Originally, the battle strength of the treasure tree king should be stabilized by two monsters, but when the two monsters were defeated by the treasure tree king and retreated suddenly, the treasure tree king Stepped into the black water. Originally, the two monsters had nothing to do in Ruoshui, so King Baoshu didn't expect something wrong with the black water. As a result, he stepped in and the effect was immediately different. Hearing a squeak, the feet of the treasure tree king immediately began to billowing smoke, the treasure tree king was also panicked because of the sudden blow, and the giant snake saw the opportunity to pull it to the ground. The Water Element was even worse. It was cunning. He even used his body to smash the shallow water on the beach and splashed a lot of Ruo Shui. Seeing the splashing water droplets, the King Baoshu immediately covered his head and face with his hands, but the water droplets of assaults the senses still dropped. The green smoke burned from him.

"Bold beasts, dare to hurt the body of my god, please prepare to die!" The completely enraged Treasure Tree King suddenly jumped from the ground like crazy, and then Cross-legged in the air, he posed a Zen Sect posture, followed him up with his left hand and pinched a strange handprint. A golden light spot suddenly appeared on the position in front of his abdomen and began to expand rapidly, and it quickly became A golden little sun and the strong light made Water Element and the giant snake start to retreat. For a while, there was only a piece of golden between Heaven and Earth, and nothing was seen at all. Under the strong golden light, the entire sea of ​​Silent Sea began to emit layers of smoke. Ling and I were okay, but the two rare beasts over there were burned and ulcerated in the water and rolled desperately. .

"Damn, what's the big trick? The formidable power is too big, right?" I asked aloud, covering my eyes with my hand. It's not that I want to be loud, but the sound of the evaporation of sea water is so loud as a volcanic eruption.

Ling hid in the shadow behind me and shouted: "Master helps me block it. This light hurts me a lot!"

"Xiaochun!" Follow me Xiaochun immediately appeared in front of us with a shout, then turned to face me and Ling, a pair of huge angel wings peng sound spread out and blocked all the rays of light shining on us, and we immediately felt our body The pressure is light.

"Huh, finally saved!" Ling finally breathed out in the shadow surrounded by Xiaochun's wings.

Xiao Chunwei said with a smile: "This is just a relatively pure light power. Can't sister Vina's chaotic attributes be offset? Why do you react so much?"

< p>Ling complained: "The injury is not much, but the body is still very uncomfortable. It feels like Great Xia stands in the middle of the road at noon and is directly exposed to strong sunlight. Although it will not cause any actual harm in the morning, it will always be It’s very uncomfortable!"

"I didn’t feel it."

"Of course you don’t feel that you are an angel of light! I belong to Dark Element!" Ling suddenly said to Xiaochun Said: "By the way, what's going on outside?"

"Let me see." Xiaochun turned her head over, the strong golden light had no effect on her eyes at all, but instead It greatly improved her eyesight. After a while, she turned around and said, "The Water Element is almost burned, but the snake is not damaged. It seems that it has been burned more severely, and the surface of the Sea of ​​Silence is still smoking. However, I didn’t see any changes. The Treasure Tree King seemed to be an arrow at the end of its flight, and he shouldn’t be able to hold on for long."

"That’s for sure. There is no positive energy replenishment in this kind of place, even if the treasure tree king is strong, and sooner or later, if he does not get any recovery, he will have to drain the energy in his body.” After I analyzed it, I said, “By the way, look at the end of this posture. Win?"

Xiaochun said: "It looks like that snake can last a long time, because although he struggles very difficult to deal with, he doesn't have the feeling of being equipped, but he is the king of the treasure tree. It’s going to die soon, if there is no accident, the time when the rays of light pause is the death of King Baoshu!"

I thought about it and shouted: "Victoria."

"Master What's the order?"

"If you ask Xiaochun to guide you, you will also fill the tree king with an arrow of destiny. Choose a favorable attribute to help him. If he draws a disadvantageous attribute, even he Unfortunately."

According to the current situation, King Treasure Tree will definitely not be able to kill the last snake, so I plan to help King Treasure Tree. Of course it’s not because I have a good relationship with King Treasure Tree. , But I hope that the last remaining strength can be as weak as possible, so that I can take advantage of the fishermen’s benefits and be more convenient, isn’t it?

