Although Tathagata was scared away, I am not completely all right now. On the contrary, the problem now becomes more troublesome. The City of Discipline is an area that is too memorable. Any battle that takes place here cannot be simply regarded as a matter of our guild family. It must be reported to the various Divine Race forces, so now I have to stop and deal with this. Things are up.

As soon as the various Divine Race forces received the notice from our guild, they immediately sent their representatives. Hula, a large group of great gods in the city of commandments, and the Tathagata was also under all influence. Please come over to clarify the facts through a joint notice. I directly admitted the explanation of the Tathagata, and did not deliberately distort the facts. Although the Tathagata and I are basically incompatible as fire and water now, it would be obviously an idiot to deceive Divine Race because of this. No matter how weak Divine Race is, it is also Divine Race. Some people have ways to know the whole story. Besides, there are many people who know about it. Concealment is basically impossible.

Because I agree with the Tathagata, this matter didn’t cause much noise. However, the Divine Races in each Divine Race obviously took the opportunity to sell my face, although I knew it was only between our two families. However, fools can see the partiality of the various Divine Races towards me. In the end, under the joint condemnation of the various Divine Races, Tathagata had to submit to humiliation and made a verbal apology to me and compensated me with a little property. Revealed the matter this time. After the Tathagata left, the Divine Races also left. I returned to Celestial Court with Supreme Taoist, the representative sent by Celestial Court this time.

"You are so brave!" Supreme Taoist said as he walked.

I carefully followed behind and said with a smile on my face: "This is really greedy for a while, I know I regret it now, but anyway, I always do things for the Celestial Court, and the Celestial Court will not sit back and watch. Ignore it?"

"I don't care if I don't care, it's just...!" At this point, Supreme Taoist stopped abruptly.

My mind is not stupid. After Supreme Taoist stops like this, I naturally know that Celestial Court must have given his opinion before he came. "Celestial Court, if you have any thoughts, just tell me!"

Supreme Taoist suddenly stopped walking when he heard what I said. Instead, he turned to face me and said, "Originally, you were helping Celestial Court. It’s nothing if we help you take care of what happened this time. What's more, you can see it today. Because of the wheel of discipline, all Divine Races are interested in selling better than you, so they are partial to you, like this It’s obvious that both of you are sharing half of the responsibility, but you open your eyes and talk nonsense just to help you out and make the Tathagata apologize and apologize. It’s not difficult to see the meaning of all parties."

I nodded and said: "I don’t say anything about being awkward with someone like you. When I got the Wheel of Discipline in my hands, I thought that there would be such a day. It’s just used by didn’t expect. It’s so fast. I just don’t know what the Celestial Court intends to do with this?"

Supreme Taoist stroked his beard said with a smile: "It’s a matter of discipline. Celestial Court wants to support you. , But you can’t be too brazen. You should see from the price we sell you for the heavenly soldiers. If you don’t have the mind to fatten you up, you think you can deceive us with your little cleverness. Are there so many heavenly soldiers who don’t need money?"

"The old man laughed, how can I be so arrogant?" I looked at Supreme Taoist's face, and then continued: "According to you Meaning, this time you are planning not to bear the conflict between me and Buddhism?"


I looked at Supreme Taoist suspiciously, but thought about it for a long time. I don't know what he meant. "That... I really don't understand. According to you, Celestial Court intends to help me, but if you don't admit that this incident is caused by me working for you, it is equivalent to letting Buddhism and I do it directly. Come on, in that case, I'm simply not an opponent of Buddhism, oh, wait..."

"You finally figured it out?" Supreme Taoist smiled and looked at me and asked.

I am nodded, with a smile on my face. "I understand, many thanks to the old gentleman's guidance."

" understand it. How to say this time is also because of Celestial Court, you just need to believe that we won't let you suffer. ."


