Although the chasers were killed, I know that our actions have actually been exposed. Giant Butterfly City is so big, impossible are the only ones. Besides, those who can catch up with it at the speed of Giant Butterfly City must be people with better mounts. Even if every family in India has dogs, they don’t have so much shit for them to step on. In other words, the real chase is only the few Indians who have good mounts, and they must be followed by a lot of slow runners. of. And even if there is no one else in the future, those players who died will definitely announce the matter immediately when they resurrect. Of course, it is not so easy to organize a decent offense. Even if these people go back and tell others that we are careful, they will at most attract good things first, and wait until the second group of people go back and expand the news. There is an organized counterattack. In fact, the time span in between may be as long as two to three days. It depends on whether the Indians react fast enough. If it is slower or slower, we will all have completed the repair of the city. Only then organized a resistance army. Besides, even if the Resistance Army is successfully formed, I am not afraid. Firstly, our defense forces are very strong. Secondly, the first rebellion formed must be a joint action between small guilds. You must wait for these small guilds to suffer a big loss. Indian talents will truly realize that this is not a simple one. At that time, they will launch players from all over the country to fight us together, and I estimate that the situation will have to wait until five days later at the earliest.

After thinking about it, I decided to kill the next infantry first, because there are definitely a lot of those people. If they are allowed to see the giant butterfly city landing in advance and figure out our intentions, they will organize an elephant. In this way, the attack time will be shortened, which is extremely detrimental to us.

I ran forward along the direction of the giant butterfly city flying not far, and I saw a large group of people running towards me. I saw Old Feng far away and I didn’t care much for a while. , After all, the number of their group is close to more than a thousand. I am alone, and naturally I can’t attract much attention. It’s just that as the distance gets closer, someone recognizes me, so the opponent’s camp is inevitable. There was a riot.

"Attention, that is Purple Moon!" As the first player yelled, others yelled one after another. Although the people behind did not see me, they understood when they heard the yelling from the front player. What happened over here. Some quick-reaction archers immediately began to draw bows and shoot arrows in an attempt to suppress me from a long distance. One person’s actions immediately inspired the people around me, so more than a thousand people over there immediately started shooting arrows at me, just because they were originally It does not belong to a unified guild, so there is no dispatch at all. There are nearly 200 archer players among the more than 1,000 people, but the arrows fired are in different order, and some people use magic arrows, directly It is a straight-pointed shooting, while some people use ordinary attacks, which can only shoot at a large angle. Because of the different launching methods, the arrow rain that originally had a time difference is even more sparse, without the slightest imposing manner at all. Ye Ying took me with her speed unabated, and with just a few quick steps, she let out the few arrows that could only hit us. Most of the players on the opposite side found that bows and arrows could not threaten me at all, so they gave up the plan to continue shooting. Only a few experts with better technology or equipment that can shoot directly continue to shoot arrows.

Because the two sides are facing each other, and the speed of Night Shadow is more exaggerated, it is almost the time that the expert in the other side shoots two rounds of arrows, I have already rushed in front of the other side. When one person pulled out the long spear hanging on the side of the mount and rushed up with one hand, who knew that Ye Ying and my silhouette suddenly accelerated as if they had entered the void, and the whole person became a translucent state. The guy a spear thrust out and passed through the phantom. He didn't feel any force back shock in his hand. It was obvious that the spear was pierced into the air.

"Go on." Just when the guy was still stabbing himself in the air, I suddenly punched him on the bridge of the nose, which he thought was a phantom. The speed at which the two mounts collided and the strength of my punches formed a terrifying impact force. The guy flew directly from his mount and flew upside down towards the direction of my impact and fell to the ground with his butt. Before he got up, he was trampled on the ground by the horse rushing behind him. It is estimated that he would not die.

