The guy who has become a monster doesn’t know whether he was so excited by my words that he lost his sanity completely, or he lost his sanity when he became a monster, and he didn’t care about the wound on his body again. I came over, but compared to the previous surprise attack, I was prepared this time, and he was injured more severely than me, so I dodged slightly to one side, but the guy was not simple, and his paws didn’t hit me. I even took me with my tail, and rolled out with him after losing my balance.

At the same time, it was rolling, and my encounter with that monster was much worse. He was under the protection of his own people, but I was rolling in the enemy pile. Seeing me rolling over, the Buddhists nearby immediately handed out blade, spear, sword, and halberd. When I was about to be hit by those weapons, a large hole suddenly broke in the soil under my body. Numerous rattans spewed out from under the soil, not only blocking the weapons that were coming at me, but also pulling me into the ground. . How can I find my silhouette on the ground after those Buddhists cut off those canes?

"Huh, it seems to be too arrogant!" I sighed and summon out Xiaochun to help me heal the wound on my shoulder. Although the Spirit Bead has suppressed the divine force of the gods and Buddhas, after all, there are many people on the other side, and unlike ordinary players, these gods and Buddhas have one or two Divine Items on them. There used to be magic dragon suit protection. I am almost impervious to sword and spear among ordinary players. Now among these gods and Buddhas, I am only equivalent to wearing a slightly better armor, impervious to sword and spear simply Don't expect, the performance of the magic dragon suit is only a supplementary role. But that's not bad. If I wear the ordinary equipment of ordinary players, it is estimated that there is not much difference between wearing a layer of cardboard in front of the weapons of these gods and Buddhas.

Under Xiaochun’s treatment, the wound quickly recovered completely. Because the dragon armor has the automatic repair ability brought by Phoenix blood, it recovers faster than my wound. After checking it, there is no problem. I started planning to trouble Buddhism. However, with the previous lesson, I also understand that even if there are suppressed gods and buddhas who are named Spirit Beads, they are still gods and buddhas, and they cannot be regarded as Chinese cabbage. In the face of ordinary players, as long as there are no first-line players such as spear gods and ghost hands Nobunaga, I can basically do a few steps in and out of the army, as long as I have reasons, I can do it from any position. I rushed over, and left as long as I wanted to stay. As long as I don't have brain issues by myself and plan to kill all the opponent's army alone, then the number of players is basically meaningless to me. But in the face of these gods and Buddhas, I couldn't do this. I was at most equivalent to a special soldier who fell into a group of armed police in the army of Buddhism. Although the special forces are definitely better than the general armed police, if there are more armed police, even if you are the world's strongest special forces, you still have to get down, because the difference in strength between the two has not yet reached the point where the numbers are ignored. This is the situation I am in the position of Buddhism. One-to-one is no problem for ordinary people except for the bosses of Tathagata and Guanyin, but they must not be surrounded. Two or three may have a chance of winning. Four Only five of them can only protect themselves, and if there are more, even my own safety will be a problem!

I stopped taking risks after I figured out the situation, but started to play tricks. I was not as strong as I was invincible as soon as I entered the game. At that time, I was also a rookie, and the achievements I have now come from step by step. Now I fight the enemy straight because the power has surpassed the enemy too much, and there is no need to play tricks, but I can still do my best when I meet the enemy like this.

Due to my disappearance, Buddhism and the Hindu gang returned to their normal fighting state. Although they all felt that their divine force was still suppressed, they judged that I did not leave, but because of me It hasn't appeared yet, so no one has time to follow me. The people on both sides fought together, and they were inextricably killed. Several gods and Buddhas fell from time to time, but more people were endlessly entangled. Unlike ordinary players, the system of gods and Buddhas is very strong, and Hinduism and Buddhism's healing spells are super strong, so the casualties of both sides are very small after playing for a long time. It is simply a group of undying creatures in a melee, unless the soul is hit. flew away and scattered, otherwise it would simply be difficult for a real death situation to occur. However, it is also for this reason that the battle between the two sides has become more intense, and I happened to start.

"Kill..." A Buddhist in Buddhism was shouting and slashing at a Hindu god. As a result, a big hole suddenly appeared at the foot of the foot after just two steps, and a dozen canes came from it. The ejection instantly pulled the guy into the ground, and I was already waiting for the buddhism man in the cave just dug by the rose vine and the pioneer under the ground.

Due to the lack of attack power of rose vines, it is almost impossible to kill people in Buddhism. Although the Spirit Bead can suppress the divine force, it does not eliminate all the attributes of the gods and Buddhas. The divine force suppresses only the attributes that are originally affected by the divine force such as speed, attack, and defense, like the blood volume. The attribute is purely built-in by the body, and has nothing to do with divine force at all. It means that the recovery speed is a bit slow after the divine force is suppressed, but the total amount has not changed. Unlike players who have health values ​​ranging from tens of thousands to millions, gods and Buddhas have health values ​​of at least five million, and individual melee-type individuals are even close to 100 million. Even if the defense drops now, it is enough for me to cut down for a while. Fortunately, the Blood Attribute of the Eternal Sword can completely suppress the super blood volume of the gods and Buddhas. Otherwise, just the super thick blood bars of these guys can make me slash them and I will be exhausted.

