After seeing the Spirit Bead shattered, Tathagata first looked at his hands before realizing that his mana had returned to normal. "Hahahaha, it turns out that that was the source of your suppression of my waiting divine force. Now I see what you do."

"Really sorry, I won't play with you." After I finished speaking, I suddenly faced the demons. Chong yelled: "Quick flash!" Almost all the familiars entered the training space in a flash, and I turned back violently and jumped up. Asuka suddenly appeared under me and caught it. I. The Tathagata did not react slowly. When I saw that I was about to run, he waved and shot out a golden light. The flying bird flew over with a large hanging beam on one side, and the Tathagata immediately followed and flew into the air, but he waited for him to look at it again. At that time we have already appeared on the horizon. The Tathagata in the game is not set to be as horrible as in "Journey to the West", and the speed of the bird is not in vain, it almost jumped far away as soon as it was fired. But despite our terrifying speed, Tathagata didn’t intend to let us go. Suddenly he saw his hands in front of him form a seal, and then silently said an incantion, after which a huge color that was slowly closing down suddenly appeared beside him. Lian, when the lotus completely wrapped the Tathagata in, it suddenly burst open. A colorful halo rippled like a shock wave, but it didn’t cause any harm. It just rippled for a certain distance and disappeared completely. The lotus flower in the middle has long lost its shadow.

On the other side, I rode on the bird and ran away desperately. Suddenly, I saw a lot of pink light spots in front of me. Those light spots quickly gathered together to form a huge colored lotus. After the colored lotus appeared It began to bloom immediately. When it was fully opened, I saw the Tathagata sitting in Huaxin. What’s more terrible was that he was holding a golden bracelet in his hand, even though I didn’t know what it was. But this does not prevent me from judging that the thing is dangerous.

I found out that the Tathagata slightly smiled after I appeared, and then threw out the gold bracelet in my hand. As soon as the golden bracelet was let go, it got up with high-speed rotation and flew towards me, seeing that the speed almost turned into a golden light. I quickly patted the bird's head. All the scales on the bird's wings suddenly stood up. The huge wind resistance stopped us like a wall. The gold bracelet was obviously calculated in advance. , So when we suddenly slowed down, we missed and we wiped past us. The Tathagata was a little stunned when he saw that his baby hadn't hit it, but he didn't panic because the gold bracelet turned back.

I don’t have to look back at the face of the Tathagata I know that the gold bracelet will definitely not go without a hit, and the bird does not fly by eyes, his scan is naturally more impossible Ignoring the gold bracelet that was dropped and returned, it was almost when the gold bracelet was about to hit us from behind, the scales above the bird's wings suddenly all blocked, and then his tail tip slammed downwards, and at the same time the four propelled and burned. With full power on, we immediately jumped out like a missile, but the direction was downward. With the help of gravitational dive and strong propulsion, we instantly completed the transition from suspended air to rapid, and the golden bracelet obviously did not How much intelligence, it turned out to be missed again by a millimetre difference, but that guy must have similar abilities to my Banyue, and he turned back after he missed, but the bird is not easy to deal with, and the air master is not for nothing. . After diving and accelerating the breakthrough sound barrier, all the scales on the bird’s wings suddenly fell down, and at the same time the tail flames on the back of the bird stretched several times, our speed soared again, and although the golden bracelet chased us behind, it was because of us. The speed is so amazing that it can only slowly narrow the distance between us. Looking back from me, it seems almost as if it is still behind us.

"Flying bird." Seeing the gold bracelet behind is getting closer and closer, I am going to lower my head to remind the flying bird, who knows a mouth but finds that we can't hear the sound at all, then I remembered that our speed has been through three times. The speed of sound has gone, and the sound just came out of my mouth and was left behind before it could spread. After thinking about this problem, I quickly switched to using contact to inform Asuka that we were about to crash.

Asuka immediately responded after receiving my warning: "I just want to hit the ground, but it's not that we hit, but the thing behind it hits."

"OK, things in the sky You're done, I don't care how you fly, just don't reimburse us all."