As the first player fell to the ground, the people behind them quickly divided into two lines and spread out. After going around me, they closed into a circle and surrounded me in the formation, followed by many of them withdrawing themselves His mount took out his weapon and prepared to confront me. I said before that the people here are all infantry, but when they came, all of them had mounts. In fact, there was no conflict. In "Zero", there are many mounts that can be used for transportation, among which female players prefer teddy bears, while male players mostly use horses. But whether it's a long-haired bear or a horse, they are all mounts, not familiars. Of course, you have to capture horses and long-haired bears as magical pets with capture skills, but no one will do that. In addition to these two things, the system actually has many options for players to choose from, but they all have several common characteristics: average speed, faster than walking, but not as good as professional familiars; weak attack power, or no battle at all strength; does not occupy the position of the pet, as long as you have money, you can have an infinite number; the command is not very flexible, the general intelligence is relatively poor, and the response is also very slow. Based on the above characteristics, basically mounts can only be regarded as a means of transportation. Although those people have mounts just now, they can only be regarded as infantry, because their mounts cannot cooperate with them without battle strength. Moreover, most of these people’s professions are not suitable for immediate combat. The real Knights will usually find ways to cultivate a monster that can be used as a horse. After all, equipped with a mount with only battle strength is equivalent to Knight having two weapons. Will give up such a good opportunity to strengthen.

After these people got off the horse, they had the normal combat capability. At least, it is better to stand on the ground than to have the deterrent power to get the infantry on the horse. I don’t know if my name is too scary or the Indians are inherently weaker. After surrounding me, these people didn’t dare to rush forward. A large group of people were still there to cheer and cheer each other. It seems that they are surrounded by me instead of me being surrounded by them. I just rode on the back of the night shadow and hasn't moved, Eternal has automatically transformed into a hook and sickle spear in my hand. The biggest advantage of this thing is that the damage area is relatively large, and once it is danced, it can be used as a stick. However, the eternally changed hook and sickle gun is slightly different from the ordinary hook and sickle gun. That is, my hook and sickle gun is much longer than the ordinary hook and sickle gun. The length of the grip part is about 1.8 meters. There is not much difference between ordinary hook and sickle guns, but the straight edge part of my hook and sickle gun is more than ninety centimeters in front, which is nearly twice as long as the ordinary hook and sickle gun. With the handle on the back, the whole hook and sickle gun is added. It is nearly three meters long, and the hook part on the side of my hook and sickle gun is much larger than the ordinary hook and sickle gun, which looks like a sickle. Such a big hook looks scary, plus my image, it is really shocking, so that the Indian players hesitated for a long time there and did not decide whether to rush forward.

I originally planned to come to silence, since they didn't move, I just moved by myself. Gently clamped Ye Ying’s belly, Ye Ying immediately took a step forward. The surrounding Indians oh la la pointed their weapons at me, but the next second they suddenly discovered that Ye Ying’s Second Step and I hadn’t stepped on it. On the ground, it disappeared out of thin air, as if stepping into the void in one step. What regained the attention of those people was a scream. A player at the outermost edge of the crowd screamed and was picked up by my hook in midair. The blade of the hook went through his abdomen and picked it away. He was on the ground, and his body was continuously sliding down due to his own weight. At the same time, his stomach and chest were being cut open a little bit by eternity, as if his own weight had divided him. Since I didn't input magic power into the eternity, the current eternity is not too sharp. The guy was so slowly divided into two halves and then passed through the blade and thumped to the ground with no sound.

"Who is the next one?"

"Devil!" An Indian female player suddenly raised her staff at me and said loudly: "No orchid sacred fire shines on the world , Go...sacred fire...."

"Cut the fire." While the woman was chanting the spell, I swiped the hook and sickle gun in my hand at her. The woman's hand has gradually The formed flame was instantly extinguished as if someone poured cold water into it, and the woman was spitting blood back a few steps and fell to the ground after being backlashed because of a failed magic release.

A smart-looking Indian player called out as soon as he saw the situation. "Mages don’t cast spells alone. Purple Moon has a skill. As long as you know the type of spell you belong to, you can forcefully destroy the spell and release it. Mage chant spells together. Don’t stop the warrior. Don’t let him have the opportunity to interfere with the spell casting."

"Are you thoroughly researching me?" I took a look at the guy, then raised my right hand at him, moved my fingers to a certain angle, and then my middle finger slightly bends down, and one flashes The golden light short arrow shot away immediately, and the guy hurriedly hid back. Unfortunately, the arrow kept staring at him like long eyes. As long as he moves, the arrow will follow it, and it will always point at him anyway. Unbiased. It took less than a second from the shot of the short arrow to before and after the hit, and the guy just came and moved a step aside, but in the end the golden arrow pierced his head, and his body flew backwards with great force. It took more than one meter to stop.

"Everyone, one-on-one, we are not his opponents!" The people around finally realized that they would be killed by me sooner or later. I don’t know who shouted so loudly. And up.

"Do you think that the results will be different if you put it together?"

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