"Of course it’s the issue of remuneration, otherwise, what else can I do?"

"Remuneration?" The Tathagata Avatar was taken aback for a moment and then said very angrily: Divine Race is a kind of honor to do things, you actually..."

"Stop, stop, stop, stop!" I directly interrupted the Tathagata Avatar and unceremoniously reversed the lesson: "Do you know what I hate Buddhism the most? It's hypocrisy. Glory? Why is it honour to do things for you?" Tathagata Avatar just wanted to answer and I preemptively said: "Yes, stop talking, I know your theory. No. You are Divine Race. So is it an honor for us to do things for you? But what is the essential difference between Divine Race and mortals? It’s just that you are stronger than mortals. Among mortals, there are strengths and weaknesses. Isn’t it the weak? Should I feel honored to serve the powerhouse? Then I still fight with Indians? Lao Tzu battle strength first under the heavens, shouldn't all Japanese and Indians rush to me and be my little brother?" I stopped here on purpose. I looked at the face of the Tathagata Avatar and suddenly retorted: "Are you an idiot? Tell you, the weak to serve the powerhouse is called benefit exchange, and if it is not good, it is compelled by circumstances. Don’t show your bullshit theory in front of me. I’ll understand it is a lie after I was three years old. What are you doing? Do you dare to stare at me? Tell you that the reward for this action is doubled, otherwise I won’t. I'm taking care of it."

This Tathagata Avatar has not been in Celestial Court for a long time. I haven't figured out the relationship between Celestial Court and me yet, so he actually used me as a family dog. Even if my power is not as powerful as Celestial Court, I am not so good as to be a dog for Celestial Court. For the sake of face, it can be said that Celestial Court and I are partners. I am a Celestial Court outsourcing service provider. If it doesn’t sound good, it’s okay to say that I am a worker from Celestial Court, but anyway, we are just an employment relationship, in terms of status. It didn't make any difference. Celestial Court even asked me for some thorny issues. I didn't expect this Tathagata Avatar to be so unreal. He is so arrogant before he joins Celestial Court. If he doesn't take advantage of the power to kill him now, he won't crawl on my head and shit?

The Tathagata Avatar was robbed by me and I didn’t know how to speak. In addition, he still had to resist the power of fusion, and he almost didn’t suppress the agitation of the fusion power in his body, so he quickly sat down and started. Adjustment of status. Several Divine Immortal in Celestial Court knew who I was and hurried up to complete the game, but no one spoke to the Tathagata Avatar. They all said that the Tathagata Avatar was a newcomer and didn't understand the situation so I didn't get angry. The Tathagata Avatar was robbed by me as a mortal and was still not convinced. Now when I heard that the Celestial Court elders around me all said this, I immediately realized that my status in the Celestial Court is not simple, and I cannot simply treat it as a mortal. . But this can’t be said that he is stupid, mainly because there are no players like me in India. To be precise, there are very few players in the world who often go in and out of the Divine Race sphere of influence like me. Most people don’t have the guts. Not that strength either.

"I'm sorry." The Tathagata Avatar, who was sitting on the ground after all the people in Celestial Court had finished speaking, said such a sentence, and we were all taken aback. "I'm sorry, I was too anxious just now."

"hahahaha...the apology is unnecessary. I don't think we need to play with each other between our existences. Anyway, no one can play with each other. It’s better to be straightforward. I’m actually very easy to get along with. If you give me face, I will give you face. If you help me, I will help you in turn. I will never let you suffer, let alone take me in vain. Cheap. The relationship between Celestial Court and me is not a day or two. You can ask, as long as I was hired to come forward, which time Celestial Court suffered a loss? Although my salary is high, it is better than Celestial Court. The benefits are definitely worth it. Every time I help Celestial Court, they always ask for benefits, and they still look for me every time. Do you really think that the people at Celestial Court are stupid? They know that this is actually very good. It’s a good deal, so I’ve always been looking for things to do.”

Although the Tathagata Avatar is only an Avatar, after all, there is no difference between the real Tathagata and the Tathagata in thought, so he can also be very fast for me. I want to understand. Celestial Court is naturally impossible to trade at a loss with its current strength, and even if it makes a loss trade, it is absolutely impossible to continue looking for a loss-making business. Therefore, the partnership between Celestial Court and me is definitely beneficial. There is no doubt about this. As long as there are benefits, it is worth it. After thinking about this, the Tathagata immediately said: "Okay, as long as you can help us this time, I will pay for the double benefits."

"Very well, look. For the sake of correcting your mistake, the double benefit this time has been cancelled. I only charge the normal standard."

"Then many thanks!"