"Don't worry, Master, just like a fish that hasn't drowned, I, the king of the sky, will never die. In the air. Hold fast, I’m going to play Super."

Asuka reminded me to lower my body quickly, but Asuka’s back itself has something suitable for me to hide This position can basically completely envelop me, so that I will not affect the aerodynamic shape of the bird. After confirming that I had fixed myself, Asuka began to accelerate again, and the distance between us and the golden bracelet was stretched again, and at this time, we were almost diving towards the ground at a large oblique angle of more than seventy degrees. We were flying high enough just now, and we were almost on the ground in this short time. However, I was surprised to find that the ground in front of me was the Great Thunder Sound Temple. Didn’t expect the flying bird took me around and flew back. But as soon as I saw the Great Thunder Sound Temple, I realized what Asuka was going to do.

Today, Asuka is also in a hurry. It even increased its speed to nearly five times the speed of sound with the help of a dive. I can even feel the high temperature caused by the friction of the air around me, and continue to accelerate like this. We have to burn up sooner or later. However, the ground in front is close at hand, and there is not much distance for us to accelerate. When we were still several hundred meters away from the ground, the scales in front of the bird's body that played a role of limiting the flow suddenly opened up, and his tail section jet port was instantly closed, and the heated and expanded gas in the combustion chamber not only failed to be injected from behind. Instead, it was compressed more densely by the large amount of compressed air in front of me, and then I felt our speed dropped a lot, while the gold bracelet that looked like still at the back suddenly caught up. However, At the moment when the gold bracelet was about to hit us, Asuka suddenly shook, and then suddenly gained speed again, but his scales changed shape again. I can clearly feel that we seem to be coming across. Now Asuka is almost Using his abdomen to dive against the ground, but even though he pulled his body horizontally, the huge inertia still pressed us down and fell rapidly. The huge reverse acceleration almost made me unable to climb on Fengniao’s back. When I get up, it becomes extremely difficult to even pant. If ordinary people don't know how to get squashed like this, fortunately, this state only lasts for a short time before it ends, otherwise I can't stand it.

Actually, Asuka suddenly closed the exhaust port not to slow down, but to prepare for the release of the sonic bomb. Since the formidable power of the sonic bomb depends on the speed of Asuka, it almost hits just now. A sound pressure bomb with five times the normal formidable power, and then we drew a beautiful big V at a very steep angle to recover from the dive state, but the sound pressure bomb hit before us with a bang. On a building in the Great Thunder Sound Temple, the building collapsed almost instantaneously and lifted up a cloud of smoke. The people below almost saw us plunge into the smoke and miraculously from the other side. We broke away, but the gold bracelet that was chasing us lost its target after crashing into the smoke and hit the ground. The huge movement made the gold bracelet smash into the ground tens of meters deep and brought the basketball court. That big piece of land was shoveled up, and the formidable power was almost comparable to the comet hitting Earth. But after all, that thing is a housekeeping magic weapon of the Tathagata. Naturally, it won’t be dealt with just by hitting the ground. It flew up again soon after hitting the ground and chased us immediately after making two laps in the air. It turned out to be two points faster than before. I guess it was probably the increase in strength caused by the Artifact Spirit of the thing itself.

"hahahaha, good job." Seeing the smoke and dust billowing behind the Great Thunder Sound Temple, I couldn't help but laugh. It is estimated that Tathagata is angry even with his hair. When it was erected, his magic weapon actually blasted his hometown, which was called shooting himself in the foot. But with a smile, the thing behind turned out to chase up like brown sugar. "Asuka, can it flash off?"

"Probably not for a short time, but I can play with him. As long as the Tathagata is not an idiot, I should take the initiative to take back the thing."

After thinking about it, I understood Asuka's meaning, so I agreed: "Just do what you want."