The buddhism man who was pulled down by the rose vine broke away from the rose vine as soon as he entered the cave. At the same time, he activated his golden body and took a golden picture of the cave. The rose vine immediately The guy threw it out. Seeing that guy fall from the top of the cave, I immediately raised my hand with a sword. He just got out of the control of the rose vine, didn’t expect, and was attacked from behind. Even though he dodged in a hurry, he was shot out of my arm. After a big hole, Eternal took the opportunity to absorb a lot of blood, and a layer of golden rays of light instantly lit up. The Eternal Sword now glows as long as it is touched with the blood of the gods and Buddha. During this process, the attack power of the sword will increase at a slow rate until the blood on the sword is completely absorbed. The rays of light will disappear, but it will increase. The attack power will not fall, but will be permanently improved. This blood-sucking attribute to increase attack power is not an eternal self-contained attribute, but an attribute of Sword Spirit. Because the eternal Sword Spirit was originally a demon spirit, so it has a Blood Attribute. This is the attribute that increases the attack power today. If I was looking for some other kind Spirit Physique to be a Sword Spirit, it might not be possible. Another special attribute will evolve.

The buddhism man was scratched by my sword and immediately covered the wound and retreated to the side of the cave, but he realized that something was wrong when he flashed two steps. The gloomy and cold aura suddenly appeared behind him. He twisted his body and turned around, but he lost consciousness only when he saw the black glow flash. Ling walked out of the darkness, with a little black rays of light still on his hand. "Without Divine Force Fruit, it's easy to deal with."

Ling himself is a god. After becoming my demon, he loses the divine force, which is tantamount to being relegated to a normal creature, but it is also because of the relegation. As an ordinary creature, she has unlimited potential instead, and she is no longer restricted by the divine force to continue to improve her basic strength. If the current Ling recovers the divine force, she will be followed by me. I don't know how many times she was stronger before, and the buddhism person in front of me is suppressed and the divine force is equivalent to the state when Ling just lost the divine force. An ordinary member of Buddhism himself is impossible to surpass the strength of the Dark God Palace main god, not to mention that Ling has improved a lot now, he is naturally not an opponent, and was brought down by a relaxed move.

"What's the situation with this guy now?" I walked to the guy who was still emitting golden rays of light like a light bulb and asked.

Ling took away a little black light from his hand and said to me: "I just sealed his soul with the seal of soul, this body is not so good."

"Can you extract his soul?"

"That depends on how he became a Buddha."

"Is there a difference?"

"Some Buddhas were originally Soul Body cultivation, the body is the soul, some are ordinary creatures even fleshy body cultivation. If it is only Soul Body, it is equal to the soul state all the time, there is no soul to draw me, if it is another You can try one case."

"What kind of situation is this guy?"

"I've tried it before I know." Ling raised his hand and grabbed the guy empty. , The guy immediately stood up from the ground, but still remained unconscious. Ling walked over and flicked the guy’s forehead. A human figure made up of golden rays of light exactly the same length as that guy was bounced out of the body. At the same time, the fleshy body immediately lost the golden rays. of light, but because the Soul Body that was ejected took over the job of the Fleshy body "bulb", the cave was still bright. "It seems that this guy has a Fleshy body. But Master, what do you want this Fleshy body for?"

"Of course it works."

The Buddhism guy was pulled a few minutes later. The place where he entered the crypt suddenly turned, and the guy who had just been pulled down actually crawled out again, but with some more wounds on his body. An Arhat from Buddhism next to him saw this person crawling out and immediately shouted: "Xin Zong, are you okay?"

"Ah? It's okay. Just a few minor injuries."

"It's okay. What happened to the demon named Purple Moon below? Did he drag you down just now?"

"He ran away. I didn't know how to make holes underground. Pursue!"

"Then there is no way, I will deal with the people on Brahma's side first, you can go to the back and treat yourself."

"I see, you too Be careful."

After speaking, the person who had just crawled out of the hole ran to the back line, but instead of looking for someone to help him heal the wound, he turned and slipped in. Nobody’s Great Thunder Sound Temple. In fact, this is no longer the former Buddhism person, but the demon with a different shell. After subduing that guy just now, Ling shot his soul out of the body, and I used the Heavenly Master Soul Locking Array to force my soul out into this guy's body, and my own fleshy body was managed by Phantom. With the help of this guy's fleshy body, I easily ran into the Great Thunder Sound Temple. Hehe, this place is the headquarters of Buddhism. I wonder where their treasure trove will be?

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