Victoria, who was given the order, suddenly left Xiaochun’s cover and rose into the air. Following Xiaochun, she also folded her wings and flew to Victoria’s back, holding Victoria’s hand to help her correct her direction in the glare. Then Victoria suddenly let go, the arrow of destiny passed through the wheel of Fate in front of the tree king who was still releasing the golden light, but luckily and unfortunately, she got an unfavorable attribute, which was already an arrow at the end. The Treasure Tree King of its flight instantly planted from the sky to the ground, and the big snake immediately rushed towards the Treasure Tree King after breathing a little. Seeing this situation, Victoria and I were both stupid, and I would have stopped doing this superfluous thing a long time ago! But it's too late to say anything. I still think about how to face the snake more realistically. Fortunately, the snake is not in the peak state anymore. At least half of its strength has been removed. We should still be able to fight it alone.

Unsurprisingly, after the fall, King Treasure Tree suffered a great loss in strength. He was simply not the opponent of the Black Snake. The Black Snake wrapped his entire body around King Treasure Tree, and then began to tighten quickly. Although the king of the tree is struggling desperately, he can’t shake the black snake at all. There is a layer of crystal-like scales on the surface of this guy’s body. It's a tiny bit, but the treasure tree king himself is obviously about to be unable to hold on, even the flame on the tree above his head has obviously changed bright and dark, as if it would be extinguished in the next second.

Just when the two big guys couldn’t help but the King of the Tree was about to lose, the King of the Tree didn’t know what to do, and suddenly found us standing on the side, and then he suddenly smiled miserably. After struggling hard, he violently grabbed the tree above his head and smashed it with one hand. I didn't know what he was going to do at first, but Ling first found out what was wrong. "Not good, he wants to self-destruct!"


"He wants to self-destruct, flash!"

"Damn! The door of the earth!" I quickly summon out of the door of the earth and went in, and just before me stepped into the door of the earth, the queen of the treasure tree exploded, accompanied by a strong golden rays of light, and a shock wave instantly moved towards all The around spread, and all the objects on the ground around it burned in an instant. As for the snake, we can't even see his shadow now.

The intense explosion lasted for a few minutes before it was completely over. When we came out of the gate of the earth, the outside was calm again, but there was an extra 30 diameter on the ground where we fought before. In the big pit of Duomi, the treasure tree king has completely disappeared in this world, but we saw the giant snake fighting with him on the ground beside the pit, but although the giant was not killed on the spot. The snake is already venting more and getting less air. The huge body of the snake is blown into three parts. The section connecting the head is about two-fifths of its original body length, but even this two-fifth is also The potholes are everywhere, and the scales in many places have disappeared. The long fangs in the open mouth of the snake have been completely blown away, and the two dark red snake eyes have lost one, replaced by a big hole with black red blood, if it weren't for the life force of a monster It’s strong enough to change any kind of creature, so it’s probably dead on the spot, how can it be in Final Struggle?

"I didn't expect to fight so badly!" I sighed as I walked. Not far in front of us is the snake head, which is several times larger than the locomotive. The opened Shekou is several times larger than the tunnel through the mountain. A bombed fang is stuck in the ground not far from us. Only two people with a thickness of at least can hug it together, not to mention that the thing is poisonous, even if it is not poisonous, just being inserted by such a thick thing is enough to kill.

Xiaochun excitedly ran to the side of the undead snake head and patted and asked: "Master, this thing seems to be a pet for summon."

"Really Yes?" Hearing Xiaochun's reminder, I quickly ran to the head of the snake to identify it, let alone, it was really the same as Xiaochun said. Although theoretically it is said that anything with life in "Zero" except the player can be a familiar, but in fact, some special cases are still unlikely to become a familiar, such as these monsters in the sea of ​​silence. In fact, I have known for a long time that there are not only many monsters here, but also very high level, but the creatures in the sea of ​​silence have a common feature, that is, low intelligence. As a demon familiar, although you don't require intelligence, if you can't even distinguish between the enemy and ourselves, then you won't be able to bounce up and fight together! But judging from the previous situation, the monsters here are not really intellect at all, but there are not many ones with intelligence. At least the Water Element and this snake are obviously special cases.

Since the appraisal result shows that this thing can be turned into a familiar by summon, I no longer hesitate. After using the capture skill three times in a row, the capture process was easily completed. A creature in the dying state has almost no resistance, not to mention that his level is not low, so the capture becomes unusually simple. After the capture was completed, the huge snake head shrank quickly and turned into a black crystal with the size of a fist. Although it looks no different from black liquid crystals, I know that this thing only looks like black liquid crystals, and is somewhat different from real black liquid crystals. When the arrest was successful, I had already seen the attribute of this thing, which can be said to be very scary. Although there are not many fancy auxiliary functions, this guy is definitely the main charge of the main battle tank on the battlefield. Almost all the ranks of the five thousandth tier are derived from its terrifying damage output and defensive power. It can be said that he is a perfect combination of the strongest spear and the indestructible strongest shield on the battlefield. .

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