"hahaha, beware of the people below." Asuka suddenly accelerates again and dives to fly. It is just over one meter high from the ground. Originally, we couldn't feel how fast we were in the sky, but now we are close to the ground to know what speed is. The scenery near us turned into a phantom and retreated quickly. The current Asuka is simply a jet cultivator, and the turf where he flies is sucked up by the vacuum wave, forming a huge gully. If you look down from the sky, you can see a white arrow pulling a black soil line quickly advancing forward, and there is a golden aperture behind it quickly chasing. In fact, it is different from in the sky. After reaching the ground, the speed of the gold bracelet does not get up. The reason is that it keeps bumping into things. Every time it chased too close, it would hit the soil that was lifted by the bird before it fell. As a result, the smashed deviated direction had to slow down, and then the same thing would happen when it caught up again. That thing doesn't have much intelligence, so it can only fly fast, fast and slowly like this, and it can't catch up with us all the time.

After we chased for a few minutes, a city suddenly appeared in front of us. Asuka immediately sent a message of watching a good show, and then violently accelerated towards the city gate of that city. At this time, the city gate of this Indian city was seeing a large number of players and NPCs coming and going as usual. Suddenly someone spotted a black line extending from a distance, but he didn’t wait for him to notify others before seeing the front of the thing. I crossed the city passageway and got into the city. People standing in the city passageway only felt that they were suddenly lifted up by a huge suction force, and even the bricks and tiles on the tower were instantly lifted off by a layer. But before the people and the bricks landed, I saw a golden thing rushing forward. It was just different from the thing just past. This thing is obviously not flying so steady. It seems to be trying to learn from the previous thing and turn around. city ​​passageway, it’s a pity that it seems to have a problem with its flying posture, the door was not drilled but it hit the tower. Just listen to a loud explosion sound, the whole city tower is like being bombarded by super heavy artillery, and the whole city is exploded into a sky full of broken bricks and dirt flying around, and the golden light is more unstable due to the impact, and it plunges into it. The buildings behind the city wall passed through the wall and crashed into the streets of the city after passing through the walls all the way and crashing into the streets of the city, but now although they can’t hit the building, they hit more people. Many people have just been hit. The thing that had flown before was turned around before it recovered, and it was taken away by the golden thing, and the golden thing seemed to have more destructive power than the previous thing.

"hahahaha...This time the Tathagata is in trouble. I don’t know if the Indian players will go to trouble him together. I watched the building fragments flying around the sky and the pedestrians’ proudly said. with a smile."

Asuka immediately responded: "Should we take another round here?"

"Well, just be careful not to hit something."



After flying along the street for a while, the bird suddenly turned its wings and crossed the street across the street and inserted through an alley less than two meters wide. The gold bracelet didn't care about any obstacles and directly turned and chased it in, but the building on the street was unlucky, and it was knocked down in an instant. The flying bird swiftly walks through the cracks in the building like a flexible sparrow, but the golden bracelet is like a bulldozer and hits through when it sees something. There is nothing to stop it. All split up and in. pieces.

After walking around the city for a few minutes, Asuka suddenly speeded up to the avenue in the center of the city, and then flew out from another city gate along the road in the middle of the city. The gold bracelet behind was still After collapsing the castle tower as usual, he chased him up. After we flew out, what was left behind was a city that was almost in ruins. I knew this thing was so good to deceive, so I should lead it all the way to the United States. Maybe it would make Goddess free and Tathagata. Do it for a stand. It's a pity that you can just think about this kind of thing, even if the Tathagata is so stupid that it doesn't matter the gold bracelet with the endurance of a bird, there is absolutely no way to fly to the United States in one breath.

We used this method to destroy more than a dozen cities with the gold bracelet and then drilled through several high level monster areas. The gold bracelet does not matter how we fly, anyway, it just takes care of it. After chasing us, we knocked off a bunch of things in vain, and even exploded the head of a passing super monster. I even asked Flying Bird to go around in a circle and use Storage Bracelet to explode the thing. A piece of equipment was put away.

Just like this, we are chasing after us and finally approaching the Sino-Indian border. I thought that the thing would never cross the border, but didn’t expect it to completely ignore the Celestial Court in China. The sphere of influence just chased it all the way, which surprised me very much. Seeing that thing is chasing, I can't keep flying like this, especially in China, so I finally thought about it or said to Asuka: "Turn, let's go to the City of Commandments." I can now control it. Probably only there is the ability to destroy this magic weapon of Tathagata, so I have no other choice!

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