In fact, although Supreme Taoist didn't say it clearly, I have roughly guessed Celestial Court's plan. Generally speaking According to system restrictions, the Divine Race forces of various countries cannot directly support a certain player force blatantly, which means that even if the Celestial Court wants to fund our guild, it absolutely cannot proceed directly. But just now Supreme Taoist has made it clear that Celestial Court wants to help us, and he said that Celestial Court does not intend to take responsibility for this matter, then Buddhism cannot find an excuse to attack Celestial Court, so it can only target us. Guild body. On the surface, this is a super powerful enemy for us, but the other way around is different. Things can't just look at the surface. Although it looks like we have an additional powerful enemy, in fact our guild belongs to the whole group of China, and Celestial Court can directly send troops to fight while guarding its own territory. This is a parallel It does not violate the system setting, which means that if Buddhism wants to attack our guild, it must attack Chinese territory, because the land occupied by our guild is Chinese territory, so even if Celestial Court does not directly declare war with Buddhism, it still has an excuse to send troops and Buddhism. In the process, our guild is equivalent to being invaded by the enemy Divine Race. As long as the condition of being invaded by external Divine Race forces is met, Celestial Court can reasonably and legally support our guild on a large scale. As for how much things our guild consumes in the process of resisting Buddhism, this system is It doesn't matter, which means that as long as the supply of Celestial Court exceeds our own consumption, it is tantamount to helping our guild grow in disguise, thus bypassing the system limitation and achieving our goal. I have to say that the old guys at Celestial Court are really cunning, and they can think of this way!

After getting the affirmative answer from Supreme Taoist, I went to Celestial Court with him again. I met Jade Emperor here once, and then discussed about the specific response to Buddhism, but because this time the protagonist is We are not Celestial Court, so Jade Emperor intends to let us schedule the battle ourselves, and they just provide support when we need it. It was basically no problem to get this promise. I left from Jade Emperor and went to Supreme Taoist. The king is still in the furnace of Supreme Taoist, I have to see how he progresses.

"Old gentleman, how is the situation of my subordinates now?"

"There is no obvious change for the time being, but if you want him to be stronger, I suggest you the best Go to Ten Temples Yama for some help."

"Look for King Yama?"

Supreme Taoist is definitely nodded. "Your subordinate is a condensed entity based on negative energy. Its energy comes from negative emotions that people don't like. Where do you think negative energy is the most abundant in this world?"

"Eighteen Levels of Hell."

"Then what are you waiting for?"

"I want to know how I can use those negative energies for the king? Although there is negative I have plenty of energy, but I also have to have a container?"

"That's why I asked you to find Ten Palaces Yama King!"

"That's it." Know how After it was done, I hurriedly bid farewell to Supreme Taoist and turned back to Isengard, from here I can directly teleport to my 11th Hades Palace in Netherworld. Although I rarely come down, at any rate I also have the title of 11th Temple King Yama, isn't it? Our guild still has many undead NPCs working here. Although there is no salary, it can ensure that the probability of death and resurrection of our guild players is reduced to almost zero, which means that there is basically no resurrection for people in our guild. Failure to drop two levels at a time.

After coming out of the Transmission Formation in the Yama Palace, I used the Transmission Gate outside the Yama Palace to transfer to the capital city. There are passages connecting the eleven Yama Palaces. From here, I transfer from my own The Palace of Hades passed faster. Soon I reached the tenth Yama Palace, which is the closest to me, and I heard that the higher the number in Ten Temples Yama, the stronger the strength. Look for this kind of relatively strong Hades, and estimate that the work efficiency can be higher.

"Isn't this the 11th Temple Yan Jun? Why come here to run me?" As soon as I walked out of the Transmission Gate, I heard a loud voice, and then I saw the gate of Ghost Qi in front of me. I opened it by myself, and came out from inside a guy with an explosive face and a beard similar to Zhang Fei.

"haha, it turned out to be Yanjun of the Ten Temples!" I gave a salute first, and then said: "To tell you the truth, I am here to ask you for help!"

"Oh? Didn't expect and there are things I can do to help? Just listen, as long as I can, I will help you."

"Eh...actually one of my subordinates is now The most critical moment for leveling up, but Supreme Taoist told me that negative energy is needed to help him improve, and the darker the negative energy, the better. When I thought about where the negative energy is the most in this world? So I thought of you!"

"hahahaha!" Ten Palaces Yama King laughed louder when he heard me. "The Celestial Court has always said that you are a human spirit. Why did you become stupid today?"

"Ah?" I looked at Ten Palaces Yama King suspiciously and didn't know what he meant.

"Aren't you the King of Yama yourself? The dark negative energy is not how much you need to grab a handful?"

"Do I have it?"

"Of course there is, and it's endless, as much as you want!"

"I have so much negative energy? Why don't I know it myself?"

"hahahaha … I’ll be straightforward! Where do you go every time you go from our Chinese underworld to the European’s hell? Isn’t the endless things blocking us the darkest negative energy?"

< p>"What separates us from the European hell is...?" I said as the boss stared suddenly. "The Sea of ​​Silence?"

"You finally remembered!"

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