground, Sun Wukong immediately said to me: "I have already beaten them to mutilation. You should kill them quickly and see if they count as my weight." I stepped on them and broke them without saying a word. On the individual's neck, Sun Wukong's expression is super strange, neither happy nor disappointed.

Looking at his face changed, I couldn't help but ask: "What the hell is the result?"

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