" You are welcome. Tell Supreme Taoist, I will send someone to deliver the rest of the powder. First, I will make a medicine that suppresses fusion. I strive to complete the enclosure plan as soon as possible. You are busy with you! I will prepare now. As for the payment... I will send the bill when the bill is over."

After leaving Celestial Court and returning to Isengard, I immediately ordered all the senior members of the association to come back for a meeting, and soon Isengard’s trip The conference hall was filled with the main members of the guild.

"Boss, what the hell are you doing to call us back in such a hurry?" Da Guofan, a heartless fellow, was the first to ask.

“Of course there is something important when the boss told us to come back.” Asura purple clothed finished speaking, he turned to me and said, “Where are you going to hit this time? Or did you get someone’s sneak attack? Plan?"

"Attack and occupy. Martial God, explain to them." Eight crystal balls suddenly popped up from the walls all around the venue, and then each crystal ball shot out a divergent beam , The eight light beams formed a three-dimensional Earth image after meeting overhead. The Earth quickly turned in one direction and then zoomed in. Soon the area bordering India and China was enlarged to occupy the entire area above our heads.

"The map you see now is the map of the China-India border area, where the red line is the national boundary line. Here." In the picture, a blue circle suddenly appeared in a place in the Indian area. "This is the Great Thunder Sound Temple, the old nest of Buddhism in India." A green straight line suddenly appeared on the periphery of the blue circle in the screen, extending from the blue circle until it reached the red border and stopped, and the gods of war were also synchronizing. Explaining. "It can be seen that the straight-line distance between the Great Thunder Sound Temple and the border of our country is no more than 500 kilometers, while the straight-line distance between the few Indian cities closer to the Great Thunder Sound Temple is basically about 200 kilometers." At the same time as the explanation, there were a few more yellow circles on the periphery of the Great Thunder Sound Temple to mark the locations of several Indian cities close to the Great Thunder Sound Temple, and then a straight line connection was drawn between these cities and the Great Thunder Sound Temple. "Our president has just received a mission, and the content is like this..."

After some explanations of the military gods with pictures and texts, everyone finally understood the mission. Eagle asked first: "Do you mean we must occupy the Great Thunder Sound Temple?"

"Correct it." The voice of the god of war appeared again. "We don’t need to occupy the Great Thunder Sound Temple, because the NPC stronghold will not affect the distribution of national borders, so we only need to build a city near the Great Thunder Sound Temple and make sure that it is closer to the Great Thunder Sound Temple than other cities. Yes. Because the China-India border area is basically a mountainous area, in fact, the place where cities can be built is only 200 kilometers away from the Indian side of the border line, which is the green area shown in the picture." There is a large green area near the Great Thunder Sound Temple. "As long as we build a city at any point within the green area, the expected goal can be achieved."

Hong Yue suddenly asked: "Although the goal can be achieved as long as the city is built in a green area, we can never The city was built directly outside the courtyard of the Great Thunder Sound Temple, right? And whether the city was built on the Great Thunder Sound Temple on the Chinese side or on the Indian side? There is a huge difference between the two locations!"

"Good idea." The military god exclaimed, then fell into a brief silence. Military God is different from Nuwa. He takes the path of purely electronic computers, so his thinking is relatively rigid. Although he can do everything when encountering a large amount of messy information, he can’t do anything about innovation. Fortunately, our guild only uses As the assistant command and planning staff, the military god does not rely on him to make decisions, so it does not affect the command efficiency of our guild, but can give full play to the respective strengths of the human brain and the computer. After a short silence, the military god immediately began to change the projection screen. A small yellow circle was drawn in the green area, and then a lot of red dots were dotted around. Finally, the remaining green area was placed against China. The color on one side changed to emerald green, and the other side changed to dark green. "This is a new plan after my analysis. Taking into account the possible interference factors of Buddhism, the red and yellow areas are not recommended for urban construction, and the two green areas represent whether the Great Thunder Sound Temple is built on the Chinese side or on the Chinese side. The difference is different on the Indian side. If you build on the Chinese side, the risk is relatively small, but the enemy can also use rogue tactics to build a city on the Indian side of the Great Thunder Sound Temple, because we can’t get close to the Great Thunder Sound. Temple builds a city, so if the opponent uses this rogue tactic, we have nothing to do except rebuild the city or grab the opponent’s city. If our city is built on the Indian side, there will be no such problem, but because there is a seat between the Chinese territory The Great Thunder Sound Temple, whether it is supplies or other things, will become very troublesome, especially the Great Thunder Sound Temple is far from the national border on the Indian side. Building a city in such a deep place may cause Indian players to compare Great reaction, so the number of our enemies may increase."

"Both sides have their own pros and cons. Isn't it really hard to make a decision?" Eagle said while holding his chin and looking at the map.

"Since both sides are similar, let me make the decision. I choose here."

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